868 resultados para Mitigation measures


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Thermal noise arising from mechanical loss in high reflective dielectric coatings is a significant source of noise in precision optical measurements. In particular, Advanced LIGO, a large scale interferometer aiming to observed gravitational wave, is expected to be limited by coating thermal noise in the most sensitive region around 30–300 Hz. Various theoretical calculations for predicting coating Brownian noise have been proposed. However, due to the relatively limited knowledge of the coating material properties, an accurate approximation of the noise cannot be achieved. A testbed that can directly observed coating thermal noise close to Advanced LIGO band will serve as an indispensable tool to verify the calculations, study material properties of the coating, and estimate the detector’s performance.

This dissertation reports a setup that has sensitivity to observe wide band (10Hz to 1kHz) thermal noise from fused silica/tantala coating at room temperature from fixed-spacer Fabry–Perot cavities. Important fundamental noises and technical noises associated with the setup are discussed. The coating loss obtained from the measurement agrees with results reported in the literature. The setup serves as a testbed to study thermal noise in high reflective mirrors from different materials. One example is a heterostructure of AlxGa1−xAs (AlGaAs). An optimized design to minimize thermo–optic noise in the coating is proposed and discussed in this work.


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Consider the Royden compactification R* of a Riemannian n-manifold R, Γ = R*\R its Royden boundary, Δ its harmonic boundary and the elliptic differential equation Δu = Pu, P ≥ 0 on R. A regular Borel measure mP can be constructed on Γ with support equal to the closure of ΔP = {q ϵ Δ : q has a neighborhood U in R* with UʃᴖRP ˂ ∞ }. Every enegy-finite solution to u (i.e. E(u) = D(u) + ʃRu2P ˂ ∞, where D(u) is the Dirichlet integral of u) can be represented by u(z) = ʃΓu(q)K(z,q)dmP(q) where K(z,q) is a continuous function on Rx Γ . A P~E-function is a nonnegative solution which is the infimum of a downward directed family of energy-finite solutions. A nonzero P~E-function is called P~E-minimal if it is a constant multiple of every nonzero P~E-function dominated by it. THEOREM. There exists a P~E-minimal function if and only if there exists a point in q ϵ Γ such that mP(q) > 0. THEOREM. For q ϵ ΔP , mP(q) > 0 if and only if m0(q) > 0 .


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In a small lake, intermittent destratification was installed after several other physico-chemical and physical in-lake therapy measures (phosphorus immobilization, permanent destratification) had been tested without great success. If an aerobic sediment-water interface can be maintained, intermittent destratification removes cyanobacteria and prevents optimal development of other members of the photoautotrophic plankton. During growing seasons, increasing abundances of small-bodied herbivores (Bosmina) and Daphnia may have accounted for relatively low phytoplankton biomass as well. Intermittent destratification is a very fast-working in-lake measure and seems to be applicable even in relatively shallow lakes (< 15 m), in which permanent destratification seems to be risky.


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Este trabalho objetivou traçar um percurso analítico da base institucional e material da gestão da arborização na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, visando a adoção de procedimentos para a quantificação do carbono armazenado nas árvores na malha urbana para possibilitar o conhecimento sobre o arboreto e o estabelecimento de objetivos quantificáveis, reportáveis e verificáveis de redução de emissões de gases de efeito estufa. Com a instituição da obrigatoriedade em nível nacional da metas de redução das emissões de gases de efeito estufa, através da Lei n 12.187/09, o município do Rio de Janeiro oficializou legalmente, com a Lei Muncipal n 5.248/11, o compromisso de adoção de medidas e programas de incentivo para reduzir as emissões de gases de efeito estufa na cidade. Entretanto, a única ação de mitigação controlada pelo município, com procedimentos regulamentados, é a compensação de emissões nas construções através do plantio de árvores. O acompanhamento da execução dos plantios de árvores, exigidos no licenciamento das construções é a atual forma de estabelecer objetivos quantificáveis, reportáveis e verificáveis de redução de emissões antrópicas de gases de efeito estufa no Município. De forma específica, foi realizada uma análise dos recursos institucionais e materiais disponíveis e potenciais à disposição do sistema de planejamento e gestão ambiental do município, com a proposição de criar um sistema de banco de dados (SGBD) da arborização urbana. O banco de dados estruturado ao longo da pesquisa, foi utilizado em um sistema de informação geográfico (SIG), onde foi possível realizar um estudo exploratório da estimativa de estoque de carbono em árvores em logradouros. A investigação desta pesquisa teve dupla expectativa: contribuir para a eficácia das ações de manejo e controle do arboreto urbano, com base no monitoramento contínuo dos serviços ambientais das árvores; e consolidar critérios analíticos habilitados para quantificar as alterações de fitomassa do arboreto urbano, em uma proposta de um plano de arborização para a cidade, até agora inexistente, que foi delineado ao final do trabalho, que seguramente irá garantir significativos benefícios ambientais, econômicos e sociais à sociedade.


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A proposta do referente estudo foi medir a espessura do depósito de um metal em outro metal base, ou seja, utilizar o processo eletroquímico de Galvanoplastia ou eletrodeposição deste metal, por meio da técnica de fluorescência de raios X (XRF). O uso desta técnica justificou-se pelo interesse em reduzir os custos excessivos durante o processo eletroquímico, bem como, minimizar as possíveis margens de erros para obter resultados satisfatórios nas medidas. Neste trabalho, incluíram-se as medidas da espessura do Níquel (Ni) e análises da intensidade de radiação incidentes e a radiação atenuante, em função da espessura dos elementos Cromo (Cr) e Zinco (Zn), considerando como metal base o elemento Ferro (Fe). Em decorrência disso, em todos os casos foram simulados os processos de deposição do metal onde foram incluídos os resultados de absorção de raios X, além de desprezar a influência de outros fatores como a temperatura, o pH, o tratamento de superfície, entre outros, os quais são necessários para considerar em cada caso.


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Large numbers of fishing vessels operating from ports in Latin America participate in surface longline fisheries in the eastern Pacific Ocean (EPO), and several species of sea turtles inhabit the grounds where these fleets operate. The endangered status of several sea turtle species, and the success of circle hooks (‘treatment’ hooks) in reducing turtle hookings in other ocean areas, as compared to J-hooks and Japanese-style tuna hooks (‘control’ hooks), prompted the initiation of a hook exchange program on the west coast of Latin America, the Eastern Pacific Regional Sea Turtle Program (EPRSTP)1. One of the goals of the EPRSTP is to determine if circle hooks would be effective at reducing turtle bycatch in artisanal fisheries of the EPO without significantly reducing the catch of marketable fish species. Participating fishers were provided with circle hooks at no cost and asked to replace the J/Japanese-style tuna hooks on their longlines with circle hooks in an alternating manner. Data collected by the EPRSTP show differences in longline gear and operational characteristics within and among countries. These aspects of the data, in addition to difficulties encountered with implementation of the alternating-hook design, pose challenges for analysis of these data.


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Predicting and under-standing the dynamics of a population requires knowledge of vital rates such as survival, growth, and reproduction. However, these variables are influenced by individual behavior, and when managing exploited populations, it is now generally realized that knowledge of a species’ behavior and life history strategies is required. However, predicting and understanding a response to novel conditions—such as increased fishing-induced mortality, changes in environmental conditions, or specific management strategies—also require knowing the endogenous or exogenous cues that induce phenotypic changes and knowing whether these behaviors and life history patterns are plastic. Although a wide variety of patterns of sex change have been observed in the wild, it is not known how the specific sex-change rule and cues that induce sex change affect stock dynamics. Using an individual based model, we examined the effect of the sex-change rule on the predicted stock dynamics, the effect of mating group size, and the performance of traditional spawning-per-recruit (SPR) measures in a protogynous stock. We considered four different patterns of sex change in which the probability of sex change is determined by 1) the absolute size of the individual, 2) the relative length of individuals at the mating site, 3) the frequency of smaller individuals at the mating site, and 4) expected reproductive success. All four pat-terns of sex change have distinct stock dynamics. Although each sex-change rule leads to the prediction that the stock will be sensitive to the size-selective fishing pattern and may crash if too many reproductive size classes are fished, the performance of traditional spawning-per-recruit measures, the fishing pattern that leads to the greatest yield, and the effect of mating group size all differ distinctly for the four sex-change rules. These results indicate that the management of individual species requires knowledge of whether sex change occurs, as well as an understanding of the endogenous or exogenous cues that induce sex change.


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The fishery for deepwater precious corals in the Hawaiian Islands has experienced an on-and-off history for almost 40 years. In spite of this, research, driven primarily by the precious coral jewelry industry, remains active. In this paper, the results of deepwater surveys in 2000 and 2001 are reported. In summary, a new bed on the summit of Cross Seamount is described and revised estimates of MSY’s for pink coral, Corallium secundum; red coral, Corallium regale; and gold coral, Ger ardia sp., in the two known beds off Makapuu, Oahu, and Keahole Point, Hawaii, in the main Hawaiian Islands, are presented. The population dynamics of each species is described, as well as their ecological limits on Hawaii’s deep reefs, island shelves, and seamounts. The local supply of precious coral in the main Hawaiian Islands is sufficient to support the local industry, but cost/ benefits of selective harvest requirements and weather constraints limit profitability of the fish


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Bycatch management measures instituted for groundfish fisheries of the eastern Bering Sea have focused on reducing the incidental capture and injury of species traditionally harvested by other fisheries. These species include king crab, Paralithodes and Lithodes spp.; Tanner crab, Chionoecetes spp.; Pacific herring, Clupea harengus pallasi; Pacific halibut, Hippoglossus stenolepis; and Pacific salmon and steelhead trout, Oncorhynchus spp. Collectively, these species are called "prohibited species," as they cannot be retained as bycatch in groundfish fisheries and must be discarded with a minimum of injury.