1000 resultados para News agencies -- TFC
El trabajo de fin de carrera, cobertura sanitaria en zonas de catástrofe, se engloba dentro del área de los sistemas de información geográfica.Estudio y desarrollo de un programa en visual basic.net para el entorno Geomedia Professional 6.1, con la finalidad de ayudar a gestionar la cobertura sanitaria en una catástrofe. Cobertura sanitaria de la epidemia de cólera sufrida en Haití tras el terremoto de 2010.
Els objectius generals d'aquest projecte són bàsicament crear un portal amb l'arquitectura struts de j2ee que permeti una comunicació dinàmica dins el món del submarinisme.
L'objectiu d'aquest projecte és desenvolupar una aplicació que ens permeti generar representacions gràfiques de grafs de mobilitat, visualitzats amb l'entorn GeoMedia Professional. A partir d'unes bases de dades d'entrada, on els trams i les cruïlles seran representades visualment com a línies i punts respectivament, s'ha dissenyat una aplicació que genera una base de dades de sortida on les dades seran visualitzades com un polígons en el cas dels carrers i cruïlles, i la senyalització de cada tram també serà representada gràficament, de manera que tindrem una representació en dos dimensions dels carrers amb la seva senyalització corresponent.
El present TFC es basa en la creació d'una aplicació web que permeti tant a entitats locals com a particulars, la gestió completa d'un arxiu de documents, utilitzant la tecnologia JEE pròpia de Java, i més concretament del framwork Spring així el programari resultant esdevé més robust, escalable, reutilitzable i senzill d'implementar i mantenir.
El usuario objetivo para el que queremos construír un LiveDVD, es elinvestigador/estudiante que necesita de unas herramientas concretas para la resoluciónde problemas de carácter matemático y estadístico, que, unido a generadores de gráficos,son comunes a la mayoría de áreas científicas y de investigación. Otras áreas de interésson construír aplicaciones en un entorno de desarrollo avanzado (IDE) e incluso un gestorde referencias bibliográficas. Añadiremos también un editor de texto basado en LaTeXmuy útil para la generación de documentos de manera profesional y una herramienta deplanificación de proyectos.
This article studies the diffusion of the main institutional feature of regulatory capitalism, namely, independent regulatory agencies. While only a few such authorities existed in Europe in the early 1980s, by the end of the twentieth century they had spread impressively across countries and sectors. The analysis finds that three classes of factors (bottom-up, top-down, and horizontal) explain this trend. First, the establishment of independent regulatory agencies was an attempt to improve credible commitment capacity when liberalizing and privatizing utilities and to alleviate the political uncertainty problem, namely, the risk to a government that its policies will be changed when it loses power. Second, Europeanization favored the creation of independent regulators. Third, individual decisions were interdependent, as governments were influenced by the decisions of others in an emulation process where the symbolic properties of independent regulators mattered more than the functions they performed.
In 2014, breastfeeding during maternal antiepileptic therapy seems to be safe for the children and can be recommended. Intravenous thrombolysis by Alteplase improves the outcome after a stroke if administered within 4.5 hours and it is also recommended in elderly population over 80 years. ProSavin genic therapy for Parkinson disease is under investigation. The Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) has an analgesic effect in neuropathic pain as well as an antidepressant effect. Antagonists of calcitonin gene-related peptide can have a beneficial role in migraine prevention. Diagnostic biomarker panels for Alzheimer disease are under investigation. Oral teriflunomide and dimethyl fumarate (BG-12) for relapsing multiple sclerosis treatment are now available in Switzerland.
In their safety evaluations of bisphenol A (BPA), the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and a counterpart in Europe, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), have given special prominence to two industry-funded studies that adhered to standards defined by Good Laboratory Practices (GLP). These same agencies have given much less weight in risk assessments to a large number of independently replicated non-GLP studies conducted with government funding by the leading experts in various fields of science from around the world. OBJECTIVES: We reviewed differences between industry-funded GLP studies of BPA conducted by commercial laboratories for regulatory purposes and non-GLP studies conducted in academic and government laboratories to identify hazards and molecular mechanisms mediating adverse effects. We examined the methods and results in the GLP studies that were pivotal in the draft decision of the U.S. FDA declaring BPA safe in relation to findings from studies that were competitive for U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) funding, peer-reviewed for publication in leading journals, subject to independent replication, but rejected by the U.S. FDA for regulatory purposes. DISCUSSION: Although the U.S. FDA and EFSA have deemed two industry-funded GLP studies of BPA to be superior to hundreds of studies funded by the U.S. NIH and NIH counterparts in other countries, the GLP studies on which the agencies based their decisions have serious conceptual and methodologic flaws. In addition, the U.S. FDA and EFSA have mistakenly assumed that GLP yields valid and reliable scientific findings (i.e., "good science"). Their rationale for favoring GLP studies over hundreds of publically funded studies ignores the central factor in determining the reliability and validity of scientific findings, namely, independent replication, and use of the most appropriate and sensitive state-of-the-art assays, neither of which is an expectation of industry-funded GLP research. CONCLUSIONS: Public health decisions should be based on studies using appropriate protocols with appropriate controls and the most sensitive assays, not GLP. Relevant NIH-funded research using state-of-the-art techniques should play a prominent role in safety evaluations of chemicals.
The R-package “compositions”is a tool for advanced compositional analysis. Its basicfunctionality has seen some conceptual improvement, containing now some facilitiesto work with and represent ilr bases built from balances, and an elaborated subsys-tem for dealing with several kinds of irregular data: (rounded or structural) zeroes,incomplete observations and outliers. The general approach to these irregularities isbased on subcompositions: for an irregular datum, one can distinguish a “regular” sub-composition (where all parts are actually observed and the datum behaves typically)and a “problematic” subcomposition (with those unobserved, zero or rounded parts, orelse where the datum shows an erratic or atypical behaviour). Systematic classificationschemes are proposed for both outliers and missing values (including zeros) focusing onthe nature of irregularities in the datum subcomposition(s).To compute statistics with values missing at random and structural zeros, a projectionapproach is implemented: a given datum contributes to the estimation of the desiredparameters only on the subcompositon where it was observed. For data sets withvalues below the detection limit, two different approaches are provided: the well-knownimputation technique, and also the projection approach.To compute statistics in the presence of outliers, robust statistics are adapted to thecharacteristics of compositional data, based on the minimum covariance determinantapproach. The outlier classification is based on four different models of outlier occur-rence and Monte-Carlo-based tests for their characterization. Furthermore the packageprovides special plots helping to understand the nature of outliers in the dataset.Keywords: coda-dendrogram, lost values, MAR, missing data, MCD estimator,robustness, rounded zeros
Traball de fi de caera de Base de Dades Relacionals, Control energía.
L'objectiu principal de l'aplicació serà la de proporcionar una eina més de comunicació entre l'escola, els professors i les famílies dels alumnes. Aquest projecte s'ha desenvolupat en Java amb implementació del patró MVC amb Struts2. Per al tractament de la persistència de les dades, s'ha utilitzat Hibernate y MySql com a base de dades.