516 resultados para OLIGOMERS


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We have synthesized and characterized a family of structured oligo-N-substituted-glycines (peptoids) up to 36 residues in length by using an efficient solid-phase protocol to incorporate chemically diverse side chains in a sequence-specific fashion. We investigated polypeptoids containing side chains with a chiral center adjacent to the main chain nitrogen. Some of these sequences have stable secondary structure, despite the achirality of the polymer backbone and its lack of hydrogen bond donors. In both aqueous and organic solvents, peptoid oligomers as short as five residues give rise to CD spectra that strongly resemble those of peptide α-helices. Differential scanning calorimetry and CD measurements show that polypeptoid secondary structure is highly stable and that unfolding is reversible and cooperative. Thermodynamic parameters obtained for unfolding are similar to those obtained for the α-helix to coil transitions of peptides. This class of biomimetic polymers may enable the design of self-assembling macromolecules with novel structures and functions.


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The transactivation activity of the p53 tumor suppressor protein is critical for regulating cell growth and apoptosis. We describe the identification of a transcription factor that is functionally similar to p53 and contains the same DNA binding and transcription activities specific for the p53 responsive DNA element (p53RE). This protein was highly purified through chromatography from HeLa cell extracts. The purified protein was able to bind specifically to the p53RE derived from a p21waf1 promoter and to stimulate p53RE-dependent transcription but not basal transcription in vitro. Its DNA-binding activity was inhibited by the wild type but not mutant p53RE-containing DNA oligomers. Also, this p53RE-binding activity was found in human p53 null Saos-2 osteosarcoma and H1299 small cell lung carcinoma cells. Interestingly, this activity exhibited a p53RE sequence preference that was distinct from the p53 protein. The activity is neither p53 nor p73, because anti-p53 or anti-73 antibodies were unable to detect this purified protein nor were the antibodies able to alter the p53-like activity, the p53RE-protein complex. These results demonstrate that, besides p73, an additional p53-like protein exists in cells, which is named NBP for non-p53, p53RE binding protein.


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The crystal structure of the RNA dodecamer 5′-GGCC(GAAA)GGCC-3′ has been determined from x-ray diffraction data to 2.3-Å resolution. In the crystal, these oligomers form double helices around twofold symmetry axes. Four consecutive non-Watson–Crick base pairs make up an internal loop in the middle of the duplex, including sheared G·A pairs and novel asymmetric A·A pairs. This internal loop sequence produces a significant curvature and narrowing of the double helix. The helix is curved by 34° from end to end and the diameter is narrowed by 24% in the internal loop. A Mn2+ ion is bound directly to the N7 of the first guanine in the Watson–Crick region following the internal loop and the phosphate of the preceding residue. This Mn2+ location corresponds to a metal binding site observed in the hammerhead catalytic RNA.


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Within hours after the ingestion of a blood meal, the mosquito midgut epithelium synthesizes a chitinous sac, the peritrophic matrix. Plasmodium ookinetes traverse the peritrophic matrix while escaping the mosquito midgut. Chitinases (EC are critical for parasite invasion of the midgut: the presence of the chitinase inhibitor, allosamidin, in an infectious blood meal prevents oocyst development. A chitinase gene, PgCHT1, recently has been identified in the avian malaria parasite P. gallinaceum. We used the sequence of PgCHT1 to identify a P. falciparum chitinase gene, PfCHT1, in the P. falciparum genome database. PfCHT1 differs from PgCHT1 in that the P. falciparum gene lacks proenzyme and chitin-binding domains. PfCHT1 was expressed as an active recombinant enzyme in Escherichia coli. PfCHT1 shares with PgCHT1 a substrate preference unique to Plasmodium chitinases: the enzymes cleave tri- and tetramers of GlcNAc from penta- and hexameric oligomers and are unable to cleave smaller native chitin oligosaccharides. The pH activity profile of PfCHT1 and its IC50 (40 nM) to allosamidin are distinct from endochitinase activities secreted by P. gallinaceum ookinetes. Homology modeling predicts that PgCHT1 has a novel pocket in the catalytic active site that PfCHT1 lacks, which may explain the differential sensitivity of PfCHT1 and PgCHT1 to allosamidin. PfCHT1 may be the ortholog of a second, as yet unidentified, chitinase gene of P. gallinaceum. These results may allow us to develop novel strategies of blocking human malaria transmission based on interfering with P. falciparum chitinase.


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It has previously been reported that 1,N6-ethenoadenine (ɛA), deaminated adenine (hypoxanthine, Hx), and 7,8-dihydro-8-oxoguanine (8-oxoG), but not 3,N4-ethenocytosine (ɛC), are released from DNA in vitro by the DNA repair enzyme alkylpurine-DNA-N-glycosylase (APNG). To assess the potential contribution of APNG to the repair of each of these mutagenic lesions in vivo, we have used cell-free extracts of tissues from APNG-null mutant mice and wild-type controls. The ability of these extracts to cleave defined oligomers containing a single modified base was determined. The results showed that both testes and liver cells of these knockout mice completely lacked activity toward oligonucleotides containing ɛA and Hx, but retained wild-type levels of activity for ɛC and 8-oxoG. These findings indicate that (i) the previously identified ɛA-DNA glycosylase and Hx-DNA glycosylase activities are functions of APNG; (ii) the two structurally closely related mutagenic adducts ɛA and ɛC are repaired by separate gene products; and (iii) APNG does not contribute detectably to the repair of 8-oxoG.


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The correlation between telomerase activity and human tumors has led to the hypothesis that tumor growth requires reactivation of telomerase and that telomerase inhibitors represent a class of chemotherapeutic agents. Herein, we examine the effects of inhibition of telomerase inside human cells. Peptide nucleic acid and 2′-O-MeRNA oligomers inhibit telomerase, leading to progressive telomere shortening and causing immortal human breast epithelial cells to undergo apoptosis with increasing frequency until no cells remain. Telomere shortening is reversible: if inhibitor addition is terminated, telomeres regain their initial lengths. Our results validate telomerase as a target for the discovery of anticancer drugs and supply general insights into the properties that successful agents will require regardless of chemical type. Chemically similar oligonucleotides are in clinical trials and have well characterized pharmacokinetics, making the inhibitors we describe practical lead compounds for testing for an antitelomerase chemotherapeutic strategy.


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Vpu is an 81-residue membrane protein encoded by the HIV-1 genome. NMR experiments show that the protein folds into two distinct domains, a transmembrane hydrophobic helix and a cytoplasmic domain with two in-plane amphipathic α-helices separated by a linker region. Resonances in one-dimensional solid-state NMR spectra of uniformly 15N labeled Vpu are clearly segregated into two bands at chemical shift frequencies associated with NH bonds in a transmembrane α-helix, perpendicular to the membrane surface, and with NH bonds in the cytoplasmic helices parallel to the membrane surface. Solid-state NMR spectra of truncated Vpu2–51 (residues 2–51), which contains the transmembrane α-helix and the first amphipathic helix of the cytoplasmic domain, and of a construct Vpu28–81 (residues 28–81), which contains only the cytoplasmic domain, support this structural model of Vpu in the membrane. Full-length Vpu (residues 2–81) forms discrete ion-conducting channels of heterogeneous conductance in lipid bilayers. The most frequent conductances were 22 ± 3 pS and 12 ± 3 pS in 0.5 M KCl and 29 ± 3 pS and 12 ± 3 pS in 0.5 M NaCl. In agreement with the structural model, truncated Vpu2–51, which has the transmembrane helix, forms discrete channels in lipid bilayers, whereas the cytoplasmic domain Vpu28–81, which lacks the transmembrane helix, does not. This finding shows that the channel activity is associated with the transmembrane helical domain. The pattern of channel activity is characteristic of the self-assembly of conductive oligomers in the membrane and is compatible with the structural and functional findings.


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The influenza A virus M2 integral membrane protein is an ion channel that permits protons to enter virus particles during uncoating of virions in endosomes and also modulates the pH of the trans-Golgi network in virus-infected cells. The M2 protein is a homo-oligomer of 97 residues, and analysis by chemical cross-linking and SDS/PAGE indicates M2 forms a tetramer. However, a higher order molecular form is sometimes observed and, thus, it is necessary to determine the active form of the molecule. This was done by studying the currents of oocytes that expressed mixtures of the wild-type M2 protein (epitope tagged) and the mutant protein M2-V27S, which is resistant to the inhibitor amantadine. The composition of mixed oligomers of the two proteins expressed at the plasma membrane of individual oocytes was quantified after antibody capture of the cell surface expressed molecules and it was found that the subunits mixed freely. When the ratio of wild-type to mutant protein subunits was 0.85:0.15, the amantadine sensitivity was reduced to 50% and for a ratio of 0.71:0.29 to 20%. These results are consistent with the amantadine-resistant mutant being dominant and the oligomeric state being a tetramer.


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Pathogenic mutations in presenilin 1 (PS1) are associated with ≈50% of early-onset familial Alzheimer disease. PS1 is endoproteolytically cleaved to yield a 30-kDa N-terminal fragment (NTF) and an 18-kDa C-terminal fragment (CTF). Using COS7 cells transfected with human PS1, we have found that phorbol 12,13-dibutyrate and forskolin increase the state of phosphorylation of serine residues of the human CTF. Phosphorylation of the human CTF resulted in a shift in electrophoretic mobility from a single major species of 18 kDa to a doublet of 20–23 kDa. This mobility shift was also observed with human PS1 that had been transfected into mouse neuroblastoma (N2a) cells. Treatment of the phosphorylated CTF doublet with phage λ protein phosphatase eliminated the 20- to 23-kDa doublet while enhancing the 18-kDa species, consistent with the interpretation that the electrophoretic mobility shift was due to the addition of phosphate to the 18-kDa species. The NTF and CTF eluted from a gel filtration column at an estimated mass of over 100 kDa, suggesting that these fragments exist as an oligomerized species. Upon phosphorylation of the PS1 CTF, the apparent mass of the NTF- or CTF-containing oligomers was unchanged. Thus, the association of PS1 fragments may be maintained during cycles of phosphorylation/dephosphorylation of the PS1 CTF.


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Bcl-2 is the prototypical member of a large family of apoptosis-regulating proteins, consisting of blockers and promoters of cell death. The three-dimensional structure of a Bcl-2 homologue, Bcl-XL, suggests striking similarity to the pore-forming domains of diphtheria toxin and the bacterial colicins, prompting exploration of whether Bcl-2 is capable of forming pores in lipid membranes. Using chloride efflux from KCl-loaded unilamellar lipid vesicles as an assay, purified recombinant Bcl-2 protein exhibited pore-forming activity with properties similar to those of the bacterial toxins, diphtheria toxin, and colicins, i.e., dependence on low pH and acidic lipid membranes. In contrast, a mutant of Bcl-2 lacking the two core hydrophobic α-helices (helices 5 and 6), predicted to be required for membrane insertion and channel formation, produced only nonspecific effects. In planar lipid bilayers, where detection of single channels is possible, Bcl-2 formed discrete ion-conducting, cation-selective channels, whereas the Bcl-2 (Δh5, 6) mutant did not. The most frequent conductance observed (18 ± 2 pS in 0.5 M KCl at pH 7.4) is consistent with a four-helix bundle structure arising from Bcl-2 dimers. However, larger channel conductances (41 ± 2 pS and 90 ± 10 pS) also were detected with progressively lower occurrence, implying the step-wise formation of larger oligomers of Bcl-2 in membranes. These findings thus provide biophysical evidence that Bcl-2 forms channels in lipid membranes, suggesting a novel function for this antiapoptotic protein.


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The oligomerization of activated d- and l- and racemic guanosine-5′-phosphoro-2-methylimidazole on short templates containing d- and l-deoxycytidylate has been studied. Results obtained with d-oligo(dC)s as templates are similar to those previously reported for experiments with a poly(C) template. When one l-dC or two consecutive l-dCs are introduced into a d-template, regiospecific synthesis of 3′-5′ oligo(G)s proceeds to the end of the template, but three consecutive l-dCs block synthesis. Alternating d-,l-oligomers do not facilitate oligomerization of the d-, l-, and racemic 2-guanosine-5′-phosphoro-2-methylimidazole. We suggest that once a “predominately d-metabolism” existed, occasional l-residues in a template would not have led to the termination of self-replication.


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The peptides bound to class II major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules extend out both ends of the peptide binding groove. This structural feature provided the opportunity to design multivalent polypeptide chains that cross-link class II MHC molecules through multiple, repetitive MHC binding sites. By using recombinant techniques, polypeptide oligomers were constructed that consist of up to 32 copies of an HLA-DR1-restricted T cell epitope. The epitope HA306–318, derived from influenza virus hemagglutinin, was connected by 12- to 36-aa long spacer sequences. These oligomers were found to cross-link soluble HLA-DR1 molecules efficiently and, upon binding to the MHC molecules of a monocyte line, to trigger signal transduction indicated by the enhanced expression of some cell surface molecules. A particularly strong effect was evident in the T cell response. A hemagglutinin-specific T cell clone recognized these antigens at concentrations up to three to four orders of magnitude lower than that of the peptide or the hemagglutinin protein. Both signal transduction in the monocyte and the proliferative response of the T cell were affected greatly by the length of the oligomer (i.e., the number of repetitive units) and the distance of the epitopes within the oligomer (spacing). Thus, the formation of defined clusters of T cell receptor/MHC/peptide antigen complexes appears to be crucial for triggering the immune response and can be used to enhance the antigenicity of a peptide antigen by oligomerizing the epitope.


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Proteins with RER-specific signal sequences are cotranslationally translocated across the rough endoplasmic reticulum through a proteinaceous channel composed of oligomers of the Sec61 complex. The Sec61 complex also binds ribosomes with high affinity. The dual function of the Sec61 complex necessitates a mechanism to prevent signal sequence-independent binding of ribosomes to the translocation channel. We have examined the hypothesis that the signal recognition particle (SRP) and the nascent polypeptide-associated complex (NAC), respectively, act as positive and negative regulatory factors to mediate the signal sequence-specific attachment of the ribosome-nascent chain complex (RNC) to the translocation channel. Here, SRP-independent translocation of a nascent secretory polypeptide was shown to occur in the presence of endogenous wheat germ or rabbit reticulocyte NAC. Furthermore, SRP markedly enhanced RNC binding to the translocation channel irrespective of the presence of NAC. Binding of RNCs, but not SRP-RNCs, to the Sec61 complex is competitively inhibited by 80S ribosomes. Thus, the SRP-dependent targeting pathway provides a mechanism for delivery of RNCs to the translocation channel that is not inhibited by the nonselective interaction between the ribosome and the Sec61 complex.


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Viral fusion protein trimers can play a critical role in limiting lipids in membrane fusion. Because the trimeric oligomer of many viral fusion proteins is often stabilized by hydrophobic 4-3 heptad repeats, higher-order oligomers might be stabilized by similar sequences. There is a hydrophobic 4-3 heptad repeat contiguous to a putative oligomerization domain of Autographa californica multicapsid nucleopolyhedrovirus envelope glycoprotein GP64. We performed mutagenesis and peptide inhibition studies to determine if this sequence might play a role in catalysis of membrane fusion. First, leucine-to-alanine mutants within and flanking the amino terminus of the hydrophobic 4-3 heptad repeat motif that oligomerize into trimers and traffic to insect Sf9 cell surfaces were identified. These mutants retained their wild-type conformation at neutral pH and changed conformation in acidic conditions, as judged by the reactivity of a conformationally sensitive mAb. These mutants, however, were defective for membrane fusion. Second, a peptide encoding the portion flanking the GP64 hydrophobic 4-3 heptad repeat was synthesized. Adding peptide led to inhibition of membrane fusion, which occurred only when the peptide was present during low pH application. The presence of peptide during low pH application did not prevent low pH–induced conformational changes, as determined by the loss of a conformationally sensitive epitope. In control experiments, a peptide of identical composition but different sequence, or a peptide encoding a portion of the Ebola GP heptad motif, had no effect on GP64-mediated fusion. Furthermore, when the hemagglutinin (X31 strain) fusion protein of influenza was functionally expressed in Sf9 cells, no effect on hemagglutinin-mediated fusion was observed, suggesting that the peptide does not exert nonspecific effects on other fusion proteins or cell membranes. Collectively, these studies suggest that the specific peptide sequences of GP64 that are adjacent to and include portions of the hydrophobic 4-3 heptad repeat play a dynamic role in membrane fusion at a stage that is downstream of the initiation of protein conformational changes but upstream of lipid mixing.


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We have found that it is possible to use labeled peptide nucleic acid (PNA)-oligomers as probes in pre-gel hybridization experiments, as an alternative for Southern hybridization. In this technique, the PNA probe is hybridized to a denatured DNA sample at low ionic strength and the mixture is loaded directly on to an electrophoresis system for size separation. Ensuing gel electrophoresis separates the single-stranded DNA fragments by length. The neutral backbone of PNA allows for hybridization at low ionic strength and imparts very low mobility to excess PNA. Detection of the bound PNA is possible by direct fluorescence detection with capillary electrophoresis, or the DNA/PNA hybrids can be blotted onto a membrane and detected with standard chemiluminescent techniques. Efficient single bp discrimination was achieved routinely using both capillary and slab-gel electrophoresis.