972 resultados para One cycle control


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In this paper, the optimal design of an active flow control device; Shock Control Bump (SCB) on suction and pressure sides of transonic aerofoil to reduce transonic total drag is investigated. Two optimisation test cases are conducted using different advanced Evolutionary Algorithms (EAs); the first optimiser is the Hierarchical Asynchronous Parallel Evolutionary Algorithm (HAPMOEA) based on canonical Evolutionary Strategies (ES). The second optimiser is the HAPMOEA is hybridised with one of well-known Game Strategies; Nash-Game. Numerical results show that SCB significantly reduces the drag by 30% when compared to the baseline design. In addition, the use of a Nash-Game strategy as a pre-conditioner of global control saves computational cost up to 90% when compared to the first optimiser HAPMOEA.


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Spectrum sensing is considered to be one of the most important tasks in cognitive radio. Many sensing detectors have been proposed in the literature, with the common assumption that the primary user is either fully present or completely absent within the window of observation. In reality, there are scenarios where the primary user signal only occupies a fraction of the observed window. This paper aims to analyse the effect of the primary user duty cycle on spectrum sensing performance through the analysis of a few common detectors. Simulations show that the probability of detection degrades severely with reduced duty cycle regardless of the detection method. Furthermore we show that reducing the duty cycle has a greater degradation on performance than lowering the signal strength.


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The present paper focuses on some interesting classes of process-control games, where winning essentially means successfully controlling the process. A master for one of these games is an agent who plays a winning strategy. In this paper we investigate situations in which even a complete model (given by a program) of a particular game does not provide enough information to synthesize—even incrementally—a winning strategy. However, if in addition to getting a program, a machine may also watch masters play winning strategies, then the machine is able to incrementally learn a winning strategy for the given game. Studied are successful learning from arbitrary masters and from pedagogically useful selected masters. It is shown that selected masters are strictly more helpful for learning than are arbitrary masters. Both for learning from arbitrary masters and for learning from selected masters, though, there are cases where one can learn programs for winning strategies from masters but not if one is required to learn a program for the master's strategy itself. Both for learning from arbitrary masters and for learning from selected masters, one can learn strictly more by watching m+1 masters than one can learn by watching only m. Last, a simulation result is presented where the presence of a selected master reduces the complexity from infinitely many semantic mind changes to finitely many syntactic ones.


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The joints of a humanoid robot experience disturbances of markedly different magnitudes during the course of a walking gait. Consequently, simple feedback control techniques poorly track desired joint trajectories. This paper explores the addition of a control system inspired by the architecture of the cerebellum to improve system response. This system learns to compensate the changes in load that occur during a cycle of motion. The joint compensation scheme, called Trajectory Error Learning, augments the existing feedback control loop on a humanoid robot. The results from tests on the GuRoo platform show an improvement in system response for the system when augmented with the cerebellar compensator.


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This paper presents a novel approach to road-traffic control for interconnected junctions. With a local fuzzy-logic controller (FLC) installed at each junction, a dynamic-programming (DP) technique is proposed to derive the green time for each phase in a traffic-light cycle. Coordination parameters from the adjacent junctions are also taken into consideration so that organized control is extended beyond a single junction. Instead of pursuing the absolute optimization of traffic delay, this study examines a practical approach to enable the simple implementation of coordination among junctions, while attempting to reduce delays, if possible. The simulation results show that the delay per vehicle can be substantially reduced, particularly when the traffic demand reaches the junction capacity. The implementation of this controller does not require complicated or demanding hardware, and such simplicity makes it a useful tool for offline studies or realtime control purposes.


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With daily commercial and social activity in cities, regulation of train service in mass rapid transit railways is necessary to maintain service and passenger flow. Dwell-time adjustment at stations is one commonly used approach to regulation of train service, but its control space is very limited. Coasting control is a viable means of meeting the specific run-time in an inter-station run. The current practice is to start coasting at a fixed distance from the departed station. Hence, it is only optimal with respect to a nominal operational condition of the train schedule, but not the current service demand. The advantage of coasting can only be fully secured when coasting points are determined in real-time. However, identifying the necessary starting point(s) for coasting under the constraints of current service conditions is no simple task as train movement is governed by a large number of factors. The feasibility and performance of classical and heuristic searching measures in locating coasting point(s) is studied with the aid of a single train simulator, according to specified inter-station run times.


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The Mobile Emissions Assessment System for Urban and Regional Evaluation (MEASURE) model provides an external validation capability for hot stabilized option; the model is one of several new modal emissions models designed to predict hot stabilized emission rates for various motor vehicle groups as a function of the conditions under which the vehicles are operating. The validation of aggregate measurements, such as speed and acceleration profile, is performed on an independent data set using three statistical criteria. The MEASURE algorithms have proved to provide significant improvements in both average emission estimates and explanatory power over some earlier models for pollutants across almost every operating cycle tested.


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Design teams are confronted with the quandary of choosing apposite building control systems to suit the needs of particular intelligent building projects, due to the availability of innumerable ‘intelligent’ building products and a dearth of inclusive evaluation tools. This paper is organised to develop a model for facilitating the selection evaluation for intelligent HVAC control systems for commercial intelligent buildings. To achieve these objectives, systematic research activities have been conducted to first develop, test and refine the general conceptual model using consecutive surveys; then, to convert the developed conceptual framework into a practical model; and, finally, to evaluate the effectiveness of the model by means of expert validation. The results of the surveys are that ‘total energy use’ is perceived as the top selection criterion, followed by the‘system reliability and stability’, ‘operating and maintenance costs’, and ‘control of indoor humidity and temperature’. This research not only presents a systematic and structured approach to evaluate candidate intelligent HVAC control system against the critical selection criteria (CSC), but it also suggests a benchmark for the selection of one control system candidate against another.


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Fuzzy logic has been applied to control traffic at road junctions. A simple controller with one fixed rule-set is inadequate to minimise delays when traffic flow rate is time-varying and likely to span a wide range. To achieve better control, fuzzy rules adapted to the current traffic conditions are used.


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The design of high-rise building is more often dictated by its serviceability rather than strength. Structural Engineers are always striving to overcome challenges of controlling lateral deflection and storey drifts as well as self weight of structure imposed on foundation. One of the most effective techniques is the use of outrigger and belt truss system in Composite structures that can astutely solve the above two issues in High-rise constructions. This paper investigates deflection control by effective utilisation of belt truss and outrigger system on a 60-storey composite building subjected to wind loads. A three dimensional Finite Element Analysis is performed with one, two and three outrigger levels. The reductions in deflection are 34 percent, 42 percent and 51 percent respectively as compared to a model without any outrigger system. There is an appreciable decline in the storey drifts with the introduction of these stiffer arrangements.


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For a mobile robot to operate autonomously in real-world environments, it must have an effective control system and a navigation system capable of providing robust localization, path planning and path execution. In this paper we describe the work investigating synergies between mapping and control systems. We have integrated development of a control system for navigating mobile robots and a robot SLAM system. The control system is hybrid in nature and tightly coupled with the SLAM system; it uses a combination of high and low level deliberative and reactive control processes to perform obstacle avoidance, exploration, global navigation and recharging, and draws upon the map learning and localization capabilities of the SLAM system. The effectiveness of this hybrid, multi-level approach was evaluated in the context of a delivery robot scenario. Over a period of two weeks the robot performed 1143 delivery tasks to 11 different locations with only one delivery failure (from which it recovered), travelled a total distance of more than 40km, and recharged autonomously a total of 23 times. In this paper we describe the combined control and SLAM system and discuss insights gained from its successful application in a real-world context.


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Balancing between the provision of high quality of service and running within a tight budget is one of the biggest challenges for most metro railway operators around the world. Conventionally, one possible approach for the operator to adjust the time schedule is to alter the stop time at stations, if other system constraints, such as traction equipment characteristic, are not taken into account. Yet it is not an effective, flexible and economical method because the run-time of a train simply cannot be extended without limitation, and a balance between run-time and energy consumption has to be maintained. Modification or installation of a new signalling system not only increases the capital cost, but also affects the normal train service. Therefore, in order to procure a more effective, flexible and economical means to improve the quality of service, optimisation of train performance by coasting point identification has become more attractive and popular. However, identifying the necessary starting points for coasting under the constraints of current service conditions is no simple task because train movement is attributed by a large number of factors, most of which are non-linear and inter-dependent. This paper presents an application of genetic algorithms (GA) to search for the appropriate coasting points and investigates the possible improvement on computation time and fitness of genes.


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This paper introduces an event-based traffic model for railway systems adopting fixed-block signalling schemes. In this model, the events of trains' arrival at and departure from signalling blocks constitute the states of the traffic flow. A state transition is equivalent to the progress of the trains by one signalling block and it is realised by referring to past and present states, as well as a number of pre-calculated look-up tables of run-times in the signalling block under various signalling conditions. Simulation results are compared with those from a time-based multi-train simulator to study the improvement of processing time and accuracy.