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Admission rates for ischaemic heart disease (IHD), and the use of invasive cardiovascular procedures, separation mode and length of stay (LOS) were compared between Australians from non-English speaking background (NESB; n=8627) and English speaking background (ESB; n=13162) aged 20 years and over admitted to Victorian urban public hospitals. The study covered the period from 1993 to 1998. It was found that, compared with their ESB counterparts, the incidence of admission for acute myocardial infarction was significantly higher for NESB men and women before and after controlling for confounding factors. The age-adjusted ratios for NESB women compared with their ESB counterparts ranged from 1.23 to 1.89 for cardiac catheterisation, from 0.23 to 0.27 for percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA), and from 1.04 to 1.80 for coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG).
Procedure rates were comparable in men for cardiac catheterisation and CABG but higher for PTA rates in NESB men (OR: 1.29, 95%CI: 1.11-1.50) than their ESB counterparts. Both NESB men (β=0.04, 95%CI: 0.01-0.07) and women (β=0.03, 95%CI: 0.02-0.08) experienced significantly longer hospital stays than their ESB counterparts. These findings indicate there may be systematic differences in patients’ treatment and service utilisation in Victorian public hospitals. The extent to which physicians’ bias and
patients’ choice could explain these differences requires further investigation.


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 A teaching hospital is working with the Victorian State Government and universities, integrating cost-effectiveness evidence into clinical practice guidelines (CPGs), protocols and pathways for respiratory and cardiology interventions. Acute myocardial infarction (AMI) findings are reported. Results will stimulate cost-effective practice and inform medical associations, federal and state governments and international organisations developing CPGs. Published CPGs by the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Foundation for AMI in 1999 are reviewed by a large interdis- ciplinary hospital-based committee given cost-effectiveness evidence. Levels of evi- dence criteria rating on methodological rigor for effectiveness and costs are applied. National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) grades of recommendation criteria for combinations of relative effectiveness versus relative costs and cut-off points are used. Extrapolating results between countries was addressed by applying the OECD's health purchasing power parity series. Recommendations for revisions to United States guidelines and for local application are formulated. United States Guide- lines require updating: Regarding angioplasty, percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) is cost-effective for men aged 60 years relative to recombinant tissue plasminogen activator (tPA),with additional cost per life year saved of 274 ecu. PTCA with discharge after 3 days is cost-effective in low-risk AMI. Regarding GP llb/Illa drugs, Abciximab during intervention incurred equal mean hospital costs for placebabciximab bolus, and abciximab bolus+ infusion with incremental 6-month cost for the latter treatment costing US$ 293 per patient. Agent recouped almost all initial therapy costs with significant benefits. Incre- mental cost of abciximab per event prevent- ed is US$ 3,258.Tirofiban was compared to placebo after high-risk angioplasty for AMI or unstable angina.Tirofiban decreased the rate of hospital deaths, myocardial infarc- tion, revascularisation at 2 days by 36% relative to placebo (8% vs. 12%) without increased cost. Clinical benefits were similar at 30 days.Tirofiban+heparin+aspirin was compared to heparin+aspirin.Tirofiban arm resulted in net savings of 33,418 ecu per 100 patients for the first 7 days of treatment. Regarding thrombolytics,tPA is more cost- effective than streptokinase. Incremental costs for each life saved when streptokinase is substituted by recombinant tissue plasmi- nogen are 31%,45%, 97% higher in Germa- ny, Italy and the United States than in the United Kingdom. Regarding anticoagulants, enoxaparin is a promising alternative to unfractionated heparin for hospitalised patients with non-Q-wave myocardiai infarc- tion or unstable angina, saving C$ 1,485 per patient over 12 months with 10% reduction in 1 year risk of death, myocardial infarction or recurrent angina. Regarding anti- arrhymics, the cost-effectiveness of no amiodarone, amiodarone for patients with depressed heart rate variability (DHRV),and amiodarone for patients with DHRV plus positive programmed ventricular stimula- tion (PPVS) for high-risk post-AMI was investigated. Amiodarone for DHRV+PPVS patients was dominated by a blend of the two alternatives. Compared to no amioda- rone, the incremental cost-effectiveness of amiodarone for DHRV patients was US$ 39,422 per quality adjusted life year gained. Amiodarone for DHRV is the most appropriate. Other CPG updates concern serum markers, for example, cardiac troponin I assay (c-Tnl), cost advantages of ad hoc angioplasty and secondary prevention through antioxidants and pravastatin. Australian costs are reported later in the paper.


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Background Enteral tubes are frequently inserted as part of medical treatment in a wide range of patient situations. Patients with an enteral tube are cared for by nurses in a variety of settings, including general and specialised acute care areas, aged care facilities and at home. Regardless of the setting, nurses have the primary responsibility for administering medication through enteral tubes. Medication administration via an enteral tube is a reasonably common nursing intervention that entails a number of skills, including preparing the medication, verifying the tube position, flushing the tube and assessing for potential complications. If medications are not given effectively through an enteral tube, harmful consequences may result leading to increased morbidity, for example, tube occlusion, diarrhoea and aspiration pneumonia. There are resultant costs for the health-care system related to possible increased length of stay and increased use of equipment. Presently what is considered to be best practice to give medications through enteral tubes is unknown.

Objectives The objective of this systematic review was to determine the best available evidence on which nursing interventions are effective in minimising the complications associated with the administration of medications via enteral tubes in adults. Nursing interventions and considerations related to medication administration included form of medication, verifying tube placement before administration, methods used to give medication, methods used to flush tubes, maintenance of tube patency and specific practices to prevent possible complications related to the administration of enteral medications.

Search strategy The following databases were searched for literature reported in English only: CINAHL, MEDLINE, The Cochrane Library, Current Contents/All Editions, EMBASE, Australasian Medical Index and PsychINFO. There was no date restriction applied. In addition, the reference lists of all included studies were scrutinised for other potentially relevant studies.

Selection criteria Systematic reviews of randomised controlled trials (RCTs) and RCTs that compared the effectiveness of nursing interventions and considerations used in the administration of medications via enteral tubes. Other research methods, such as non-randomised controlled trials, longitudinal studies, cohort and case control studies, were also included. Exclusion criteria included studies investigating drug–nutrient interactions or the bioavailability of specific medications.

Data collection and analysis Initial consideration of potential relevance to the review was carried out by the primary author (NP). Two reviewers independently assessed study eligibility for inclusion. A meta-analysis could not be undertaken, as there were no comparable RCTs identified. All data were presented in a narrative summary.

Results There is very limited evidence regarding the effectiveness of nursing interventions in minimising the complications associated with enteral tube medication administration in adults. The review highlights a lack of high quality research on many important nursing issues relating to enteral medication administration. There is huge scope for further research. Some of the evidence that was identified included that nurses should consider the use of liquid form medications as there may be fewer tube occlusions than with solid forms in nasoenteral tubes and silicone percutaneous endoscopic gastronomy tubes. Nurses may need to consider the sorbitol content of some liquid medications, for example, elixirs, as diarrhoea has been attributed to the sorbitol content of the elixir, not the drug itself. In addition, the use of 30 mL of water for irrigation when administering medications or flushing small-diameter nasoenteral tubes may reduce the number of tube occlusions.


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Aim. This systematic review aimed to determine the best available evidence regarding the effectiveness of nursing interventions in minimising the complications associated with administering medication via enteral tubes in adults.
Background. Giving enteral medication is a fairly common nursing intervention entailing several skills: verifying tube position, preparing medication, flushing the tube and assessing for potential complications. If not carried out effectively harmful consequences may result leading to increased morbidity and even mortality. Until now, what was considered to be best practice in this area was unknown.
Design. Systematic review.
Methods. CINAHL, MEDLINE, The Cochrane Library, Current Contents/All Editions, EMBASE, Australasian Medical Index and PsychINFO databases were searched up to September 2005. Reference lists of included studies were appraised. Two reviewers independently assessed study eligibility for inclusion. There were no comparable randomised-controlled trials; data
were presented in a narrative summary.
Results. Identified evidence included using 30 ml of water for irrigation when giving medication or flushing small-diameter nasoenteral tubes may reduce tube occlusion. Using liquid medication should be considered as there may be less tube occlusions than with solid forms in nasoenteral tubes and silicone percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy tubes. In addition, nurses may need to consider the sorbitol content of some liquid medications, for example elixirs, as diarrhoea has been attributed to the sorbitol content of the elixir, not the drug itself.
Conclusion. The evidence was limited. There was a lack of high-quality research on many important issues relating to giving enteral medication.
Relevance to clinical practice. Nurses have the primary responsibility for giving medication through enteral tubes and need knowledge of the best available evidence. Some of the nursing considerations and interventions relating to this skill have been researched in the clinical area and have implications for practice. There is a need for further studies to strengthen these findings.


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Aim: The study's purpose was to describe patients' experiences of minimal conscious sedation during diagnostic and interventional cardiology procedures.

Over a 6-week period, 119 consecutive patients (10% of annual throughput) from a major metropolitan hospital in Melbourne, Australia, were interviewed using a modified version of the American Pain Society Patient Outcome Questionnaire. Patients identified pain severity using a 10-point visual analogue scale and rated their overall comfort on a 6-point Likert scale ranging from very comfortable to very uncomfortable.

Results: Patients were aged 67.6 years (standard deviation 11.1), 70.8% were male, and the mean body mass index was 27.7 (standard deviation 4.8). Patients underwent diagnostic coronary angiography (67.5%), percutaneous coronary interventions (13.3%), or combined procedures (19.2%). Most patients (65%) were comfortable in the context of low-dose conscious sedation. Slight discomfort was reported by 26% of patients; 9% reported feeling uncomfortable primarily as a result of a combination of musculoskeletal pain, angina, and vasovagal symptoms experienced during the procedure. There was significant correlation (rho = .25, P = .01) between procedure length and patients' report of overall comfort, suggesting longer procedures were less comfortable for patients.

The minimal sedation protocol was effective for the majority of patients; however, 9% of patients experienced significant discomfort related to preexisting conditions, highlighting the need for individual patient assessment before, during, and after the procedure.


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Background : Tracheostomy is a well established and practical approach to airway management for patients requiring extended periods of mechanical ventilation or airway protection. Little evidence is available to guide the process of weaning and optimal timing of tracheostomy tube removal. Thus, decannulation decisions are based on clinical judgement. The aim of this study was to describe decannulation practice and failure rates in patients with tracheostomy following critical illness.

Methods : A prospective descriptive study was conducted of consecutive patients who received a tracheostomy at a tertiary metropolitan public hospital intensive care unit (ICU) between March 2002 and December 2006. Data were analysed using descriptive and inferential tests.

Results : Of the 823 decannulation decisions, there were 40 episodes of failed decannulation, a failure rate of 4.8%. These 40 episodes occurred in 35 patients: 31 patients failed once, 3 patients failed twice and 1 patient failed three times. There was no associated mortality. Simple stoma recannulation was required in 25 episodes, with none of these patients readmitted to ICU. Translaryngeal intubation and readmission to ICU took place for the remaining 15 episodes. The primary reason for decannulation failure was sputum retention. Twenty-four patients (60%) failed decannulation within 24 h, with 14 of these occurring within 4 h.

Conclusions : Clinical assessments coupled with professional judgement to decide the optimal time to remove tracheostomy tubes in patients following critical illness resulted in a failure rate comparable with published data. Although reintubation and readmission to ICU was required in just over one third of failed decannulation episodes, there was no associated mortality or other significant adverse events. Our data suggest nurses need to exercise high levels of clinical vigilance during the first 24 h following decannulation, particularly the first 4 h to detect early signs of respiratory compromise to avoid adverse outcomes.


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Cardiac rehabilitation is an effective but underprovided treatment for patients recovering from acute cardiac events. The geographical spread of provision has not been investigated recently in any country. This study aimed to investigate the level of participation in cardiac rehabilitation programs of patients following myocardial infarction or revascularization (eligible patients) and the geographical equity of attendance.
Questionnaire data were collected from all cardiac rehabilitation centers in England for the year 2003/2004. The number of patients attending rehabilitation was compared with eligible patients across the 9 Government Office Regions of England as indicated by Hospital Episode Statistics.
Nationally, 29% of eligible patients attended rehabilitation, while within various regions, the proportion of eligible patients participating in rehabilitation ranged between 14% (95% CI, 13.2-14.3) and 37% (95% CI, 36.6-37.6). Participation also differed significantly by primary cardiac event: myocardial infarction, 25%; percutaneous coronary intervention, 24%; and coronary artery bypass surgery, 66% (P < .001).
The participation rate of eligible patients in cardiac rehabilitation was low in all regions. There were large differences between regions with widely varying incidence of attendance in different parts of the country.


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Characteristics for an optimal liver biopsy specimen were recently defined as 20 to 25 mm long and/or containing more than 11 complete portal tracts (CPTs). A systematic review of percutaneous liver biopsy (PLB) and transjugular liver biopsy (TJLB) series yielded only 32 PLB studies in which these characteristics were evaluated: mean ± SD length, 17.7 ± 5.8 mm and number of CPTs, 7.5 ± 3.4; and 15 TJLB studies: mean ± SD length, 13.5 ± 4.5 mm and number of CPTs, 6.8 ± 2.3. Studies of sampling heterogeneity and intraobserver and interobserver variability also used inadequate specimens by present standards. Only 11 (5.3%) of 207 therapeutic studies for chronic hepatitis B and C documented length and/or number of CPTs. Of the current 12 studies evaluating noninvasive fibrosis tests, only 8 documented length or number of CPTs, and only 1 documented length and number of CPTs. New studies are needed based on adequate liver biopsy samples to provide reliable estimation of grading and staging in chronic liver disease.


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The article focuses on the study concerning the diagnosis of acute renal allograft in patient with sickle cell disease. The 33 year old underwent several surgeries with immediate graft function. The percutaneous renal biopsy of the patient shows focal cortical necrosis and acute tubular damage coherent with ischemia. It concludes that the allograft sickling is the primary cause of the acute renal dysfunction in patients with sickle cell disease.


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Background: The functional results associated with nonoperative treatment of severely impacted valgus fractures of the proximal part of the humerus are poor, and these injuries are difficult to treat with minimally invasive percutaneous fixation techniques. The aim of this study was to review the functional and radiographic results and complications of a new operative technique in a series of twenty-five patients.

Methods: Over a two-year period, we treated twenty-nine patients with a severely impacted valgus fracture of the proximal part of the humerus. Three patients were lost to follow-up and one died, leaving twenty-five patients who were available for the study. In all of the fractures, the head-shaft angle had been tilted into =160° of valgus and the greater tuberosity was displaced by >1 cm. All patients were treated with open reduction of the fracture, and the space created behind the humeral head was filled with Norian Skeletal Repair System (SRS) bone substitute. The fractures were stabilized with either screws or buttress plate fixation. Associated rotator cuff tears were repaired. All patients underwent functional outcome assessment with use of the Constant, DASH (Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder and Hand), and SF-36 (Short Form-36) scores at one year, and twelve patients were followed for two years.

Results: All fractures united within the first year, all reductions were maintained, and no patient had signs of osteonecrosis of the humeral head on the latest follow-up radiographs. At one year, the median Constant score was 80 points and the median DASH score was 22 points. The functional results continued to be satisfactory in the twelve patients who were followed for two years. The results in our series were better than those achieved in studies of nonoperative treatment of similar fracture configurations. There were six clinically relevant complications, although none required a reoperation and all six patients had a satisfactory short-term functional outcome.

Conclusions: Internal fixation of severely impacted valgus fractures of the proximal part of the humerus, supplemented by Norian SRS bone substitute to fill the proximal humeral metaphyseal defect, produces good early functional and radiographic outcomes. Additional follow-up will be required to assess whether these initially satisfactory outcomes are maintained over the longer term.

Level of Evidence: Therapeutic study, Level IV (case series [no, or historical, control group]). See Instructions to Authors for a complete description of levels of evidence.


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Background: The functional results associated with nonoperative treatment of severely impacted valgus fractures of the proximal part of the humerus are poor, and these injuries are difficult to treat with minimally invasive percutaneous fixation techniques. The aim of this study was to review the functional and radiographic results and complications of a new operative technique in a series of twenty-five patients.

Methods: Over a two-year period, we treated twenty-nine patients with a severely impacted valgus fracture of the proximal part of the humerus. Three patients were lost to follow-up and one died, leaving twenty-five patients who were available for the study. In all of the fractures, the head-shaft angle had been tilted into > or = 160 degrees of valgus and the greater tuberosity was displaced by >1 cm. All patients were treated with open reduction of the fracture, and the space created behind the humeral head was filled with Norian Skeletal Repair System (SRS) bone substitute. The fractures were stabilized with either screws or buttress plate fixation. Associated rotator cuff tears were repaired. All patients underwent functional outcome assessment with use of the Constant, DASH (Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder and Hand), and SF-36 (Short Form-36) scores at one year, and twelve patients were followed for two years.

Results: All fractures united within the first year, all reductions were maintained, and no patient had signs of osteonecrosis of the humeral head on the latest follow-up radiographs. At one year, the median Constant score was 80 points and the median DASH score was 22 points. The functional results continued to be satisfactory in the twelve patients who were followed for two years. The results in our series were better than those achieved in studies of nonoperative treatment of similar fracture configurations. There were six clinically relevant complications, although none required a reoperation and all six patients had a satisfactory short-term functional outcome.

Conclusions: Internal fixation of severely impacted valgus fractures of the proximal part of the humerus, supplemented by Norian SRS bone substitute to fill the proximal humeral metaphyseal defect, produces good early functional and radiographic outcomes. Additional follow-up will be required to assess whether these initially satisfactory outcomes are maintained over the longer term.


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Objective To investigate whether attendance at cardiac rehabilitation (CR) independently predicts all-cause mortality over 14 years and whether there is a dose–response relationship between the proportion of CR sessions attended and long-term mortality.

Design Retrospective cohort study.

Setting CR programmes in Victoria, Australia

Patients The sample comprised 544 men and women eligible for CR following myocardial infarction, coronary artery bypass surgery or percutaneous interventions. Participants were tracked 4 months after hospital discharge to ascertain CR attendance status.

Main outcome measures All-cause mortality at 14 years ascertained through linkage to the Australian National Death Index.

Results In total, 281 (52%) men and women attended at least one CR session. There were few significant differences between non-attenders and attenders. After adjustment for age, sex, diagnosis, employment, diabetes and family history, the mortality risk for non-attenders was 58% greater than for attenders (HR=1.58, 95% CI 1.16 to 2.15). Participants who attended <25% of sessions had a mortality risk more than twice that of participants attending ≥75% of sessions (OR=2.57, 95% CI 1.04 to 6.38). This association was attenuated after adjusting for current smoking (OR=2.06, 95% CI 0.80 to 5.29).

Conclusions This study provides further evidence for the long-term benefits of CR in a contemporary, heterogeneous population. While a dose–response relationship may exist between the number of sessions attended and long-term mortality, this relationship does not occur independently of smoking differences. CR practitioners should encourage smokers to attend CR and provide support for smoking cessation.


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 Objective: To determine whether introduction of high-sensitivity cardiac troponin I (hscTn-I) assays aff ected management of patients presenting with suspected acute coronary syndrome (ACS) to the emergency department (ED) of a tertiary referral hospital. Design, patients and setting: A retrospective analysis of all patients presenting to the Geelong Hospital ED with suspected ACS from 23 April 2010 to 22 April 2013 -2 years before and 1 year after the changeover to hscTn-I assays on 23 April 2012. Main outcome measures: Hospital admission rates, time spent in the ED, rates of coronary angiography, rates of percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) and coronary artery bypass graft surgery (CABGS), rates of discharge with a diagnosis of ACS, and rates of inhospital mortality. Results: 12 360 consecutive patients presented with suspected ACS during the study period; 1897 were admitted to Geelong Hospital in the 2 years before and 944 in the 1 year after the changeover to hscTn-I assays. Comparing the two patient groups, there was no statistically signifi cant diff erence in allhospital admission rates (95% CI for the diff erence, - 3.1% to 0.3%; P = 0.10) or proportion of patients subsequently discharged with a diagnosis of ACS (95% CI for the diff erence, - 2.3% to 5.4%; P = 0.43). After the changeover, the median time patients spent in the ED was 11.5% shorter (3.85 h v 4.35 h; 95% CI for the diff erence, - 0.59 to - 0.43; P < 0.001) and the proportion of admitted patients undergoing coronary angiography was higher (53.4% v 45.2%; 95% CI for the diff erence, 4.3 to 12.0 percentage points; P < 0.001), but there was no statistically signifi cant rise in the proportion of patients who had invasive treatment (PCI and/or CABGS) (95% CI for the diff erence, - 0.4% to 6.3%; P = 0.08). Inhospital mortality rates from ACS did not change signifi cantly (95% CI for the diff erence, - 1.5% to 0.8%; P = 0.43). Conclusion: The introduction of hscTn-I assays appeared to be associated with more rapid diagnosis, resulting in less time spent in the ED, without a change in hospital admission rates. A higher proportion of patients had coronary angiographies after the changeover, but there was no signifi cant change in rates of invasive treatment or inhospital mortality.


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Transradial approach (TRA) as a method of accessing the arterial system began in the 1940s. It was not until the late 1980s when the TRA was used in cardiac catheterization, and from here it rapidly followed into percutaneous coronary intervention. Recently, the increasing concern of vascular access complications associated with the transfemoral approach has obligated interventional cardiologists to consider training in TRA. With advancements in technology, the array of interventional equipment traditionally compatible only with the transfemoral approach is also available to the TRA operator. The only remaining obstacle to considering a TRA is the “learning curve.” In this chapter, we aim to provide insights and techniques, which will help overcome the initial potential difficulties of the TRA.