964 resultados para Orchid mature seeds
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The objective of this study was to analyze the germination of seeds of Albizia hassleri under different temperatures. A completely random design arranged as a split plot for temperatures regimes, with 11 seed lots and four replications of 15 seeds was used. The plot was represented by the various lots and the sub plots for different temperatures. The means were compared by Scott-Knott test at 5% probability. The temperatures used were: a) constant: 20, 25 and 30 degrees C, and b) alternating: 20-30 and 25-35 degrees C. For all 11 seed lots the mean germination was 90%, speed germination index (IVG) was 5.059, fresh matter of seedlings (MMF) was 0.0628 g and dry matter (MMS) 0.0499 g. The variation coefficient (CV) between plots ranged from 8.48% for germination to 51.71% for dry matter of seedlings and sub plot of 6.77% to 60.45% for germination and MMS. These high values of CV, tested for MMS and MMF, indicate low repeatability of results within each treatment. In general, the IVG obtained at temperatures of 20 and 25 degrees C was lower than those in temperatures of 30, 20-30 and 25-35 degrees C. The best temperature for IVG was the alternating 25-35 degrees C and constant 30 degrees C. The germination test can be conducted at 30, 20-30 and 25-35 degrees C for 19 days.
The slow and uneven germination of Syagrus oleracea seeds represents a problem for its propagation, especially for commercial production. This work aimed to study the effects of substrate and mechanical scarification on the germination of S. oleracea seeds. Germination (% G), emergence rate (ER), leaf area (cm(2)), root length (cm), leaf dry mass (g) and root dry mass (g) were also determined. Non-scarified seeds sown in vermiculite germinated faster and showed higher germination (65%), as well as greater root length (16.55 cm). leaf dry mass (5.07 g) and root dry mass (12.41 g), when compared to the scarified seeds.
Syagrus picrophylla belongs to the Arecaceae family. Its propagation is made by seeds; however there is a lack of information in the literature about its seed germination. The objective of this work was to evaluate the effects of temperature and scarification on the germination of S. picrophylla seeds. The experiment was carried out at the State University of São Paulo, Jaboticabal Campus, Brazil. The experimental design was entirely randomized in a factorial arrangement 5 x 2 (five temperature conditions combined with or without mechanical scarification. The number of germinated seeds that showed primary root protrusion was noted daily, and when the germination was stabilized, the germination (%G) and germination rate (GR) were calculated. The analysis of variance (ANOVA) was carried out for means comparing by the Tukey test at 5% confidence level. It was concluded that the greatest %G were obtained at 20-30 degrees C (62%) and 25-35 degrees C (59%) alternated temperatures; %G and GR were similar for both scarified and non-scarified seeds, and there was a faster germination at 20-30 degrees C alternated temperature.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Dypsis leptocheilos is highly valued as an ornamental palm. Its propagation is done by seeds; however, there is little information about this process. The objective of this work was to study the substrate and temperature effects on the germination of D. leptocheilos seeds. The experiments were carried out at FCAV/UNESP, Campus of Jaboticabal, São Paulo State, Brazil. In order to study the substrate effects, four treatments were arranged (coconut fiber, sand, vermiculite and Plantmax (R)) at 30 degrees C. For the temperature effects, six treatments were performed (temperature at laboratory conditions (21.5 degrees C and 72% RU), 25 degrees C, 30 degrees C, 35 degrees C, 20-30 degrees C and 25-35 degrees C), having the coconut fiber as the substrate. The experimental design was completely randomized, with four replicates of 25 disseminules per plot (seeds with attached endocarp). Water replacement was managed to maintain 100% of the retention capacity of the substrates. The germination tests were observed every two days, and conducted over 148 days for the substrate effects, and over 152 days for the temperature effects, when no more seed germination was noted. In order to determine the germination percentage (% G) and the Germination Speed Index (GSI), the seed was considered germinated when the germinative button appeared. At the end of the experiments, leaf area (cm(2)), root and shoot length (cm), root and shoot dry mass (g) were also obtained. Statistical analysis was performed and means were compared by the Tukey test. Germination rate and speed in coconut fiber was higher at 25 and 30 degrees C. However, when other substrates were tested at 30 degrees C, the highest germination percentage was observed in vermiculite, which also sustained better results for the seed germination and for the characteristics related to shoots and roots.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Dypsis leptocheilos (Hodel) Beentje & J. Dransf. palms are widely used in landscaping, however there is a lack of studies about its biology, especially on the morphology of its seedling disseminules and the ideal seed storage time without loss of viability. The objectives of this work were to describe the morphological aspects and to study the storage effect on the germination of D. leptocheilos seeds. The experiments were performed at FCAV/UNESP, Jaboticabal Campus, São Paulo State, Brazil. In order to obtain a morphology description 100 disseminules were sowed in vermiculite. The external and internal sides of the disseminules as well as the representative phases of the germination process were sketched with the help of a light chamber attached to a stereomicroscope. Five treatments were arranged in order to study the storage effects on the seeds (four months of storage and straight after harvest), with four replicates with 25 disseminules each (seeds with attached endocarp) in a completely randomized design. The germination test was conducted over a 140 days period and noted every two days. In order to calculate the germination percentage (% G) and the Germination Speed Index (GSI), the seeds were considered germinated when the germinative button appeared. The data were submitted to a polynomial regression analysis to verify the behavior of the variables over the storage period. The D. leptocheilos seeds have rounded shape, ruminate endosperm and hard consistency. The embryo is lateral, peripheral and relatively undifferentiated, with approximately 3 mm long and conical shape. The germination percentage increased from 17% for seeds sowed straight after harvest to 73% for those stored over a three-month period. For the GSI the increase was about 0.85%. It was concluded that the germination of D. leptocheilos is of an adjacent ligulate type. Furthermore, the seeds stored for 3 months at 14 degrees C showed both higher percentage and germination speed.
The electrical conductivity test is still an excellent tool to evaluate the effect of seeds of various forest and agricultural species and recent studies have been conducted aiming at verifying its application in forest seeds. The objective of this study was to establish a specific methodology to test the electrical conductivity of forest seeds of Zeyheria tuberculosis. Four lots of seeds were used, which were submitted to the germination test, evaluating the percentage of germination, germination speed index and dry mass of seedlings. For the electrical conductivity test, five replicates of 20 seeds installed in three volumes of deionized water (75, 100 and 125 mL) were used and eight periods for seed imbibitions (2, 4, 6, 12, 18, 24, 48 and 72 hour) at 25 degrees C were allowed. The statistical design used was completely random; the comparison of means was performed by Tukey test at 5 % probability. Lot II showed higher germination percentage and speed. The electrical conductivity test allows discrimination of the same batch by the germination test under laboratory conditions. It was possible to separate the seed lot presenting better physiological quality (lot II) from among the other lots. It was recommended the use of 75 or 125 mL of deionized water at a temperature of 25 degrees C to perform the electrical conductivity test.
A lichia é considerada em todo o mundo como a rainha das frutas, por sua aparência e sabor delicado. Atualmente, a cultura vem despertando interesse, principalmente no Estado de São Paulo, onde, em virtude dos problemas enfrentados pelos agricultores, destacando-se os de laranja e cana-de-açúcar, a procura por alternativas agrícolas vem se intensificando ainda mais. A propagação através de sementes não é recomendada comercialmente, pois as plantas de pé-franco são geneticamente muito desuniformes e apresentam período juvenil muito longo, demorando até 10 anos para entrar em produção; no entanto, a semente pode ser utilizada para a obtenção de porta-enxertos. Observou-se que a germinação de sementes de lichia ocorre rapidamente, reforçando a importância do uso de um substrato adequado. Pela análise dos resultados obtidos, verifica-se que o substrato que aparentemente permitiu as melhores combinações de água e disponibilidade de oxigênio para as sementes - casca de arroz carbonizada e areia lavada, foi o que proporcionou valores de germinação mais rápidos e mais altos.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
A jabuticabeira (Myrciaria spp.) é uma fruteira originada do centro-Sul do Brasil e apresenta tipos diferentes. É uma árvore de tamanho médio, com tendência a formar copa com grande número de ramos desde pouco acima do solo. Uma característica considerada como limitante para a cultura comercial dessa frutífera é o grande período juvenil, aconselhando-se então produzir bons porta-enxertos de pés-francos e enxertar as variedades desejadas, ou ainda por outros processos vegetativos. Objetivando-se avaliar a influência da temperatura na germinação de sementes de três clones de jabuticabeira, realizou-se um experimento em condições de laboratório. Observou-se que há influência da temperatura na porcentagem de germinação, sendo que, nas mais baixas temperaturas (15ºC e 20ºC), foi verificada uma maior porcentagem de germinação para os três clones em estudo. Quando do uso da temperatura de 35ºC, dois clones tiveram apenas 8% de germinação, enquanto, para o outro, foi verificado 35%. Estes dados mostram a possibilidade de ocorrência de variabilidade entre clones de jabuticabeira.