609 resultados para PUPIL
The following article deals with knowledge, relationships, representations and values that pupils together with teachers perform daily at school. It includes our research project called "Adolescence and School" which has been implemented since 1995 in our Institution, subject called "Psychological Foundation on education". Throughout its development, we have tried to get to know about in what positions teachers and students are towards knowledge. Our purpose is to make a critic- reflexive perspective possible on the part of university students who are to become teachers, as regards their knowledge on how students are formed on the E.G.B and Polimodal school levels. What plays one of the main roles on the student's career choice is their getting closer to the educative institution as well as to their teachers and the culture of the school. We have chosen a qualitative perspective for this article. Our proceedings on the working field are focused on teacher's interviews and on the participation of two or three students that had access to the concretion of a semi-structured interview. A central topic within teacher's and student's speeches were the topics dealt in class and their motivation, been there a convergence with respect to the effects that these factors have over learning. Therefore, there is no reflection by the actors as regards the role that intention and willingness play in teacher-student-knowledge relationship and its projection in the teaching-learning process.
La presente ponencia parte de la idea de tradición (Shils, 1971) como forma de transmisión de símbolos y creencias que sujetan el presenta con el pasado a través de un proceso de socialización de contenidos en espacios institucionales y mediante vínculos intersubjetivos. Como referencia metodológica para el estudio de las tradiciones intelectuales y la formación de escuelas de pensamiento, tomamos la estrategia de 'master-pupil chain' (Collins, 1987). Con el objeto de indagar aspectos del proceso de transmisión de tradiciones científicas e intelectuales en la Argentina, esta ponencia busca avanzar en la reconstrucción del proceso de socialización científico-intelectual de Gino Germani y en su vínculo discipular-formativo durante los años de estudio en la FFyL (UBA) (1938-1944). El contenido socializador para tal propósito será la idea de 'clase social' por Maurice Halbwachs, autor cuya bibliografía integró el programa de sociología desde 1929, dictado en el mismo espacio universitario por Ricardo Levene, y los primeros artículos y monografías escritos por Gino Germani durante su etapa de formación en la investigación en el Instituto de Sociología (IS)
The following article deals with knowledge, relationships, representations and values that pupils together with teachers perform daily at school. It includes our research project called "Adolescence and School" which has been implemented since 1995 in our Institution, subject called "Psychological Foundation on education". Throughout its development, we have tried to get to know about in what positions teachers and students are towards knowledge. Our purpose is to make a critic- reflexive perspective possible on the part of university students who are to become teachers, as regards their knowledge on how students are formed on the E.G.B and Polimodal school levels. What plays one of the main roles on the student's career choice is their getting closer to the educative institution as well as to their teachers and the culture of the school. We have chosen a qualitative perspective for this article. Our proceedings on the working field are focused on teacher's interviews and on the participation of two or three students that had access to the concretion of a semi-structured interview. A central topic within teacher's and student's speeches were the topics dealt in class and their motivation, been there a convergence with respect to the effects that these factors have over learning. Therefore, there is no reflection by the actors as regards the role that intention and willingness play in teacher-student-knowledge relationship and its projection in the teaching-learning process.
La presente ponencia parte de la idea de tradición (Shils, 1971) como forma de transmisión de símbolos y creencias que sujetan el presenta con el pasado a través de un proceso de socialización de contenidos en espacios institucionales y mediante vínculos intersubjetivos. Como referencia metodológica para el estudio de las tradiciones intelectuales y la formación de escuelas de pensamiento, tomamos la estrategia de 'master-pupil chain' (Collins, 1987). Con el objeto de indagar aspectos del proceso de transmisión de tradiciones científicas e intelectuales en la Argentina, esta ponencia busca avanzar en la reconstrucción del proceso de socialización científico-intelectual de Gino Germani y en su vínculo discipular-formativo durante los años de estudio en la FFyL (UBA) (1938-1944). El contenido socializador para tal propósito será la idea de 'clase social' por Maurice Halbwachs, autor cuya bibliografía integró el programa de sociología desde 1929, dictado en el mismo espacio universitario por Ricardo Levene, y los primeros artículos y monografías escritos por Gino Germani durante su etapa de formación en la investigación en el Instituto de Sociología (IS)
In this work, novel imaging designs with a single optical surface (either refractive or reflective) are presented. In some of these designs, both object and image shapes are given but mapping from object to image is obtained as a result of the design. In other designs, not only the mapping is obtained in the design process, but also the shape of the object is found. In the examples considered, the image is virtual and located at infinity and is seen from known pupil, which can emulate a human eye. In the first introductory part, 2D designs have been done using three different design methods: a SMS design, a compound Cartesian oval surface, and a differential equation method for the limit case of small pupil. At the point-size pupil limit, it is proven that these three methods coincide. In the second part, previous 2D designs are extended to 3D by rotation and the astigmatism of the image has been studied. As an advanced variation, the differential equation method is used to provide the freedom to control the tangential rays and sagittal rays simultaneously. As a result, designs without astigmatism (at the small pupil limit) on a curved object surface have been obtained. Finally, this anastigmatic differential equation method has been extended to 3D for the general case, in which freeform surfaces are designed.
The aim of the present study was to analyze the visual strategies prior to a throw from 7 metres in elite and amateur handball goalkeepers. To this end we analyzed the visual fixations in number and order of 10 goalkeepers (29.7±5.4 years; 14.7±8.6 years of experience), 3 elite and 7 amateurs, during the life size projection of 14 different throws, made by different players. During each throw the movement of the eyeballs, the dilation of the pupil (pupillometry) and the subject?s blinking were recorded thanks to a technological system which permitted eye tracking with high speed cameras, and the subsequent presentation of the visual data for each action studied. The elite goalkeepers performed a greater number of visual fixations than the amateur goalkeepers, revealing large and significant differences. Equally the priority zones observed were differed, with the amateur goalkeepers fixating more on the thrower?s face, and the elite goalkeepers paying more attention to the area of the arm/ball. It can therefore be inferred that elite goalkeepers have a greater perceptive capacity and also use different visual strategies from the amateur goalkeepers.
Through the years, we have detected a problem in the academic program of Information and Communication Technologies of our University, a recurrent problem in the teaching learning process, accentuated with the associated paradigm to the construction of knowledge by the own pupil. We are specifically referring to the search and assimilation of content inside the book texts about Digital Databases. The work exposed in this paper represents an effort for contributing in the reduction of educational slump in areas related to good design and construction of data banks. The textbook of this research, treats all the thematical content in this area, which are studied in the whole academic program. These and another relevant subjects in the database area are retaken from a simple but fundamentally practical theorical focus, allowing the studying on acquiring a significative learning in an easier and single source way. As a result, we present the almost definitive version of the book which is been tested on pilot groups
La Ley Orgánica 8/2013 para la mejora de la calidad educativa, facilita al alumno de bachillerato una amplia posibilidad de configuración de los estudios en función de sus intereses. Sin embargo, la oferta educativa real resulta mucho más restringida. En el presente documento, se aborda el caso de la materia, del bloque de materias específicas, Tecnología Industrial II, la cual no está siendo impartida en la mayoría de los centros docentes como consecuencia del número insuficiente de alumnos que la solicitan. Tras un análisis inicial del currículo de la materia, se desarrolla un estudio que profundiza en las relaciones existentes con el resto de asignaturas de Educación Secundaria y Bachillerato. Las vínculos más significativos que se han localizado responden, por una parte, al solapamiento de contenidos que inevitablemente surge con otras materias y; por otra, a la ubicación de los fundamentos necesarios para abordar los contenidos de Tecnología Industrial II. El objeto último del análisis consiste en plantear una metodología docente que permita la integración real de esta materia en los centros de dimensión media. Para ello, y a la vista de los resultados obtenidos, se articulan diferentes estrategias de actuación que, a la vez que enriquecen el acto pedagógico, permiten optimizar los recursos humanos y materiales necesarios para abordar la enseñanza de Tecnología Industrial II. ABSTRACT The Law 8/2013 for the improvement of the educational quality facilitates to the pupil a wide possibility to configurate his studies in depend of his interest. Nevertheless, the real offer turns out to be restricted. The present document studies the subject Industrial Technologies II; who is not been teached in most educational center, as they are not enough pupils interested in it. After an initial analysis of the subject there have been developed a studiy that look for the existing relations with the contents of other subjects in the same cycle. The more important relations will be clasifficate in two different types. In the first place, the repetition of contents, in the second place the basement concepts necessaries to study the subject
En este Trabajo Fin de Máster se propone una aplicación de la metodología de Aprendizaje Basado en Proyectos en 3º de E.S.O. La solicitud, por parte de los alumnos, de innovar en el aula y los recursos de los que hoy en día disponemos, son la mayor motivación para diseñar los más variados Proyectos que puedan enriquecer la educación en valores y el aprendizaje de procedimientos, aspectos clave en el desarrollo profesional de nuestros alumnos. En el Proyecto “Diseña tu propia aula” se invita a los alumnos a crear un Estudio de Arquitectura con el objetivo de rediseñar su espacio de trabajo. Aplicando criterios sostenibles, mejorarán la eficiencia energética del aula y crearán un espacio más responsable con el Medio Ambiente. La implementación de los contenidos, competencias y criterios de evaluación a través de este proyecto promete ser un verdadero reto, tanto para docentes, como para los alumnos. ¿Estamos preparados? This Master’s Thesis applies Project Based Learning methodologies within third-year secondary education classrooms, particularly those of 3° E.S.O. Motivated by the demand from modern pupils for new innovation in the classroom and by the new resources available for use therein, this thesis proposes to design a project which enriches and improves the education of the student in both ethics and technical methods, key aspects of the student’s professional development. The “Design your own classroom” project invites pupils to create their own architecture studio within the classroom by challenging them to redesign their workplace through the application of sustainable design criteria in order to create a workspace that is more environmentally responsible. The inclusion of content, skills and evaluation criteria in this project present a real challenge both for the teacher and for the pupil. Are we ready?
"No son necesarios imponentes edificios para dar una buena educación a los niños, mucho menos en zonas de clima suave. En el pasado Filósofos y Santos acostumbraban a sentarse con sus discípulos a la sombra de un árbol, transmitiéndoles su sabiduría sin necesidad de edificaciones de hormigón armado. Pero eran grandes hombres y grandes espíritus que sabían aprovechar el universo entero como material didáctico junto a los simples recursos de su inteligencia y su fantasía". Esta tesis nace con la intención de profundizar en la investigación de los mecanismos arquitectónicos que hicieron posible en un determinado tipo de escuelas la relación entre arquitectura y naturaleza, ya se entienda ésta como paisaje natural o como paisaje artificial creado ex novo. Si desde los tiempos de Lao Tse no había sido superada su definición de Arquitectura: “Arquitectura no son cuatro paredes y un tejado, arquitectura es el ordenamiento de los espacios y el espíritu que se genera dentro”; en realidad dicha definición adolecía de una gran carencia, pues nada decía del “espacio que queda fuera”. Así lo puso de manifiesto D. Rafael de La Hoz Arderius en su discurso de ingreso a la Real Academia de San Fernando5. Hubo que esperar al inicio del siglo XX para que la Arquitectura occidental se centrara de lleno en desmaterializar el límite entre el espacio construido y el “sitio” en el que se inserta, convirtiendo éste en “lugar” habitado. El “dentro” y el “fuera” dejan de entenderse como dos realidades antagónicas para dejar paso a un espacio continuo articulado a través de fructíferas situaciones intermedias. Sin embargo, poco se ha estudiado sobre una tipología arquitectónica : la escuela al aire libre, que fue crucial en la génesis tanto de los espacios educativos, como en la conformación del espacio Moderno así entendido. Éste es por tanto el objeto de la presente Tesis, desde una doble vertiente: por un lado desde la investigación de la evolución de esta tipología en general, y más detenidamente de un caso concreto, el colegio de las Teresianas en Alicante de Rafael de La Hoz Arderius y Gerardo Olivares James. La evolución de la escuela al aire libre se aborda a través de una selección de casos de estudio que ilustran que la regeneración social que pretendía acometerse no podía limitarse sólo a los aspectos higiénicos que centraron su primera etapa, sino que era necesario también reforzar el espíritu comunitario del niño como futuro ciudadano. Por otro lado el Colegio de las Teresianas en Alicante (1964) de Rafael de La Hoz Arderius y Gerardo Olivares James se ha elegido como caso de estudio específico. Este proyecto, siendo uno de los más desconocidos de sus autores, supone la culminación de sus investigaciones en torno a la escuela al aire libre8. Rafael de La Hoz, en línea con los postulados humanistas del Realismo Biológico de Richard Neutra, advertía de la imposibilidad de abordar la ordenación del espacio si desconocemos el proceso perceptivo del ser humano, destinatario de la Arquitectura. Esta dificultad es aún mayor si cabe cuando el destinatario no es el ser humano adulto sino el niño, dada su distinta percepción del binomio “espacio-tiempo”. En este sentido el colegio de las Teresianas en Alicante es además un ejemplo cercano, el único de los incluidos en la presente Tesis del que verdaderamente se ha podido tener un conocimiento profundo tanto por el resultado de su análisis a partir de una investigación de carácter científico, como por la experiencia personal del mismo vivida desde niña, al ser antigua alumna del centro. Tanto en este ejemplo concreto como en el resto de casos analizados la metodología para lograr la educación integral del individuo, reproduciendo el mito de la caverna de Platón revisado a través del Emilio roussoniano, se fundamenta en el contacto directo con el exterior, promoviendo un nuevo modo de vida equilibrado y en armonía con la naturaleza, con uno mismo y con los demás. Desde un primer estadio en el que el espacio exterior sustituye literalmente al aula como lugar para la enseñanza, se evoluciona hacia una tipología más compleja en la que los mecanismos de proyecto habrán de fomentar la continuidad entre interior y exterior en los espacios de aprendizaje, así como reproducir en el interior del aula las ventajas del ambiente exterior evitando algunos de sus inconvenientes. Todo ello con diferentes matices según la edad del alumno y la climatología del lugar. A partir del análisis de los casos de estudio generales y del ejemplo concreto de las Teresianas, se pretende sintetizar cuales fueron los mecanismos de proyecto y los principales temas de reflexión que caracterizaron este tipo de escuelas. ABSTRACT "Imposing buildings are not necessary for children to receive a good education, even less in mild climate areas. In the past, Philosophers and Saints used to sit with their disciples in the shade of a tree, passing on their wisdom without the need of reinforced concrete buildings. But they were great men and great minds who could take advantage of the entire universe as a source of teaching material, together with their intelligence and fantasy." This thesis was undertaken with the purpose of carrying out an in depth analysis of the architectural strategies targeting certain types of schools which have a close relationship between architecture and nature. It is said that since the time of Lao Tzu his definition of architecture had not been surpassed: “architecture is not just four walls and a roof, architecture is the arrangement of the spaces and the spirit that is generated within”. But this definition suffered from a serious lack as the “space left outside” is not mentioned. This was exposed by Rafael de La Hoz Arderius in his speech of entry into the Royal Academy of San Fernando10. It was not until the early twentieth century that Western architecture would squarely focus on dematerializing the boundary between the built environment and the “site” in which it is inserted, turning it into an inhabited “place”. The “inside” and the “outside” are no longer understood as two op-posed realities, instead they make way for a continuous space articulated through fruitful in-between situations. However, little has been studied about an architectural typology: the open air school, which was a turning point in the genesis of both educational, as well as modern space. This is therefore the object of this thesis, having two perspectives. On the one hand the development of this type of school is broadly investigated; on the other hand a specific case is introduced: the school of the Teresian association of Alicante, by Rafael de La Hoz and Gerardo Olivares. The development of the open air school is approached through a selection of case studies. These illustrate that the expected social regeneration could not be limited exclusively by the hygienic aspects targeting its first stage, but it was also necessary to strengthen the community spirit of the child as a future citizen. As previously mentioned the Teresian school of Alicante (1964-1966), has been chosen as a specific case study. Despite being quite a bit less renowned than other projects by the same authors, it represents the culmination of their researches about the open air school. In line with the humanist postulates of Richard Neutra’s Biological Realism, Rafael de La Hoz warned about the inability to deal with the arrangement of space if we are unaware of the perceptive process of the human being, addressee of the architecture. This difficulty becomes greater when the addressee is not the adult human but the child, given his different perception of the binomial “space-time” relationship. In this respect the Teresian school of Alicante is in addition a closely related case study, being the only one of the mentioned cases in this thesis allowing to acquire a deep knowledge, both from the results of its analysis coming from a research of scientific nature, as well as the personal experience lived since I was a child, given that I am a former pupil. Both in this case study and in the other analyzed cases, the methodology implemented to achieve the integral education of the individual is based on the direct contact with the exterior, promoting a balanced and in harmony with nature new way of life, including oneself and the others. Thereby it replicates the Plato’s cavern myth and its roussonian review: Emilio. From the first stage in which the exterior literally substitutes the classroom as the educational space, it is evolved towards a more complex typology in which the project strategies have to promote the continuity between inside and outside learning spaces, as well as to reproduce inside the classroom the advantages of the exterior environment avoiding some of its disadvantages; thereto considering the differing matrixes involving the pupil age and the local climatology. From the analysis of the general case studies and the Teresian school, the main project strategies and elements characterizing the open air school have been synthesized.
O principal objetivo desta dissertação é inventariar, através de análise documental, história de vida e entrevistas, os fatos e personagens que contribuíram para o desenvolvimento do estudo antropológico da comunicação no Brasil, culminando com a criação da disciplina Antropologia da Comunicação , no âmbito da Escola de Comunicações e Artes da Universidade de São Paulo. O foco da pesquisa foi orientado para desvendar o papel desempenhado pelo Professor Dr. Egon Schaden, bem como pelo seu discípulo, Professor Dr. João Baptista Borges Pereira, destacando a significação do livro Cor, Profissão e Mobilidade: o negro e o rádio de São Paulo para a História do Pensamento Comunicacional Brasileiro(AU)
O principal objetivo desta dissertação é inventariar, através de análise documental, história de vida e entrevistas, os fatos e personagens que contribuíram para o desenvolvimento do estudo antropológico da comunicação no Brasil, culminando com a criação da disciplina Antropologia da Comunicação , no âmbito da Escola de Comunicações e Artes da Universidade de São Paulo. O foco da pesquisa foi orientado para desvendar o papel desempenhado pelo Professor Dr. Egon Schaden, bem como pelo seu discípulo, Professor Dr. João Baptista Borges Pereira, destacando a significação do livro Cor, Profissão e Mobilidade: o negro e o rádio de São Paulo para a História do Pensamento Comunicacional Brasileiro(AU)
A juvenile male zebra finch, Taeniopygia guttata, kept singly with its father develops a fairly complete imitation of the father’s song. The imitation is less complete when other male siblings are present, possibly because as imitation commences, model abundance increases. Here we examine the consequences of allowing more or less access to a song model. Young males heard a brief song playback when they pecked at a key, but different males were allowed to hear different numbers of playbacks per day. Using an automated procedure that scored the similarity between model and pupil songs, we discovered that 40 playbacks of the song motif per day, lasting a total of 30 sec, resulted in a fairly complete imitation. More exposure led to less complete imitation. Vocal imitation often may reflect the interaction of diverse influences. Among these, we should now include the possible inhibitory effect of model overabundance, which may foster individual identity and explain the vocal diversity found in zebra finches and other songbirds.
Fresnel lenses and other faceted or micro-optic devices are increasingly used in multiple applications like solar light concentrators and illumination devices, just to name some representative. However, it seems to be a certain lack of adequate techniques for the assessment of the performance of final fabricated devices. As applications are more exigent this characterization is a must. We provide a technique to characterize the performance of Fresnel lenses, as light collection devices. The basis for the method is a configuration where a camera images the Fresnel lens aperture. The entrance pupil of the camera is situated at the focal spot or the conjugate of a simulated solar source. In this manner, detailed maps of the performance of different Fresnel lenses are obtained for different acceptance angles.
Este trabalho tem o objetivo de examinar a primeira recepção de Nietzsche no Brasil, a partir das leituras que alguns intelectuais da Faculdade de Direito de Pernambuco fizeram de seus textos. A Escola de Recife surge de um movimento intelectual dentro da faculdade pernambucana que, entre seus objetivos, busca construir uma identidade cultural nacional que se distancie do predomínio europeu. Em meio a esse movimento, encontramos a menção mais antiga ao filósofo alemão num texto de Tobias Barreto de 1876. Juntamente com o escrito do professor brasileiro, há um grupo de estudiosos germanistas que, além de terem trazido obras alemãs para a faculdade, acreditaram que elas poderiam fornecer as bases de uma cultura melhor para o Brasil. Para tanto trabalharemos em quatro capítulos: no primeiro faremos a contextualização histórica do momento em que se dá a primeira citação de Nietzsche; no segundo, analisaremos mais detalhadamente o pensamento de Tobias Barreto; no terceiro, nos dedicaremos a influência que Barreto exerceu sobre José Oiticica; no quarto, veremos como Nietzsche influenciou os alunos vindouros, destacando o poeta e escritor Gilberto Amado.