In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden humane diploide Vorhaut-Fibroblasten u.a. auf Chromosomensch?den hin untersucht. Die konfluenten Zellen wurden mit d?nnionisierender R?ntgen-und Kohlenstoffstrahlung, sowie mit dichtionisierendenKohlenstoff- und Nickelionen bestrahlt und der chromosomaleSchaden in Intervallen bis zu 100 h nach Bestrahlungbestimmt. Dabei wurde nach dichtionisierender Strahlung ein deutlicher Anstieg in der Frequenz aberranter Zellen undAberrationen je Metaphase mit der Sammelzeit gefunden. Dieszeigt, dass gesch?digte Zellen von Zellzyklusverz'ogerungenst?rker betroffen sind als ungesch?digte Zellen.Durch Integration ?ber die Zeit wurde der genetische Gesamt-schaden in der proliferierenden Zellpopulation bestimmt. Dabei zeigte sich, dass ein Grossteil der Zellen nachTeilchenbestrahlung einen permanenten Zellzyklusarrest bzw.eine beschleunigte Differenzierung erf?hrt. Nur ein kleinerTeil erreicht die 1. Mitose nach Bestrahlung, so dass nurein geringer Teil der genetischen Sch?den auf die folgendenGenerationen ?bertragen wird. Der beobachtete Gesamtschadenist viel kleiner, als anhand von Daten aus Experimenten mitV79-Zellen abgesch?tzt wurde. Die direkte Extrapolation vonDaten etablierter Nagerzellen auf prim?re menschliche Zellenist demnach nicht m?glich. F?r die Beurteilung vonErgebnissen aus Tierexperimenten w?re es w?nschenswert zuwissen, ob die Unterschiede auf der Art der Zellen, alsoetablierten und prim?ren Zellen beruhen, oder von derSpezies abh?ngen.
The arterial wall contains MSCs with mesengenic and angiogenic abilities. These multipotent precursors have been isolated from variously-sized human adult segments, belying the notion that vessel wall is a relatively quiescent tissue. Recently, our group identified in normal human arteries a vasculogenic niche and subsequently isolated and characterized resident MSCs (VW-MSCs) with angiogenic ability and multilineage potential. To prove that VW-MSCs are involved in normal and pathological vascular remodeling, we used a long-term organ culture system; this method was of critical importance to follow spontaneous 3-D vascular remodeling without any influence of blood cells. Next we tried to identify and localize in situ the VW-MSCs and to understand their role in the vascular remodeling in failed arterial homografts. Subsequently, we isolated this cell population and tested in vitro their multilineage differentiation potential through immunohistochemical, immunofluorescence, RT-PCR and ultrastructural analysis. From 25-30cm2 of each vascular wall homograft sample, we isolated a cell population with MSCs properties; these cells expressed MSC lineage molecules (CD90, CD44, CD105, CD29, CD73), stemness (Notch-1, Oct-4, Sca-1, Stro-1) and pericyte markers (NG2) whilst were negative for hematopoietic and endothelial markers (CD34, CD133, CD45, KDR, CD146, CD31 and vWF). MSCs derived from failed homografts (H-MSCs) exhibited adipogenic, osteogenic and chondrogenic potential but scarce propensity to angiogenic and leiomyogenic differentiation. The present study demonstrates that failed homografts contain MSCs with morphological, phenotypic and functional MSCs properties; H-MSCs are long-lived in culture, highly proliferating and endowed with prompt ability to differentiate into adipocytes, osteocytes and chondrocytes; compared with VW-MSCs from normal arteries, H-MSCs show a failure in angiogenic and leiomyogenic differentiation. A switch in MSCs plasticity could be the basis of pathological remodeling and contribute to aneurysmal failure of arterial homografts. The study of VW-MSCs in a pathological setting indicate that additional mechanisms are involved in vascular diseases; their knowledge will be useful for opening new therapeutic options in cardiovascular diseases.
I nucleotidi trifosfato sono, dal punto di vista evoluzionistico, tra le molecole più antiche e conservate tra le specie. Oltre al ruolo che ricoprono nella sintesi degli acidi nucleici e nel metabolismo energetico della cellula, negli ultimi anni è emerso sempre di più il loro coinvolgimento nella regolazione di numerose funzioni cellulari. Questi importanti mediatori cellulari sono presenti nel microambiente e cambiamenti nella loro concentrazione extracellulare possono modulare la funzionalità cellulare. I nucleotidi trifosfato ATP e UTP, presenti nel microambiente midollare, sono dei potenti stimolatori dei progenitori emopoietici. Essi stimolano la proliferazione e l’attecchimento delle cellule staminali emopoietiche, così come la loro capacità migratoria, attraverso l’attivazione di specifici recettori di membrana, i recettori purinergici (P2R). In questo studio abbiamo dimostrato che ATP e UTP esercitano un effetto opposto sul compartimento staminale leucemico di leucemia acuta mieloide (LAM). Abbiamo dimostrato che le cellule leucemiche esprimono i recettori P2 funzionalmente attivi. Studi di microarray hanno evidenziato che, a differenza di ciò che avviene nelle CD34+, la stimolazione di cellule leucemiche con ATP induce la down-regolazione dei geni coinvolti nella proliferazione e nella migrazione, mentre up-regola geni inibitori del ciclo cellulare. Abbiamo poi confermato a livello funzionale, mediante test in vitro, gli effetti osservati a livello molecolare. Studi di inibizione farmacologica, ci hanno permesso di capire che l’attività inibitoria dell’ATP sulla proliferazione si esplica attraverso l’attivazione del recettore P2X7, mentre i sottotipi recettoriali P2 prevalentemente coinvolti nella regolazione della migrazione sono i recettori P2Y2 e P2Y4. Esperimenti di xenotrapianto, hanno evidenziato che l’esposizione ad ATP e UTP sia dei blasti leucemici sia delle cellule staminali leucemiche CD38-CD34+ diminuisce la loro capacità di homing e di engraftment in vivo. Inoltre, il trattamento farmacologico con ATP, di topi ai quali è stata indotta una leucemia umana, ha diminuito lo sviluppo della leucemia in vivo.
Summary Antibody-based cancer therapies have been successfully introduced into the clinic and have emerged as the most promising therapeutics in oncology. The limiting factor regarding the development of therapeutical antibody vaccines is the identification of tumor-associated antigens. PLAC1, the placenta-specific protein 1, was categorized for the first time by the group of Prof. Sahin as such a tumor-specific antigen. Within this work PLAC1 was characterized using a variety of biochemical methods. The protein expression profile, the cellular localization, the conformational state and especially the interacting partners of PLAC1 and its functionality in cancer were analyzed. Analysis of the protein expression profile of PLAC1 in normal human tissue confirms the published RT-PCR data. Except for placenta no PLAC1 expression was detectable in any other normal human tissue. Beyond, an increased PLAC1 expression was detected in several cancer cell lines derived of trophoblastic, breast and pancreatic lineage emphasizing its properties as tumor-specific antigen. rnThe cellular localization of PLAC1 revealed that PLAC1 contains a functional signal peptide which conducts the propeptide to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and results in the secretion of PLAC1 by the secretory pathway. Although PLAC1 did not exhibit a distinct transmembrane domain, no unbound protein was detectable in the cell culture supernatant of overexpressing cells. But by selective isolation of different cellular compartments PLAC1 was clearly enriched within the membrane fraction. Using size exclusion chromatography PLAC1 was characterized as a highly aggregating protein that forms a network of high molecular multimers, consisting of a mixture of non-covalent as well as covalent interactions. Those interactions were formed by PLAC1 with itself and probably other cellular components and proteins. Consequently, PLAC1 localize outside the cell, where it is associated to the membrane forming a stable extracellular coat-like structure.rnThe first mechanistic hint how PLAC1 promote cancer cell proliferation was achieved identifying the fibroblast growth factor FGF7 as a specific interacting partner of PLAC1. Moreover, it was clearly shown that PLAC1 as well as FGF7 bind to heparin, a glycosaminoglycan of the ECM that is also involved in FGF-signaling. The participation of PLAC1 within this pathway was approved after co-localizing PLAC1, FGF7 and the FGF7 specific receptor (FGFR2IIIb) and identifying the formation of a trimeric complex (PLAC1, FGF7 and the specific receptor FGFR2IIIb). Especially this trimeric complex revealed the role of PLAC1. Binding of PLAC1 together with FGF7 leads to the activation of the intracellular tyrosine kinase of the FGFR2IIIb-receptor and mediate the direct phosphorylation of the AKT-kinase. In the absence of PLAC1, no FGF7 mediated phosphorylation of AKT was observed. Consequently the function of PLAC1 was clarified: PLAC1 acts as a co-factor by stimulating proliferation by of the FGF7-FGFR2 signaling pathway.rnAll together, these novel biochemical findings underline that the placenta specific protein PLAC1 could be a new target for cancer immunotherapy, especially considering its potential applicability for antibody therapy in tumor patients.
Telomeres and telomerase play essential roles in the regulation of the lifespan of human cells. While normal human somatic cells do not or only transiently express telomerase and therefore shorten their telomeres with each cell division, most human cancer cells typically express high levels of telomerase and show unlimited cell proliferation. High telomerase expression allows cells to proliferate and expand long-term and therefore supports tumor growth. Owing to the high expression and its role, telomerase has become an attractive diagnostic and therapeutic cancer target. Imetelstat (GRN163L) is a potent and specific telomerase inhibitor and so far the only drug of its class in clinical trials. Here, we report on the structure and the mechanism of action of imetelstat as well as about the preclinical and clinical data and future prospects using imetelstat in cancer therapy.
Meprins ? and ?, a subgroup of zinc metalloproteinases belonging to the astacin family, are known to cleave components of the extracellular matrix, either during physiological remodeling or in pathological situations. In this study we present a new role for meprins in matrix assembly, namely the proteolytic processing of procollagens. Both meprins ? and ? release the N- and C-propeptides from procollagen III, with such processing events being critical steps in collagen fibril formation. In addition, both meprins cleave procollagen III at exactly the same site as the procollagen C-proteinases, including bone morphogenetic protein-1 (BMP-1) and other members of the tolloid proteinase family. Indeed, cleavage of procollagen III by meprins is more efficient than by BMP-1. In addition, unlike BMP-1, whose activity is stimulated by procollagen C-proteinase enhancer proteins (PCPEs), the activity of meprins on procollagen III is diminished by PCPE-1. Finally, following our earlier observations of meprin expression by human epidermal keratinocytes, meprin ? is also shown to be expressed by human dermal fibroblasts. In the dermis of fibrotic skin (keloids), expression of meprin ? increases and meprin ? begins to be detected. Our study suggests that meprins could be important players in several remodeling processes involving collagen fiber deposition.
The skin irritant polyyne falcarinol (panaxynol, carotatoxin) is found in carrots, parsley, celery, and in the medicinal plant Panax ginseng. In our ongoing search for new cannabinoid (CB) receptor ligands we have isolated falcarinol from the endemic Sardinian plant Seseli praecox. We show that falcarinol exhibits binding affinity to both human CB receptors but selectively alkylates the anandamide binding site in the CB(1) receptor (K(i)=594nM), acting as covalent inverse agonist in CB(1) receptor-transfected CHO cells. Given the inherent instability of purified falcarinol we repeatedly isolated this compound for biological characterization and one new polyyne was characterized. In human HaCaT keratinocytes falcarinol increased the expression of the pro-allergic chemokines IL-8 and CCL2/MCP-1 in a CB(1) receptor-dependent manner. Moreover, falcarinol inhibited the effects of anandamide on TNF-alpha stimulated keratinocytes. In vivo, falcarinol strongly aggravated histamine-induced oedema reactions in skin prick tests. Both effects were also obtained with the CB(1) receptor inverse agonist rimonabant, thus indicating the potential role of the CB(1) receptor in skin immunopharmacology. Our data suggest anti-allergic effects of anandamide and that falcarinol-associated dermatitis is due to antagonism of the CB(1) receptor in keratinocytes, leading to increased chemokine expression and aggravation of histamine action.
While incretins are of great interest for the therapy of diabetes 2, the focus has recently been brought to the thyroid, since rodents treated with glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) analogs were found to occasionally develop medullary thyroid carcinomas. Incretin receptors for GLP-1 and glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP) were therefore measured in various rodent and human thyroid conditions. In vitro GLP-1 and GIP receptor autoradiography were performed in normal thyroids, C-cell hyperplasia and medullary thyroid carcinomas in rodents. Receptor incidence and density were assessed and compared with the receptor expression in human thyroids, medullary thyroid carcinomas, and TT cells. GLP-1 receptors are expressed in C cells of normal rat and mice thyroids. Their density is markedly increased in rat C-cell hyperplasia and medullary thyroid carcinomas, where their incidence amounts to 100%. GIP receptors are neither detected in normal rodent thyroids nor in C-cell hyperplasia, but are present in all rat medullary thyroid carcinomas. No GLP-1 or GIP receptors are detected in normal human thyroids. Whereas only 27% of all human medullary thyroid carcinomas express GLP-1 receptors, up to 89% express GIP receptors in a high density. TT cells lack GLP-1 receptors but express GIP receptors. GLP-1 receptors are frequently expressed in non-neoplastic and neoplastic C cells in rodents while they are rarely detected in human C-cell neoplasia, suggesting species differences. Conversely, GIP receptors appear to be massively overexpressed in neoplastic C cells in both species. The presence of incretin receptors in thyroid C cell lesions suggests that this organ should be monitored before and during incretin-based therapy of diabetes.
Human sexual determination is initiated by a cascade of genes that lead to the development of the fetal gonad. Whereas development of the female external genitalia does not require fetal ovarian hormones, male genital development requires the action of testicular testosterone and its more potent derivative dihydrotestosterone (DHT). The "classic" biosynthetic pathway from cholesterol to testosterone in the testis and the subsequent conversion of testosterone to DHT in genital skin is well established. Recently, an alternative pathway leading to DHT has been described in marsupials, but its potential importance to human development is unclear. AKR1C2 is an enzyme that participates in the alternative but not the classic pathway. Using a candidate gene approach, we identified AKR1C2 mutations with sex-limited recessive inheritance in four 46,XY individuals with disordered sexual development (DSD). Analysis of the inheritance of microsatellite markers excluded other candidate loci. Affected individuals had moderate to severe undervirilization at birth; when recreated by site-directed mutagenesis and expressed in bacteria, the mutant AKR1C2 had diminished but not absent catalytic activities. The 46,XY DSD individuals also carry a mutation causing aberrant splicing in AKR1C4, which encodes an enzyme with similar activity. This suggests a mode of inheritance where the severity of the developmental defect depends on the number of mutations in the two genes. An unrelated 46,XY DSD patient carried AKR1C2 mutations on both alleles, confirming the essential role of AKR1C2 and corroborating the hypothesis that both the classic and alternative pathways of testicular androgen biosynthesis are needed for normal human male sexual differentiation.
Following development of the fetal bipotential gonad into a testis, male genital differentiation requires testicular androgens. Fetal Leydig cells produce testosterone that is converted to dihydrotestosterone in genital skin, resulting in labio-scrotal fusion. An alternative 'backdoor' pathway of dihydrotestosterone synthesis that bypasses testosterone has been described in marsupials, but its relevance to human biology has been uncertain. The classic and backdoor pathways share many enzymes, but a 3α-reductase, AKR1C2, is unique to the backdoor pathway. Human AKR1C2 mutations cause disordered sexual differentiation, lending weight to the idea that both pathways are required for normal human male genital development. These observations indicate that fetal dihydrotestosterone acts both as a hormone and as a paracrine factor, substantially revising the classic paradigm for fetal male sexual development.
Tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (Apo2L/TRAIL) belongs to the TNF family known to transduce their death signals via cell membrane receptors. Because it has been shown that Apo2L/TRAIL induces apoptosis in tumor cells without or little toxicity to normal cells, this cytokine became of special interest for cancer research. Unfortunately, cancer cells are often resistant to Apo2L/TRAIL-induced apoptosis; however, this can be at least partially negotiated by parallel treatment with other substances, such as chemotherapeutic agents. Here, we report that cardiac glycosides, which have been used for the treatment of cardiac failure for many years, sensitize lung cancer cells but not normal human peripheral blood mononuclear cells to Apo2L/TRAIL-induced apoptosis. Sensitization to Apo2L/TRAIL mediated by cardiac glycosides was accompanied by up-regulation of death receptors 4 (DR4) and 5 (DR5) on both RNA and protein levels. The use of small interfering RNA revealed that up-regulation of death receptors is essential for the demonstrated augmentation of apoptosis. Blocking of up-regulation of DR4 and DR5 alone significantly reduced cell death after combined treatment with cardiac glycosides and Apo2L/TRAIL. Combined silencing of DR4 and DR5 abrogated the ability of cardiac glycosides and Apo2L/TRAIL to induce apoptosis in an additive manner. To our knowledge, this is the first demonstration that glycosides up-regulate DR4 and DR5, thereby reverting the resistance of lung cancer cells to Apo2/TRAIL-induced apoptosis. Our data suggest that the combination of Apo2L/TRAIL and cardiac glycosides may be a new interesting anticancer treatment strategy.
The insulin-like growth factor (IGF) is a major anabolic regulator in articular cartilage. The IGF-binding proteins (IGFBPs) are increased during osteoarthritis (OA), but the function of the later proteins remains unknown. In general, the IGFBPs are pluripotential effectors capable of IGF regulation and of acting on their own to control key cell functions, including survival and proliferation. The independent functions are often associated with their cell location, and therefore this study explores the distribution of IGFBP-2 and IGFBP-3 in articular chondrocytes. Immunohistochemistry was used to localize IGFBP-2 in normal human articular cartilage. Bovine chondrocytes were used for subcellular fractionation (hypotonic cell lysis) under nonreducing conditions and nuclear purification (centrifugation on sucrose cushions). Cell fraction markers and IGFBPs were assayed in the subcellular fractions by Western immunoblot. The IHC results showed association of IGFBP-2 with chondrocytes, but not with the nuclei. Subcellular fractionation of isolated chondrocytes yielded intact nuclei as assessed at the light microscopic level; the nuclear marker histone H1 was exclusively associated with this fraction. More than 90% of the cytoplasmic marker GAPDH and all the detectable IGFBP-2 were in the cytoplasmic fraction. Immunoreactive IGFBP-3 was found in the cytoplasmic and peri-nuclear/nuclear fractions. Chondrocytes contain intracellular IGFBP-2 and IGFBP-3 but only IGFBP-3 is associated with nuclei. This suggests the hypothesis that the actions of these IGFBPs in articular cartilage extend beyond the classic modulation of IGF receptor action.
Leukotriene B(4) (LTB(4)) is an important proinflammatory lipid mediator generated by neutrophils upon activation. GM-CSF stimulation is known to enhance agonist-mediated LTB(4) production of neutrophils within minutes, a process called "priming". In this study, we demonstrate that GM-CSF also limits the production of LTB(4) by neutrophils via a transcriptional mechanism at later time points. We identified hemopoietic-specific Ras homologous (RhoH)/translocation three four (TTF), which was induced following GM-CSF stimulation in neutrophils, as a key regulator in this process. Neutrophils derived from RhoH/TTF-deficient (Rhoh(-/-)) mice demonstrated increased LTB(4) production upon activation compared with normal mouse neutrophils. Moreover, neutrophils from cystic fibrosis patients expressed enhanced levels of RhoH/TTF and generated less LTB(4) upon activation compared with normal human neutrophils. Taken together, these data suggest that RhoH/TTF represents an inducible feedback inhibitor in neutrophils that is involved in the limitation of innate immune responses.
BACKGROUND: Severe brain trauma leads to an activation of the immune system. To this date, neither the exact perturbation of the specific immune reaction induced by the traumatic brain injury (TBI), nor the interactions leading to the infiltration of peripheral immune cells into the brain are fully understood. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Serum was collected from 17 patients with TBI and a long bone fracture, 24 patients with an isolated long bone fracture and from healthy individuals. The effect of the serum on normal human monocytes and T-lymphocytes was tested in vitro by assessing proliferation and expression of surface markers, chemokine receptors and cytokines. RESULTS: Serum collected from patients with a TBI and a long bone fracture increased the expression of the chemokine receptor CCR4 in monocytes when compared to patients with an isolated long bone fracture. Extending this comparison to T-lymphocytes, the serum from TBI patients induced lower proliferation rates and decreased expression of the pro-inflammatory cytokine TNF-alpha, while simultaneously increasing the secretion of immune-modulatory cytokines (IL-4, IL-10 and TGF-beta) (p<0.05). CONCLUSION: Patients with a TBI release currently unknown soluble factors into the circulating blood that up regulate expression of chemokine receptor CCR4 in peripheral blood monocytes whilst concurrently inducing expression of immunosuppressive cytokines by activated T-lymphocytes.
Tenocytes of chronic rotator cuff tendon tears can be stimulated by platelet-released growth factors
BACKGROUND Bone-to-tendon healing after rotator cuff repairs is mainly impaired by poor tissue quality. The tenocytes of chronic rotator cuff tendon tears are not able to synthesize normal fibrocartilaginous extracellular matrix (ECM). We hypothesized that in the presence of platelet-released growth factors (PRGF), tenocytes from chronically retracted rotator cuff tendons proliferate and synthesize the appropriate ECM proteins. MATERIALS AND METHODS Tenocytes from 8 patients with chronic rotator cuff tears were cultured for 4 weeks in 2 different media: standard medium (Iscove's Modified Dulbecco's Media + 10% fetal calf serum + 1% nonessential amino acids + 0.5 μg/mL ascorbic acid) and media with an additional 10% PRGF. Cell proliferation was assessed at 7, 14, 21, and 28 days. Messenger (m)RNA levels of collagens I, II, and X, decorin, biglycan, and aggrecan were analyzed using real time reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction. Immunocytochemistry was also performed. RESULTS The proliferation rate of tenocytes was significantly higher at all time points when cultured with PRGF. At 21 days, the mRNA levels for collagens I, II, and X, decorin, aggrecan, and biglycan were significantly higher in the PRGF group. The mRNA data were confirmed at protein level by immunocytochemistry. CONCLUSIONS PRGFs enhance tenocyte proliferation in vitro and promote synthesis of ECM to levels similar to those found with insertion of the normal human rotator cuffs. CLINICAL RELEVANCE Biologic augmentation of repaired rotator cuffs with PRGF may enhance the properties of the repair tissue. However, further studies are needed to determine if application of PRGF remains safe and effective in long-term clinical studies. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE Basic Science Study, Cell Biology.