662 resultados para Pat Burnes


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in this issue...Anaconda Company Scholarship, Marie Sullivan, Veteran's Day, Magma, Mineral Club, Pat Stevens, greyhound Bus Company, international Club, Africa


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In this issue...Thanksgiving, Fallout Shelters, Petroleum Engineering, Alumni News, Columbia Riding Club, Debate Team, The March of Dimes, National College Queen


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OBJECTIVES: The treatment of recurrent rejection in heart transplant recipients has been a controversial issue for many years. The intent of this retrospective study was to perform a risk-benefit analysis between treatment strategies with bolus steroids only versus anti-thymocyte globulins (RATG; 1.5 mg/kg q 4 days). METHODS: Between 1986 and 1993, 69 of 425 patients (17 male, 52 female; mean age 44 +/- 11 years) who had more than one rejection/patient per month (rej/pt per mo) in the first 3 postoperative months were defined as recurrent rejectors. RESULTS: Repetitive methylprednisolone bolus therapy (70 mg/kg q 3 days) was given in 27 patients (group M; 1.4 +/- 0.2 rej/pt per mo) and RATG therapy for one of the rejection episodes of the 42 remaining patients (group A; 1.5 +/- 0.2 rej/pt per mo). The quality of triple drug immunosuppression in the two study groups was comparable. The rejection-free interval (RFI) following RATG treatment in group A was 21.6 +/- 10 days and 22 +/- 11 in group M. In group M, 3 of 27 patients (11%) had a rejection treatment-related infection (2 bacterial; 1 viral) versus 6 of the 42 patients of group A (14.2%; bacterial 1, viral 5). During postoperative months 3-24, 0.15 +/- 0.12 rej/pat per mo were observed in group M and 0.21 +/- 0.13 rej/pat per mo in group A (n.s.). In this 21-month period cytolytic therapy for rejection was initiated in 8 of the remaining 21 patients of group M (38%) and 15 of the remaining 37 patients of group A (40.5%). The absolute survival and the individual causes of death were not affected by the type of initial treatment of recurrent rejection. The actuarial freedom of graft atherosclerosis is comparable in the two groups with 78% in group A versus 79% in group M free of graft atherosclerosis at 3 years postoperatively. CONCLUSIONS: A comparison of cytolytic therapy versus repeated applications of bolus steroids for treatment of recurrent rejection reveals no significant difference in the long-term patient outcome with respect to the incidence of future rejection episodes and survival.


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Pulse wave velocity (PWV) is a surrogate of arterial stiffness and represents a non-invasive marker of cardiovascular risk. The non-invasive measurement of PWV requires tracking the arrival time of pressure pulses recorded in vivo, commonly referred to as pulse arrival time (PAT). In the state of the art, PAT is estimated by identifying a characteristic point of the pressure pulse waveform. This paper demonstrates that for ambulatory scenarios, where signal-to-noise ratios are below 10 dB, the performance in terms of repeatability of PAT measurements through characteristic points identification degrades drastically. Hence, we introduce a novel family of PAT estimators based on the parametric modeling of the anacrotic phase of a pressure pulse. In particular, we propose a parametric PAT estimator (TANH) that depicts high correlation with the Complior(R) characteristic point D1 (CC = 0.99), increases noise robustness and reduces by a five-fold factor the number of heartbeats required to obtain reliable PAT measurements.


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Endothelial dysfunction is recognized as the primum movens in the development of atherosclerosis. Its crucial role in both cardiovascular morbidity and mortality has been confirmed. In the past, research was hampered by the invasive character of endothelial function assessment. The development of non-invasive and feasible techniques to measure endothelial function has facilitated and promoted research in various adult and paediatric subpopulations. To avoid user dependence of flow-mediated dilation (FMD), which evaluates nitric oxide dependent vasodilation in large vessels, a semi-automated, method to assess peripheral microvascular function, called peripheral arterial tonometry (Endo-PAT®), was recently introduced. The number of studies using this technique in children and adolescents is rapidly increasing, yet there is no consensus with regard to either measuring protocol or data analysis of peripheral arterial tonometry in children and adolescents. Most paediatric studies simply applied measuring and analysing methodology established in adults, a simplification that may not be appropriate. This paper provides a detailed description of endothelial function assessment using the Endo-PAT for researchers and clinicians. We discuss clinical and methodological considerations and point out the differences between children, adolescents and adults. Finally, the main aim of this paper is to provide recommendations for a standardised application of Endo-PAT in children and adolescents, as well as for population-specific data analysis methodology.


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Reviews of: Evaluating Family-Based Services Peter J. Pecora et al. 1995 The Civil Rights of Homelwss People: Law, Social Policy, and Social Works Practice. Madeleine R. Stoner and Aldine De Gruyter. 1995 From Case Management to Services Coordination for Children with Emotional, Behavioral, or Mental Disorders: Building on Family Strengths. Barbara Friesen & John Poertner (Eds.). Paul H. Brookes. 1995. Pat Sullivan, Director


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Reviews of: Kaplan, L., & Girard, J. L. (1994). Strengthening high-risk families: A handbook for practitioners. New York: Lexington. Reviewed by June Lloyd Schuerman, J.R., Rzepnicki, T. L., & Littell, J. H. (1994). Putting families first: An experiment in family preservation. New York: Aldine de Gruyter. Reviewed by Anthony Maluccio and Kristine Nelson Behavioral Sciences Institute, HOMEBUILDERS Training Division. (1992). Skills for Family and Community Living. Federal Way, WA: Author. Reviewed by Pat Sandau-Beckler


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BACKGROUND Assessment of endothelial function of the microvasculature by peripheral arterial tonometry (EndoPAT(®)) has gained increasing popularity in patients with cardiovascular risk factors. Only limited knowledge about its reproducibility in patients with coronary artery disease (CAD) is available. We therefore aimed to quantify reproducibility of EndoPAT(®) parameters in patients with stable CAD. DESIGN EndoPAT(®) measurements were performed repeatedly in 78 male patients (age 66 ± 8 years) with CAD on stable medication. We calculated overall mean, standard deviation (SD), coefficient of variation (CV) and intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) of the following parameters: reactive hyperemic index (RHI), PAT ratio of the postocclusion period 90-150 s as used for calculation of the RHI (PAT ratio90-150 s) and 90-120 s (PAT ratio90-120 s) as used for the often employed Framingham RHI (F-RHI), as well as PAT ratio of the peak hyperemic response (PAT ratiopeak response). Additionally, least significant changes (LSC) for individual subjects and minimum sample sizes for parallel and cross-over design studies were calculated. RESULTS Mean RHI was 1·84 (SD 0·36). For RHI, PAT ratio90-150 s , PAT ratio90-120 s , and PAT ratiopeak response the CVs were 17·0%, 25·4%, 26·1%, and 25·0%, respectively. The ICCs were 0·45, 0·49, 0·48 and 0·51, respectively, and LSC for RHI was 47·2%. CONCLUSIONS CV of RHI in our population was moderate; however, we consider this precision insufficient to monitor changes in individual patients, as they would need to exceed 47% to show a significant change. Further, the poor ICCs reflect the difficulty of detecting treatment effects in homogenous populations, such as patients with stable CAD.


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Eph receptors and their ligands (ephrins) play an important role in axonal guidance, topographic mapping, and angiogenesis. The signaling pathways mediating these activities are starting to emerge and are highly cell- and receptor-type specific. Here we demonstrate that activated EphB1 recruits the adaptor proteins Grb2 and p52Shc and promotes p52Shc and c-Src tyrosine phosphorylation as well as MAPK/extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) activation. EphB1-mediated increase of cell migration was abrogated by the MEK inhibitor PD98059 and Src inhibitor PP2. In contrast, cell adhesion, which we previously showed to be c-jun NH2-terminal kinase (JNK) dependent, was unaffected by ERK1/2 and Src inhibition. Expression of dominant-negative c-Src significantly reduced EphB1-dependent ERK1/2 activation and chemotaxis. Site-directed mutagenesis experiments demonstrate that tyrosines 600 and 778 of EphB1 are required for its interaction with c-Src and p52Shc. Furthermore, phosphorylation of p52Shc by c-Src is essential for its recruitment to EphB1 signaling complexes through its phosphotyrosine binding domain. Together these findings highlight a new aspect of EphB1 signaling, whereby the concerted action of c-Src and p52Shc activates MAPK/ERK and regulates events involved in cell motility.


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Ephrin-B/EphB family proteins are implicated in bidirectional signaling and were initially defined through the function of their ectodomain sequences in activating EphB receptor tyrosine kinases. Ephrin-B1-3 are transmembrane proteins sharing highly conserved C-terminal cytoplasmic sequences. Here we use a soluble EphB1 ectodomain fusion protein (EphB1/Fc) to demonstrate that ephrin-B1 transduces signals that regulate cell attachment and migration. EphB1/Fc induced endothelial ephrin-B1 tyrosine phosphorylation, migration and integrin-mediated (alpha(v)beta(3) and alpha(5)beta(1)) attachment and promoted neovascularization, in vivo, in a mouse corneal micropocket assay. Activation of ephrin-B1 by EphB1/Fc induced phosphorylation of p46 JNK but not ERK-1/2 or p38 MAPkinases. By contrast, mutant ephrin-B1s bearing either a cytoplasmic deletion (ephrin-B1DeltaCy) or a deletion of four C-terminal amino acids (ephrin-B1DeltaPDZbd) fail to activate p46 JNK. Transient expression of intact ephin-B1 conferred EphB1/Fc migration responses on CHO cells, whereas the ephrin-B1DeltaCy and ephrin-B1DeltaPDZbd mutants were inactive. Thus ephrin-B1 transduces 'outside-in' signals through C-terminal protein interactions that affect integrin-mediated attachment and migration.


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Jankev Paṭ


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Sex differences in seasonal timing include differences in hatch- or birth-date distribution and differences in the timing of migration or maturation such as protandrous arrival timing (PAT), which is early male arrival at breeding sites. I describe a novel form of protandrous arrival timing, as a sex difference in birth-date distribution in a live-bearing fish (Dwarf Perch, Micrometrus minimus). In this species, birth coincides with arrival at breeding sites because newborn males are sexually active. A series of samples of pregnant females and young of year was collected in Tomales Bay, CA. I analyzed the daily age record in otoliths to estimate the conception date of broods and the age that young-of-year individuals were born. Males were born at a younger age than females, as indicated by the daily age record and also by the predominance of females in broods from which some young had already been born, which was a common occurrence in pregnant females with older embryos. Sex ratio of broods varied with conception date such that early-season broods were predominantly male, possibly as a result of temperature-dependent sex determination. The combined effects of the sex difference in age at birth and seasonal shift in sex ratio were to shift the mean birth date of males relative to females by five days. The most likely ultimate explanation for PAT in the Dwarf Perch is that it arises from exploitation (scramble) competition for mating opportunities among recently-born young-of-year males.


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Jankev Paṭ