525 resultados para Mersea Township


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La Gobernación del Huila junto con la Universidad del Rosario rezlizaron un convenio para identificar los avances de todo el departamento en cuanto a los ODM entre el 2008 y el 2011, en este caso, del municipio de La Argentina, y así mismo dar algunas recomendaciones y estrategias para que las metas a 2015 de los ODM en el municipio se cumplan.


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Desterrando minas es, a su vez, un documental de contexto y un documental de proceso. A partir de la inmersión en los mismos campamentos en los que viven los desminadores se cuenta la historia de Nariño como la vivieron sus pobladores, se muestra la manera en la que el miedo fue el principal configurador de las relaciones entre la comunidad y su territorio y cómo el desminado ha transformado ese miedo


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Este estudio analiza las diversas posiciones asumidas por los indígenas frente a la Revolución de Quito de 1809. Siguiendo a dos personajes clave del Corregimiento de Riobamba, un cacique y un indio, busca las causas de la adhesión o del rechazo. Con ese propósito se estudian varias coyunturas que empiezan a mediados del siglo XVIII, desde las peticiones caciquiles y el posterior reacomodo de las autoridades indígenas efectuadas por los reformistas borbónicos, las continuas imposiciones tributarias y el terremoto de 1797, que desembocan en el levantamiento indígena de 1803. El artículo muestra una ruptura radical entre los indios del común y el pensamiento criollo fundador de la nación.


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At Corindi Beach on the mid-north coast of New South Wales are five twentieth century campsites located on the fringes of the township, beside the town racecourse, an area called by local Aboriginal people 'No man's land'. These campsites are important symbols of the self-sufficient lifestyle followed by the Corindi Beach Indigenous community in the twentieth century and are a physical reminder of cross-cultural relationships between local people over the last hundred years. In a collaborative research project with Yarrawarra Aboriginal Corporation, these places are being documented through studying oral history, the cultural landscape and the material culture left behind at these places.


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There is a pressing need in Australia and other countries to develop systems for monitoring secular trends in childhood obesity and related behavioural and environmental determinants. Energy from foods and beverages consumed at school is an accessible indicator of children’s eating patterns and we have developed a school food checklist (SFC) to measure this. The SFC records the number of serves and source (home, canteen, vending machine) of 20 food and beverage categories. This study aims to assess the accuracy and to calibrate the SFC by comparing it to a weighed record (WR) and to evaluate inter-recorder reliability. Participants were 910 primary school children aged 5 to 12 years from a rural township in Victoria, Australia. WR were collected from a nonrandom sub-sample of 106 and a second sub-sample (n=46) had intake measured twice using the SFC to assess inter-recorder reliability. Mean energy values were 2992 kJ ± 924 and 3008 kJ ± 952 for the SFC and WR respectively and the correlation coefficient was strong (Pearson r = 0.77). The mean difference between the WR and SFC methods was 15 kJ (95% CI, -107 kJ to 138 kJ) and the limits of agreement (+2 standard deviations) were ± 1270 kJ. The SFC overestimated the energy/serve of breads and fruit drinks and under-estimated energy/serve from fat spreads, biscuits/crackers, muesli/fruit bars and fruit. Inter-recorder reliability was good (kappa 0.51). The SFC was designed to measure energy from food and beverages in schools. It has good accuracy and reliability and the revised version should further improve accuracy of the instrument.


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Objective To investigate the relationship between basal cell carcinoma (BCC) and antioxidant nutrients, specifically carotenoids, vitamin E and selenium.

Methods The Nambour Skin Cancer Study is an ongoing, community-based study of randomly selected adult residents of a township in sub-tropical Queensland, Australia. Using a nested case–control design, incident cases of BCC (n=90) were compared with age and sex matched controls (n=90). Dietary exposure was measured using food frequency questionnaire estimates of intake as well as serum biomarkers. Other determinants of skin cancer including sun exposure were also considered. Dietary intakes were adjusted for energy intake, and serum carotenoids and vitamin E were adjusted for serum cholesterol. Odds ratios were calculated across quartiles of dietary intake and serum biomarkers and linear trends were assessed using logistic regression, adjusting for age, sex and supplement use.

Results and conclusions In this prospective study no significant associations were found between BCC and carotenoids, vitamin E or selenium, as measured by serum biomarkers or dietary intake, although there was a suggestion of a positive association with lutein intake.


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In May 2002 the Australian Department of Defence announced its intention to divest the Defence land at Portsea on the Mornington Peninsula, Victoria. At the same time nominations were invited for membership of the Community Reference Group (CRG) established as part of the Portsea Defence Land Master Planning Project. The author actively participated in this voluntary advisory group which provided input on matters of interest to the community relating to the project, provided a medium for information sharing and addressed the sometimes competing needs of different stakeholder groups (such as government, business and residents). A major role of the CRG was to provide a focus for community input on aspects of technical issues, particularly in relation to the planning for the future use of the site, flora and fauna issues, infrastructure provision, traffic and access management, heritage and archaeology, and the integration of the site with both the natural environment and existing community facilities, including the township of Portsea. The author's professional background in art and architectural history, in teaching and in research specifically in heritage related areas; her record of community work both in hands on work and in leadership positions, in Melbourne and on the Nepean Peninsula, enabled her to make a significant and useful contribution to the CRG in contributing to the understanding of the rich, diverse, multilayered cultural and natural heritage of the entire site.

Using this specific example, this paper examines the process of participating in Australian society through engaging communities - engaging women. It examines the invitation to participate, the nomination and selection process, the brief given to the community reference group, the development of the consultative process over the six months of deliberations, and the important role that women played in the project. It looks at what can be learned from the experience: how women in particular led the way in changing perceptions of place within the local community, and consequently in the broader framework of the project. It examines the success of the outcomes both in terms of the specific task of writing the Master Plan for the Portsea Defence site and of the process of community participation: the dynamic inter-relationships in the group; between the group and the consultants; between the group and the Department of Defence and between the group and the Federal Government. It comments reflectively and critically on the effectiveness of the whole process.


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In the last decade Chinese consultative authoritarianism has been renewed through many political and administrative innovations and tools. Authoritarian rule in China is now permeated by a wide variety of consultative and deliberative practices. These practices stabilize and strengthen authoritarian rule, leading to deliberative authoritarianism, an advanced form of consultative authoritarianism. This paper discusses two experiments—deliberative polling at Zeguo, Zhejiang, and a township election in Ya'an, Sichuan. Through these two cases we examine the direction which the development of consultative authoritarianism is presently taking, and the potentials and limitations of such input mechanisms in an authoritarian setting.


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Early to late Pliocene sedimentary strata present across the northern Bass Strait hinterland, southeastern Australia yield extensive fossil proxy data relevant to the interpretation of high sea level coastal palaeomorphology. Within the Pliocene Whalers Bluff Formation exposed in coastal cliffs near the township of Portland, Victoria, marine microfossil faunas delineate two broad cycles of deposition. Both these sedimentary cycles are bound below by unconformity surfaces. Within the lower sedimentary cycle, a basal stress-tolerant (low diversity) marginal marine microfossil fauna devoid of ostracods and suggestive of bottom-water hypoxia, is succeeded by a diverse shallow marine ostracod fauna dominated by stenohaline species indicative of a sheltered (but open) oceanic embayment. This lower sedimentary cycle has an early Pliocene (Zanclean) age. Equivalent shallow marine (e.g. coastal embayment) deposits occur broadly across the coastal hinterland of southeastern Australia-reflecting the generally higher global sea levels of this time. The upper cycle in the cliff exposures at Portland is late Pliocene (Piacenzian) in age. Equivalent deposits across the Bass Strait hinterland are restricted to former incised river valley settings. Euryhaline estuarine/coastal lagoon Ostracoda are present throughout the upper cycle in the Portland cliffs. These are associated with a low diversity microfauna at the base of the upper cycle and a high diversity microfauna towards the top of the cycle. Early Pliocene coastal marine deposits can be distinguished from late Pliocene coastal marine deposits across the northern Bass Strait hinterland on the basis of the presence or absence of certain open marine ('stenohaline') ostracod species.


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Three dancers moved between and into Lake Bolac’s historic and community buildings dancing in each building. A series of transient micro-dances intimately inhabited the spaces themselves, stirred by the qualities and impact of the architecture. Evoking ghosts of the past but also inviting fresh eyes for these spaces, the mingling of past and present was embodied in the presence of the performers as they traversed the township of Lake Bolac.


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The human interference in the semiarid region of Seridó Potiguar has promoted the increase of degraded areas. The economic dynamic that was established in the Seridó territory, especially after the fall of the trinomial cattle-cotton-mining in the 70s and 80s of the 20th century as pillars of the regional economy, resulted in an accelerated process of erosion of natural resources. The municipalities of the Seridó region have been spatially reordered by this new economic dynamic, marked by the growth of existing enterprises, and the development of new agricultural practices. One of the municipalities in the region that restructured its territorial space with the emergence of new agro-industrial activities was the town of Parelhas. With the demise of the trinomial cattle-cotton-mining in the 1980s, other productive activities were intensified from the 1990s, amongst them, pottery, responsible for the vegetal extraction for use as energy source. This recent economic and spatial restructuring in the region, reflected in the Parelhense municipal territory, required new productive ingredients responsible for the modification of past production relations that were based on cattle, cotton and mining. By that a process of exploring the environment was unleashed, especially the native vegetation, in an uncontrolled manner. In this context, the objective of this study was to survey and detect deforestation in the areas of Caatinga vegetation, used indiscriminately as energy supply for new agricultural practices, using remote sensing techniques based on the quantification of the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index / NDVI, Soil-Adjusted Vegetation Index / SAVI, surface temperature and rainfall data in the years 1990 and 2010. The results indicated that SAVI values above 0.2 in 1990 and 2010 represent the areas with the highest density of vegetation that occur exclusively along the major drainages in the town and areas of higher elevations. The areas between the ranges of values from 0.5 to 0.15 SAVI are areas with poor vegetation. On the other hand the highest values of temperature are distributed in the western and southeastern parts of the township, usually in places where the soil is exposed or there is sparse vegetation. The areas of bare soil decreased in extension in 2010 at 11, 6% when related to 1990, this was caused by a higher rainfall intensity in the first half of 2010, but no regeneration of vegetation occurred in some places in the western and southeastern areas of the municipality today, due to the extraction of firewood to fuel the furnaces of industries in town


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Foram analisados 496 indivíduos de Cubatão, SP (Brasil), cidade com alto teor de poluição industrial, com o objetivo de verificar alterações hematológicas induzidas por poluentes industriais. Dos estudos citológicos dos eritrócitos dessa população estudada, foram observadas 188 (38%) com alterações, isoladas ou combinadas em um único indivíduo, das quais 26% apresentaram policromatofilia, 24% com pontilhados basófilos, 15% com corpos de Heinz, e 8% com reticulocitose. As freqüências de metahemoglobinemia e sulfohemoglobinemia foram,respectivamente, de 35% e 32% em moradores da vila Parisi - um bairro cercado pela maioria das indústrias de Cubatão - 15% e 5% em operários das indústrias, e 12% e 4% em habitantes de áreas distantes entre 3 e 8 km do polo industrial. Esses resultados indicam que as alterações são causadas por poluentes tóxico-oxidantes e que as conseqüências fisio-patológicas no sangue dos moradores de Cubatão parecem indicar que estão relacionadas com o tempo de exposição e com a proximidade dos focos emissores de poluentes.


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In uplands and lowlands of Santa Teresa, central Espírito Santo State, Brazil, 405 bird species were confirmed by field, museum, and literature studies. Of these, 16 seem to have disappeared, while 67 other species seem to have been lost from the lowlands (where no large biological reserves exist). Due to a suggestion that human areas add species to beta-diversity, we verified that up to 79 species now present have perhaps invaded with human activity (and 10 others are likely to invade), a total similar to that for lost species. However, lost species are often rare and invading species often widespread, resulting in exchange of Picassos for Coca-Cola bottles. Furthermore, gains exceed losses only when large biological reserves are present, as in the uplands (Nova Lombardia, Santa Lucia Reserves, each with over 250 species). Small or irregular reserves usually lose well over half their species, and these are only partly replaced by the invaders, resulting in net losses of up to half the local avifaunas. If one lists only 31 probable invaders, rather than a possible 79, things are even worse; net losses occur even in the entire township and near reserves, reaching over 200 species around lowland private reserves. Future productive development of human areas can eliminate or maltreat many invading species, too. While approving taxes on improductive use of land, as it leaves other areas free, we suggest that many current local uses, such as for coffee, are luxury production and could, be taxed.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Physical activity is associated with lower cardiovascular disease risk factors, being cardiorespiratory fitness a major component of physical activity health related. Body fatness and sarcopenia are related to sedentary lifestyle leading to proinflammatory stress and lower cadiorespiratory capacity. This study aimed correlates C-reactive protein with cardiorespiratory fitness, analyzing the influences of anthropometrics variables and metabolic syndrome (MS) presence. the cross-sectional retrospective study included baseline data of 194 adults (62 male and 132 female), 53,74 ± 8,77 years, clinically and ethically selected for a lifestyle modification program. Total cholesterol (TC) and cholesterol lipoprotein fractions, triglycerides (TG) and glucose was dosed by dry chemistry (Vitros® system, Johnson & Johnson). Blood leukocytes was quantified by automatic cell counter (Coulter ABX®, Horiba). LDL-cholesterol was obtained by Friedwald formula. Serum ultrasensitive C-reactive protein (US-CRP) was accessed by the immunochemoluminescence method (Immulite 2000®, DPC Medlab). Weight, height, body mass index (BMI) and waist circumference (WC) were measured. Muscular mass and fat mass were obtained by bioelectrical impedance analysis (impedancemeter Quantum BIA-101Q®, Clinton Township). Arterial blood pressure was checked by auscultatory method and cardiorespiratory fitness was determined by ergoespirometric test (Balke protocol). The metabolic syndrome was diagnosed according NCEP – ATP III (2001), following recommendations of American Diabetes Association (2004). Pearson’s correlation crude and adjusted for confounders variables with p<0,05. The prevalence of MS was 30.4%. Crude correlation shows hsCRP was correlated inverse and significantly with VO2max (r= -0.21; p=-0.003) ...(Complete abstract click electronic access below)