848 resultados para Mus


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Soitinnus: lauluääni, piano.


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Soitinnus: lauluääni, piano.


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Soitinnus: orkesteri.


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Soitinnus: viulut (2), alttoviulu, sello.


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Soitinnus: lauluääni (sopraano), piano.


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Soitinnus: orkesteri.


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Soitinnus: lauluääni, piano.


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Soitinnus: lauluääni (sopraano), piano.


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Teksti: Kalevala, käänt. T. Lindh.


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Soitinnus: lauluääni, piano.


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Soitinnus: orkesteri.


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Armas Launiksen (1884–1959) Seitsemän veljestä (1913) on ensimmäinen suomalainen koominen ooppera. Launis laati libreton teokseen Aleksis Kiven romaanin pohjalta. Ooppera oli hyvin kunnianhimoinen yritys nuorelta säveltäjältä ja Launis ryhtyi melkoisen haasteeseen. Kiven romaani on kirjoitettu osittain vuoropuheluksi ja on muodoltaan hyvin moderni. Uransa alkuvaiheessa ollut säveltäjä teki yli neljätuntisen esikoisoopperansa draamallisesti vaikeasti käsiteltävästä aiheesta. Launis onnistuikin luomaan omaperäisen musiikkidraamallisen sanonnan, jolle ei ollut suoranaista kansainvälistä vastinetta. Launis oli ensimmäinen, joka alisti suomen kielen palvelemaan luonnonmukaista resitatiivia. Vaikka Launiksen oopperalla ei ole sellaista merkitystä suomalaisessa oopperataiteessa kuin Kiven romaanilla kaunokirjallisuudessa, on annettava arvo Launiksen ennakkoluulottomalle uudistuspyrkimykselle, joka oli läpi uran näkyvillä hänen säveltäjäpersoonassaan. Sävelkielen muuntuminen oopperasta toiseen oli poikkeuksellisen huomattavaa. Oopperan kokonaisuutta on sanottu hajanaiseksi ja sen on moitittu kantavan huonosti juonellisesti ja psykologisesti loppuun asti. Aikalaisarvostelijat moittivat Seitsemän veljeksen orkesteriosuutta liian vakavahenkiseksi suhteessa hullunkurisia käänteitä sisältävään tekstiin.


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The use of intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) has increased extensively in the modern radiotherapy (RT) treatments over the past two decades. Radiation dose distributions can be delivered with higher conformality with IMRT when compared to the conventional 3D-conformal radiotherapy (3D-CRT). Higher conformality and target coverage increases the probability of tumour control and decreases the normal tissue complications. The primary goal of this work is to improve and evaluate the accuracy, efficiency and delivery techniques of RT treatments by using IMRT. This study evaluated the dosimetric limitations and possibilities of IMRT in small (treatments of head-and-neck, prostate and lung cancer) and large volumes (primitive neuroectodermal tumours). The dose coverage of target volumes and the sparing of critical organs were increased with IMRT when compared to 3D-CRT. The developed split field IMRT technique was found to be safe and accurate method in craniospinal irradiations. By using IMRT in simultaneous integrated boosting of biologically defined target volumes of localized prostate cancer high doses were achievable with only small increase in the treatment complexity. Biological plan optimization increased the probability of uncomplicated control on average by 28% when compared to standard IMRT delivery. Unfortunately IMRT carries also some drawbacks. In IMRT the beam modulation is realized by splitting a large radiation field to small apertures. The smaller the beam apertures are the larger the rebuild-up and rebuild-down effects are at the tissue interfaces. The limitations to use IMRT with small apertures in the treatments of small lung tumours were investigated with dosimetric film measurements. The results confirmed that the peripheral doses of the small lung tumours were decreased as the effective field size was decreased. The studied calculation algorithms were not able to model the dose deficiency of the tumours accurately. The use of small sliding window apertures of 2 mm and 4 mm decreased the tumour peripheral dose by 6% when compared to 3D-CRT treatment plan. A direct aperture based optimization (DABO) technique was examined as a solution to decrease the treatment complexity. The DABO IMRT technique was able to achieve treatment plans equivalent with the conventional IMRT fluence based optimization techniques in the concave head-and-neck target volumes. With DABO the effective field sizes were increased and the number of MUs was reduced with a factor of two. The optimality of a treatment plan and the therapeutic ratio can be further enhanced by using dose painting based on regional radiosensitivities imaged with functional imaging methods.


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Entre as espécies de roedores já estudadas podemos destacar a grande variação na morfologia do aparelho reprodutor masculino. Assim, considerando a importância ecológica dos roedores, e a grande representatividade numérica quanto geográfica destes animais, bem como a escassez que aborda a anatomia reprodutiva, desenvolvemos este trabalho com um roedor histricomorfo da América do Sul, a viscacha. Este animal apresenta algumas características reprodutivas bem peculiares, desta forma descreveremos a anatomia macroscópica da musculatura perineal, e o papel dos músculos no comportamento copulatório desta espécie. A região perineal da viscacha é composta por cinco músculos, sendo que três músculos encontram-se dispostos no diafragama urogenital superficial, Musculus ischiocavernosus, M. bulbocavernosus e M. bulbospongiosus, e pelos músculos que se encontram no diafragma pélvico, M. levator ani e M. retractor penis. Sendo assim, destacamos que o estudo do assoalho pélvico em animais silvestres é de grande valia, uma vez que contribuem com o melhor entendimento dos mecanismos relacionados â ereção e ejaculação; ou seja colaboram com os estudos sobre a reprodução dos animais.


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The susceptibility of sparrows (Passer domesticus) and strains of mice (Swiss, BALB/c, C-57 and DB-A) to Lawsonia intracellularis infection was studied. Thirty-two sparrows were inoculated with pure culture of L. intracellularis and eleven received sham inoculum. Feces were collected on -1, 7, 14 and 21 days post infection (dpi) for detection of L. intracellularis by PCR. After 21 days, all sparrows were euthanized and the tissues processed for histology and immunohistochemistry (IHC). One hundred sixty mice of four different strains (n=40, per strain) were used. For each mouse strain, 16 animals received mucosa homogenate from a pig infected with L. intracellularis, 16 received pure culture of L. intracellularis and eight animals received sham inoculum. Two control and four inoculated mice from each group were euthanized on 7, 14, 21 and 28 dpi. Sections of intestine were collected for histologic analysis and IHC and pooled feces were collected for L. intracellularis PCR. None of the sparrows had any histologic lesions characteristic of proliferative enteropathy or antigen labeling by IHC. All sparrow fecal samples were negative by PCR. All mice strains studied had histopathological lesions typical of PE and IHC labeling consistent with L. intracellularis infection, especially those animals inoculated with pure culture. The most severe lesions were observed in DB-A and Swiss mice. Fecal shedding was detected in all mice strains, with peak at 14 dpi. We conclude that sparrows do not seem to be relevant in the epidemiology of L. intracellularis. The results showed variations in the lesions among the four mice strains used.