902 resultados para Piezoelectric vibration
The reliability of the printed circuit board assembly under dynamic environments, such as those found onboard airplanes, ships and land vehicles is receiving more attention. This research analyses the dynamic characteristics of the printed circuit board (PCB) supported by edge retainers and plug-in connectors. By modelling the wedge retainer and connector as providing simply supported boundary condition with appropriate rotational spring stiffnesses along their respective edges with the aid of finite element codes, accurate natural frequencies for the board against experimental natural frequencies are obtained. For a PCB supported by two opposite wedge retainers and a plug-in connector and with its remaining edge free of any restraint, it is found that these real supports behave somewhere between the simply supported and clamped boundary conditions and provide a percentage fixity of 39.5% more than the classical simply supported case. By using an eigensensitivity method, the rotational stiffnesses representing the boundary supports of the PCB can be updated effectively and is capable of representing the dynamics of the PCB accurately. The result shows that the percentage error in the fundamental frequency of the PCB finite element model is substantially reduced from 22.3% to 1.3%. The procedure demonstrated the effectiveness of using only the vibration test frequencies as reference data when the mode shapes of the original untuned model are almost identical to the referenced modes/experimental data. When using only modal frequencies in model improvement, the analysis is very much simplified. Furthermore, the time taken to obtain the experimental data will be substantially reduced as the experimental mode shapes are not required.In addition, this thesis advocates a relatively simple method in determining the support locations for maximising the fundamental frequency of vibrating structures. The technique is simple and does not require any optimisation or sequential search algorithm in the analysis. The key to the procedure is to position the necessary supports at positions so as to eliminate the lower modes from the original configuration. This is accomplished by introducing point supports along the nodal lines of the highest possible mode from the original configuration, so that all the other lower modes are eliminated by the introduction of the new or extra supports to the structure. It also proposes inspecting the average driving point residues along the nodal lines of vibrating plates to find the optimal locations of the supports. Numerical examples are provided to demonstrate its validity. By applying to the PCB supported on its three sides by two wedge retainers and a connector, it is found that a single point constraint that would yield maximum fundamental frequency is located at the mid-point of the nodal line, namely, node 39. This point support has the effect of increasing the structure's fundamental frequency from 68.4 Hz to 146.9 Hz, or 115% higher.
This paper investigates the vibration characteristics of the coupling system of a microscale fluid-loaded rectangular isotropic plate attached to a uniformly distributed mass. Previous literature has, respectively, studied the changes in the plate vibration induced by an acoustic field or by the attached mass loading. This paper investigates the issue of involving these two types of loading simultaneously. Based on Lamb's assumption of the fluid-loaded structure and the Rayleigh–Ritz energy method, this paper presents an analytical solution for the natural frequencies and mode shapes of the coupling system. Numerical results for microplates with different types of boundary conditions have also been obtained and compared with experimental and numerical results from previous literature. The theoretical model and novel analytical solution are of particular interest in the design of microplate-based biosensing devices.
The main objective of the project is to enhance the already effective health-monitoring system (HUMS) for helicopters by analysing structural vibrations to recognise different flight conditions directly from sensor information. The goal of this paper is to develop a new method to select those sensors and frequency bands that are best for detecting changes in flight conditions. We projected frequency information to a 2-dimensional space in order to visualise flight-condition transitions using the Generative Topographic Mapping (GTM) and a variant which supports simultaneous feature selection. We created an objective measure of the separation between different flight conditions in the visualisation space by calculating the Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence between Gaussian mixture models (GMMs) fitted to each class: the higher the KL-divergence, the better the interclass separation. To find the optimal combination of sensors, they were considered in pairs, triples and groups of four sensors. The sensor triples provided the best result in terms of KL-divergence. We also found that the use of a variational training algorithm for the GMMs gave more reliable results.
Concern had been expressed by engineers of the Shell Chemical Company regarding the validity of existing vibration criteria for rotating machinery. A survey showed that existing criteria were based solely on the amplitude of vibration, normally of the bearing housings, with no allowance being made for the dynamic properties of the support1ng structure. The feasibility of measuring the mechanical impedance of bearing supports in order to assess the severity of vibration generated by a machine has been investigated. It is suggested that in many cases the oscillatory bearing force levels obtained for these measurements will provide a quantitative indication of severity. Theoretical and experimental work has been conducted on a model rig, comprising a flexible shaft running in journal bearings housed in flexible, asymmetric supports. The accuracy with which the system behaviour could be predicted using measured support impedances is discussed together with the extraction of uncoupled support impedances from measurements on the complete rotating system. Access was available to several industrial centrifugal compressors. To enable the bearing support impedances of these machines to be measured on site considerable attention has been paid to the evolution of a technique involving the use of transient excitation. To develop this technique the model rig and a large rotary converter have been used as test structures. Methods have also been devised and developed for the analysis of the transient impedance data.
Energy dissipation and fatigue properties of nano-layered thin films are less well studied than bulk properties. Existing experimental methods for studying energy dissipation properties, typically using magnetic interaction as a driving force at different frequencies and a laser-based deformation measurement system, are difficult to apply to two-dimensional materials. We propose a novel experimental method to perform dynamic testing on thin-film materials by driving a cantilever specimen at its fixed end with a bimorph piezoelectric actuator and monitoring the displacements of the specimen and the actuator with a fibre-optic system. Upon vibration, the specimen is greatly affected by its inertia, and behaves as a cantilever beam under base excitation in translation. At resonance, this method resembles the vibrating reed method conventionally used in the viscoelasticity community. The loss tangent is obtained from both the width of a resonance peak and a free-decay process. As for fatigue measurement, we implement a control algorithm into LabView to maintain maximum displacement of the specimen during the course of the experiment. The fatigue S-N curves are obtained.
A distributed fiber sensing system based on ultraweak FBGs (UWFBGs) assisted polarization optical time-domain reflectometry (POTDR) is proposed for load and vibration sensing with improved signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and sensitivity. UWFBGs with reflectivity higher than Rayleigh scattering coefficient per pulse are induced into a POTDR system to increase the intensity of the back signal. The performance improvement of the system has been studied. The numerical analysis has shown that the SNR and sensitivity of the system can be effectively improved by integrating UWFBGs along the whole sensing fiber, which has been clearly proven by the experiment. The experimental results have shown that by using UWFBGs with 1.1 x 10-5 reflectivity and 10-m interval distance, the SNR is improved by 11 dB, and the load and vibration sensitivities of the POTDR are improved by about 10.7 and 9 dB, respectively.
Whole body vibration (WBV) aims to mechanically activate muscles by eliciting stretch reflexes. Mechanical vibrations are usually transmitted to the patient body standing on a oscillating plate. WBV is now more and more utilized not only for fitness but also in physical therapy, rehabilitation and in sport medicine. Effects depend on intensity, direction and frequency of vibration; however, the training frequency is one of the most important factors involved. A preliminary vibratory session can be dedicated to find the best vibration frequency for each subject by varying, stepwise, the stimulation frequency and analyzing the resulting EMG activity. This study concentrates on the analysis of muscle motion in response to a vibration frequency sweep, while subjects held two different postures. The frequency of a vibrating platform was increased linearly from 10 to 60 Hz in 26 s, while platform and single muscles (Rectus Femoris, Biceps Femoris - long head and Gastrocnemius Lateralis) motions were monitored using tiny, lightweight three-axial MEMS accelerometers. Displacements were estimated integrating twice the acceleration data after gravity contribution removal. Mechanical frequency response (amplitude and phase) of the mechanical chains ending at the single muscles was characterized. Results revealed a mechanical resonant-like behavior at some muscles, very similar to a second-order system in the frequency interval explored; resonance frequencies and dumping factors depended on subject and its positioning onto the vibrating platform. Stimulation at the resonant frequency maximizes muscle lengthening, and in turn muscle spindle solicitation, which produce muscle activation. © 2009 Springer-Verlag.
The ferroelectric and dielectric properties of cerium (Ce) substituted La2Ti2O7 (LTO) have been investigated. Single phase, dense La2-xCexTi2O7 (x=0.15, 0.25, 0.35) ceramics were prepared by spark plasma sintering. The solubility limit of Ce in La2-xCexTi2O7 was found to be between 0.35 and 0.5. The a-, b- and c-axes of the unit cell decrease with increasing Ce substitution. The Curie point (Tc) of La2-xCexTi2O7 (x=0, 0.15, 0.25, 0.35) decreases and dielectric constant and loss increase with increasing Ce substitution. Cerium can increase the d33 of La2Ti2O7. The highest d33 was 3.9±0.1pC/N for La1.85Ce0.15Ti2O7 textured ceramic. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd.
Through a lumped parameter modelling approach, a dynamical model, which can reproduce the motion of the muscles of a human body standing in different postures during Whole Body Vibrations (WBVs) treatment, has been developed. The key parameters, associated to the dynamics of the motion of the muscles of the lower limbs, have been identified starting from accelerometer measurements. The developed model can be usefully applied to the optimization of WBVs treatments which can effectively enhance muscle activation. © 2013 IEEE.
Whole Body Vibrations consist of a vibration stimulus mechanically transferred to the body. The impact of vibration treatment on specific muscular activity, neuromuscular, and postural control has been widely studied. We investigated whole body vibration (WBV) effect on oxygen uptake and electromyographic signal of the rectus femoris muscle during static and dynamic squat. Fourteen healthy subjects performed a static and dynamic squat with and without vibration. During the vibration exercises, a significant increase was found in oxygen uptake (P=0.05), which increased by 44% during the static squat and 29.4% during the dynamic squat. Vibration increased heart rate by 11.1 ± 9.1 beats.min-1 during the static squat and 7.9 ± 8.3 beats.min-1 during the dynamic squat. No significant changes were observed in rate of perceived exertion between the exercises with and without vibration. The results indicate that the static squat with WBV produced higher neuromuscular and cardiorespiratory system activation for exercise duration ?60 sec. Otherwise, if the single bout duration was higher than 60 sec, the greater cardiorespiratory system activation was achieved during the dynamic squat with WBV while higher neuromuscular activation was still obtained with the static exercise.