934 resultados para Oxygen species
L'arthrose est une maladie dégénérative des articulations due à une dégradation progressive du cartilage. La calcification de l'articulation (essentiellement due à des dépôts de cristaux de phosphate de calcium basique -cristaux BCP-) est une caractéristique de cette maladie. Cependant, le rôle des cristaux BCP reste à déterminer. Nous avons tout d'abord déterminé en utilisant des cultures primaires de chondrocytes que les cristaux de BCP induisaient la production de la cytokine IL-6, via une signalisation intracellulaire implicant les kinase Syk, PI3 et Jak et Stat3. Les cristaux de BCP induisent également la perte de protéoglycanes et l'expression de IL-6 dans des explants de cartlage humain et ces deux effets peuvent être bloqués par un inhibiteur de IL-6, le Tocilizumab. Par ailleurs, nous avons trouvé que l'IL-6 ajouté à des chondrocytes, favorisait la formation de cristax de BCP et augmentait l'expression de gènes impliqués dans le processus de minéralisation : Ank (codant pour un transporteur de pyrophooshate), Annexin5 (codant pour un canal calcique) et Pit-1 (codant pour un transporteur de phoshate). In vivo, les cristaux de BCP injectés dans l'articulation de souris induisent une érosion du cartilage. Dans un modèle murin d'arthrose du genou induit par ménisectomie, nous avons observé la formation progressive de cristaux de BCP. Fait intéressant, la présence de ces cristaux dans l'articulation précédait la destruction du cartilage. Un agent susceptible de bloquer les calcifications tel que le sodium thiosulfate (STS), administré à des souris ménisectomisées, inhibait le dépôt intra-articulaire de ces cristaux ainsi que l'érosion du cartilage. Nous avons identifié ainsi un cercle vicieux dans l'arthrose, les cristaux induisant l'interleukine-6 et l'interleukine-6 induisant la formation de ces cristaux. Nous avons étudié si on pouvait bloquer cette boucle cristaux de BCP-IL6 soit par des agents décalcifiants, soit par des inhibiteurs d'IL-6. In vitro, des anticorps anti IL- 6 ou des inhibiteurs de signalisation, inhibaient significativement IL-6 et la minéralisation induite par IL-6. De même le STS inhibait la formation de ces cristaux et la production de l'IL-6. Tout récemment, nous avons trouvé que des inhibiteurs de la xanthine oxidoréductase étaient aussi capables d'inhiber à la fois la production d'IL-6 et la minéralization des chondrocytes. Finalement, nous avons pu exclure un rôle du système IL-1 dans le modèle d'arthrose induite par ménisectomie, les souris déficientes pour IL-1a/ß, MyD88 et l'inflammasome NLRP3 n'étant pas protégées dans ce modèle d'arthrose. L'ensemble de nos résultats montre que les cristaux BCP sont pathogéniques dans l'arthrose et qu'un inhibiteur de minéralisation tel que le STS ou un inhibiteur de l'interleukine-6 constitueraient des nouvelles thérapies pour l'arthrose. -- Osteoarthritis (OA), the most common degenerative disorder of the joints, results from an imbalance between the breakdown and repair of the cartilage and surrounding articular structures. Joint calcification (essentially due to basic calcium phosphate (BCP) crystal deposition) is a characteristic feature of OA. However, the role of BCP crystal deposition in the pathogenesis of OA remains unclear[1][1]. We first demonstrated that in primary murine chondrocytes exogenous BCP crystals led to IL-6 up-modulation and that BCP crystal signaling pathways involved Syk and PI3 kinases, and also gp130 associated molecules, Jak2 and Stat3. BCP crystals also induced proteoglycan loss and IL-6 expression in human cartilage expiants, (which were significantly reduced by an IL-6 inhibitor). In addition, we found that in chondrocytes exogenous IL-6 promoted calcium-containing crystal formation and up- regulation of genes codifying for proteins involved in the calcification process: the inorganic pyrophosphate transport channel Ank, the calcium channel Annexinö and the sodium/phosphate cotransporter Piti. In vivo, BCP crystals injected into murine knee joints induced cartilage erosion. In the menisectomy model, increasing deposits, identified as BCP crystals, were progressively observed around the joint before cartilage erosion. These deposits strongly correlated with cartilage degradation and IL-6 expression. These results demonstrated that BCP crystals deposition and IL-6 production are mutually reinforcing in the osteoarthritic pathogenic process. We then investigated if we could block the BCP-IL6 loop by either targeting IL-6 production or BCP crystal deposits. Treatment of chondrocytes with anti-IL-6 antibodies or inhibitors of IL-6- signaling pathway significantly inhibited IL-6-induced crystal formation. Similarly, sodium thiosulfate (STS), a well-known systemic calcification inhibitor, decreased crystal deposition as well as HA-induced IL-6 secretion in chondrocytes and, in vivo, it decreased crystal deposits size and cartilage erosion in menisectomized knees. Interestingly, we also found that xanthine-oxidoreductase (XO) inhibitors inhibited both IL-6 production and calcium crystal depositis in chondrocytes. We began to unravel the mechanisms involved in this coordinate modulation of IL-6 and mineralization. STS inhibited Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) generation and we are currently investigating whether XO represents a major source of ROS in chondrocyte mineralization. Finally, we ruled out that IL-1 activation/signaling plays a role in the murine model of OA induced by menisectomy, as IL-1a/ß, the IL-1 R associated molecule MyD88 and NLRP3 inflammasome deficient mice were not protected in this model of OA. Moreover TLR-1, -2, -4,-6 deficient mice had a phenotype similar to that of wild-type mice. Altogether our results demonstrated a self-amplification loop between BCP crystals deposition and IL-6 production, which represents an aggravating process in OA pathogenesis. As currently prescribed OA drugs are addressing OA symptoms,our results highlight a potential novel treatment strategy whereby inhibitors of calcium- containing crystal formation and IL-6 could be combined to form the basis of a disease modifying treatment and alter the course of OA.
Aging is a gradual, complex process in which cells, tissues, organs, and the whole organism itself deteriorate in a progressive and irreversible manner that, in the majority of cases, implies pathological conditions that affect the individual"s Quality of Life (QOL). Although extensive research efforts in recent years have been made, the anticipation of aging and prophylactic or treatment strategies continue to experience major limitations. In this review, the focus is essentially on the compilation of the advances generated by cellular expression profile analysis through proteomics studies (two-dimensional [2D] electrophoresis and mass spectrometry [MS]), which are currently used as an integral approach to study the aging process. Additionally, the relevance of the oxidative stress factors is discussed. Emphasis is placed on postmitotic tissues, such as neuronal, muscular, and red blood cells, which appear to be those most frequently studied with respect to aging. Additionally, models for the study of aging are discussed in a number of organisms, such as Caenorhabditis elegans, senescence-accelerated probe-8 mice (SAMP8), naked mole-rat (Heterocephalus glaber), and the beagle canine. Proteomic studies in specific tissues and organisms have revealed the extensive involvement of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and oxidative stress in aging.
Background: Probiotics appear to be beneficial in inflammatory bowel disease, but their mechanism of action is incompletely understood. We investigated whether probiotic-derived sphingomyelinase mediates this beneficial effect. Methodology/Principal Findings: Neutral sphingomyelinase (NSMase) activity was measured in sonicates of the probiotic L.brevis (LB)and S. thermophilus (ST) and the non-probiotic E. coli EC) and E. faecalis (EF). Lamina propria mononuclear cells (LPMC) were obtained from patients with Crohn"s disease (CD) and Ulcerative Colitis (UC), and peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) from healthy volunteers, analysing LPMC and PBMC apoptosis susceptibility, reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation and JNK activation. In some experiments, sonicates were preincubated with GSH or GW4869, a specific NSMase inhibitor. NSMase activity of LB and ST was 10-fold that of EC and EF sonicates. LB and ST sonicates induced significantly more apoptosis of CD and UC than control LPMC, whereas EC and EF sonicates failed to induce apoptosis. Pre-stimulation with anti-CD3/CD28 induced a significant and time-dependent increase in LB-induced apoptosis of LPMC and PBMC. Exposure to LB sonicates resulted in JNK activation and ROS production by LPMC. NSMase activity of LB sonicates was completely abrogated by GW4869, causing a dose-dependent reduction of LB -induced poptosis. LB and ST selectively induced immune cell apoptosis, an effect dependent on the degree of cell activation and mediated by bacterial NSMase. Conclusions: These results suggest that induction of immune cell apoptosis is a mechanism of action of some probiotics and that NSMase-mediated ceramide generation contributes to the therapeutic effects of probiotics.
We found previously that the nitric oxide donor DEA/NO enhanced lipid peroxidation, DNA fragmentation, and cytotoxicity in human bronchial epithelial cells (BEAS-2B) when they were cultured in LHC-8 medium containing the superoxide-generating system hypoxanthine/xanthine oxidase (HX/XO). We have now discovered that DEA/NO's prooxidant action can be reversed by raising the L-tyrosine concentration from 30 to 400 microM. DEA/NO also protected the cells when they were cultured in Dulbecco's Modified Eagle's Medium (DMEM), whose standard concentration of L-tyrosine is 400 microM. Similar trends were seen with the colon adenoma cell line CaCo-2. Since HPLC analysis of cell-free DMEM or LHC-8 containing 400 microM L-tyrosine, DEA/NO, and HX/XO revealed no evidence of L-tyrosine nitration, our data suggest the existence of an as-yet uncharacterized mechanism by which L-tyrosine can influence the biochemical and toxicological effects of reactive nitrogen species.
Reactive oxygen species are now widely recognized as important players contributing both to cell homeostasis and the development of disease. In this respect nitric oxide (NO) is no exception. The discussion here will center on regulation of the inducible form of nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) for two reasons. First, only iNOS produces micromolar NO concentrations, amounts that are high by comparison with the picomolar to nanomolar concentrations resulting from Ca2(+)-controlled NO production by endothelial eNOS or neuronal nNOS. Second, iNOS is not constitutively expressed in cells and regulation of this isoenzyme, in contrast to endothelial eNOS or neuronal nNOS, is widely considered to occur at the transcriptional level only. In particular, we were interested in the possibility that caveolin-1, a protein that functions as a tumor suppressor in colon carcinoma cells (Bender et al., 2002; this issue), might regulate iNOS activity. Our results provide evidence for the existence of a post-transcriptional mechanism controlling iNOS protein levels that involves caveolin-1-dependent sequestration of iNOS within a detergent-insoluble compartment. Interestingly, despite the high degree of conservation of the caveolin-1 scaffolding domain binding motif within all NOS enzymes, the interaction detected between caveolin-1 and iNOS in vitro is crucially dependent on presence of a caveolin-1 sequence element immediately adjacent to the scaffolding domain. A model is presented summarizing the salient aspects of these results. These observations are important in the context of tumor biology, since down-regulation of caveolin-1 is predicted to promote uncontrolled iNOS activity, genotoxic damage and thereby facilitate tumor development in humans.
Reactive oxygen species can initiate carcinogenesis by virtue of their capacity to react with DNA and cause mutations. Recently, it has been suggested that nitric oxide (NO) and its derivatives produced in inflamed tissues could contribute to the carcinogenesis process. Genotoxicity of NO follows its reaction with oxygen and superoxide. It can be due either to direct DNA damage or indirect DNA damage. Direct damage includes DNA base deamination, peroxynitrite-induced adducts formation and single strand breaks in the DNA. Indirect damage is due to the interaction of NO reactive species with other molecules such as amines, thiols and lipids. The efficiency of one pathway or another might depend on the cellular antioxidant status or the presence of free metals.
A photonic system has been developed that enables sensitive quantitative determination of reactive oxygen species (ROS) - mainly hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) - in aerosol samples such as airborne nanoparticles and exhaled air from patients. The detection principle relies on the amplification of the absorbance under multiple scattering conditions due to optical path lengthening [1] and [2]. In this study, the presence of cellulose membrane that acts as random medium into the glass optical cell considerably improved the sensitivity of the detection based on colorimetric FOX assay (FeII/orange xylenol). Despite the loss of assay volume (cellulose occupies 75% of cell volume) the limit of detection is enhanced by one order of magnitude reaching the value of 9 nM (H2O2 equivalents). Spectral analysis is performed automatically with a periodicity of 5 to 15 s, giving rise to real-time ROS measurements. Moreover, the elution of air sample into the collection chamber via a micro-diffuser (impinger) enables quantitative determination of ROS contained in or generated from airborne samples. As proof-of-concept the photonic ROS detection system was used in the determination of both ROS generated from traffic pollution and ROS contained in the exhaled breath as lung inflammation biomarkers.
Trying to define the precise role played by insulin regulating the survival of brown adipocytes, we have used rat fetal brown adipocytes maintained in primary culture. The effect of insulin on apoptosis and the mechanisms involved were assessed. Different from the known effects of insulin as a survival factor, we have found that long-term treatment (72 h) with insulin induces apoptosis in rat fetal brown adipocytes. This process is dependent on the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/mammalian target of rapamycin/p70 S6 kinase pathway. Short-term treatment with the conditioned medium from brown adipocytes treated with insulin for 72 h mimicked the apoptotic effect of insulin. During the process, caspase 8 activation, Bid cleavage, cytochrome c release, and activation of caspases 9 and 3 are sequentially produced. Treatment with the caspase inhibitor, benzyloxycarbonyl-Val-Ala-Asp (Z-VAD), prevents activation of this apoptotic cascade. The antioxidants, ascorbic acid and superoxide dismutase, also impair this process of apoptosis. Moreover, generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS), probably through reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate oxidases, and a late decrease in reduced glutathione content are produced. According to this, antioxidants prevent caspase 8 activation and Bid cleavage, suggesting that ROS production is an important event mediating this process of apoptosis. However, the participation of uncoupling protein-1, -2, and -3 regulating ROS is unclear because their levels remain unchanged upon insulin treatment for 72 h. Our data suggest that the prolonged hyperinsulinemia might cause insulin resistance through the loss of brown adipose tissue.
Oxidative stress, determined by the balance between the production of damaging reactive oxygen species (ROS) and antioxidant defences, is hypothesized to play an important role in shaping the cost of reproduction and life history trade-offs. To test this hypothesis, we manipulated reproductive effort in 94 breeding pairs of tawny owls (Strix aluco) to investigate the sex- and melanism-specific effects on markers of oxidative stress in red blood cells (RBCs). This colour polymorphic bird species shows sex-specific division of labour and melanism-specific history strategies. Brood sizes at hatching were experimentally enlarged or reduced to increase or decrease reproductive effort, respectively. We obtained an integrative measure of the oxidative balance by measuring ROS production by RBCs, intracellular antioxidant glutathione levels and membrane resistance to ROS. We found that light melanic males (the sex undertaking offspring food provisioning) produced more ROS than darker conspecifics, but only when rearing an enlarged brood. In both sexes, light melanic individuals had also a larger pool of intracellular antioxidant glutathione than darker owls under relaxed reproductive conditions (i.e. reduced brood), but not when investing substantial effort in current reproduction (enlarged brood). Finally, resistance to oxidative stress was differently affected by the brood size manipulation experiment in males and females independently of their plumage coloration. Altogether, our results support the hypothesis that reproductive effort can alter the oxidative balance in a sex- and colour-specific way. This further emphasizes the close link between melanin-based coloration and life history strategies.
Bacterial programmed cell death and quorum sensing are direct examples of prokaryote group behaviors, wherein cells coordinate their actions to function cooperatively like one organism for the benefit of the whole culture. We demonstrate here that 2-n-heptyl-4-hydroxyquinoline-N-oxide (HQNO), a Pseudomonas aeruginosa quorum-sensing-regulated low-molecular-weight excreted molecule, triggers autolysis by self-perturbing the electron transfer reactions of the cytochrome bc1 complex. HQNO induces specific self-poisoning by disrupting the flow of electrons through the respiratory chain at the cytochrome bc1 complex, causing a leak of reducing equivalents to O2 whereby electrons that would normally be passed to cytochrome c are donated directly to O2. The subsequent mass production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) reduces membrane potential and disrupts membrane integrity, causing bacterial cell autolysis and DNA release. DNA subsequently promotes biofilm formation and increases antibiotic tolerance to beta-lactams, suggesting that HQNO-dependent cell autolysis is advantageous to the bacterial populations. These data identify both a new programmed cell death system and a novel role for HQNO as a critical inducer of biofilm formation and antibiotic tolerance. This newly identified pathway suggests intriguing mechanistic similarities with the initial mitochondrial-mediated steps of eukaryotic apoptosis.
Uncoupling protein-3 (UCP3) is a member of the mitochondrial carrier family expressed preferentially in skeletal muscle and heart. It appears to be involved in metabolic handling of fatty acids in a way that minimizes excessive production of reactive oxygen species. Fatty acids are powerful regulators of UCP3 gene transcription. We have found that the role of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-α (PPARα) on the control of UCP3 gene expression depends on the tissue and developmental stage. In adults, UCP3 mRNA expression is unaltered in skeletal muscle from PPARα-null mice both in basal conditions and under the stimulus of starvation. In contrast, UCP3 mRNA is down-regulated in adult heart both in fed and fasted PPARα-null mice. This occurs despite the increased levels of free fatty acids caused by fasting in PPARα-null mice. In neonates, PPARα-null mice show impaired UCP3 mRNA expression in skeletal muscle in response to milk intake, and this is not a result of reduced free fatty acid levels. The murine UCP3 promoter is activated by fatty acids through either PPARα or PPARδ but not by PPARγ or retinoid X receptor alone. PPARδ-dependent activation could be a potential compensatory mechanism to ensure appropriate expression of UCP3 gene in adult skeletal muscle in the absence of PPARα. However, among transcripts from other PPARα and PPARδ target genes, only those acutely induced by milk intake in wild-type neonates were altered in muscle or heart from PPARα-null neonates. Thus, PPARα-dependent regulation is required for appropriate gene regulation of UCP3 as part of the subset of fatty-acid-responsive genes in neonatal muscle and heart.
CSL is a key transcription factor, mostly acting as a repressor, which has been shown to have a highly context-dependent function. While known as the main effector of Notch signaling, it can also exert Notch-independent functions. The downstream effects of the Notch/CSL signaling pathway and its involvement in several biological processes have been intensively studied. We recently showed that CSL is important to maintain skin homeostasis, as its specific deletion in mouse dermal fibroblasts -or downmodulation in human stromal fibroblasts- creates an inducing environment for squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) development, possibly due to the conversion of stromal fibroblasts into cancer associated fibroblasts (CAFs). Despite the wide interest in CSL as a transcriptional regulator, the mechanism of its own regulation has so far been neglected. We show here that CSL expression levels differ between individuals, and correlate among others with genes involved in DNA damage response. Starting from this finding we show that in dermal fibroblasts CSL is under transcriptional control of stress inducers such as UVA irradiation and Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) induction, and that a main player in CSL transcriptional regulation is the transcription factor p53. In a separate line of work, we focused on individual variability, studying the differences in gene expression between human populations in various cancer types, particularly focusing on the Caucasian and African populations. It is indeed widely known that these populations have different incidences and mortalities for various cancers, and response to cancer treatment may also vary between them. We show here several genes that are differentially expressed and could be of interest in the study of population differences in cancer. -- CSL est un facteur de transcription agissant essentiellement comme répresseur, et qui a une fonction hautement dépendant du contexte. C'est l'effecteur principal de la voie de signalisation de Notch, mais il peut également exercer ses fonctions dans une façon Notch- indépendante. Nous avons récemment montré que CSL est important pour maintenir l'homéostasie de la peau. Sa suppression spécifique dans les fibroblastes dermiques de la souris ou dans les fibroblastes stromales humaines crée un environnement favorable pour le développement du carcinome épidermoïde (SCC), probablement en raison de la conversion des fibroblastes en fibroblastes associé au cancer (CAF). Malgré le grand intérêt de CSL comme régulateur transcriptionnel, le mécanisme de sa propre régulation a été jusqu'ici négligée. Nous montrons ici que dans les fibroblastes dermiques CSL est sous le contrôle transcriptionnel de facteurs de stress tels que l'irradiation UVA et l'induction des ROS dont p53 est l'acteur principal de cette régulation. Nous montrons aussi que les niveaux d'expression de CSL varient selon les individus, en corrélation avec d'autres gènes impliqués dans la réponse aux dommages de l'ADN. Dans une autre axe de recherche, concernant la variabilité individuelle, nous avons étudié les différences dans l'expression des gènes dans différents types de cancer entre les populations humaines, en se concentrant particulièrement sur les populations africaines et caucasiennes. Il est en effet bien connu que ces populations montrent des variations dans l'incidence des cancers, la mortalité, ainsi que pour les réponses au traitement. Nous montrons ici plusieurs gènes qui sont exprimés différemment et pourraient être digne d'intérêt dans l'étude du cancer au sein de différentes populations.
Background and purpose: The TP53 induced glycolysis and apoptosis regulator (TIGAR) functions to lower fructose-2,6-bisphosphate (Fru-2,6-P2) levels in cells, consequently decreasing glycolysis and leading to the scavenging of reactive oxygen species (ROS), which correlate with a higher resistance to cell death. The decrease in intracellular ROS levels in response to TIGAR may also play a role in the ability of p53 to protect from the accumulation of genomic lesions. Given these good prospects of TIGAR for metabolic regulation and p53-response modulation, we analyzed the effects of TIGAR knockdown in U87MG and T98G glioblastoma-derived cell lines. Methods/results: After TIGAR-knockdown in glioblastoma cell lines, different metabolic parameters were assayed, showing an increase in Fru-2,6-P2, lactate and ROS levels, with a concomitant decrease in reduced glutathione (GSH) levels. In addition, cell growth was inhibited without evidence of apoptotic or autophagic cell death. In contrast, a clear senescent phenotype was observed. We also found that TIGAR protein levels were increased shortly after irradiation. In addition, avoiding radiotherapy-triggered TIGAR induction by gene silencing resulted in the loss of capacity of glioblastoma cells to form colonies in culture and the delay of DNA repair mechanisms, based in c-H2AX foci, leading cells to undergo morphological changes compatible with a senescent phenotype. Thus, the results obtained raised the possibility to consider TIGAR as a therapeutic target to increase radiotherapy effects. Conclusion: TIGAR abrogation provides a novel adjunctive therapeutic strategy against glial tumors by increasing radiation-induced cell impairment, thus allowing the use of lower radiotherapeutic doses.
Dispersal, i.e. individual movement between breeding sites, is a key process for metapopulation dynamics and gene flow. Its success can be modulated by phenotypic differences between dispersing and philopatric individuals, or dispersal syndromes. However, the environmental (external) and physiological (internal) constraints underlying such syndromes remain poorly known. This project aimed at clarifying the impact of environmental variation and oxidative constraints, linked to the reactive oxygen species produced during respiration, on phenotypes associated to dispersal in a passerine bird, the collared flycatcher Ficedula albicollis. Energetic demand was experimentally (i) increased through a wing load manipulation or (ii) relieved through food supplementation. The oxidative balance of breeding flycatchers was influenced by complex interactions of dispersal status and extrinsic factors (breeding density, year, experimental treatments). Interestingly, antioxidant capacity was influenced both by permanent individual differences and by food availability, whereas measures of pro-oxidants were highly variables within individuals. Environmental variation and energetic constraints also modulated the differences in reproduction associated with dispersal: dispersing and philopatric birds differ in their management of the oxidative balance when it is competing with reproductive investment. This thesis highlights that reaction norms, rather than fixed differences, often shape traits associated to dispersal. ----- Le déplacement d'un individu entre sites de reproduction, ou dispersion, est un processus clé pour la dynamique des métapopulations et les flux de gènes. Son succès peut être modulé par des différences de phénotype, ou syndromes de dispersion. Cependant, les contraintes environnementales et physiologiques qui sous-tendent ces syndromes restent mal connues. Ce projet vise à clarifier l'impact des variations environnementales et des contraintes oxydatives (liées aux espèces réactives de l'oxygène produites durant la respiration) sur les phénotypes associés à la dispersion chez un passereau, le gobemouche à collier Ficedula albicollis. La demande énergétique a été expérimentalement (i) augmentée en manipulant la surface alaire ou (ii) diminuée par une supplémentation en nourriture. L'équilibre oxydo-réducteur des gobemouches en reproduction est influencé par des interactions complexes entre statut de dispersion et facteurs extrinsèques (densité de couples reproducteurs, année, traitement expérimental). La capacité antioxydante dépend principalement de différences permanentes entre individus, alors que les pro-oxydants présentent de grandes variations intra-individu. Environnement et contraintes énergétiques modulent aussi les différences de reproduction liées à la dispersion : les oiseaux dispersants et philopatriques diffèrent dans leur gestion de l'équilibre oxydo-réducteur lorsqu'il est en compétition avec l'investissement reproducteur. Ce travail souligne que les traits associés à la dispersion sont souvent déterminés par des normes de réaction à l'environnement et non des différences fixées entre individus.