993 resultados para Postpartum Depression


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Given the long-term negative outcomes associated with depression in adolescence, there is a pressing need to develop brief, evidence based treatments that are accessible to more young people experiencing low mood. Behavioural Activation (BA) is an effective treatment for adult depression, however little research has focused on the use of BA with depressed adolescents, particularly with briefer forms of BA. In this article we outline an adaptation of brief Behavioral Activation Treatment of Depression (BATD) designed for adolescents and delivered in eight sessions (Brief BA). This case example illustrates how a structured, brief intervention was useful for a depressed young person with a number of complicating and risk factors.


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Background Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) is among the most prevalent and disabling medical conditions worldwide. Identification of clinical and biological markers (“biomarkers”) of treatment response could personalize clinical decisions and lead to better outcomes. This paper describes the aims, design, and methods of a discovery study of biomarkers in antidepressant treatment response, conducted by the Canadian Biomarker Integration Network in Depression (CAN-BIND). The CAN-BIND research program investigates and identifies biomarkers that help to predict outcomes in patients with MDD treated with antidepressant medication. The primary objective of this initial study (known as CAN-BIND-1) is to identify individual and integrated neuroimaging, electrophysiological, molecular, and clinical predictors of response to sequential antidepressant monotherapy and adjunctive therapy in MDD. Methods CAN-BIND-1 is a multisite initiative involving 6 academic health centres working collaboratively with other universities and research centres. In the 16-week protocol, patients with MDD are treated with a first-line antidepressant (escitalopram 10–20 mg/d) that, if clinically warranted after eight weeks, is augmented with an evidence-based, add-on medication (aripiprazole 2–10 mg/d). Comprehensive datasets are obtained using clinical rating scales; behavioural, dimensional, and functioning/quality of life measures; neurocognitive testing; genomic, genetic, and proteomic profiling from blood samples; combined structural and functional magnetic resonance imaging; and electroencephalography. De-identified data from all sites are aggregated within a secure neuroinformatics platform for data integration, management, storage, and analyses. Statistical analyses will include multivariate and machine-learning techniques to identify predictors, moderators, and mediators of treatment response. Discussion From June 2013 to February 2015, a cohort of 134 participants (85 outpatients with MDD and 49 healthy participants) has been evaluated at baseline. The clinical characteristics of this cohort are similar to other studies of MDD. Recruitment at all sites is ongoing to a target sample of 290 participants. CAN-BIND will identify biomarkers of treatment response in MDD through extensive clinical, molecular, and imaging assessments, in order to improve treatment practice and clinical outcomes. It will also create an innovative, robust platform and database for future research.


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We have shown previously that particpants “at risk” of depression have decreased neural processing of reward suggesting this might be a neural biomarker for depression. However, how the neural signal related to subjective experiences of reward (wanting, liking, intensity) might differ as trait markers for depression, is as yet unknown. Using SPM8 parametric modulation analysis the neural signal related to the subjective report of wanting, liking and intensity was compared between 25 young people with a biological parent with depression (FH) and 25 age/gender matched controls. In a second study the neural signal related to the subjective report of wanting, liking and intensity was compared between 13 unmedicated recovered depressed (RD) patients and 14 healthy age/gender matched controls. The analysis revealed differences in the neural signal for wanting, liking and intensity ratings in the ventral striatum, dmPFC and caudate respectively in the RD group compared to controls . Despite no differences in the FH groups neural signal for wanting and liking there was a difference in the neural signal for intensity ratings in the dACC and anterior insula compared to controls. These results suggest that the neural substrates tracking the intensity but not the wanting or liking for rewards and punishers might be a trait marker for depression.


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Influences of inbreeding on daily milk yield (DMY), age at first calving (AFC), and calving intervals (CI) were determined on a highly inbred zebu dairy subpopulation of the Guzerat breed. Variance components were estimated using animal models in single-trait analyses. Two approaches were employed to estimate inbreeding depression: using individual increase in inbreeding coefficients or using inbreeding coefficients as possible covariates included in the statistical models. The pedigree file included 9,915 animals, of which 9,055 were inbred, with an average inbreeding coefficient of 15.2%. The maximum inbreeding coefficient observed was 49.45%, and the average inbreeding for the females still in the herd during the analysis was 26.42%. Heritability estimates were 0.27 for DMY and 0.38 for AFC. The genetic variance ratio estimated with the random regression model for CI ranged around 0.10. Increased inbreeding caused poorer performance in DMY, AFC, and CI. However, some of the cows with the highest milk yield were among the highly inbred animals in this subpopulation. Individual increase in inbreeding used as a covariate in the statistical models accounted for inbreeding depression while avoiding overestimation that may result when fitting inbreeding coefficients.


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Background Depression symptomatology was assessed with the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) in a sample of Jewish adolescents, in order to compare the frequency and severity of depression with non-Jewish adolescents as well as examine gender difference of the expression of depressive symptomatology. Method Subjects comprised 475 students from Jewish private schools, aged 13-17 years, who were compared with an age-matched non-Jewish sample (n = 899). Kendall`s definition was adopted to classify these adolescents according to level of depressive symptoms. The frequency of depression was calculated for ethnicity, gender and age strata. Discriminant analysis and principal component analysis were performed to assess the importance of depression-specific and non-specific items, along with the factor structure of the BDI, respectively. Results The overall mean score on the BDI in the Jewish and the non-Jewish sample was 9.0 (SD = 6.4) and 8.6 (SD = 7.2), respectively. Jewish girls and boys had comparable mean BDI scores, contrasting with non-Jewish sample, where girls complained more of depressive symptoms than boys (p < 0.001). The frequency of depression, adopting a BDI cutoff of 20, was 5.1% for the Jewish sample and 6.3% for the non-Jewish sample. The frequency of depression for Jewish girls and boys was 5.5% (SE = 1.4) and 4.6% (SE = 1.5), respectively. On the other hand, the frequency of depression for non-Jewish girls and boys was 8.4% (SE = 1.2) and 4.0% (SE = 1.0), respectively. The female/male ratio of frequency of BDI-depression was 1.2 in the Jewish sample, but non-Jewish girls were twice (2.1) as likely to report depression as boys. Discriminant analysis showed that the BDI highly discriminates depressive symptomatology among Jewish adolescents, and measured specific aspects of depression. Factor analysis revealed two meaningful factors for the total sample and each gender (cognitive-affective dimension and somatic dimension), evidencing a difference between Jewish boys and Jewish girls in the symptomatic expression of depression akin to non-Jewish counterparts. Conclusions Ethnic-cultural factor might play a role in the frequency, severity and symptomatic expression of depressive symptoms in Jewish adolescents. The lack of gender effect on depression, which might persist from adolescence to adulthood among Jewish people, should be investigated in prospective studies.


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Syftet med studien var att kartlägga svenska förlossningsklinikers PM angående urinretention postpartum, samt att studera om dessa överensstämmer med de rekommendationer som återfinns i litteraturen. Chefsbarnmorskan/avdelningschefen på alla svenska förlossningskliniker tillfrågades via e-post och telefon om de kunde skicka in sina PM angående urinretention postpartum. De insamlade dokumenten bearbetades genom kvalitativ och kvantitativ innehållsanalys. De flesta PM förespråkar att bedömning om urinretention föreligger ska ske inom fyra timmar postpartum. I hälften av förlossningsklinikernas PM anges både tappningskateter och ultraljud/bladderscan som diagnosmetod. Endast tre av 28 insamlade PM tar upp omvårdnadsåtgärder som underlättar för kvinnan att tömma blåsan. Åtgärder som föreslogs vid urinretention postpartum varierade beroende på mängd residualurin. Den vanligast förekommande urinmängden för tappning av urinblåsan var mellan 300 och 600 ml och tappningen upprepades var fjärde timme. Avbrytande av tappning när residualurinen understeg 100 ml. När större urinmängder uppmättes valde man att sätta en kateter à demeure. De mest förekommande riskfaktorerna för urinretention postpartum som omnämns i PM är förlängt förlossningsförlopp, epiduralbedövning, instrumentell förlossning och bristningar/perineotomi. Inga klara rekommendationer för handläggning av urinretention postpartum har återfunnits i litteraturen, och vår slutsats är att detta är anledningen till de stora skillnader man ser i PM.


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Denna litteraturstudie syftar till att undersöka hur tonåringar med depressioner tidigt kan upptäckas och få hjälp och vilken roll sjuksköterskan har i detta samt vad tonåringar själva tycker är viktigt i mötet med vården. Till resultatdelen har 17 vetenskapliga artiklar valts ut efter litteratursökning ifrån databaserna Cinahl, Elin och Pubmed. Depressioner hos tonåringar är ett allvarligt problem som innebär ett stort lidande och som i värsta fall kan leda till självmord. Förekomsten av depressioner hos tonåringar ökar och detta ställer allt högre krav på både skolhälsovård och primärvård. Resultatet visade att tonåringar i allmänhet hellre söker sig till skolhälsovården och ungdomsmottagningar än till primärvården och specialister. Genom att finnas nära tonåringarna har skolsköterskan och ungdomsmottagningar unika möjligheter att kunna upptäcka och hjälpa tonåringar som har depressioner eller nedstämdhet. För att öka möjligheterna till tidig upptäckt och behandling av tonåringar med depressioner är det viktigt att satsa resurser på skolhälsovård och ungdomsmottagningar. Det bör också spridas mer kunskap om systematisk screening som har visat sig vara ett värdefullt verktyg för att upptäcka depressioner.


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Imagery and verbal cognitive abilities appear to be differentially affected by psychopathology, yet research has failed to consider Paivio's proposition that people have habitual cognitive styles. The aim of this study was to establish habitual cognitive style (verbalizer/visualizer) among depressed, anxious, and control respondents and compare these to their imagery and verbal abilities in the state mode. A comparison of these groups confirmed that there were no differences in preferred habitual cognitive style. In the state mode, the anxious group demonstrated the highest imagery vividness and the depressed group the lowest. Both clinical groups demonstrated attenuated verbal reasoning and high levels of confusion. Within-groups comparison confirmed the attenuation of verbal ability for both clinical groups while the control group remained stable. All three groups demonstrated enhanced state imagery ability over habitual visual preference. This change was greatest for the anxious group followed by the control and then the depressed groups. The therapeutic implications of these findings are discussed .


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Objective: This study was designed to investigate the role of depression, anxiety, and fatigue in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) sufferers' objective and subjective cognitive performance. Methods: Twenty-three CFS sufferers and 23 healthy control participants were compared on objective and subjective assessments of cognitive performance. Depression, anxiety, and fatigue were also evaluated. Results: CFS sufferers did not demonstrate any impairment in objective cognitive functioning compared to the control group, and objective performance was not related to their higher levels of depression or their level of fatigue. Depression scores only accounted for a small amount of the variance in CFS sufferers' lower subjective assessment of their cognitive performance compared to control participants. There were no differences between the groups on anxiety scores. Conclusion: The results are discussed in terms of the heterogeneity of the CFS population and the complex interaction of symptomatological factors that characterise CFS.


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A diagnosis of cancer is a very stressful event for the patients and their families. Patients, partners and other family members can suffer from clinical levels of depression and severe levels of anxiety and stress reactions. The similarity in levels of distress between patients and partners and patients and offspring suggests that there are common factors that impact on families' distress levels. The current study examined levels of depression and anxiety in newly diagnosed adult patients (n = 48) and their adult relatives (n = 99). Family functioning and patients' illness characteristics were identified as factors that might impact on families' depression and anxiety. Results from multilevel models indicated that family functioning was important. Families that were able to act openly, express feelings directly, and solve problems effectively had lower levels of depression. Direct communication of information within the family was associated with lower levels of anxiety. Aside from differences anxiety due to cancer type, patients' illness characteristics appear to be risk factors in patients' but not relatives' depression and anxiety. The results from the current study suggest that researchers and clinicians need to be family-focused as cancer affects the whole family, not just the patient.


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This paper has two parts. In Part I, it consists of a letter written by the subject of the ‘case study’ that forms the basis of Part II. Part I demonstrates how the writer Aliki Pavlou discovered that, in attempting to help a friend face uncomfortable truths in relation to his perception of his mother, she inadvertently was able to voice her own dilemma in relation to her mother that hitherto had been elusive.
This paper forms a part of a larger project being researched by Aliki Pavlou, Justin Clemens and me. The study, to be entitled, "In the Heart of Hell: Depression and its Expression," is one that contends that Literature expresses the ineffable nature of depression in its symbolic mode; that, indeed, literary texts reveal in their concealment. The work therefore argues that ‘depression’ is expressible.
Part II of this paper analyses the response of a depressive to Jean-Paul Sartre’s novel Nausea (1964). Beginning with a brief discussion of the role of the ‘mother’ as psychologically pivotal in some depressives’ struggle towards well-being, this section analyses a reading of Nausea by a depressive. The objective of this study was to ascertain the extent to which the condition of nausea, as represented in Sartre’s novel, expresses the experience of depression.