931 resultados para Non Maternal Language
OBJETIVO: Analisar a prevalência de asma e possíveis fatores de risco associados. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal, integrante do International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood. Participaram 561 escolares de seis a sete anos de idade, provenientes de 35 escolas públicas da cidade de São Paulo, escolhidas por sorteio, em 2002. A amostra incluiu 168 asmáticos e 393 não asmáticos, que responderam questionário constituído por 33 questões referentes a dados pessoais, familiares e ambientais. A associação entre asma e fatores de risco foi avaliada pela análise de regressão logística, considerando-se nível de significância estatística de 5%. RESULTADOS: Entre os escolares, 31,2% referiam sibilos nos 12 meses anteriores à entrevista. Os fatores de risco significativamente associados à asma foram: sexo masculino (OR=2,4;IC 95%: 1,4;4,2), mãe fumante no primeiro ano de vida (OR=2,0; IC 95%: 1,1;3,8), presença de eczema em locais característicos (OR=3,0; IC 95%:1,2; 7,6) e rinoconjuntivite (OR=2,4;IC 95%: 1,2; 4,8). CONCLUSÕES: A prevalência de asma na região estudada foi elevada e os fatores de risco relacionados foram: sexo masculino, sintomas de rinoconjuntivite no último ano, mãe fumante no primeiro ano de vida e presença de eczema em locais característicos.
Being the commonest ocular disorder, dense cataracts disable fundoscopic examination and the diagnosis of retinal disorders, which dogs may be predisposed. The aim of this study was to compare the electroretinographic responses recorded according to the International Society for Clinical Electrophysiology of Vision human protocol to evaluate retinal function of diabetic and non diabetic dogs, both presenting mature or hypermature cataracts. Full-field electroretinogram was recorded from 66 dogs, with ages varying from 6 to 15 years old allocated into two groups: (1) CG, non diabetic cataractous dogs, and (2) DG, diabetic cataractous dogs. Mean peak-to-peak amplitude (microvolts) and b-wave implicit time (milliseconds) were determined for each of the five standard full-field ERG responses (rod response, maximal response, oscillatory potentials, single-flash cone response and 30 Hz flicker). Comparing CG to DG, ERGs recorded from diabetic dogs presented lower amplitude and prolonged b-wave implicit time in all ERG responses. Prolonged b-wave implicit time was statistically significant (p< 0.05) at 30 Hz flicker (24.0 ms versus 22.4 ms). These data suggests full-field ERG is capable to record sensible alterations, such as flicker's implicit time, being useful to investigate retinal dysfunction in diabetic dogs.
Brazilian Spotted Fever (BSF) is a lethal rickettsiosis in humans caused by the bacteria Rickettsia rickettsii, and is endemic in some areas of Brazil. Horses and dogs are part of the disease's life cycle and they may also serve as sentinel animals in epidemiological studies. The first human BSF case in the State of Paraná was reported in 2005. The present study was conducted in the municipality of Almirante Tamandaré, where no previous case of BSF was reported. Serum samples were collected from 71 horses and 20 dogs from nine properties in the area. Ticks were also collected from these animals. All farmers completed a questionnaire about their knowledge of BSF and animal health management. Serum samples were analyzed by indirect immunofluorescent-antibody assay (IFA) using R. rickettsii and R. parkeri as antigens. Ticks were analyzed by PCR for Rickettsia sp., and all of them were PCR-negative. Six horses (8.45%) and 4 dogs (20%) were identified as seropositive. Farmers were not aware of the correlation between the presence of ticks and risk of BSF. Although a non-endemic area, Almirante Tamandaré is a vulnerable environment for BSF and effective tick control measures are required.
The Indirect Fluorescence Assay (IFA) and the indirect ELISA were comparatively used to detect IgG and IgM antibodies for Toxoplasma gondii in experimentally and naturally infected primates. In the experimentally infected group, antibodies of diagnostic value were detected at day 9 post-infection (PI) with the IFA (IgG and IgM) and with IgG-ELISA. IgM-ELISA detected antibodies for T. gondii starting at day 3 PI until the end of the experiment (102 days PI). Of the 209 naturally infected sera tested, from many zoos of State of Sao Paulo, 64.59 and 67.94% were positive in the IgG-IFA test and IgG-ELISA respectively. IgM-ELISA test detected seropositivity in 52.63% of the sera although IgM-IFA test detected it in only in 0.96% of the samples. The differential toxoplasmosis diagnosis was accomplished with Neospora caninum by IFA, observing 61 (29.2%) seropositive animals for this parasite and 149 (70.8%) negative. Sixty animals were positive for both T. gondii and N. caninum. Pneumonia, splenomegaly, and intestinal ulcers were macroscopically observed. Unremarkable interstitial pneumonia, enteritis, colitis, splenitis, and glomerulitis were microscopically observed. The immunohistochemical stain could not detect the presence of T. gondii in the tissues of the animals infected experimentally.
We analyzed Brazil's efforts in reducing child mortality, improving maternal and child health, and reducing socioeconomic and regional inequalities from 1990 through 2007. We compiled and reanalyzed data from several sources, including vital statistics and population-based surveys. We also explored the roles of broad socioeconomic and demographic changes and the introduction of health sector and other reform measures in explaining the improvements observed. Our findings provide compelling evidence that proactive measures to reduce health disparities accompanied by socioeconomic progress can result in measurable improvements in the health of children and mothers in a relatively short interval. Our analysis of Brazil's successes and remaining challenges to reach and surpass Millennium Development Goals 4 and 5 can provide important lessons for other low- and middle-income countries
FAPESP n. 03/04061-2
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar, utilizando diferentes indicadores antropométricos, o estado nutricional dos idosos de Fortaleza. Este estudo é de base populacional, do tipo transversal, com coleta de dados primários. As variáveis antropométricas analisadas foram: índice de massa corporal (IMC), dobra cutânea tricipital (DCT) e circunferência muscular do braço (CMB). O estado nutricional foi definido a partir dos diagnósticos obtidos com a análise das variáveis antropométricas: eutrófico (idoso, no qual as três variáveis antropométricas (IMC, DCT e CMB), simultaneamente, indicassem o estado de eutrofia, segundo os padrões adotados) e não eutrófico (demais idosos). Foram selecionados 385 domicílios para comporem a amostra deste estudo, nos quais foram entrevistados 483 idosos (68% mulheres). Quanto ao IMC, 47,3% do total de idosos foram considerados eutróficos. As mulheres apresentaram maior proporção de valores de IMC excessivo (21,9%), quando comparadas aos homens (13,5%). Foi verificada associação estatisticamente significativa entre adequação de IMC e sexo. Os valores de DCT mostraram que 54,4% do total de idosos eram eutróficos. Não houve associação estatisticamente significativa entre a adequação da DCT e sexo. Quanto à CMB, os homens apresentaram maior prevalência de desnutrição (66,5%), quando comparados às mulheres (40,6%). Foi verificada associação estatisticamente significativa entre adequação da CMB e sexo. Ao verificar o estado nutricional por meio das variáveis antropométricas, observou-se que 83,9% dos homens foram considerados não eutróficos, assim como maior parte das mulheres (74,2%). Foi observada associação estatisticamente significativa entre estado nutricional e sexo. Os idosos de Fortaleza apresentam estado nutricional vulnerável, visto as prevalências de não eutróficos
OBJETIVO: Descrever a prevalência e analisar fatores associados ao retardo estatural em menores de cinco anos. MÉTODOS: Estudo “baseline”, que analisou 2.040 menores de cinco anos, verificando possíveis associações entre o retardo estatural (índice altura/idade ≤ 2 escores Z) e variáveis hierarquizadas em seis blocos: socioeconômicas, do domicílio, do saneamento, maternas, biológicas e de acesso aos serviços de saúde. A análise multivariada foi realizada por regressão de Poisson, com opção de erro padrão robusto, obtendo-se as razões de prevalência ajustadas, com IC 95por cento e respectivos valores de significância. RESULTADOS: Entre as variáveis não dicotômicas, houve associação positiva com tipo de teto e número de moradores por cômodo e associação negativa com renda, escolaridade da mãe e peso ao nascer. A análise ajustada indicou ainda como variáveis significantes: abastecimento de água, visita do agente comunitário de saúde, local do parto, internação por diarréia e internação por pneumonia. CONCLUSÃO: Os fatores identificados como de risco para o retardo estatural configuram a multicausalidade do problema, implicando na necessidade de intervenções multisetoriais e multiníveis para o seu controle
Background: Obesity is a public health problem and it is necessary to identify if non-symptomatic obese women must be submitted to endometrial evaluation. Aims: To determine the prevalence of endometrial hyperplasia and cancer in non-symptomatic overweight or obese women. Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out in 193 women submitted to an endometrial biopsy using a Pipelle de Cornier. The findings were classified as normal, hyperplasia or cancer, and the results were compared to body mass index (BMI; kg/m2). For the purpose of statistical analysis, women were divided into two groups: women of reproductive age and postmenopausal women, and according to BMI as overweight or obese. Results: The prevalence of endometrial cancer and hyperplasia was 1.0% and 5.8% in women of reproductive age and 3.0% and 12.1% in postmenopausal women, respectively. According to logistic regression, being in the postmenopause increased the risk of endometrial hyperplasia and cancer to 1.19 (95% confidence interval (CI): 0.36-3.90), while being postmenopausal and severely obese increased the odds ratio (OR) to 1.58 (95%CI: 0.30-8.23) and being postmenopausal and morbidly obese increased the OR to 2.72 (95%CI: 0.65-11.5). No increase in risk was found in women of reproductive age who were either overweight or obese. Discussion: Our results show that non-symptomatic, severe or morbidly obese postmenopausal women have a high risk of developing endometrial hyperplasia or cancer; however, no such risk was found for women of reproductive age.
Coordenacao de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal de Nivel Superior (CAPES)
This work presents a fully non-linear finite element formulation for shell analysis comprising linear strain variation along the thickness of the shell and geometrically exact description for curved triangular elements. The developed formulation assumes positions and generalized unconstrained vectors as the variables of the problem, not displacements and finite rotations. The full 3D Saint-Venant-Kirchhoff constitutive relation is adopted and, to avoid locking, the rate of thickness variation enhancement is introduced. As a consequence, the second Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor and the Green strain measure are employed to derive the specific strain energy potential. Curved triangular elements with cubic approximation are adopted using simple notation. Selected numerical simulations illustrate and confirm the objectivity, accuracy, path independence and applicability of the proposed technique.
The design of a lateral line for drip irrigation requires accurate evaluation of head losses in not only the pipe but in the emitters as well. A procedure was developed to determine localized head losses within the emitters by the formulation of a mathematical model that accounts for the obstruction caused by the insertion point. These localized losses can be significant when compared with tire total head losses within the system due to the large number of emitters typically installed along the lateral line. Air experiment was carried out by altering flow characteristics to create Reynolds numbers (R) from 7,480 to 32,597 to provide turbulent flow and a maximum velocity of 2.0 m s(-1). The geometry of the emitter was determined by an optical projector and sensor An equation was formulated to facilitate the localized head loss calculation using the geometric characteristics of the emitter (emitter length, obstruction ratio, and contraction coefficient). The mathematical model was tested using laboratory measurements on four emitters. The local head loss was accurately estimated for the Uniram (difference of +13.6%) and Drip Net (difference of +7.7%) emitters, while appreciable deviations were found for the Twin Plus (-21.8%) and Tiran (+50%) emitters. The head loss estimated by the model was sensitive to the variations in the obstruction area of the emitter However, the variations in the local head loss did not result in significant variations in the maximum length of the lateral lines. In general, for all the analyzed emitters, a 50% increase in the local head loss for the emitters resulted in less than an 8% reduction in the maximum lateral length.
We report numerically and analytically estimated values for the Hurst exponent for a recently proposed non-Markovian walk characterized by amnestically induced persistence. These results are consistent with earlier studies showing that log-periodic oscillations arise only for large memory losses of the recent past. We also report numerical estimates of the Hurst exponent for non-Markovian walks with diluted memory. Finally, we study walks with a fractal memory of the past for a Thue-Morse and Fibonacci memory patterns. These results are interpreted and discussed in the context of the necessary and sufficient conditions for the central limit theorem to hold.
Food is an essential part of civilization, with a scope that ranges from the biological to the economic and cultural levels. Here, we study the statistics of ingredients and recipes taken from Brazilian, British, French and Medieval cookery books. We find universal distributions with scale invariant behaviour. We propose a copy-mutate process to model culinary evolution that fits our empirical data very well. We find a cultural 'founder effect' produced by the non-equilibrium dynamics of the model. Both the invariant and idiosyncratic aspects of culture are accounted for by our model, which may have applications in other kinds of evolutionary processes.