469 resultados para Pixels
The number of remote sensing platforms and sensors rises almost every year, yet much work on the interpretation of land cover is still carried out using either single images or images from the same source taken at different dates. Two questions could be asked of this proliferation of images: can the information contained in different scenes be used to improve the classification accuracy and, what is the best way to combine the different imagery? Two of these multiple image sources are MODIS on the Terra platform and ETM+ on board Landsat7, which are suitably complementary. Daily MODIS images with 36 spectral bands in 250-1000 m spatial resolution and seven spectral bands of ETM+ with 30m and 16 days spatial and temporal resolution respectively are available. In the UK, cloud cover may mean that only a few ETM+ scenes may be available for any particular year and these may not be at the time of year of most interest. The MODIS data may provide information on land cover over the growing season, such as harvest dates, that is not present in the ETM+ data. Therefore, the primary objective of this work is to develop a methodology for the integration of medium spatial resolution Landsat ETM+ image, with multi-temporal, multi-spectral, low-resolution MODIS \Terra images, with the aim of improving the classification of agricultural land. Additionally other data may also be incorporated such as field boundaries from existing maps. When classifying agricultural land cover of the type seen in the UK, where crops are largely sown in homogenous fields with clear and often mapped boundaries, the classification is greatly improved using the mapped polygons and utilising the classification of the polygon as a whole as an apriori probability in classifying each individual pixel using a Bayesian approach. When dealing with multiple images from different platforms and dates it is highly unlikely that the pixels will be exactly co-registered and these pixels will contain a mixture of different real world land covers. Similarly the different atmospheric conditions prevailing during the different days will mean that the same emission from the ground will give rise to different sensor reception. Therefore, a method is presented with a model of the instantaneous field of view and atmospheric effects to enable different remote sensed data sources to be integrated.
Tonal, textural and contextual properties are used in manual photointerpretation of remotely sensed data. This study has used these three attributes to produce a lithological map of semi arid northwest Argentina by semi automatic computer classification procedures of remotely sensed data. Three different types of satellite data were investigated, these were LANDSAT MSS, TM and SIR-A imagery. Supervised classification procedures using tonal features only produced poor classification results. LANDSAT MSS produced classification accuracies in the range of 40 to 60%, while accuracies of 50 to 70% were achieved using LANDSAT TM data. The addition of SIR-A data produced increases in the classification accuracy. The increased classification accuracy of TM over the MSS is because of the better discrimination of geological materials afforded by the middle infra red bands of the TM sensor. The maximum likelihood classifier consistently produced classification accuracies 10 to 15% higher than either the minimum distance to means or decision tree classifier, this improved accuracy was obtained at the cost of greatly increased processing time. A new type of classifier the spectral shape classifier, which is computationally as fast as a minimum distance to means classifier is described. However, the results for this classifier were disappointing, being lower in most cases than the minimum distance or decision tree procedures. The classification results using only tonal features were felt to be unacceptably poor, therefore textural attributes were investigated. Texture is an important attribute used by photogeologists to discriminate lithology. In the case of TM data, texture measures were found to increase the classification accuracy by up to 15%. However, in the case of the LANDSAT MSS data the use of texture measures did not provide any significant increase in the accuracy of classification. For TM data, it was found that second order texture, especially the SGLDM based measures, produced highest classification accuracy. Contextual post processing was found to increase classification accuracy and improve the visual appearance of classified output by removing isolated misclassified pixels which tend to clutter classified images. Simple contextual features, such as mode filters were found to out perform more complex features such as gravitational filter or minimal area replacement methods. Generally the larger the size of the filter, the greater the increase in the accuracy. Production rules were used to build a knowledge based system which used tonal and textural features to identify sedimentary lithologies in each of the two test sites. The knowledge based system was able to identify six out of ten lithologies correctly.
This thesis consisted of two major parts, one determining the masking characteristics of pixel noise and the other investigating the properties of the detection filter employed by the visual system. The theoretical cut-off frequency of white pixel noise can be defined from the size of the noise pixel. The empirical cut-off frequency, i.e. the largest size of noise pixels that mimics the effect of white noise in detection, was determined by measuring contrast energy thresholds for grating stimuli in the presence of spatial noise consisting of noise pixels of various sizes and shapes. The critical i.e. minimum number of noise pixels per grating cycle needed to mimic the effect of white noise in detection was found to decrease with the bandwidth of the stimulus. The shape of the noise pixels did not have any effect on the whiteness of pixel noise as long as there was at least the minimum number of noise pixels in all spatial dimensions. Furthermore, the masking power of white pixel noise is best described when the spectral density is calculated by taking into account all the dimensions of noise pixels, i.e. width, height, and duration, even when there is random luminance only in one of these dimensions. The properties of the detection mechanism employed by the visual system were studied by measuring contrast energy thresholds for complex spatial patterns as a function of area in the presence of white pixel noise. Human detection efficiency was obtained by comparing human performance with an ideal detector. The stimuli consisted of band-pass filtered symbols, uniform and patched gratings, and point stimuli with randomised phase spectra. In agreement with the existing literature, the detection performance was found to decline with the increasing amount of detail and contour in the stimulus. A measure of image complexity was developed and successfully applied to the data. The accuracy of the detection mechanism seems to depend on the spatial structure of the stimulus and the spatial spread of contrast energy.
Light occlusions are one of the most significant difficulties of photometric stereo methods. When three or more images are available without occlusion, the local surface orientation is overdetermined so that shape can be computed and the shadowed pixels can be discarded. In this paper, we look at the challenging case when only two images are available without occlusion, leading to a one degree of freedom ambiguity per pixel in the local orientation. We show that, in the presence of noise, integrability alone cannot resolve this ambiguity and reconstruct the geometry in the shadowed regions. As the problem is ill-posed in the presence of noise, we describe two regularization schemes that improve the numerical performance of the algorithm while preserving the data. Finally, the paper describes how this theory applies in the framework of color photometric stereo where one is restricted to only three images and light occlusions are common. Experiments on synthetic and real image sequences are presented.
This research develops a low cost remote sensing system for use in agricultural applications. The important features of the system are that it monitors the near infrared and it incorporates position and attitude measuring equipment allowing for geo-rectified images to be produced without the use of ground control points. The equipment is designed to be hand held and hence requires no structural modification to the aircraft. The portable remote sensing system consists of an inertia measurement unit (IMU), which is accelerometer based, a low-cost GPS device and a small format false colour composite digital camera. The total cost of producing such a system is below GBP 3000, which is far cheaper than equivalent existing systems. The design of the portable remote sensing device has eliminated bore sight misalignment errors from the direct geo-referencing process. A new processing technique has been introduced for the data obtained from these low-cost devices, and it is found that using this technique the image can be matched (overlaid) onto Ordnance Survey Master Maps at an accuracy compatible with precision agriculture requirements. The direct geo-referencing has also been improved by introducing an algorithm capable of correcting oblique images directly. This algorithm alters the pixels value, hence it is advised that image analysis is performed before image georectification. The drawback of this research is that the low-cost GPS device experienced bad checksum errors, which resulted in missing data. The Wide Area Augmented System (WAAS) correction could not be employed because the satellites could not be locked onto whilst flying. The best GPS data were obtained from the Garmin eTrex (15 m kinematic and 2 m static) instruments which have a highsensitivity receiver with good lock on capability. The limitation of this GPS device is the inability to effectively receive the P-Code wavelength, which is needed to gain the best accuracy when undertaking differential GPS processing. Pairing the carrier phase L1 with the pseudorange C/A-Code received, in order to determine the image coordinates by the differential technique, is still under investigation. To improve the position accuracy, it is recommended that a GPS base station should be established near the survey area, instead of using a permanent GPS base station established by the Ordnance Survey.
Purpose: To compare graticule and image capture assessment of the lower tear film meniscus height (TMH). Methods: Lower tear film meniscus height measures were taken in the right eyes of 55 healthy subjects at two study visits separated by 6 months. Two images of the TMH were captured in each subject with a digital camera attached to a slit-lamp biomicroscope and stored in a computer for future analysis. Using the best of two images, the TMH was quantified by manually drawing a line across the tear meniscus profile, following which the TMH was measured in pixels and converted into millimetres, where one pixel corresponded to 0.0018 mm. Additionally, graticule measures were carried out by direct observation using a calibrated graticule inserted into the same slit-lamp eyepiece. The graticule was calibrated so that actual readings, in 0.03 mm increments, could be made with a 40× ocular. Results: Smaller values of TMH were found in this study compared to previous studies. TMH, as measured with the image capture technique (0.13 ± 0.04 mm), was significantly greater (by approximately 0.01 ± 0.05 mm, p = 0.03) than that measured with the graticule technique (0.12 ± 0.05 mm). No bias was found across the range sampled. Repeatability of the TMH measurements taken at two study visits showed that graticule measures were significantly different (0.02 ± 0.05 mm, p = 0.01) and highly correlated (r = 0.52, p < 0.0001), whereas image capture measures were similar (0.01 ± 0.03 mm, p = 0.16), and also highly correlated (r = 0.56, p < 0.0001). Conclusions: Although graticule and image analysis techniques showed similar mean values for TMH, the image capture technique was more repeatable than the graticule technique and this can be attributed to the higher measurement resolution of the image capture (i.e. 0.0018 mm) compared to the graticule technique (i.e. 0.03 mm). © 2006 British Contact Lens Association.
Aim: To determine the theoretical and clinical minimum image pixel resolution and maximum compression appropriate for anterior eye image storage. Methods: Clinical images of the bulbar conjunctiva, palpebral conjunctiva, and corneal staining were taken at the maximum resolution of Nikon:CoolPix990 (2048 × 1360 pixels), DVC:1312C (1280 × 811), and JAI:CV-S3200 (767 × 569) single chip cameras and the JVC:KYF58 (767 × 569) three chip camera. The images were stored in TIFF format and further copies created with reduced resolution or compressed. The images were then ranked for clarity on a 15 inch monitor (resolution 1280 × 1024) by 20 optometrists and analysed by objective image analysis grading. Theoretical calculation of the resolution necessary to detect the smallest objects of clinical interest was also conducted. Results: Theoretical calculation suggested that the minimum resolution should be ≥579 horizontal pixels at 25 × magnification. Image quality was perceived subjectively as being reduced when the pixel resolution was lower than 767 × 569 (p<0.005) or the image was compressed as a BMP or <50% quality JPEG (p<0.005). Objective image analysis techniques were less susceptible to changes in image quality, particularly when using colour extraction techniques. Conclusion: It is appropriate to store anterior eye images at between 1280 × 811 and 767 × 569 pixel resolution and at up to 1:70 JPEG compression.
The internal optics of the recent models of the Shin-Nippon SRW-5000 autorefractor (also marketed as the Grand Seiko WV-500) have been modified by the manufacturer so that the infrared measurement ring has been replaced by pairs of horizontal and vertical infrared bars, on either side of fixation. The binocular, open field-of-view, allowing the accommodative state to be objectively monitored while a natural environment is viewed, has made the SRW-5000 a valuable tool in further understanding the nature of the oculomotor response. It is shown that the root-mean-square of model eye measures was least (0.017 ± 0.002D) when the separation of the horizontal measurement bars were averaged twice. The separation of the horizontal bars changes by 3.59 pixels/dioptre (r2 = 0.99), allowing continuous on-line analysis of the refractive state at up to 60 Hz temporal resolution to an accuracy of <0.001D, with pupils >3 mm. The pupil edge is not obscured in the diagonal axis by the measurement bars, unlike the ring of the original optics, so in the newer model pupil size can be measured simultaneously at the same rate with a resolution of <0.001 mm. The measurements of accommodation and pupil size are relatively unaffected by eccentricity of viewing up to ±10° from the visual axis and instrument focusing inaccuracies over a range of 10 mm towards the eye and 5 mm away from the eye. The resolution and temporal properties of the analysis are therefore ideal for the simultaneous measurement of dynamic accommodation and pupil responses. © 2004 The College of Optometrists.
In this paper, a modification for the high-order neural network (HONN) is presented. Third order networks are considered for achieving translation, rotation and scale invariant pattern recognition. They require however much storage and computation power for the task. The proposed modified HONN takes into account a priori knowledge of the binary patterns that have to be learned, achieving significant gain in computation time and memory requirements. This modification enables the efficient computation of HONNs for image fields of greater that 100 × 100 pixels without any loss of pattern information.
In this paper a novel method for an application of digital image processing, Edge Detection is developed. The contemporary Fuzzy logic, a key concept of artificial intelligence helps to implement the fuzzy relative pixel value algorithms and helps to find and highlight all the edges associated with an image by checking the relative pixel values and thus provides an algorithm to abridge the concepts of digital image processing and artificial intelligence. Exhaustive scanning of an image using the windowing technique takes place which is subjected to a set of fuzzy conditions for the comparison of pixel values with adjacent pixels to check the pixel magnitude gradient in the window. After the testing of fuzzy conditions the appropriate values are allocated to the pixels in the window under testing to provide an image highlighted with all the associated edges.
Fluoroscopic images exhibit severe signal-dependent quantum noise, due to the reduced X-ray dose involved in image formation, that is generally modelled as Poisson-distributed. However, image gray-level transformations, commonly applied by fluoroscopic device to enhance contrast, modify the noise statistics and the relationship between image noise variance and expected pixel intensity. Image denoising is essential to improve quality of fluoroscopic images and their clinical information content. Simple average filters are commonly employed in real-time processing, but they tend to blur edges and details. An extensive comparison of advanced denoising algorithms specifically designed for both signal-dependent noise (AAS, BM3Dc, HHM, TLS) and independent additive noise (AV, BM3D, K-SVD) was presented. Simulated test images degraded by various levels of Poisson quantum noise and real clinical fluoroscopic images were considered. Typical gray-level transformations (e.g. white compression) were also applied in order to evaluate their effect on the denoising algorithms. Performances of the algorithms were evaluated in terms of peak-signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR), signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), mean square error (MSE), structural similarity index (SSIM) and computational time. On average, the filters designed for signal-dependent noise provided better image restorations than those assuming additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN). Collaborative denoising strategy was found to be the most effective in denoising of both simulated and real data, also in the presence of image gray-level transformations. White compression, by inherently reducing the greater noise variance of brighter pixels, appeared to support denoising algorithms in performing more effectively. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Differential evolution is an optimisation technique that has been successfully employed in various applications. In this paper, we apply differential evolution to the problem of extracting the optimal colours of a colour map for quantised images. The choice of entries in the colour map is crucial for the resulting image quality as it forms a look-up table that is used for all pixels in the image. We show that differential evolution can be effectively employed as a method for deriving the entries in the map. In order to optimise the image quality, our differential evolution approach is combined with a local search method that is guaranteed to find the local optimal colour map. This hybrid approach is shown to outperform various commonly used colour quantisation algorithms on a set of standard images. Copyright © 2010 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.
This work presents an analysis of the behavior of some algorithms usually available in stereo correspondence literature, with full HD images (1920x1080 pixels) to establish, within the precision dilemma versus runtime applications which these methods can be better used. The images are obtained by a system composed of a stereo camera coupled to a computer via a capture board. The OpenCV library is used for computer vision operations and processing images involved. The algorithms discussed are an overall method of search for matching blocks with the Sum of the Absolute Value of the difference (Sum of Absolute Differences - SAD), a global technique based on cutting energy graph cuts, and a so-called matching technique semi -global. The criteria for analysis are processing time, the consumption of heap memory and the mean absolute error of disparity maps generated.