990 resultados para Mitis-salivarius-bacitracin Agar


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The use of Passiflora species for ornamental purposes has been recently developed, but little is known about pollen viability and the potential for crossing different species. The objective of this study was to evaluate the pollen viability of six Passiflora species collected from different physiological stages of development through in vitro germination and histochemical analysis using dyes. The pollen was collected in three stages (pre-anthesis, anthesis and post-anthesis). Three compositions of culture medium were used to evaluate the in vitro germination, and two dyes (2,3,5-triphenyltetrazolium chloride, or TTC, and Lugol's solution) were used for the histochemical analysis. The culture medium containing 0.03% Ca(NO3) 4H2O, 0.02% of Mg(SO4 ).7H2O, 0.01% of KNO3, 0,01% of H3BO3, 15% sucrose, and 0.8% agar, pH 7.0, showed a higher percentage of pollen grains germinated. Anthesis is the best time to collect pollen because it promotes high viability and germination. The Lugol's solution and TTC dye overestimated the viability of pollen, as all accessions showed high viability indices when compared with the results obtained in vitro.


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Opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli validoida kosmetiikan laadunvalvonnassa käytetyn mikrobin, Pseudomonas aeruginosan, osoitusmenetelmä. Menetelmä validoitiin Tullilaboratori-on mikrobiologian jaostolle, joka tutkii elintarvikkeiden lisäksi myös kosmetiikkaa. Se käyt-tää kosmeettisten tuotteiden tutkimisessa amerikkalaista menetelmää. Tavoitteena oli selvittää, onko jo käytössä oleva menetelmä toimiva kyseisen bakteerin suhteen ja voidaanko se akkreditoida. Validointia varten valittiin erilaisista kosteusvoide-ryhmistä kolme matriisia, joihin siirrostettiin kohdemikrobia sekä taustaflooraa. Ensimmäiseen matriisiryhmään kuului tuote, joka sisälsi vähän säilöntäaineita, toinen matriisi oli luontaistuote ja kolmas matriisi päivittäiskaupan tuote. Näytteet viljeltiin pintalevityksenä spesifisille Pseudomonas Isolation Agar -maljoille. Menetelmän toistettavuuden laskemiseksi tehtiin seitsemän toistomääritystä ja uusittavuuden laskemiseksi viisi toistomääritystä viljelemällä rinnakkain toisen viljelijän kanssa. Tuloksista laskettiin standardipoikkeamat käyttäen kaikkia saatuja arvoja sekä poistamalla raja-arvot. Menetelmän toistettavuus ja uusittavuus olivat tyydyttäviä, sillä standardipoikkeamat eivät olleen kovin suuria. Spesifisyyttä varten varmistettiin viisi tyypillistä ja epätyypillistä pesäkettä kaupallisella kitillä. Menetelmä oli spesifinen, sillä kohdemikrobi pystyttiin toteamaan kaikista näytteistä, häiritsevistä taustamikrobeista huolimatta. Menetelmän toteamisrajan selvittämiseksi näytteisiin lisättiin kolmea eri bakteerisiirrostetta, joiden pitoisuudet olivat melko alhaiset ja lähellä toisiaan. Pseudomonas aeruginosa pystyttiin toteamaan alhaisimmalla tasolla. Tuloksien perusteella voidaan todeta, että menetelmän validointi onnistui


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The quality of sample inoculation is critical for achieving an optimal yield of discrete colonies in both monomicrobial and polymicrobial samples to perform identification and antibiotic susceptibility testing. Consequently, we compared the performance between the InoqulA (BD Kiestra), the WASP (Copan), and manual inoculation methods. Defined mono- and polymicrobial samples of 4 bacterial species and cloudy urine specimens were inoculated on chromogenic agar by the InoqulA, the WASP, and manual methods. Images taken with ImagA (BD Kiestra) were analyzed with the VisionLab version 3.43 image analysis software to assess the quality of growth and to prevent subjective interpretation of the data. A 3- to 10-fold higher yield of discrete colonies was observed following automated inoculation with both the InoqulA and WASP systems than that with manual inoculation. The difference in performance between automated and manual inoculation was mainly observed at concentrations of >10(6) bacteria/ml. Inoculation with the InoqulA system allowed us to obtain significantly more discrete colonies than the WASP system at concentrations of >10(7) bacteria/ml. However, the level of difference observed was bacterial species dependent. Discrete colonies of bacteria present in 100- to 1,000-fold lower concentrations than the most concentrated populations in defined polymicrobial samples were not reproducibly recovered, even with the automated systems. The analysis of cloudy urine specimens showed that InoqulA inoculation provided a statistically significantly higher number of discrete colonies than that with WASP and manual inoculation. Consequently, the automated InoqulA inoculation greatly decreased the requirement for bacterial subculture and thus resulted in a significant reduction in the time to results, laboratory workload, and laboratory costs.


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[spa]Objetivo: El objetivo de este estudio es el diseño de un parche bucoadhesivo para la administración transbucal de clorhidrato de doxepina utilizando diferentes polímeros así como la caracterización de dichos sistemas en cuanto al análisis calorimétrico y la capacidad de hinchamiento.Materiales y métodos: Se ha utilizado clorhidrato de doxepina y diferentes polímeros, carboximetilcelulosa sódica, hidroxipropilmetilcelulosa y chitosan. La calorimetría diferencial de barrido (DSC) se ha realizado en un dispositivo Mettler FP 80 equipado con un horno FP 85 y la capacidad de hinchamiento utilizando placas de agar.Resultados: Se obtienen termogramas de los parches y las mezclas físicas donde se observan transiciones endotérmicas entre 30 y 120º C y el pico endotérmico del principio activo en las mezclas físicas binarias. La entalpía de deshidratación es similar en los polímeros de carboximetilcelulosa sódica y chitosan (281 J/g) siendo menor en la película de hidroxipropilmetilcelulosa (251 J/g), al igual que el porcentaje de hidratación donde se demuestra que los parches elaborados con hidroxipropilmetilcelulosa presenta menor tendencia a captar agua (55,91 %) frente al 67,04 % y 67,30 % de la carboximetilcelulosa sódica y chitosan, respectivamente.Conclusión: Los resultados obtenidos muestran que existe compatibilidad entre los componentes de la formulación y los datos de entalpía se correlacionan con los datos obtenidos en el ensayo de hinchamiento.[eng]The aim of this study is to design a bucoadhesive patch for the transbuccal administration of doxepin hydrochloride using different polymers as well as the characterization of these systems for calorimetric analysis and the swelling capacity. Materials and methods: Doxepin hydrochloride was used as well as various polymers; carboxymethylcellulose sodium, hydroxypropylmethyl cellulose and chitosan. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) was carried out using a Mettler FP 80 device equipped with a FP 85 oven and the swelling capacity using agar plates. Results: Thermograms obtained patches and physical mixtures where there are endothermic transitions between 30 and 120º C and the endothermic peak of the active principle in binary physical mixtures. Dehydration enthalpy is similar in polymers of carboxymethylcellulose sodium and chitosan (281 J/g), the film having less hydroxypropylmethylcellulose (251 J/g), the percentage of moisture shows that the patches prepared with hydroxypropylmethylcellulose have less tendency to collect water (55.91 %) compared to 67.04 % and 67.30 % with sodium carboxymethylcellulose and chitosan, respectively. Conclusion: The results show that there is compatibility between the components of the formulation and the enthalpy data correlate


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Bloodstream infections and sepsis are a major cause of morbidity and mortality. The successful outcome of patients suffering from bacteremia depends on a rapid identification of the infectious agent to guide optimal antibiotic treatment. The analysis of Gram stains from positive blood culture can be rapidly conducted and already significantly impact the antibiotic regimen. However, the accurate identification of the infectious agent is still required to establish the optimal targeted treatment. We present here a simple and fast bacterial pellet preparation from a positive blood culture that can be used as a sample for several essential downstream applications such as identification by MALDI-TOF MS, antibiotic susceptibility testing (AST) by disc diffusion assay or automated AST systems and by automated PCR-based diagnostic testing. The performance of these different identification and AST systems applied directly on the blood culture bacterial pellets is very similar to the performance normally obtained from isolated colonies grown on agar plates. Compared to conventional approaches, the rapid acquisition of a bacterial pellet significantly reduces the time to report both identification and AST. Thus, following blood culture positivity, identification by MALDI-TOF can be reported within less than 1 hr whereas results of AST by automated AST systems or disc diffusion assays within 8 to 18 hr, respectively. Similarly, the results of a rapid PCR-based assay can be communicated to the clinicians less than 2 hr following the report of a bacteremia. Together, these results demonstrate that the rapid preparation of a blood culture bacterial pellet has a significant impact on the identification and AST turnaround time and thus on the successful outcome of patients suffering from bloodstream infections.


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Wastewater from a seasoning freeze-drying industry was electrolysed to increase its biodegradability. Stainless-steel electrodes were used at 9.09 A/m², for up to 80 min. Conductivity, pH, biochemical (BOD) and chemical (COD) oxygen demands, Daphnia similis acute toxicity bioassays, and bacteria counting through the plate count agar method were determined after different times of electrolysis. The results (e.g. higher BOD and lower COD) showed that the biodegradability of the wastewater was significantly increased; furthermore, Fe2+ ions liberated by the electrodes cause microorganisms to die and, when oxidised to Fe3+, contribute for the flocculation and sedimentation of solid residues.


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Since the introduction of antibiotic agents, the amount and prevalence of Beta-lactam resistant enterobacteria has become an increasing problem. Many enterobacteria are opportunistic pathogens that easily acquire resistance mechanisms and genes, which make the situation menacing. These bacteria have acquired resistance and can hydrolyse extended spectrum cephalosporins and penicillins by producing enzymes called extended-spectrum Beta-lactamases (ESBLs). ESBL-producing bacteria are most commonly found in the gastro-intestinal tract of colonised patients. These resistant strains can be found in both health-care associated and community-acquired isolates. The detection and treatment of infections caused by bacteria producing ESBLs are problematic. This study investigated the genetic basis of extended-spectrum Beta-lactamases in Enterobacteriaceae, especially in Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae isolates. A total of 994 Finnish Enterobacteriaceae strains, collected at 26 hospital laboratories, during 2000 and 2007 were analysed. For the genetic basis studies, PCR, sequencing and pyrosequencing methods were optimised. In addition, international standard methods, the agar dilution and disk diffusion methods were performed for the resistance studies, and the susceptibility of these strains was tested for antimicrobial agents that are used for treating patients. The genetic analysis showed that blaCTX-M was the most prevalent gene among the E. coli isolates, while blaSHV-12 was the most common Beta-lactamase gene in K. pneumoniae. The susceptibility testing results showed that about 60% of the strains were multidrug resistant. The prevalence of ESBL-producing isolates in Finland has been increasing since 2000. However, the situation in Finland is still much better than in many other European countries.


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We report herein the synthesis of aryl beta-N-acetylglucosaminides containing azido, amino and acetamido groups at C-6 as potential antimicrobial agents. It was expected that these compounds could interfere with the biosynthesis and/or biotransformation of N-acetylglucosamine in fungi and bacteria. None of the compounds showed antimicrobial activity against bacteria (Bacillus subtilis, Micrococcus luteus, Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa), filamentous fungus (Aspergillus niger) and yeasts (Saccharomyces cerevisae, Candida albicans and Candida tropicallis), at the concentration of 1 mg/mL in agar diffusion assay.


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Objetivo: Se comparó in vitro la acción antimicrobiana de diversas medicaciones intraconducto frente a Enterococcus faecalis y Actinomyces israelii. Material y métodos: para evaluar las zonas de inhibición microbiana se utilizó el test de difusión en agar frente a diversas pastas, incluyendo una pasta con base de metronidazol (Grinazole ®), una pasta con base de dexametasona, tiretrocina, polimixana y neomicina (Septomixine forte ®) y otra de hidróxido de calciio (Calcipulpe ®) y paroclorofenol alcanforado (KRI-3 ®), frente a E. faecalis y A. israelii. Resultados: La acción inhibitoria frente a E. faecalis fue significativamente mayor (p< 0,05) con Septomixine forte ® (30,7 mm) seguido de KRI- 3 ® (22,5 mm), Calcipulpe ® (16,6 mm) y Grinazole ® (11,4 mm). La inhibición microbiana frente a E. israelii fue significativamente mejor con Septomixine forte ® (p< 0,05) (40,1 mm) seguido de KRI-3 ® (36,6 mm), Grinazole ® (7,6 mm) y Calcipulpe ® (6 mm). Conclusión: Septomixine forte ® fue la pasta antibiótica más efectiva frente a E. faecalis y A. israelii comunmente hallados en las infecciones endodóncicas.


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Propolis is mostly used as hydroalcoholic extract. Recently there has been a growing number of patents dealing with new solvents for preparing propolis extracts. This study aimed to prepare edible oil propolis extracts and compare their chemical composition and biological activity with ethanolic propolis extracts. ESI-MS and spectrophotometric methods were used for qualitative and quantitative analyses, respectively. Antibacterial activity was evaluated by diffusion in agar. Cytotoxicity was tested by MTT assay using tumor cell lines. The oil is able to extract bioactive compounds from propolis. Further studies are needed to improve extraction efficiency and to characterize the active components.


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The phytochemical investigation of Erythroxylum pulchrum St. Hil. (Erythroxylaceae) led to the isolation of three known flavonoid glycosides quercetin-3-O-α-L-rhaminoside, ombuin-3-ruthinoside and ombuin-3-ruthinoside-5-glucoside. These flavonoids are being described for the first time in this E. pulchrum. The structures of the compounds were determined by analysis of IR, MS and NMR data, as well as by comparison with literature data. The methanolic extract of leaves from E. pulchrum inhibited the growth of the Bacillus subtilis CCT 0516, Escherichia coli ATCC 2536, Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 8027, P. aeruginosa ATCC 25619, Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 6538, S. aureus ATCC 25925, Streptococcus sanguinis ATCC 15300, S. salivarius ATCC 7073, S. mutans ATCC 25175 and Streptococcus ATCC. S. aureus ATCC 25925 was the most sensitive among the other S. sanguinis while S. salivarius proved the most resistant.


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The immobilization of enzymes and microorganisms on solid supports has been developed in recent years. These biocatalysts may be used in organic media allowing their storage and reuse, thus reducing costs of the process. Herein, lipases from various sources were immobilized in agar gel and used as catalysts in the chemo-enzymatic epoxidation of β-caryophyllene. Several experimental parameters, such as the use of different organic solvents including ionic liquids, time, temperature, and agitation rate were evaluated. The mono-epoxide was obtained as a single product. The best result was achieved using immobilized F-AP15 lipase, forming the corresponding β-caryophyllene epoxide at a conversion of 96% in an 8h reaction at 35 ºC.


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Os vírus representam sérios obstáculos para o sucesso da olericultura no mundo inteiro, constituindo a identificação daqueles de maior incidência numa região, papel fundamental para o estabelecimento de estratégias de controle. Visitas de campo foram realizadas a plantios de espécies de cucurbitáceas em áreas produtoras do Maranhão e amostras foliares foram coletadas de 118 plantas com sintomas ou suspeita de sintomas de vírus, sendo 46 de abóbora (Cucurbita moschata), 30 de melancia (Citrullus lanatus), 23 de maxixe (Cucumis anguria), 13 de pepino (C. sativus) e seis de melão (C. melo). Todas as amostras foram testadas contra anti-soros específicos para os principais vírus das famílias Bromoviridae, Comoviridae e Potyviridae que infetam cucurbitáceas no Nordeste, mediante "enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay" (ELISA) indireto e dupla difusão em agar. Os resultados revelaram a identificação sorológica de Papaya ringspot vírus (PRSV) em 64,4% das amostras analisadas, seguido de Watermelon mosaic virus-2 (WMV-2) em 15,2%, Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) em 6,8%, Squash mosaic virus (SqMV) em 3,4% e Zucchini yellow mosaic virus (ZYMV) em 3,4%. Este levantamento confirma a predominância do PRSV em espécies de cucurbitáceas cultivadas no estado do Maranhão.


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The fungus Drechslera avenae, the causal agent of Helminthosporium leaf spot on oats (Avena sativa), survives as mycelium in crop residues and in infected seeds. In trials carried out in the laboratory, ten methods were evaluated for their efficiency to detect D. avenae in oat seeds. In each experiment, groups of two or three methods were compared to a standard protocol, in which seeds were placed in Petri dishes containing the Reis selective medium and incubated at 25±2 °C for ten days. Data were submitted to analysis of variation and the means of the methods were compared using the Dunnett test at the 5% significance level. Overall, the highest levels of seed infection by D. avenae were observed on oat seeds plated in the osmotic, the oat-agar and the Reis media, or on seeds subjected to heat treatment previous to incubation in malt-agar. Therefore, these methods should be recommended for detection of D. avenae in oat seed testing.


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This work was aimed at evaluating the possibility of using bromophenol blue as an indicator for detecting the presence of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum in the seeds of dry-beans (Phaseolus vulgaris) and soybean (Glycine max), through incubation of the seeds on an agar medium and "blotter" substrates. The seeds were artificially inoculated with four S. sclerotiorum isolates, plated on the agar medium, named Neon, and on modified Neon agar media all incubated at 14 and 20 ºC for seven days in the dark. Half of the seeds inoculated were surface desinfested prior to plating on the medium. The seeds showing change of colour in the medium, from blue to light yellow, as well as formation of typical mycelium and sclerotia in some cases, were considered to be infected or contaminated by S. sclerotiorum. The two incubation temperatures compared did not show significant (P<0.05) differences in detection level for most of the isolates tested on the different media. According to results obtained in this study, the Neon agar medium with incubation at 14 or 20 ºC has proved to be a reliable and quick method for the detection of S. sclerotiorum mycelium in naturally infected seeds of bean and soybean.