Studies of chemokine receptors (CKR) in natural killer- (NK-) cells have already been published, but only a few gave detailed information on its differential expression on blood NK-cell subsets. We report on the expression of the inflammatory and homeostatic CKR on normal blood CD56(+low) CD16(+) and CD56(+high) CD16(-/+low) NK-cells. Conventional CD56(+low) and CD56(+high) NK-cells present in the normal PB do express CKR for inflammatory cytokines, although with different patterns CD56(+low) NK-cells are mainly CXCR1/CXCR2(+) and CXCR3/CCR5(-/+), whereas mostly CD56(+high) NK-cells are CXCR1/CXCR2(-) and CXCR3/CCR5(+). Both NK-cell subsets have variable CXCR4 expression and are CCR4(-) and CCR6(-). The CKR repertoire of the CD56(+low) NK-cells approaches to that of neutrophils, whereas the CKR repertoire of the CD56(+high) NK-cells mimics that of Th1(+) T cells, suggesting that these cells are prepared to migrate into inflamed tissues at different phases of the immune response. In addition, we describe a subpopulation of NK-cells with intermediate levels of CD56 expression, which we named CD56(+int) NK-cells. These NK-cells are CXCR3/CCR5(+), they have intermediate levels of expression of CD16, CD62L, CD94, and CD122, and they are CD57(-) and CD158a(-). In view of their phenotypic features, we hypothesize that they correspond to a transitional stage, between the well-known CD56(+high) and CD56(+low) NK-cells populations.
Tese de Doutoramento, Biologia (Ecologia Vegetal), 25 de Junho de 2013, Universidade dos Açores.
Tese de Doutoramento, Biologia (Ecologia Vegetal), 24 de Junho de 2013, Universidade dos Açores.
O estudo da estrutura e dinâmica da regeneração natural em sub-bosque de plantios com espécies exóticas, como as do gênero Pinus , possibilita dar informações para manejo, conservação e reestabelecimento das espécies nativas de uma comunidade vegetal. O objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar e quantificar a dinâmica da regeneração natural das espécies arbustivo-arbóreas ocorrentes no sub-bosque do povoamento de Pinus caribaea , na Rebio de Saltinho, em Pernambuco. Foram medidas as espécies regenerantes de 10 parcelas permanentes, de 1 x 50 m, e incluídos os indivíduos com circunferência na base a 30 cm do solo (CAB 0,30m) ≤ 15 cm e altura superior a um metro. A altura foi classificada em: Classe 1, indivíduos arbustivoarbóreos, com altura 1 ≤ H ≤ 2; Classe 2 com altura 2 < H ≤ 3; e Classe 3, com altura > 3 m e CAP ≤ 15 cm. Calcularam-se os parâmetros fitossociológicos, a dinâmica da regeneração e os índices de Shannon (H’) e a equabilidade (J’) por Pielou. Protium heptaphyllum teve maior número de indivíduos e valor de importância (VI), e Miconia prasina a melhor frequência nos dois levantamentos. Quanto ao índice H’ de 3,32 nats.ind-1 (2007) passou a 3,07 nats.ind-1 (2012), e a equabilidade de J’ de 0,85 a 0,62, havendo decréscimo tanto para a diversidade, quanto para a distribuição. O levantamento de 2012 registrou aumento de 12,5% do número de indivíduos, e os regenerantes de 2007 tiveram 48,31% de mortalidade. Com relação ao número de indivíduos e área basal, os percentuais de ganhos foram superiores ao das perdas. Conclui-se que a sucessão ecológica da regeneração do sub-bosque do povoamento estudado, encontra-se em modificação positiva, e o povoamento de Pinus caribaea, não está impedindo o surgimento de novos indivíduos e espécies.
The Aedes aegypti vector for dengue virus (DENV) has been reported in urban and periurban areas. The information about DENV circulation in mosquitoes in Colombian rural areas is limited, so we aimed to evaluate the presence of DENV in Ae. aegypti females caught in rural locations of two Colombian municipalities, Anapoima and La Mesa. Mosquitoes from 497 rural households in 44 different rural settlements were collected. Pools of about 20 Ae. aegypti females were processed for DENV serotype detection. DENV in mosquitoes was detected in 74% of the analysed settlements with a pool positivity rate of 62%. The estimated individual mosquito infection rate was 4.12% and the minimum infection rate was 33.3/1,000 mosquitoes. All four serotypes were detected; the most frequent being DENV-2 (50%) and DENV-1 (35%). Two-three serotypes were detected simultaneously in separate pools. This is the first report on the co-occurrence of natural DENV infection of mosquitoes in Colombian rural areas. The findings are important for understanding dengue transmission and planning control strategies. A potential latent virus reservoir in rural areas could spill over to urban areas during population movements. Detecting DENV in wild-caught adult mosquitoes should be included in the development of dengue epidemic forecasting models.
Dissertação de Mestrado, Ciências Biomédicas, Departamento de Ciências Biomédicas e Medicina, Universidade do Algarve, 2015
Doutoramento em Engenharia Agronómica - Instituto Superior de Agronomia - UL
Dissertação de Mestrado, Biologia Marinha, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2016
The so-called "residential tourism" came to intensify the previous occupation of the coastal zones, characterized by traditional beach houses, and brought significant consequences for their spatial configuration, and especially for its scenic value of the landscape. Although there is the intention to regulate the activities of enterprising groups by some legal instruments to control the use and occupation of land, and to contain some negative effects, the actions of government are still inefficient in trying to follow the implications on the landscape from the accelerated growth of the real estate and touristic sectors. Supported in the speech of economic development and income generation, public managers prioritize areas to attract tourists to the detriment of preserving important physical attributes of the natural environment that contribute significantly to the quality of life. The result can be noticed in the use of natural elements as one of the major components in the land valorization, and in the immediate attraction of investors and enterprising. Therefore, the objective of this work is to contribute to the debate on the landscape preservation a little detailed thematic in view of their relevance in the current context - by indicating subsidies to the creation of a methodology for the evaluation and protection of coastal zones that may assist the government in creating new instruments, and better prepare it in control of the occupation of these areas. For such, was followed two ways to analysis: the indirect method and the direct method. The first is grounded in the evaluation of landscape attributes, which is based on the work of Raquel Tardin (2008) and Eduardo Cuesta, Encarnación Algarra and Isabel Pastor (2001). The second, based on the research of Leticia and Carlos Hardt (2010) and on the concepts of phenomenology - expressed by Antonio Christofoletti (1985) and Yi-Fu Tuan (1983) - considers the population perspective on the quality of the natural scenery. Developed through cartographic materials, photographic collections and quantitative tables, this dissertation utilized as a case study the beaches of Barra de Tabatinga and Camurupim, located in the city of Nísia Floresta/RN. Despite already being sighted spaces of advanced stage of landscape degradation in these locations, areas of remarkable scenic value can still be found, what reinforce the urgency in adopting preservationists actions. The absence of laws focused on the management and protection of the landscape singularities associated with the inefficiency of the government to invigilate the land occupation in coastal zones, encourage the excessive action of the real estate-tourism, and consequently make the government the main responsible for the environmental and landscape impacts in these areas - by its omission or by their connivance. Therefore, the legislation permeates this entire process and constitutes itself as the most effective way to guarantee the right to the landscape to present and future generations. Are also pointed some important considerations to build a methodology, especially concerning possibilities of improvements and adaptations of its applicability in each case
À travers l’augmentation des désastres dits « naturels » au cours de la dernière décennie, des populations se sont retrouvées soudainement sans maison, sans endroit où loger. L’absence d’endroit où loger amènera donc les populations affectées à se déplacer temporairement et parfois de façon permanente. Cette étude s’intéresse à un cas spécifique de relocalisation dans un site organisé, Corail-Cesselesse, créé quelques mois après le tremblement de terre dévastateur de janvier 2010, en Haïti. Initialement occupé par des ménages provenant surtout des quartiers de Delmas et Port-au-Prince et qui s’étaient réfugiés sur le vaste terrain de golf de Pétionville après avoir perdu leurs habitations, le site de Corail est ainsi étudié de façon descriptive et comparative pour évaluer l’évolution de la vulnérabilité des ménages qui y vivent. Pour ce faire, une revue du concept portant sur la vulnérabilité et la gestion des risques est nécessaire pour y dégager les indicateurs clés servant à l’analyse de l’évolution des états précédant et succédant à une catastrophe naturelle. En particulier, une approche combinant trois méthodes ralliant le qualitatif et quantitatif est utile pour conduire cette évaluation. À travers des questionnaires, des données géospatiales et d’entrevues auprès de professionnels en aménagement dans les pays en développement, on analyse dans quelle mesure la vulnérabilité sociale a évolué. On constate que la prise de décision sur la création de Corail a négligé plusieurs dimensions sociales nécessaires pour permettre aux familles de se rétablir d’un aléa d’une telle amplitude.
Forest trees, like oaks, rely on high levels of genetic variation to adapt to varying environmental conditions. Thus, genetic variation and its distribution are important for the long-term survival and adaptability of oak populations. Climate change is projected to lead to increased drought and fire events as well as a northward migration of tree species, including oaks. Additionally, decline in oak regeneration has become increasingly concerning since it may lead to decreased gene flow and increased inbreeding levels. This will in turn lead to lowered levels of genetic diversity, negatively affecting the growth and survival of populations. At the same time, populations at the species’ distribution edge, like those in this study, could possess important stores of genetic diversity and adaptive potential, while also being vulnerable to climatic or anthropogenic changes. A survey of the level and distribution of genetic variation and identification of potentially adaptive genes is needed since adaptive genetic variation is essential for their long-term survival. Oaks possess a remarkable characteristic in that they maintain their species identity and specific environmental adaptations despite their propensity to hybridize. Thus, in the face of interspecific gene flow, some areas of the genome remain differentiated due to selection. This characteristic allows the study of local environmental adaptation through genetic variation analyses. Furthermore, using genic markers with known putative functions makes it possible to link those differentiated markers to potential adaptive traits (e.g., flowering time, drought stress tolerance). Demographic processes like gene flow and genetic drift also play an important role in how genes (including adaptive genes) are maintained or spread. These processes are influenced by disturbances, both natural and anthropogenic. An examination of how genetic variation is geographically distributed can display how these genetic processes and geographical disturbances influence genetic variation patterns. For example, the spatial clustering of closely related trees could promote inbreeding with associated negative effects (inbreeding depression), if gene flow is limited. In turn this can have negative consequences for a species’ ability to adapt to changing environmental conditions. In contrast, interspecific hybridization may also allow the transfer of genes between species that increase their adaptive potential in a changing environment. I have studied the ecologically divergent, interfertile red oaks, Quercus rubra and Q. ellipsoidalis, to identify genes with potential roles in adaptation to abiotic stress through traits such as drought tolerance and flowering time, and to assess the level and distribution of genetic variation. I found evidence for moderate gene flow between the two species and low interspecific genetic differences at most genetic markers (Lind and Gailing 2013). However, the screening of genic markers with potential roles in phenology and drought tolerance led to the identification of a CONSTANS-like (COL) gene, a candidate gene for flowering time and growth. This marker, located in the coding region of the gene, was highly differentiated between the two species in multiple geographical areas, despite interspecific gene flow, and may play a role in reproductive isolation and adaptive divergence between the two species (Lind-Riehl et al. 2014). Since climate change could result in a northward migration of trees species like oaks, this gene could be important in maintaining species identity despite increased contact zones between species (e.g., increased gene flow). Finally I examined differences in spatial genetic structure (SGS) and genetic variation between species and populations subjected to different management strategies and natural disturbances. Diverse management activities combined with various natural disturbances as well as species specific life history traits influenced SGS patterns and inbreeding levels (Lind-Riehl and Gailing submitted).
À travers l’augmentation des désastres dits « naturels » au cours de la dernière décennie, des populations se sont retrouvées soudainement sans maison, sans endroit où loger. L’absence d’endroit où loger amènera donc les populations affectées à se déplacer temporairement et parfois de façon permanente. Cette étude s’intéresse à un cas spécifique de relocalisation dans un site organisé, Corail-Cesselesse, créé quelques mois après le tremblement de terre dévastateur de janvier 2010, en Haïti. Initialement occupé par des ménages provenant surtout des quartiers de Delmas et Port-au-Prince et qui s’étaient réfugiés sur le vaste terrain de golf de Pétionville après avoir perdu leurs habitations, le site de Corail est ainsi étudié de façon descriptive et comparative pour évaluer l’évolution de la vulnérabilité des ménages qui y vivent. Pour ce faire, une revue du concept portant sur la vulnérabilité et la gestion des risques est nécessaire pour y dégager les indicateurs clés servant à l’analyse de l’évolution des états précédant et succédant à une catastrophe naturelle. En particulier, une approche combinant trois méthodes ralliant le qualitatif et quantitatif est utile pour conduire cette évaluation. À travers des questionnaires, des données géospatiales et d’entrevues auprès de professionnels en aménagement dans les pays en développement, on analyse dans quelle mesure la vulnérabilité sociale a évolué. On constate que la prise de décision sur la création de Corail a négligé plusieurs dimensions sociales nécessaires pour permettre aux familles de se rétablir d’un aléa d’une telle amplitude.
In late summer 2010 a mosquito born flavivirus not previously reported in Europe called Bagaza virus (BAGV) caused high mortality in red-legged partridges (Alectoris rufa) and ring-necked pheasants (Phasianus colchicus). We studied clinical findings, lesions and viral antigen distribution in naturally BAGV infected game birds in order to understand the apparently higher impact on red-legged partridges. The disease induced neurologic signs in the two galliform species and, to a lesser extent, in common wood pigeons (Columba palumbus). In red-legged partridges infection by BAGV caused severe haemosiderosis in the liver and spleen that was absent in pheasants and less evident in common wood pigeons. Also, BAGV antigen was present in vascular endothelium in multiple organs in red-legged partridges, and in the spleen in common wood pigeons, while in ring-necked pheasants it was only detected in neurons and glial cells in the brain. These findings indicate tropism of BAGV for endothelial cells and a severe haemolytic process in red-legged partridges in addition to the central nervous lesions that were found in all three species.