1000 resultados para Medida do volume das úlceras


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Els malalts crítics presenten sovint seqüeles cognitives a llarg termini, l’aplicació de ventilació mecànica (VM) pot contribuir al seu desenvolupament. El principal objectiu del nostre estudi fou investigar l’efecte de dos patrons de ventilació (volum corrent elevat/baix) en l’activació neuronal (expressió de c-fos) en determinades àrees cerebrals en un model en rates. Després de 3 hores sota VM, es va trobar activació neuronal; la seva intensitat va ser superior al grup de volum corrent elevat, suggerint un efecte iatrogènic de la VM al cervell. Aquests resultats suggereixen que cal aprofundir en l’estudi del crosstalk cervell-pulmó en malalts crítics sota VM.


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La rigidez arterial es un parámetro establecido dentro de la valoración del riesgo cardio-vascular. Actualmente disponemos de múltiples métodos para determinar la velocidad de onda de pulso (VOP) y entre ellos los más utilizados son los métodos mecánicos, como el Complior o el Sphigmocor, que precisan de dispositivos específicos y una inversión importante en aprendizaje y tiempo de exploración. La utilización del doppler guiado por ecografía 2D es una buena alternativa a estos métodos. Realizamos un estudio comparativo para evaluar la fiabilidad del eco-doppler en la medida de la VOP carótida-femoral respecto al método Complior. Se estudió la VOP carótida-femoral utilizando los dos sistemas en 40 pacientes, mostrando ambos métodos muy buena concordancia (R=0’91). En el análisis de reproducibilidad de la VOP por doppler no se hallaron diferencias intra e interobservador. En base a los resultados, el estudio demuestra que la ecografía doppler puede ser usada para medir la VOP aórtica de manera fiable y reproducible, similar otros métodos más establecidos.


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La hipótesis de la compensación plantea la posibilidad de que los individuos que viven en centros urbanos densos tengan una mayor propensión a disponer de una segunda residencia y/o llevar a cabo desplazamientos más frecuentes hacia destinos más alejados durante los fines de semana y las vacaciones que los individuos que viven en zonas poco densas. En este contexto, no está claro cuál es el efecto neto de la densidad en términos ambientales. En esta investigación se contrasta la hipótesis de la compensación en la Región Metropolitana de Barcelona utilizando como indicador de impacto ambiental la huella ecológica de la movilidad y de la vivienda. Los resultados obtenidos rechazan la hipótesis de la compensación en un sentido fuerte, pero se detecta la existencia de un nivel máximo de densidad a partir del cual ejerce un impacto de signo positivo.


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Objective: To compare pressure–volume (P–V) curves obtained with the Galileo ventilator with those obtained with the CPAP method in patients with ALI or ARDS receiving mechanical ventilation. P–V curves were fitted to a sigmoidal equation with a mean R2 of 0.994 ± 0.003. Lower (LIP) and upper inflection (UIP), and deflation maximum curvature (PMC) points calculated from the fitted variables showed a good correlation between methods with high intraclass correlation coefficients. Bias and limits of agreement for LIP, UIP and PMC obtained with the two methods in the same patient were clinically acceptable.


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PURPOSE: To evaluate the effects of recent advances in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) radiofrequency (RF) coil and parallel imaging technology on brain volume measurement consistency. MATERIALS AND METHODS: In all, 103 whole-brain MRI volumes were acquired at a clinical 3T MRI, equipped with a 12- and 32-channel head coil, using the T1-weighted protocol as employed in the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative study with parallel imaging accelerations ranging from 1 to 5. An experienced reader performed qualitative ratings of the images. For quantitative analysis, differences in composite width (CW, a measure of image similarity) and boundary shift integral (BSI, a measure of whole-brain atrophy) were calculated. RESULTS: Intra- and intersession comparisons of CW and BSI measures from scans with equal acceleration demonstrated excellent scan-rescan accuracy, even at the highest acceleration applied. Pairs-of-scans acquired with different accelerations exhibited poor scan-rescan consistency only when differences in the acceleration factor were maximized. A change in the coil hardware between compared scans was found to bias the BSI measure. CONCLUSION: The most important findings are that the accelerated acquisitions appear to be compatible with the assessment of high-quality quantitative information and that for highest scan-rescan accuracy in serial scans the acquisition protocol should be kept as consistent as possible over time. J. Magn. Reson. Imaging 2012;36:1234-1240. ©2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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INTRODUCTION. Neurally Adjusted Ventilatory Assist (NAVA) is a new ventilatory mode in which ventilator settings are adjusted based on the electrical activity detected in the diaphragm (Eadi). This mode offers significant advantages in mechanical ventilation over standard pressure support (PS) modes, since ventilator input is determined directly from patient ventilatory demand. Therefore, it is expected that tidal volume (Vt) under NAVA would show better correlation with Eadi compared with PS, and exhibit greater variability due to the variability in the Eadi input to the ventilator. OBJECTIVES. To compare tidal volume variability in PS and NAVA ventilation modes, and its correlation with patient ventilatory demand (as characterized by maximum Eadi). METHODS. Acomparative study of patient-ventilator interaction was performed for 22 patients during standard PS with clinician determined ventilator settings; and NAVA, with NAVA gain set to ensure the same peak airway pressure as the total pressure obtained in PS. A 20 min continuous recording was performed in each ventilator mode. Respiratory rate, Vt, and Eadi were recorded. Tidal volume variance and Pearson correlation coefficient between Vt and Eadi were calculated for each patient. A periodogram was plotted for each ventilator mode and each patient, showing spectral power as a function of frequency to assess variability. RESULTS. Median, lower quartile and upper quartile values for Vt variance and Vt/Eadi correlation are shown in Table 1. The NAVA cohort exhibits substantially greater correlation and variance than the PS cohort. Power spectrums for Vt and Eadi are shown in Fig. 1 (PS and NAVA) for a typical patient. The enlarged section highlights how changes in Eadi are highly synchronized with NAVA ventilation, but less so for PS. CONCLUSIONS. There is greater variability in tidal volume and correlation between tidal volume and diaphragmatic electrical activity with NAVA compared to PS. These results are consistent with the improved patient-ventilator synchrony reported in the literature.


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OBJECTIVE: In general population survey instruments that measure volume of drinking, additional questions and shorter reference periods yield higher volumes. Comparison studies have focused on volume but not on associations between volume and consequences. METHOD: From a cohort study on substance use risk factors (Cohort Study on Substance Use Risk Factors [C-SURF]), baseline data were analyzed for 5,074 young (approximately 20-year-old) men who were drinkers in the past 12 months. Volume of drinking was measured by a generic quantity-frequency (QF) instrument, an extended QF (separately for weekends and weekdays) instrument with 12-months recall, and a retrospective past-week diary. Associations of consequences with and without attribution of alcohol as a cause, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition (DSM-IV), criteria for dependence, and DSM-5 alcohol use disorder in the past 12 months were analyzed. RESULTS: The generic QF measure resulted in lower volume compared with either the extended QF measure (more questions) or the retrospective diary (the most questions and the shortest recall period). For outcomes, however, the extended QF assessment performed the best and the diary the worst. CONCLUSIONS: Higher volume yields are not always better regarding associations with outcomes. The extended QF instrument better captures the variability of drinking. The retrospective diary performs poorly for associations because of the mismatch with the recall period for past-12-months consequences and the potential for misclassification of past-week abstainers and heavy drinkers because of an uncommon past week. Diaries are not recommended for research investigating individual associations between exposure and outcomes in young populations if consequences are measured with a sufficiently long interval to capture rare consequences. (J. Stud. Alcohol Drugs, 75, 880-888, 2014).


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In the following report, chapter two examines the extent and causes of health inequalities. The causes of inequalities are broad and some of them reach beyond the capabilities and responsibilities of both the Department of Health and the NHS. This report therefore focuses on the effectiveness of the policies of the Department of Health and the NHS.


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Our objective was to establish the age-related 3D size of maxillary, sphenoid, and frontal sinuses. A total of 179 magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of children under 17 years (76 females, 103 males) were included and sinuses were measured in the three axes. Maxillary sinuses measured at birth (mean+/-standard deviation) 7.3+/-2.7 mm length (or antero-posterior)/4.0+/-0.9 mm height (or cranio-caudal)/2.7+/-0.8 mm width (or transverse). At 16 years old, maxillary sinus measured 38.8+/-3.5 mm/36.3+/-6.2 mm/27.5+/-4.2 mm. Sphenoid sinus pneumatization starts in the third year of life after conversion from red to fatty marrow with mean values of 5.8+/-1.4 mm/8.0+/-2.3 mm/5.8+/-1.0 mm. Pneumatization progresses gradually to reach at 16 years 23.0+/-4.5 mm/22.6+/-5.8 mm/12.8+/-3.1 mm. Frontal sinuses present a wide variation in size and most of the time are not valuable with routine head MRI techniques. They are not aerated before the age of 6 years. Frontal sinuses dimensions at 16 years were 12.8+/-5.0 mm/21.9+/-8.4 mm/24.5+/-13.3 mm. A sinus volume index (SVI) of maxillary and sphenoid sinus was computed using a simplified ellipsoid volume formula, and a table with SVI according to age with percentile variations is proposed for easy clinical application. Percentile curves of maxillary and sphenoid sinuses are presented to provide a basis for objective determination of sinus size and volume during development. These data are applicable to other techniques such as conventional X-ray and CT scan.


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La present comunicació descriu els Serveis d'Informació a Mida (SIM) oferts per la Biblioteca de la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya a la seva comunitat docent i de recerca, així com el procés d'adaptació d'aquests serveis a un entorn virtual.