434 resultados para NEOLIBERALISM


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La transformation du sang de cordon ombilical en une précieuse source de cellules souches a, dès le début des années 1990, donné naissance à une industrie commerciale globale de conservation faisant désormais concurrence à un large réseau de conservation public. Ce mémoire cherche à comprendre et à expliquer les soubassements socio-culturels liés à l’émergence de cette industrie, ainsi qu’à mieux cerner les enjeux éthiques et politiques qu’elle pose. En exposant en premier lieu la manière dont les institutions publiques de conservation de sang de cordon se définissent, et sont généralement définies par les comités bioéthiques, comme étant porteuses des valeurs d’altruisme et de solidarité nationale traditionnellement liées au modèle « redistributif » d’échange de sang et d’organes né au lendemain de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, nous problématisons la manière innovatrice par laquelle les banques privées structurent le rapport entre les mères et leurs propres produits biologiques comme l’expression d’une reconfiguration du lien social et politique caractérisée par l’émergence de nouvelles socialisés. L’hypothèse au coeur de ce mémoire est que celles-ci peuvent être comprises comme l’aboutissant de l‘espoir collectivement partagé par les consommatrices d’améliorer leur propre condition biologique familiale, étant lui-même le fruit d’une financiarisation croissante des sciences du vivant. En analysant le discours « promissif » que représente le matériel promotionnel des banques autologues, notre objectif est alors d’identifier la manière par laquelle les multiples potentialités attribuées au sang de cordon définissent des subjectivités maternelles caractérisées par des obligations morales spécifiques.


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Ce mémoire explore les dynamiques propres à la mise en place de politiques de revitalisation dans un quartier urbain montréalais. La revitalisation, accompagnée de nombreux autres « processus » connexes, comme la participation citoyenne et la concertation, participe à une tentative de gouvernement des espaces urbains à travers ce que j’ai appelé ici le dispositif de revitalisation. Le dispositif de revitalisation du quartier Sainte-Marie est le résultat de la mise en place d’une série de pratiques gouvernementales ainsi que de mutations dans la façon de gérer les affaires publiques propres au Québec, et plus particulièrement, à la grande région de Montréal. L’analyse se centre ici sur l’évolution de différentes tendances tant au niveau associatif, communautaire que privé et institutionnel afin de cerner les dynamiques propres au fonctionnement actuel du dispositif dans le quartier de Sainte-Marie, situé dans l’arrondissement Ville-Marie. La formation de ce dispositif est une partie d’un phénomène plus large de transformation des espaces urbains par différentes interventions gouvernementales et privées, à l’ère du néolibéralisme contemporain. Le dispositif est ancré dans tout un florilège d’idées et de pratiques qui doivent être justifiées par le recours à un nouveau vocabulaire et à des concepts qui demeurent volontairement flous et mal définis afin d’en arriver, pour les acteurs concernés, à conserver une liberté d’action nécessaire et d’en restreindre l’accès.


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The rise of neoliberalism and the experience of several economic crises throughout 1960’s and 70’s have opened the way to question the ability of welfare state to satisfy the basic needs of the societies. Therefore the term “welfare state” left its place to “welfare regime” in which the responsibilities for the well being of the societies are distributed among state, market and families. Following the introduction of this new term, several typologies of welfare regimes are started to be discussed. Esping-Andersen’s (1990) regime typology is considered to be one of the most significant one which covers most of the European countries. On the other hand, it has also led to criticisms for being lack of several aspects. One of them was done by Ferrera (1996), Moreno (2001), Boboli (1997) and Liebfreid (1992), which discusses that the grouping of Mediterranean countries of Europe -Greece, Italy, Spain and Portugal- within the conservative regime type. Those authors affirm that Southern European countries have their peculiar features in terms of structure of welfare provision and they form a fourth type which may be called "Mediterranean/ Southern European Regime". At this point, this doctoral thesis carries the discussion one step further and covers a profound research to answer some fundamental questions. Chiefly, clarifying whether it is possible to talk about a coherent grouping between the Mediterranean countries of Southern Europe in terms of their welfare regimes is our first objective. Then by assuming that it has an affirmative response, it is aimed to reflect the characteristics of this grouping. On the other hand, those group features are not static in time and they are sensible to various economic changes...


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This dissertation examines the ongoing European sovereign debt crises that began with Greece in 2009, in the wake of the US subprime mortgage crisis. Through the application of a historical materialist approach, I attempt to understand the on-going crisis in the European Monetary Union (EMU) by investigating root causes of sovereign debt crises, relations of power, and main beneficiaries of the policy responses. My theoretical framework hinges on three contradictions in capitalism: the tendency towards overaccumulation, the tension between fictitious capital and the productive base, and the contradiction inherent in capitalist states between their role as a national state and as a class state. In contrast to the dominant positions that locate the cause of the crisis within either: debtor states; creditor states; or the framework at the EMU, I argue that these sovereign debt crises are actually a broader crisis of crisis of capitalism within the EMU itself. In order to do so, I trace the evolution of the political economy of the Eurozone in the post-Bretton woods era, with a particularly focus on the credit system. More specifically, I argue that these crises are the result of an interaction between three meso-level contradictions that have developed within the EMU region: 1) Germany’s postwar accumulation regime, which has produced a deep crisis of overaccumulation; 2) the contradictory processes associated with the neoliberal logic of the EMU, by which I mean the rush to lower barriers to credit and finance at the expense of all else; and 3) credit-fueled, consumption-based EMU integration in the periphery; and. These three contradictions came together in the wake of the 2007-2008 US subprime crisis to form an overall crisis of capitalism in the Eurozone, expressed, as I suggest, as a crisis of fictitious capital. This dissertation aims to contribute to the ongoing project among critical political economists to de-naturalize and re-politicize money, while challenging the hegemony of monetarism within neoliberalism. Second, there has yet to be a comprehensive study that examines the EMU, Germany, and the crises in the periphery from a holistic, historical materialist analysis.


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One particular field of Social Enterprise – WISEs or Work Integration Social Enterprises – has become increasingly recognised as being emblematic of the dynamics of social enterprises and now constitutes a major sphere of their activity globally. From their early roots, focusing on providing productive activity for the blind and those with other physical and/or intellectual disabilities, WISEs are pioneers in promoting the integration of excluded persons through a productive activity. In recent decades, WISEs have incrementally evolved as a tool for implementing national and regional labour market policies. The papers in this special edition explore how populations of WISEs in different country contexts have emerged, and in some instances, shifted in their identities over time in relation to changing national or regional public policies. This special issue is part of the ICSEM project, a worldwide research project aiming to identify, analyze and compare social enterprise models across countries, regions and fields. The special issue features five country specific analyses from the first stage of the ICSEM project where researchers focusing on WISEs examined the policy environment surrounding WISEs and the heterogeneity of the organizational WISE models that have emerged in different contexts: Ireland, the United States, Japan, Austria and Switzerland.


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This qualitative study charts the lived narratives of twelve participants, six teachers and six students from urban and rural Victoria, Australia. The study examines in detail the question ‘How do teachers teach, post 9/11?’. 9/11 has become accepted shorthand for September 11th 2001, in which terrorist attacks took place in the United States of America. The attacks heralded a ‘post- 9/11 world, [in which] threats are defined more by the fault lines within societies than by the territorial boundaries between them’ (National Commission on Terrorist Attacks, 2011, p. 361). The study is embedded in the values that have come to the fore in the wake of the 9/11 attacks and the ideological shifts that have occurred globally. These values and ideologies are reflected via issues of culture and consumption. In education this is particularly visible through pedagogy. The research employs a multimethodological (Esteban-Guitart, 2012) form of inquiry through the use of bricolage (Kincheloe & Berry, 2004) which is comprised at the intersectional points of critical pedagogy (Kincheloe, 2008b), public pedagogy (Sandlin, Schultz, & Burdick, 2010b) and cultural studies (Hall, Hobson, Lowe, & Willis, 1992). This study adopts a critical ontological perspective, and is grounded in qualitative research approaches (Lather & St. Pierre, 2013). The methods of photo elicitation, artefact analysis, video observation and semi-structured interviews are used to critically examine the ways in which teacher and student identities are shaped by the pedagogies of contemporary schooling, and how they form common sense understandings of the world and themselves, charting possibilities between accepted common sense beliefs and 21st century neoliberal capitalism. The research is presented through a prototypical form of literary journalism and intertextuality which examines the interrelationship between teaching and social worlds exposing the hidden influence of enculturation and addressing the question ‘How do teachers teach, post 9/11?’


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Post-structuralist youth studies theorists have argued for nuanced perspectives on agency that are not reliant on an assumption of subjects as rational and internally coherent individuals, and understand subjectivity and social structure as produced in concert. These are important theoretical developments that have shaped recent scholarship on girls' identities and cultures. In this paper, we seek to give them some further sociological grounding by thinking through their resonance for the specific debate about young women and what feminist agency consists of, or looks like today. What we wish to further flesh out is how more familiar, modernist ideas about girls' agency have started to reach their limits not merely because of the post-structuralist turn, but because of the socio-cultural conditions of neoliberalism, post-feminism and post-girlpower. We unpack some recent shifts and complexities around three concepts: choice, empowerment and voice. These are the terms by which the possibility of girls' and young women's agency has traditionally been understood in feminist scholarship and much work in girls' studies. However, when we interrogate these concepts within the specific neoliberal, post-feminist, post-girlpower context, their usefulness for either understanding or enabling feminist agency is thrown into question.


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This paper draws on interview data gathered from a broader studyconcerned with examining issues of social justice, cultural diversityand schooling. The focus is on five students in Years 5 and 6 whoattend a primary school located on the edge of a class-privilegedarea in outer London. The children are all high achievers who are veryinvested in doing well in school and in life within the parametersof neoliberalism. The paper examines the ways in which neoliberaldiscourses of performativity and individual responsibilisationpermeate the children’s talk in relation to their understandings ofeducation and their future, and their worth and value as students.Such examination enriches the findings of important research in thisarea that draws attention to the ways in which neoliberal discourseshave become naturalised and taken-for-granted in what counts asbeing a good student and a good citizen. The paper problematisesthe individualism, competitiveness and anxiety produced by thesediscourses and provides further warrant for supporting students toidentify, challenge and think beyond them.


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This paper explores different conceptions of responsibility within and beyond neoliberal frames. Such exploration draws on the experiences and accounts of ‘Ashleigh’, a head teacher at a primary school in outer London that is part of an academy chain. Ashleigh and her school were key participants in a study that explored matters of accountability, performativity and equity. Through the presentation of interview data gathered from Ashleigh and six of her staff, the paper theorises ways of being a head teacher as aligning with the responsible neoliberal subject – a self-determined and rational actor who readily takes up the modes of regulation and measurement expected of them. It also highlights how this subjectivity sits within and alongside relations of care and concern for the welfare of students and teachers. The paper critically examines the implications of these different conceptions of responsibility in their production of different versions of professionalism. It also seeks to broaden current scholarly understandings of the responsible neoliberal subject and provide a counter-story to the tendency within public and political discourse for responsibility to be constructed in largely neoliberal terms.


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Ce mémoire porte sur la participation des aînés à l’Université du troisième âge de Québec (UTAQ) et son lien avec la norme du bien vieillir véhiculée dans la politique québécoise sur le vieillissement. Quinze étudiants de l’UTAQ ont été rencontrés lors d’entrevues semi-dirigées pour recueillir leurs propos, tant sur ce qui les amène à fréquenter cette institution que sur le vieillissement lui-même et sa prise en charge sociale. Le cadre conceptuel de cette recherche s’inspire de l’anthropology of policy et permet d’envisager la manière dont nous sommes gouvernés dans une société néolibérale. Il est constitué des écrits foucaldiens sur le rapport savoir-pouvoir et les normes. De la littérature récente sur le néolibéralisme, je retiens également la technique de responsabilisation, centrale à ce mode de gouvernement. Les récits des étudiants de l’UTAQ montrent qu’ils sont très sensibles aux discours de la politique sur le vieillissement et qu’ils adhèrent à la vision de la vieillesse qui en découle tout en demeurant très critiques à son endroit. Enfin, mon analyse montre que l’UTAQ peut servir de relais de la politique du bien vieillir, et ce, de multiples façons.


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Student engagement in learning and teaching is receiving a growing level of interest from policy makers, researchers, and practitioners. This includes opportunities for staff and students to co-create curricula, yet there are few examples within current literature which describe and critique this form of staff-student collaboration (Bovill (2013a), Healey et al (2014), Cook-Sather et al (2014). The competing agendas of neoliberalism and critical, radical pedagogies influence the policy and practice of staff and students co-creating curricula and, consequently, attempt to appropriate the purpose of it in different ways. Using case-based research methodology, my study presents analysis of staff and students co-creating curricula within seven universities. This includes 17 examples of practice across 14 disciplines. Using an inductive approach, I have examined issues relating to definitions of practice, conceptualisations of curricula, perceptions of value, and the relationship between practice and institutional strategy. I draw upon an interdisciplinary body of literature to provide the conceptual foundations for my research. This has been necessary to address the complexity of practice and includes literature relating to student engagement in learning and teaching, conceptual models of curriculum in higher education, approaches to evidencing value and impact, and critical theory and radical pedagogies. The study makes specific contributions to the wider scholarly debate by highlighting the importance of dialogue and conversational scholarship as well as identifying with participants what matters as well as what works as a means to evidence the value of collaborations. It also presents evidence of a new model of co-creating curricula and additional approaches to conceptualising curricula to facilitate collaboration. Analysis of macro and micro level data shows enactment of dialogic pedagogies within contexts of technical-rational strategy formation and implementation.


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Este documento indaga sobre los determinantes que hicieron posible la creación de la Alianza del Pacífico. Para ello, se describen elementos del contexto internacional y regional dentro del cual se gestó la Alianza, y que permitió la convergencia de unos intereses afines entre Chile, Colombia, Perú y México que, determinados por identidades similares, desembocaron en un proyecto colectivo: La Alianza del Pacífico. El argumento principal es que los intereses, las características y las identidades comunes configuraron unas preferencias nacionales que fueron materializadas en la creación de un proyecto de integración económica con características particulares, que sirve de plataforma para la coordinación, la articulación, la inserción y el desarrollo económico de sus miembros.


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Este documento evidencia las posiciones hegemónicas que han llegado a ocupar las empresas más poderosas del país, basándose en el estudio de datos cuantitativos del conteo de las cien empresas con mejores ventas para los años 2013 y 2014, según la revista Gerente. Se usan cinco variables: ventas totales, activos, pasivos, patrimonio y utilidades netas. En la primera sección, se hace una revisión bibliográfica que conecta el origen de la hegemonía en un panorama económico con la influencia del neoliberalismo y la globalización en el actual tejido industrial colombiano. Posteriormente, se realiza una explicación sobre la metodología aplicada para el estudio de la base de datos; la cual es seguida por una exposición de los resultados obtenidos a partir de herramientas estadísticas como el análisis de correlación lineal, quintiles y variaciones porcentuales. Finalmente, se aborda el Programa de Transformación Productiva, esto con el objetivo de mostrar los puntos focales que necesitan especial atención para lograr catalizar el desarrollo económico de Colombia.


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El estallido de la “Revolución de los Jazmines” cuestionó el éxito de un país que por más de dos décadas fue exaltado por el Banco Mundial (BM) y el Fondo Monetario Internacional (FMI) por los logros alcanzados gracias a un programa de restructuración económica. Las exigencias e inconformidades de los manifestantes, que iban más allá de la falta de garantías democráticas, permitieron ver que el país sufría de problemas estructurales relacionados a los altos niveles de desempleo, la precariedad de la situación laboral y la desigualdad. Esta monografía pretende evaluar el papel que tuvieron las reformas económicas y en general el modelo de desarrollo que siguió Túnez de la mano del FMI y el BM, en el surgimiento y consolidación de las condiciones que dieron lugar a la Revolución de los Jazmines a finales del año 2010.