966 resultados para Months.


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Background and aim: Endoscopic incision is an alternative method for refractory esophageal strictures; however, little is known about its long-term efficacy. The aim of the study is to assess the long-term outcomes of endoscopic incision for treating refractory esophageal anastomotic strictures. Methods: Between September 2011 and September 2014, 13 patients with refractory esophageal anastomotic strictures were treated with endoscopic incision. Their clinical data were retrospectively collected to evaluate the efficacy and safety of the technique. Results: All the 13 patients underwent the procedure successfully with median operation duration of 15 minutes. A total of 27 sessions were necessary to maintain lumen patency until September 2015, and 7 patients needed retreatment. The symptoms relieved in all the cases, and the median dysphagia score decreased from 4 to 1 during a median follow-up of 24 months. The median diameter of stricture was enlarged from 4 mm to 12 mm. As a short-term effect, dysphagia symptoms improved in 100% (13/13), 84.6% (11/13) and 76.9% (10/13) of the patients one, three and six months after a single treatment. As long-term effect, the dysphagia improved in 61.5% (8/13), 63.6% (7/11) and 60% (6/10) of the patients 12, 18 and 24 months after a single treatment. Conclusions: The efficacy of endoscopic incision is favorable in the short term. However, retreatment is needed to maintain the long-term lumen patency for parts of the patients.


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Background: Early childhood lead exposure is associated with numerous adverse health effects. Biomonitoring among susceptible populations, such as children, has not been previously conducted. The aim of the study is to evaluate the blood lead (Pb) and total blood calcium (Ca) levels; blood zinc (Zn) levels. Methods: A cross-sectional study was designed to collect healthy children age 1-36 months (Mean ± SD: 1.5 ± 0.6 age, 60% boys) in the study from January 2010 to September 2011. Results: The overall mean blood Pb levels were 42.18 ± 12.13 μg/L, the overall mean blood Zn and total blood Ca concentrations were 62.18 ± 12.33 μmol/L and 1.78 ± 0.13 mmol/L, respectively. The prevalence of elevated blood Pb levels in all children was 1.3%. A significant difference was found between female and male subjects for the blood Pb and Zn. After controlling for gender and age, there was a weak positive correlation between total blood Ca and Zn level. Conclusions: The blood Pb levels had a significant negative correlation with total blood Ca level after adjusting for age and gender, and these findings suggest that Pb had effect on positive blood Zn and total blood Ca levels; parents should pay more attention to the nutrition of girls.


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The increased prevalence of iron deficiency among infants can be attributed to the consumption of an iron deficient diet or a diet that interferes with iron absorption at the critical time of infancy, among other factors. The gradual shift from breast milk to other foods and liquids is a transition period which greatly contributes to iron deficiency anaemia (IDA). The purpose of this research was to assess iron deficiency anaemia among infants aged six to nine months in Keiyo South Sub County. The specific objectives of this study were: to establish the prevalence of infants with iron deficiency anaemia and dietary iron intake among infants aged 6 to 9 months. The cross sectional study design was adopted in this survey. This study was conducted in three health facilities in Keiyo South Sub County. The infants were selected by use of a two stage cluster sampling procedure. Systematic random sampling was then used to select a total of 244 mothers and their infants. Eighty two (82) infants were selected from Kamwosor sub-district hospital and eighty one (81) from both Nyaru and Chepkorio health facilities. Interview schedules, 24-hour dietary recall and food frequency questionnaires were used for collection of dietary iron intake. Biochemical tests were carried out by use of the Hemo-control photochrometer at the health facilities. Infants whose hemoglobin levels were less than 11g/dl were considered anaemic. Further, peripheral blood smears were conducted to ascertain the type of nutritional anaemia. Data was analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) computer software version 17, 2009. Dietary iron intake was analyzed using the NutriSurvey 2007 computer software. Results indicated that the mean hemoglobin values were 11.3± 0.84 g/dl. Twenty one percent (21.7%) of the infants had anaemia and further 100% of peripheral blood smears indicated iron deficiency anaemia. Dietary iron intake was a predictor of iron deficiency anaemia in this study (t=-3.138; p=0.01). Iron deficiency anaemia was evident among infants in Keiyo South Sub County. The Ministry of Health should formulate and implement policies on screening for anaemia and ensure intensive nutrition education on iron rich diets during child welfare clinics.


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Poster presented at the 24th Annual Meeting of the Portuguese Dental Association, 12-14 November 2015 Meo Arena, Lisboa, Portugal.


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"Though olive oil is a perishable product, there is not a European regulation for maximum consumption time after production, in part because its durability depends on the storage conditions. The main objectives of this study were to compare the influence of the type of storage on changes of Portuguese virgin olive oils and to verify whether the addition of Catostylus tagi could increase the oxidative stability of olive oil. Over 12 months, the conservation status of monovarietal and blended olive oils in four contexts possible to be used by the consumer was monitored. The analyzed parameters were chlorophyll content, free acidity, peroxide value, specific extinction coefficients at 232 and 270 nm and delta K. Spaced determinations of iodine index and total tocopherol contents complemented the study. Results showed that at Mediterranean temperatures and normal storage procedure, the mean time to reach maximum peroxides value was 12–13 months. At artificial light storage, C. tagi was effective in reducing peroxides evolution by 11 %."


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OBJECTIVE: To examine associations between dietary intakes of fathers and their children at child age 20 months, 3·5 years and 5 years, and to determine if fathers' intake predicts change in children's intake between 20 months and 3·5 and 5 years of age.

DESIGN: The diets of fathers and their first-born children participating in the longitudinal Melbourne Infant Feeding Activity and Nutrition Trial (InFANT) Program were assessed using FFQ and three 24 h recalls, respectively.

SETTING: Sixty-two pre-existing first-time parent groups were selected from fourteen local government areas within a 60 km radius of Deakin University Burwood, Victoria, Australia.

SUBJECTS: Fathers and their first-born children at 20 months (n 317), 3·5 years (n 214) and 5 years of age (n 208).

RESULTS: Positive associations were found between fathers' and children's intakes of fruit and sweet snacks at 20 months (P=0·001) and 5 years of age (P=0·012). Fathers' intake at child age 20 months was associated with change in children's intake for fruit, sweet snacks and sugar-sweetened beverages between child age 20 months and 3·5 years, and for sweet snacks and sugar-sweetened beverages between child age 20 months and 5 years (all P<0·05). After adjustment for maternal intake, fathers' intake of sweet snacks remained a predictor of change in children's sweet snack intake between 20 months and 3·5 years of age (P=0·03).

CONCLUSIONS: Associations between the dietary intakes of fathers and their children commence at a young age and continue through early childhood. Fathers should be included in future interventions aimed at improving children's diets.


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Introduction: Food availability and access are strongly affected by seasonality in Ethiopia. However, there are little data on seasonal variation in Infant and Young Child Feeding (IYCF) practices and malnutrition among 6-23 months old children in different agro-ecological zones of rural Ethiopia. Methods: Socio-demographic, anthropometry and IYCF indicators were assessed in post- and pre-harvest seasons among children aged 6–23 months of age randomly selected from rural villages of lowland and midland agro-ecological zones. Results: Child stunting and underweight increased from prevalence of 39.8% and 26.9% in post-harvest to 46.0% and 31.8% in pre-harvest seasons, respectively. The biggest increase in prevalence of stunting and underweight between post- and pre-harvest seasons was noted in the midland zone. Wasting decreased from 11.6% post-harvest to 8.5% pre-harvest, with the biggest decline recorded in the lowland zone. Minimum meal frequency, minimum acceptable diet and poor dietary diversity increased considerably in pre-harvest compared to post-harvest season in the lowland zone. Feeding practices and maternal age were predictors of wasting, while women’s dietary diversity and children age was predictor of child dietary diversity in both seasons. Conclusion: There is seasonal variation in malnutrition and IYCF practices among children 6-23 months of age with more pronounced effect in midland agro-ecological zone. A major contributing factor for child malnutrition may be poor feeding practices. Health information strategies focused on both IYCF practices and dietary diversity of mothers could be a sensible approach to reduce the burden of child malnutrition in rural Ethiopia.


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Audit report on the Muscatine Agricultural Learning Center for the year ended June 30, 2016 and the six months ended June 30, 2015


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Babies’ growth, development and nutrition needs vary in each stage of infancy. At six months of age, most babies are ready to begin eating solid foods of soft consistency. This brochure discusses signs your baby is ready to start solids, food basics, eating safely and successful weaning. A suggested meal plan chart is included.


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This document explains what to expect during each month of pregnancy. It also discusses exercise during pregnancy, prenatal care, sex during pregnancy, normal complaints and problems of pregnancy and other issues.


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There have only been a small number of applications of consumer decision set theory to holiday destination choice, and these studies have tended to rely on a single cross sectional snapshot of research participants’ stated preferences. Very little has been reported on the relationship between stated destination preferences and actual travel, or changes in decision set composition over time. The paper presents a rare longitudinal examination of destination decision sets, in the context of short break holidays by car in Queensland, Australia. Two questionnaires were administered, three months apart. The first identified destination preferences while the second examined actual travel and revisited destination preferences. In relation to the conference theme, there was very little change in consumer preferences towards the competitive set of destinations over the three month period. A key implication for the destination of interest, which, in an attempt to change market perceptions, launched a new brand campaign during the period of the project, is that a long term investment in a consistent brand message will be required to change market perceptions. The results go some way to support the proposition that the positioning of a destination into a consumer’s decision set represents a source of competitive advantage.


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Assessment and prediction of the impact of vehicular traffic emissions on air quality and exposure levels requires knowledge of vehicle emission factors. The aim of this study was quantification of emission factors from an on road, over twelve months measurement program conducted at two sites in Brisbane: 1) freeway type (free flowing traffic at about 100 km/h, fleet dominated by small passenger cars - Tora St); and 2) urban busy road with stop/start traffic mode, fleet comprising a significant fraction of heavy duty vehicles - Ipswich Rd. A physical model linking concentrations measured at the road for specific meteorological conditions with motor vehicle emission factors was applied for data analyses. The focus of the study was on submicrometer particles; however the measurements also included supermicrometer particles, PM2.5, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, oxides of nitrogen. The results of the study are summarised in this paper. In particular, the emission factors for submicrometer particles were 6.08 x 1013 and 5.15 x 1013 particles per vehicle-1 km-1 for Tora St and Ipswich Rd respectively and for supermicrometer particles for Tora St, 1.48 x 109 particles per vehicle-1 km-1. Emission factors of diesel vehicles at both sites were about an order of magnitude higher than emissions from gasoline powered vehicles. For submicrometer particles and gasoline vehicles the emission factors were 6.08 x 1013 and 4.34 x 1013 particles per vehicle-1 km-1 for Tora St and Ipswich Rd, respectively, and for diesel vehicles were 5.35 x 1014 and 2.03 x 1014 particles per vehicle-1 km-1 for Tora St and Ipswich Rd, respectively. For supermicrometer particles at Tora St the emission factors were 2.59 x 109 and 1.53 x 1012 particles per vehicle-1 km-1, for gasoline and diesel vehicles, respectively.


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The occurrence of and conditions favourable to nucleation were investigated at an industrial and commercial coastal location in Brisbane, Australia during five different campaigns covering a total period of 13 months. To identify potential nucleation events, the difference in number concentration in the size range 14-30 nm (N14-30) between consecutive observations was calculated using first-order differencing. The data showed that nucleation events were a rare occurrence, and that in the absence of nucleation the particle number was dominated by particles in the range 30-300 nm. In many instances, total particle concentration declined during nucleation. There was no clear pattern in change in NO and NO2 concentrations during the events. SO2 concentration, in the majority of cases, declined during nucleation but there were exceptions. Most events took place in summer, followed by winter and then spring, and no events were observed for the autumn campaigns. The events were associated with sea breeze and long-range transport. Roadside emissions, in contrast, did not contribute to nucleation, probably due to the predominance of particles in the range 50-100 nm associated with these emissions.


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Knowmore (House of Commons) is a large scale generative interactive installation that incorporates embodied interaction, dynamic image creation, new furniture forms, touch sensitivity, innovative collaborative processes and multichannel generative sound creation. A large circular table spun by hand and a computer-controlled video projection falls on its top, creating an uncanny blend of physical object and virtual media. Participants’ presence around the table and how they touch it is registered, allowing up to five people to collaboratively ‘play’ this deeply immersive audiovisual work. Set within an ecological context, the work subtly asks what kind of resources and knowledges might be necessary to move us past simply knowing what needs to be changed to instead actually embodying that change, whilst hinting at other deeply relational ways of understanding and knowing the world. The work has successfully operated in two high traffic public environments, generating a subtle form of interactivity that allows different people to interact at different paces and speeds and with differing intentions, each contributing towards dramatic public outcomes. The research field involved developing new interaction and engagement strategies for eco-political media arts practice. The context was the creation of improved embodied, performative and improvisational experiences for participants; further informed by ‘Sustainment’ theory. The central question was, what ontological shifts may be necessary to better envision and align our everyday life choices in ways that respect that which is shared by all - 'The Commons'. The methodology was primarily practice-led and in concert with underlying theories. The work’s knowledge contribution was to question how new media interactive experience and embodied interaction might prompt participants to reflect upon the kind of resources and knowledges required to move past simply knowing what needs to be changed to instead actually embodying that change. This was achieved through focusing on the power of embodied learning implied by the works' strongly physical interface (i.e. the spinning of a full size table) in concert with the complex field of layered imagery and sound. The work was commissioned by the State Library of Queensland and Queensland Artworkers Alliance and significantly funded by The Australia Council for the Arts, Arts Queensland, QUT, RMIT Centre for Animation and Interactive Media and industry partners E2E Visuals. After premiering for 3 months at the State Library of Queensland it was curated into the significant ‘Mediations Biennial of Modern Art’ in Poznan, Poland. The work formed the basis of two papers, was reviewed in Realtime (90), was overviewed at Subtle Technologies (2010) in Toronto and shortlisted for ISEA 2011 Istanbul and included in the edited book/catalogue ‘Art in Spite of Economics’, a collaboration between Leonardo/ISAST (MIT Press); Goldsmiths, University of London; ISEA International; and Sabanci University, Istanbul.