944 resultados para Michael Schmidt


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Swidden cultivators are often found as a distinct category of farmers in the literature, but rarely appear in population censuses or other national and regional classifications. This has led to a worldwide confusion on how many people are dependent on this form of agriculture. The most often cited number of 200–300 million dates back to the early 1970s, but the source is obscure. We assess available, published data from nine countries in Southeast Asia and conclude that on this basis it is not possible to provide a firm estimate of the number of swidden cultivators in the region. A conservative range of 14–34 million people engaged in swidden cultivation in the region is suggested, however. We argue that along with improved knowledge of swidden livelihoods, there is an urgent need to develop techniques that will allow for better estimates of swidden populations in order to secure appropriate rural development and poverty reduction in swidden areas.


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Swidden systems consisting of temporarily cultivated land and associated fallows often do not appear on land use maps or in statistical records. This is partly due to the fact that swidden is a diverse and dynamic land use system that is difficult to map and partly because of the practice of grouping land covers associated with swidden systems into land use or land cover categories that are not self-evidently linked to swiddening. Additionally, in many parts of Southeast Asia swidden systems have changed or are in the process of changing into other land use systems. This paper assesses the extent of swidden on the basis of regional and national sources for nine countries, and determines the pattern of changes of swidden on the basis of 151 cases culled from 67 articles. Findings include (1) a majority of the cases document swidden being replaced by other forms of agriculture or by other livelihood systems; (2) in cases where swiddening is still practiced, fallow lengths are usually, but not always, shorter; and (3) shortened fallow length does not necessarily indicate a trend away from swidden since it is observed that short fallow swidden is sometimes maintained along with other more intensive farming practices and not completely abandoned. The paper concludes that there is a surprising lack of conclusive data on the extent of swidden in Southeast Asia. In order to remedy this, methods are reviewed that may lead to more precise future assessments.


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This is a fascinating book - clear, incisive, a lesson for our times. It focuses on the history and recent experience of Settlement Houses in New York and uses this as a vehicle for an analysis of the political economy of welfare agencies. I wanted to send copies to politicians and policy makers worldwide who, whilst claiming to support social inclusion, community regeneration and equal opportunities, formulate policies that fragment societies and oppress poor and vulnerable people.


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Der Druck auf Kosteneinsparungen und Produktivitätszuwachs in Bereichen der Kommissionierung und somit auch der Wunsch nach Rationalisierung durch Automatisierung wachsen stetig. Besonders bei in Beuteln verpackten Artikeln gestaltet sich jedoch eine Automatisierung der Kommissioniervorgänge aufgrund der mechanischen Produkteigenschaften schwierig. Entsprechende Systeme sind erst noch zu entwickeln. Im Systementwicklungsprozess möchte man möglichst frühzeitig Entscheidungen treffen können, um die technisch-wirtschaftlich sinnvollste Lösungsvariante auszuwählen und Entwicklungsaufwand einzusparen. Dieser Artikel beschäftigt sich mit den Eigenschaften besagter Produkte im Hinblick auf deren automatisierte Handhabung und zeigt einen konstruktionsmethodischen Ansatz zur Bewertung systemtechnischer Lösungsansätze mit zugehörigerer Sensitivitätsanalyse auf.


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There is a steadily increasing pressure on cost-savings and productivity growth in sectors of order-picking such that the wish for rationalization by automation is rising. Special problems are faced trying to automatize handling operations of order-picking articles packed in bags. The mechanical properties of the objects and their hard-to-predict shape and position represent obstacles and are complicating handling operations. A systematic approach in system design is required. This article deals with the properties of such products under aspects of difficulties arising in automated handling and points out a useful system development methodology.


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Zukünftigen Lagersystemen werden aufgrund gewandelter Anforderungen Eigenschaften abverlangt, die mitunter in einem Widerspruch zueinander stehen. Im Folgenden sollen dazu betrieblich-technische Anforderungen und systemtechnische Lösungsansätze analysiert werden.


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Durch die neuen systemtechnischen Möglichkeiten erfährt das Laserstrahlsintern von Polyaryletherketonen wie PEK oder PEEK zunehmendes industrielles Interesse. Neben der höheren Festigkeit, Steifigkeit und Temperaturbeständigkeit z. B. laserstrahlgesinterter PEEK Bauteile gegenüber den bisher für Funktionsprototypen und für das Rapid Manufacturing eingesetzten Polyamidbauteilen sind Fragen nach der erzielbaren Bauteilgenauigkeit und des minimal möglichen Auflösungsvermögens insbesondere für die Fertigung kleiner Bauteile von besonderer Bedeutung. In diesem Beitrag werden die Abhängigkeiten der Einflussgrößen Schwund und Strahlweite von den wichtigsten Prozessführungsgrößen untersucht und die Möglichkeiten und Grenzen zur Erzeugung kleiner Bauteilstrukturen mittels Laserstrahlsintern von PEEK aufgezeigt.


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One could be seduced into a critique of this volume that focuses on its potential to overstate the momentum for a shift in Western social work ideology when faced with the conundrum of cultural difference. One could posit that the discussion is too broad, the topics covered too numerous, the opportunity for detail missed, the urgency of the messages unnecessarily exaggerated, the “proof” not beyond anecdote and so forth. I reject this temptation to conform to the dominant professional dynamic most emphatically and offer that what Gray, Coates and Yellow Bird have presented to the social work field in this volume is the first tangible step towards an alternative paradigm for an occupation afflicted with unsustainable hypocrisy and thus at the brink of irrelevancy.


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BACKGROUND The correlation between noninvasive markers with endoscopic activity according to the modified Baron Index in patients with ulcerative colitis (UC) is unknown. We aimed to evaluate the correlation between endoscopic activity and fecal calprotectin (FC), C-reactive protein (CRP), hemoglobin, platelets, blood leukocytes, and the Lichtiger Index (clinical score). METHODS UC patients undergoing complete colonoscopy were prospectively enrolled and scored clinically and endoscopically. Samples from feces and blood were analyzed in UC patients and controls. RESULTS We enrolled 228 UC patients and 52 healthy controls. Endoscopic disease activity correlated best with FC (Spearman's rank correlation coefficient r = 0.821), followed by the Lichtiger Index (r = 0.682), CRP (r = 0.556), platelets (r = 0.488), blood leukocytes (r = 0.401), and hemoglobin (r = -0.388). FC was the only marker that could discriminate between different grades of endoscopic activity (grade 0, 16 [10-30] μg/g; grade 1, 35 [25-48] μg/g; grade 2, 102 [44-159] μg/g; grade 3, 235 [176-319] μg/g; grade 4, 611 [406-868] μg/g; P < 0.001 for discriminating the different grades). FC with a cutoff of 57 μg/g had a sensitivity of 91% and a specificity of 90% to detect endoscopically active disease (modified Baron Index ≥ 2). CONCLUSIONS FC correlated better with endoscopic disease activity than clinical activity, CRP, platelets, hemoglobin, and blood leukocytes. The strong correlation with endoscopic disease activity suggests that FC represents a useful biomarker for noninvasive monitoring of disease activity in UC patients.