976 resultados para Obstetrics and gynecology


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Menorrhagia, or heavy menstrual bleeding (HMB), is a common gynaecological condition. As the aim of treatment is to improve women's wellbeing and quality of life (QoL), it is necessary to have effective ways to measure this. This study investigated the reliability and validity of the menorrhagia multi-attribute scale (MMAS), a menorrhagia-specific QoL instrument. Participants (n = 431) completed the MMAS and a battery of other tests as part of the baseline assessment of the ECLIPSE (Effectiveness and Cost-effectiveness of Levonorgestrel-containing Intrauterine system in Primary care against Standard trEatment for menorrhagia) trial. Analyses of their responses suggest that the MMAS has good measurement properties and is therefore an appropriate condition-specific instrument to measure the outcome of treatment for HMB. © 2011 The Authors BJOG An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology © 2011 RCOG.


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Antecedentes. La incontinencia urinaria de esfuerzo (IUE) es el tipo más común en mujeres, no es una enfermedad que ponga en peligro la vida del paciente, pero deteriora significativamente la calidad de vida. Objetivo: Establecer la prevalencia y factores de riesgo de la IUE en mujeres que fueron atendidas en consulta externa de Urología y Ginecología del Hospital Vicente Corral Moscoso. Material y métodos. Con un diseño transversal se recopiló información de las historias clínicas de 2418 mujeres atendidas en el período enero 2012 a diciembre 2014. Se describen características demográficas y se analiza: multiparidad, edad mayor a 45 años, obesidad y diabetes, como factores de IUE. Resultados. El 52.4% (n = 1268) de la población de estudio fue mayor a los 45 años, 88% (n = 2128) multíparas, 28.2% (n = 682) obesas y el 11.1% (n = 268) diabéticas. La prevalencia de la IUE fue del 10.3%. Se encontró asociación significativa de la IUE con: multiparidad [OR 2.2 (IC95% 1.3 – 3.8)] P = 0.002, edad mayor a 45 años [OR 1.8 (IC95% 1.4 – 2.4)] P < 0.001 y obesidad [OR 1.5 (IC95% 1.2 – 2.0)] P = 0.001. No se encontró asociación con la diabetes [OR 0.9 (IC95% 0.6 – 1.4)] P = 0.880. Conclusión. Las características de la población de estudio fueron similares a las reportadas por la literatura médica. La no asociación con diabetes se explicaría por la baja prevalencia global de IUE en pacientes diabéticos mayores de 65 años


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In questo lavoro di tesi vengono prese in esame le principali anomalie cerebrali fetali a carico del complesso anteriore, formato dal cavo del setto pellucido e dai corni frontali dei ventricoli laterali. Si è poi concentrata l’attenzione sull’oloprosencefalia e sull’obliterazione del cavo del setto pellucido, analizzando i casi che sono stati riferiti c/o la U.O. di Ostetricia e Medicina dell’Età Prenatale del Policlinico di S. Orsola – IRCCS. L’oloprosencefalia racchiude in sé uno spettro di anomalie cerebrali caratterizzate da un difetto di formazione della linea mediana con forme variabili di fusione degli emisferi cerebrali. Le forme alobari mostrano una distorsione della anatomia cerebrale, con un singolo ventricolo e sono spesso associate ad anomalie extracerebrali e del cariotipo. Nelle forme semilobari e lobari il setto pellucido è generalmente assente nei piani assiali, con corni frontali fusi ed ipoplasici, ma queste caratteristiche possono essere di difficile interpretazione ad un esame di screening. Le anomalie facciali sono invece più sfuggenti. L’obliterazione del cavo del setto consiste in un suo aspetto ecogeno, normalmente disteso da fluido; è ritenuta una variante della norma, ma queste conclusioni sono basate su casistiche limitate. Anche in questo caso abbiamo riportato l’eventuale presenza di anomalie associate ed abbiamo poi rivalutato questi bambini mediante una visita specialistica presso la U.O. di Neuropsichiatria Infantile. Nella nostra esperienza di 16 casi, la neurosonografia è stata in grado di definire la presenza o meno di anomalie cerebrali associate (1 caso di cisti interemisferiche e corpo calloso disgenetico) al pari della risonanza magnetica. Nei casi apparentemente isolati, in circa il 20% tale reperto è stato transitorio nel corso della gravidanza e non sono state riportate anomalie del cariotipo. Tutte le visite di follow up eseguite nel contesto dello studio (risultati parziali di 7/15 bambini) hanno dimostrato uno sviluppo nella norma per l’età del bambino.


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Objective To find a correlation between cerebral symptoms at birth and abnormalities found at anomaly scan, through the analysis of sensitivity of the anomaly scan in the prediction of severe CMV neonatal disease. Methods - Design, Setting, Population This was a retrospective collection of all cases of primary congenital CMV infection reported in our unit (Obstetrics and Perinatal Medicine, Policlinico di S Orsola, IRCSS, Bologna) over a period of 9 years (2013–2022). Only cases of fetal infection following confirmed maternal primary infection in the first trimester (MPI) and newborns with confirmed CMV infection on blood/saliva or urine were included. Results Between 2014 and 2022, 69 fetuses had an antenatal diagnosis of primary CMV infection. The infection occurred after MPI in the first, second, and third trimester in 63.7% (43/69), 27.5% (19/69), and 10% (7/69) of cases, respectively. Second-trimester assessment by anomaly scan was abnormal in 10/69 (15%) fetuses: 5/69 (7%) had an extracerebral STA and 5/69 (7%) had a cerebral STA. Normal anomaly scan was found in 59/69 (86%) fetuses. When looking at all fetuses infected in the first trimester, 12.5% (5/40) underwent TOP and 45% (18/40) had symptoms at birth. A mean follow-up of 22.4 months (range 12–48 months) was available for 68/69 (99%) live born neonates. Conclusion Anomaly scan results to have a predictive positive value of 67% fetuses infected in the first trimester. Serial assessment by ultrasound is necessary to predict the risk of sequelae occurring in 35% following fetal infection in the first trimester of pregnancy. This combined evaluation by US and trimester of infection should be useful when counselling on the prognosis of cCMV infection.


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There is a considerable body of new information on Gynecology and Obstetrics. To aid in keeping gynecologists updated, renowned periodicals publish review articles. Review articles enable the reader to obtain the best evidence for clinical or research issues from several individual articles. This enables the professional to make clinical decisions in the light of current knowledge. The different types of reviews and database that may be used for the elaboration of reviews are discussed in the present article. It is suggested that future reviews on Gynecology and Obstetrics include articles published in other idioms apart from English and that a larger number of database is researched. Thus, reviews will be not only more inclusive but more representative of the international literature.