999 resultados para Mobilier, patriciat, noblesse, luxe, Berne, Vaud
Data collected by the Cancer Registry of the Canton of Vaud, Switzerland, wer used to estimate the risk of suicide for patients diagnosed with cancer. Among 24,166 cases of invasive neoplasms other than nonmelanomatous skin cancer reported between 1976 and 1987 and followed through integrated active follow-up to the end of 1987, for a total of 57,164 person years at risk, there were 55 registered suicides vs. 21.3 expected (standardized mortality ratio, SMR = 2.6; 95% confidence interval, Cl = 2.0-3.4). The ratio was slightly, but not significantly higher for males (SMR = 2.8) than for females (SMR = 2.2) and comparable across subsequent age groups. The risk of suicide was high during the 1st year after notification (SMR = 3.9) and decreased to 2.2 between 1 and 5 years and to 1.5 over 5 years. This study suggests that the risk of suicide after a diagnosis of cancer may be greater than previously estimated from cancer registry data in Finland, Sweden, and Connecticut (USA), at least in this population of Central Europe with high overall suicide rates.
Data collected by the Cancer Registry of the Canton of Vaud, Switzerland, were used to estimate proportional mortality ratios (PMR) and mortality odds ratios (MOR) for various neoplasms according to social class and sector of occupation (agriculture versus others). Mortality ratios were elevated in lower social classes for cancers of the lung (MOR = 1.18 for social class IV or V vs I or II) and other sites strictly related to tobacco (mouth or pharynx, oesophagus and larynx; MOR = 1.70), and (though not significantly) for cancers of the stomach (MOR = 1.16) and uterus (MOR = 1.30 for cervix and 1.47 for corpus uteri). Furthermore, there was a strong negative social class gradient for thyroid cancer (a neoplasm with particularly elevated incidence and mortality in Switzerland), probably attributable to higher prevalence of iodine deficiency in lower social classes (MOR = 3.17). Positive social class gradients emerged for cancers of the intestines (MOR = 0.77 for social class IV or V), skin (MOR = 0.74) and prostate (MOR = 0.87). Agricultural workers showed decreased ratios for cancers of the lung (MOR = 0.75), cervix uteri (MOR = 0.72) and prostate (MOR = 0.80), and excess mortality from cancers of the upper digestive and respiratory sites (MOR = 1.22), stomach (MOR = 1.18), testis (MOR = 2.05) and lympho-haematopoietic neoplasms, particularly myeloma (MOR = 2.14).
Survival statistics from the incident cases of the Vaud Cancer Registry over the period 1974-1980 were computed on the basis of an active follow-up based on verification of vital status as to December 31, 1984. Product-moment crude and relative 5 to 10 year rates are presented in separate strata of sex, age and area of residence (urban or rural). Most of the rates are comparable with those in other published series from North America or Europe, but survival from gastric cancer (24% 5-year relative rates) tended to be higher, and that from bladder cancer (about 30%) lower than in most other datasets. No significant difference in survival emerged according to residence in urban Lausanne vs surrounding (rural) areas. Interesting indications according to subsite (higher survival for the pyloric region vs the gastric fundus, but absence of substantial differences for various colon subsites), histology (higher rates for squamous carcinomas of the lung, seminomas of the testis or chronic lymphatic leukemias as compared with other histotypes), or site of origin (higher survival for lower limb melanomas), require further quantitative assessment from other population-based series. A Cox proportional hazard model applied to melanomatous skin cancers showed an independent favorable effect on long-term prognosis of female gender and adverse implications for advanced age, stage at diagnosis and tumor site other than lower limb.
A la veille de l'introduction de la réforme pénale et civile fédérale dans le canton de Vaud en 2011, la Revue historique vaudoise s'est intéressée à l'histoire de la justice et de la criminalité. Le présent numéro réunit des contributions d'historiens, historiens du droit et historiens de l'art, jeunes ou confirmés, qui livrent ici les résultats de leurs recherches en cours ou récentes, ainsi que des témoignages de magistrats sur l'exercice de la justice et sur les conséquences des changements à venir. Pour cette thématique qui est un champ dynamique de la recherche historiques en Suisse et en Europe depuis la fin des années 1970, deux axes principaux ont été privilégies pour interroger l'exercice de la justice et les interactions entre l'Etat et les justiciables. Le premier traite de la figure du criminel et de la représentation du crime par un examen des pratiques et des discours judiciaires. Le second se concentre sur les acteurs de la justice et sur leurs modes d'actions et leurs motivations. En privilégiant un traitement sur la longue durée, du Moyen Âge à nos jours, ainsi que des études de cas, ce dossier thématique propose des éclairages successifs sur la justice et la criminalité en terres vaudoises. Ils mettent en évidence des transitions, des ruptures et des innovations révélatrices des institutions, de leur fonctionnement et du rôle social de leurs agents
[Documents. 1789, mars-avril]