969 resultados para Notre Dame, Rocamadour, France.


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Que Homero haya compuesto su poema para "recomendar la virtud y la justicia" , como sugirió Anaxágoras, nos parece hoy una sentencia imprudente y desmedida. Por boca de Sócrates dijo Platón, aparentemente con mejores fundamentos, que la épica trata de la "discrepancia de parecer entre lo justo y lo injusto" y de las "batallas y muertes que tuvieron lugar entre los aqueos y los troyanos precisamente por esta discrepancia". … ¿Cómo considerar la reacción del héroe? ¿Es su venganza, en efecto, excesiva? ¿Bajo qué parámetros debe ser analizada y, si es el caso, juzgada? ¿Hay justicia en la venganza de Aquiles?


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A formação de Fernando Martins de Bulhões é coetânea de algumas transformações profundas da organização escolar e do sistema de saberes ocorridas sobretudo em Paris. Nesta cidade, como resultado da reunião das escolas de Notre-Dame, S. Vítor e S. Genoveva, principais centros parisienses de saber no século XII, surgiu o Estudo Geral designado “universitas magistrorum et scholarium parisius studentium” a que o rei Filipe Augusto concedeu privilégio, em 1200, subtraindo a universitas, isto é, a corporação de mestres e escolares, à jurisdição ordinária, para a entregar à exclusiva jurisdição do Bispo de Paris e do seu Chanceler.


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From 1991, when the Dublin Gate Theatre launched their Samuel Beckett Festival featuring nineteen of Beckett’s stage plays, to more recent years, the Gate dominated Irish productions of Beckett’s theater. The Gate Beckett Festival was remounted in 1996 at the Lincoln Center, New York, and at the Barbican Centre, London, in 1999, and individual or grouped productions have toured regularly since then in Ireland and internationally. However, since the Irish premiere of Waiting of Godot at the Pike Theatre in 1955, in addition to several Beckett plays mounted by the National Theatre, many independent Irish theater companies, such as Focus Theatre, Druid Theatre, and more recently Pan Pan Theatre, Blue Raincoat Theatre, The Corn Exchange, and Company SJ (under director Sarah Jane Scaife), have produced Beckett’s drama. While acknowledging earlier Irish productions, this essay will consider the role of the Dublin Gate Beckett Festival and the Beckett Centenary celebrations in Dublin in 2006 in greatly enhancing the marketability of Beckett’s work, and will discuss the proliferation of productions of Beckett’s stage plays (as opposed to stage adaptations of the prose work, which is a topic for another essay) in the independent theater sector in the Republic of Ireland since 2006. In addition to giving an overview of these recent productions, the essay will consider some issues at stake in creating or constructing performance histories


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