912 resultados para National Cancer Institute (U.S.). Division of Cancer Cause and Prevention


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Prostate cancer (PCa) is one of the most incident malignancies worldwide. Although efficient therapy is available for early-stage PCa, treatment of advanced disease is mainly ineffective and remains a clinical challenge. microRNA (miRNA) dysregulation is associated with PCa development and progression. In fact, several studies have reported a widespread downregulation of miRNAs in PCa, which highlights the importance of studying compounds capable of restoring the global miRNA expression. The main aim of this study was to define the usefulness of enoxacin as an anti-tumoral agent in PCa, due to its ability to induce miRNA biogenesis in a TRBP-mediated manner. Using a panel of five PCa cell lines, we observed that all of them were wild type for the TARBP2 gene and expressed TRBP protein. Furthermore, primary prostate carcinomas displayed normal levels of TRBP protein. Remarkably, enoxacin was able to decrease cell viability, induce apoptosis, cause cell cycle arrest, and inhibit the invasiveness of cell lines. Enoxacin was also effective in restoring the global expression of miRNAs. This study is the first to show that PCa cells are highly responsive to the anti-tumoral effects of enoxacin. Therefore, enoxacin constitutes a promising therapeutic agent for PCa.


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BACKGROUND: The detection of psychosocial distress is a significant communication problem in Southern Europe and other countries. Work in this area is hampered by a lack of data. Because not much is known about training aimed at improving the recognition of psychosocial disorders in cancer patients, we developed a basic course model for medical oncology professionals. METHODS: A specific educational and experiential model (12 hours divided into 2 modules) involving formal teaching (ie, journal articles, large-group presentations), practice in small groups (ie, small-group exercises and role playing), and discussion in large groups was developed with the aim of improving the ability of oncologists to detect emotional disturbances in cancer patients (ie, depression, anxiety, and adjustment disorders). RESULTS: A total of 30 oncologists from 3 Southern European countries (Italy, Portugal, and Spain) participated in the workshop. The training course was well accepted by most participants who expressed general satisfaction and a positive subjective perception of the utility of the course for clinical practice. Of the total participants, 28 physicians (93.3%) thought that had they been exposed to this material sooner, they would have incorporated the techniques received in the workshop into their practices; 2 participants stated they would likely have done so. Half of the doctors (n = 15) believed that their clinical communication techniques were improved by participating in the workshop, and the remaining half thought that their abilities to communicate with cancer patients had improved. CONCLUSIONS: This model is a feasible approach for oncologists and is easily applicable to various oncology settings. Further studies will demonstrate the effectiveness of this method for improving oncologists skills in recognizing emotional disorders in their patients with cancer.


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The overall objective of this study was to investigate factors associated with long-term survival in axillary node negative (ANN) breast cancer patients. Clinical and biological factors included stage, histopathologic grade, p53 mutation, Her-2/neu amplification, estrogen receptor status (ER), progesterone receptor status (PR) and vascular invasion. Census derived socioeconomic (SES) indicators included median individual and household income, proportions of university educated individuals, housing type, "incidence" of low income and an indicator of living in an affluent neighbourhood. The effects of these measures on breast cancer-specific survival and competing cause survival were investigated. A cohort study examining survival among axillary node negative (ANN) breast cancer patients in the greater Toronto area commenced in 1 989. Patients were followed up until death, lost-to-follow up or study termination in 2004. Data were collected from several sources measuring patient demographics, clinical factors, treatment, recurrence of disease and survival. Census level SES data were collected using census geo-coding of patient addresses' at the time of diagnosis. Additional survival data were acquired from the Ontario Cancer Registry to enhance and extend the observation period of the study. Survival patterns were examined using KaplanMeier and life table procedures. Associations were examined using log-rank and Wilcoxon tests of univariate significance. Multivariate survival analyses were perfonned using Cox proportional hazards models. Analyses were stratified into less than and greater than 5 year survival periods to observe whether known markers of short-tenn survival were also associated with reductions in long-tenn survival among breast cancer patients. The 15 year survival probabilities in this cohort were: for breast cancerspecific survival 0.88, competing causes survival 0.89 and for overall survival 0.78. Estrogen receptor (ER) and progesterone receptor (PR) status (Hazard Ratio (HR) ERIPR- versus ER+/PR+, 8.15,95% CI, 4.74, 14.00), p53 mutation (HR, 3.88, 95% CI, 2.00, 7.53) and Her-2 amplification (HR, 2.66, 95% CI, 1.36, 5.19) were associated with significant reductions in short-tenn breast cancer-specific survival «5 years following diagnosis), however, not with long-term survival in univariate analyses. Stage, histopathologic grade and ERiPR status were the clinicallbiologieal factors that were associated with short-term breast cancer specific survival in multivariate results. Living in an affluent neighbourhood (top quintile of median household income compared to the rest of the population) was associated with the largest significant increase in long-tenn breast cancer-specific survival after adjustment for stage, histopathologic grade and treatment (HR, 0.36, 95% CI, 0.12, 0.89).


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This study investigated parent and child perspectives of childhood cancer survivors' return to school. Four specific areas were examined including cognitive and academic concerns, social issues, perceived support, and the impact on siblings. Participants consisted of parents and childhood cancer survivors who were recruited through a regional parent support group. Data was collected during a focus group and interviews. Using a descriptive content analysis, results indicated that participants generally received the necessary resources, however issues such as consistency and having to advocate in order to attain these resources served as barriers for the families.


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The study aim was to investigate the relationship between factors related to personal cancer history and lung cancer risk as well as assess their predictive utility. Characteristics of interest included the number, anatomical site(s), and age of onset of previous cancer(s). Data from the Prostate, Lung, Colorectal and Ovarian Screening (PLCO) Cancer Screening Trial (N = 154,901) and National Lung Screening Trial (N = 53,452) were analysed. Logistic regression models were used to assess the relationships between each variable of interest and 6-year lung cancer risk. Predictive utility was assessed through changes in area-under-the-curve (AUC) after substitution into the PLCOall2014 lung cancer risk prediction model. Previous lung, uterine and oral cancers were strongly and significantly associated with elevated 6-year lung cancer risk after controlling for confounders. None of these refined measures of personal cancer history offered more predictive utility than the simple (yes/no) measure already included in the PLCOall2014 model.


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Objectif: Étudier l’association entre la consommation de café, la consommation de thé noir et le risque de cancer du poumon. Méthodologie: Cette recherche utilise les données obtenues lors d’une étude cas-témoin effectuée à Montréal avec des résidents canadiens âgés entre 35 et 75 ans recrutés entre 1996 et 2001. Les cas étaient des individus atteints du cancer et diagnostiqués entre 1996 et 1997 dans l’un des 18 hôpitaux de la région du Grand-Montréal. Les contrôles on été sélectionnés à partir de la liste électorale et appariés selon la fréquence de distribution des cas par groupe d’âge de 5 ans, par sexe et par district électoral. Au total, 1130 cas et 1484 contrôles ont été inclus dans cette étude. Les rapports de cote (RC) et les intervalles de confiance de 95% (CI) des associations entre la consommation de thé noir, de café et le cancer du poumon ont été estimés à l’aide de la régression logistique non conditionnelle. Quatre aspects de la consommation ont été analysés dans des modèles multivariés distincts: la fréquence de consommation, la consommation journalière moyenne, la durée de consommation et la consommation cumulative. Les covariables potentielles considérées incluaient : l’âge, le sexe, l’historique de tabagisme, le statut du répondant, l’ethnicité, la consommation d’alcool, la consommation de fruit et de légume, l’apport énergétique journalier, l’exposition a des agents professionnelle et les variables socio-économiques . Des analyses secondaires par le sexe, le tabagisme et le type histologique de cancer on été effectuées. Résultats : Aucune association statistiquement significative n’a été observée entre la consommation de thé noir et le cancer du poumon. Nos résultats suggèrent qu’une consommation de ≥ 50 ans était associée avec une augmentation du risque d’adénocarcinome comparée à aucune consommation. Nous avons observé une association inverse statistiquement significative entre la consommation occasionnelle de café et le cancer du poumon (RC : 0.32, 95%CI : 0.17-0.59). La durée de consommation de café n’était pas associée avec le cancer du poumon. Conclusion : Nos résultats suggèrent que la consommation à long terme de thé noir pourrait augmenter le risque d’adénocarcinome. D’un autre côté, la consommation occasionnelle de café pourrait réduire le risque de cancer du poumon.


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À l’origine, la nouvelle concernant l’occupation américaine d’Haïti en 1915 a suscité peu d’indignation aux États-Unis. En effet, on reproche à la république son instabilité politique et on juge aussi qu’une intervention américaine concourrait à l’édifice de l’autorité de la loi. À partir de 1915 et surtout en 1920, l’Association nationale pour l’avancement des gens de couleur (NAACP), fondée en 1909, critique cette ingérence et milite pour y voir un terme. W.E. B. Du Bois et James Weldon Johnson, deux figures publiques noires importantes travaillant au sein de l’organisation, dénoncent avec conviction l’occupation d’Haïti. Les historiens ont jusqu’ici jugé que la NAACP fut inspirée par des considérations de solidarité raciale en adhérant à la cause de la souveraineté haïtienne. Si la thèse présente ne réfute pas cette possibilité, elle cherche tout de même à démontrer que le cadre conceptuel de la solidarité raciale ne saurait illustrer toute la complexité de la campagne haïtienne érigée par la NAACP. Par conséquent, une attention dirigée davantage sur le contexte social et politique américain entre 1915 et 1922 révèle que pour la NAACP, la dénonciation de l’occupation américaine d’Haïti représentait d’une part une opportunité de discuter des problèmes sociaux touchant les Afro-Américains, et d’autre part, une occasion de renforcer sa position aux États-Unis.


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This study covers an area of great importance in the research of breast cancer, related to the study of the effects of both estrogens (E2) and anti-estrogens (Tamoxifen) on chromosomes and of modulation of gene expression. Considering that breast cancer is a very heterogeneous disease and that patients respond differently to treatment, the identification of chromosomal abnormalities as well as genes responsive to 17β-estradiol (E2) and Tamoxifen (TAM) could provide the necessary framework to understand the complex effects of this hormone in target cells and could explain, at least in part, the development of cellular resistance to TAM treatment and the subsequent best therapeutic option. In this order of ideas, we determined the effects of E2 and TAM on the chromosomes and on the modulation of gene expression in four breast cancer cell lines, which represent three of the five subtypes of breast cancer known at present. The results are presented in six chapters - each one has a group of the results achieved around the cytogenetic characteristics and gene expression profiles of four cell lines and the effects of E2 and TAM incubation on those. The first chapter describes the main features of breast cancer, furthering the use and effects of E2 and TAM treatment.


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Esta revisión de la literatura tuvo como objetivo describir las actitudes hacia el VIH/SIDA, el cáncer y la Enfermedad de Alzheimer desde el modelo tripartito. Se revisaron 109 artículos publicados entre 2005 y 2015 en algunas bases de datos especializadas y herramientas de análisis de impacto. También se incluyeron fuentes secundarias ampliándose la búsqueda a los últimos 20 años (1995-2015). Los resultados mostraron que la mayoría de los estudios realizados sobre las actitudes hacia estas tres enfermedades son de tipo cuantitativo y la información se analizó con base en los componentes del modelo tripartito. Algunos aspectos sociodemográficos como el sexo y la edad están asociados con las actitudes hacia las tres enfermedades y predominan las creencias erróneas sobre ellas respecto a sus causas, curso y tratamiento. También predominan actitudes negativas hacia las tres enfermedades y las conductas e intenciones conductuales son diversas hacia cada una de ellas. No se hallaron antecedentes empíricos del estudio de la estructura de las actitudes propuesta por el modelo tripartito hacia las tres enfermedades. La Salud Pública ha liderado la investigación con base en el modelo de conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas propuesto por la OMS.


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This paper addresses the question of whether p-hydroxybenzoic acid, the common metabolite of parabens, possesses oestrogenic activity in human breast cancer cell lines. The alkyl esters of p-hydroxybenzoic acid (parabens) are used widely as preservatives in consumer products to which the human population is exposed and have been shown previously to possess oestrogenic activity and to be present in human breast tumour tissue, which is an oestrogen-responsive tissue. Recent work has shown p-hydroxybenzoic acid to give an oestrogenic response in the rodent uterotrophic assay. We report here that p-hydroxybenzoic acid possesses oestrogenic activity in a panel of assays in human breast cancer cell lines. p-Hydroxybenzoic acid was able to displace [H-3]oestradiol from cytosolic oestrogen receptor of MCF7 human breast cancer cells by 54% at 5 x 10(6)-fold molar excess and by 99% at 10(7)-fold molar excess. It was able to increase the expression of a stably integrated oestrogen responsive reporter gene (ERE-CAT) at a concentration of 5 x 10(-4) M in MCF7 cells after 24 h and 7 days, which could be inhibited by the anti-oestrogen ICI 182 780 (Faslodex, fulvestrant). Proliferation of two human breast cancer cell lines (MCF7, ZR-75-1) could be increased by 10(-5) M p-hydroxybenzoic acid. Following on from previous studies showing a decrease in oestrogenic activity of parabens with shortening of the linear alkyl chain length, this study has compared the oestrogenic activity of p-hydroxybenzoic acid where the alkyl grouping is no longer present with methylparaben, which has the shortest alkyl group. Intrinsic oestrogenic activity of p-hydroxybenzoic acid was similar to that of methylparaben in terms of relative binding to the oestrogen receptor but its oestrogenic activity on gene expression and cell proliferation was lower than that of methylparaben. It can be concluded that removal of the ester group from parabens does not abrogate its oestrogenic activity and that p-hydroxybenzoic acid can give oestrogenic responses in human breast cancer cells. Copyright (C) 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Both environmental and genetic factors contribute to cancers of the gastrointestinal tract including, the stomach, colon and rectum. The mechanisms associated with gastrointestinal cancer causation and prevention are largely unknown and the subject of much research. Many of the proposed mechanisms implicate the metabolic activities of the bacterial biota normally resident in the gastrointestinal tract. This review examines both the adverse and beneficial consequences of bacterial activity of the gastrointestinal tract focusing, in particularly on the stomach and large intestine. Studies on the role of the bacterial biota in colon carcinogenesis have also resulted in several useful biomarkers for use in human.


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Aluminium is not a physiological component of the breast but has been measured recently in human breast tissues and breast cyst fluids at levels above those found in blood serum or milk. Since the presence of aluminium can lead to iron dyshomeostasis, levels of aluminium and iron-binding proteins (ferritin, transferrin) were measured in nipple aspirate fluid (NAF), a fluid present in the breast duct tree and mirroring the breast microenvironment. NAFs were collected noninvasively from healthy women (NoCancer; n = 16) and breast cancer-affected women (Cancer; n = 19), and compared with levels in serum (n = 15) and milk (n = 45) from healthy subjects. The mean level of aluminium, measured by ICP-mass spectrometry, was significantly higher in Cancer NAF (268.4 ± 28.1 μg l−1; n = 19) than in NoCancer NAF (131.3 ± 9.6 μg l−1; n = 16; P < 0.0001). The mean level of ferritin, measured through immunoassay, was also found to be higher in Cancer NAF (280.0 ± 32.3 μg l−1) than in NoCancer NAF (55.5 ± 7.2 μg l−1), and furthermore, a positive correlation was found between levels of aluminium and ferritin in the Cancer NAF (correlation coefficient R = 0.94, P < 0.001). These results may suggest a role for raised levels of aluminium and modulation of proteins that regulate iron homeostasis as biomarkers for identification of women at higher risk of developing breast cancer. The reasons for the high levels of aluminium in NAF remain unknown but possibilities include either exposure to aluminium-based antiperspirant salts in the adjacent underarm area and/or preferential accumulation of aluminium by breast tissues.


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Olive oil contains a vast range of substances such as monounsaturated free fatty acids (e.g., oleic acid), hydrocarbon squalene, tocopherols, aroma components, and phenolic compounds. Higher consumption of olive oil is considered the hallmark of the traditional Mediterranean diet, which has been associated with low incidence and prevalence of cancer, including colorectal cancer. The anticancer properties of olive oil have been attributed to its high levels of monounsaturated fatty acids, squalene, tocopherols, and phenolic compounds. Nevertheless, there is a growing interest in studying the role of olive oil phenolics in carcinogenesis. This review aims to provide an overview of the relationship between olive oil phenolics and colorectal cancer, in particular summarizing the epidemiologic, in vitro, cellular, and animal studies on antioxidant and anticarcinogenic effects of olive oil phenolics.


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Age is a risk factor for dementia, and also for most cancers. Surprisingly, rates of cancer appear to be lower in individuals with dementia and vice versa. Genetic mechanisms could underpin this inverse relationship and are outlined, but underdiagnosis must also be taken into account. Individuals with cancer and dementia pose unique challenges to healthcare professionals owing to the potential for impaired decision-making capacity, poor communication and difficulties following medication regimes. Mild cognitive impairment and ‘chemo brain’ should be differentiated from progressive neurodegeneration.