978 resultados para Mean platelet volume


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The effects of water saturation and open pore space on the seismic velocities of crystalline rocks are extremely important when comparing laboratory data to in situ geophysical observations (e.g., Dortman and Magid, 1969; Nur and Simmons, 1969; Christensen and Salisbury, 1975). The existence of fractured rocks, flow breccias and drained pillows in oceanic crustal layer 2a, for instance, may appreciably reduce seismic velocities in that layer (Hyndman, 1976). Laboratory data assessing the influence of porosity and water saturation on seismic velocities of oceanic crustal rocks would certainly aid interpretation of marine geophysical data. Igneous rocks recovered during Leg 58 of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, in the Shikoku Basin and Daito Basin in the North Philippine Sea, are extremely vesicular, as evidenced by shipboard measurements of porosities, which range from 0 to 30 per cent (see reports on Sites 442, 443, 444, and 446, this volume). Samples with this range of porosities afford an excellent opportunity to examine the influence of porosity and water saturation on seismic velocities of oceanic basalts. This paper presents compressional-wave velocities to confining pressures of 1.5 kbars for water-saturated and air-dried basalt samples from the North Philippine Sea. Samples used in this study are from sites 442, 443 and 444 in the Shikoku Basin and Site 446 in the Daito Basin. Excellent negative correlation between porosity and compressional-wave velocity demonstrates that waterfilled pore space can significantly reduce compressionalwave velocities in porous basalts. Velocities measured in air-dried samples indicate that the velocity difference between dry samples and saturated samples is small for porosities exceeding 10 per cent, and very large for lower porosities.


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Despite the increasing relevance of mixed stands due to their potential benefits; little information is available with regard to the effect of mixtures on yield in forest systems. Hence, it is necessary to study inter-specific relationships, and the resulting yield in mixed stands, which may vary with stand development, site or stand density, etc. In Spain, the province of Navarra is considered one of the biodiversity reservoirs; however, mixed forests occupy only a small area, probably as a consequence of management plans, in which there is an excessive focus on the productivity aspect, favoring the presence of pure stands of the most marketable species. The aim of this paper is to study how growth efficiencies of beech (Fagus sylvatica) and pine (Pinus sylvestris) are modified by the admixture of the other species and to determine whether stand density modifies interspecific relationships and to what extent. Two models were fitted from Spanish National Forest Inventory data, for P. sylvestris and F. sylvatica respectively, which relate the growth efficiency of the species, i.e. the volume increment of the species divided by the species proportion by area, with dominant height, quadratic mean diameter, stocking degree, and the species proportions by area of each species. Growth efficiency of pine increased with the admixture of beech, decreasing this positive effect when stocking degree increased. However, the positive effect of pine admixture on beech growth was greater at higher stocking degrees. Growth efficiency of beech was also dependent on stand dominant height, resulting in a net negative mixing effect when stand dominant heights and stocking degrees were simultaneously low. There is a relatively large range of species proportions and stocking degrees which results in transgressive overyielding: higher volume increments in mixed stands than that of the most productive pure pine stands. We concluded that stocking degree is a key factor in between-species interactions, being the effects of mixing not always greater at higher stand densities, but it depends on species composition.


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Ariebreen is a small (0.37 km2) valley glacier located in southern Spitsbergen. Our ground-penetrating radar surveys of the glacier show that it is less than 30 m thick on average, with a maximum thickness of 82 m, and it appears to be entirely cold. By analysing digital terrain models of the ice surface from different dates, we determine the area and volume changes during two periods, 1936-1990 and 1990-2007. The total ice volume of the glacier has decreased by 73% during the entire period 1936-2007, which is equivalent to a mean mass balance rate of -0.6190.17 m/yr w.eq. The glacier thinning rate has increased markedly between the first and second periods, from -0.5090.22 to -0.9590.17 m/yr w.eq.


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High-affinity (Kd = 1 × 10−9 M) anti-platelet GPIIIa has been isolated from serum immune complexes of immunologic thrombocytopenic HIV-1-infected patients (HIV-1-ITP). Affinity-purified anti-platelet antibody reacted with a recombinant GPIIIa-(1–200) and -(1–66) fusion peptide and with an 18-mer GPIIIa-(49–66) peptide but not with seven other GPIIIa peptides spanning the length of GPIIIa. Most of the anti-platelet antibody (≈85%) could be adsorbed to and eluted from a GPIIIa-(49–66) affinity column. Binding of antibody to platelets could be inhibited by GPIIIa-(49–66) or an equimolar peptide-albumin conjugate (IC50 = 2 μM). Sera from 7 control subjects and 10 classic autoimmune thrombocytopenic patients gave background reactivity with GPIIIa-(49–66). HIV-1-ITP sera from 16 patients reacted with a mean OD 6-fold greater than background (range, 4- to 9-fold). Serum anti-GPIIIa-(49–66) concentration correlated inversely with platelet count, R2 = 0.51, n = 31, P < 0.0001. Because mouse platelet GPIIIa-(49–66) has 83% homology with human GPIIIa and mouse monocytes contain Fc receptors for the human IgG1-κ/λ antibody, we determined the in vivo effect of human anti-GPIIIa on mouse platelets. Affinity-purified antibody, 25–50 μg given i.p., resulted in a precipitous drop in platelet count to 30% of baseline, with nadir at 4 hr and return to normal in 36 hr. No effect was noted with control IgG. Acute thrombocytopenia could be prevented or reversed by the injection of the GPIIIa-(49–66) albumin conjugate at zero time or 2 hr after antibody, respectively, but not with a scrambled peptide-albumin conjugate. Thus HIV-1-ITP patients have high-affinity anti-platelet GPIIIa against a major antigenic determinant, GPIIIa-(49–66), which correlates inversely with platelet count and induces thrombocytopenia in mice.


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INTRODUÇÃO: A restrição de crescimento fetal (RCF) representa uma das principais complicações da gravidez e está associada a elevadas taxas de morbimortalidade perinatal. A frequência de desfechos desfavoráveis neonatais está diretamente relacionada à gravidade da RCF, sendo que os casos de pior evolução estão relacionados com peso abaixo do percentil 3. O mecanismo do crescimento fetal não está totalmente esclarecido, mas resulta da interação entre potencial genético de crescimento e fatores placentários, maternos e ambientais. Dentre os fatores etiológicos, o desenvolvimento anormal da placenta e a diminuição da perfusão uteroplacentária são as principais causas de RCF. Este estudo teve por objetivo avaliar volume e índices de vascularização placentários, por meio da ultrassonografia tridimensional (US3D), em gestações com RCF grave, e as correlações dos parâmetros placentários com valores de normalidade e dopplervelocimetria materno-fetal. MÉTODOS: Foram avaliadas 27 gestantes cujos fetos apresentavam peso estimado abaixo do percentil 3 para a idade gestacional. Por meio da US3D, utilizando-se a técnica VOCAL, foram mensurados o volume placentário (VP) e os índices vasculares: índice de vascularização (IV), índice de fluxo (IF) e índice de vascularização e fluxo (IVF). Os dados foram comparados com a curva de normalidade para a idade gestacional e peso fetal descrita por De Paula e cols. (2008, 2009). Desde que os volumes placentários variam durante a gravidez, os valores observados foram comparados com os valores esperados para a idade gestacional e peso fetal. Foram criados os índices volume observado/ esperado para a idade gestacional (Vo/e IG) e volume placentário observado/ esperado para o peso fetal (Vo/e PF). Os parâmetros placentários foram correlacionados com índice de pulsatilidade (IP) médio de (AUt) e IP de artéria umbilical (AU), e avaliados segundo a presença de incisura protodiastólica bilateral em AUt. RESULTADOS: Quando comparadas à curva de normalidade, as placentas de gestação com RCF grave apresentaram VP, IV, IF e IVF significativamente menores (p < 0,0001 para todos os parâmetros). Houve correlação inversa estatisticamente significante da média do PI de AUt com o Vo/e IG (r= -0,461, p= 0,018), IV (r= -0,401, p= 0,042) e IVF (r= -0,421, p= 0,048). No grupo de gestantes que apresentavam incisura protodiastólica bilateral de artérias uterinas, Vo/e IG (p= 0,014), Vo/e PF (p= 0,02) e IV (p= 0,044) foram significativamente mais baixos. Nenhum dos parâmetros placentários apresentou correlação significativa com IP de AU. CONCLUSÕES: Observou-se que o volume e os índices de vascularização placentários apresentam-se diminuídos nos fetos com RCF grave. IP médio de AUT apresenta correlação negativa com Vo/e IG, IV e IVF, e Vo/e IG, Vo/e PF e IV apresentaram-se reduzidos nos casos de incisura bilateral. Não houve correlação significativa dos parâmetros placentários com IP de AU


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Purpose: To evaluate choroidal thickness in young subjects using Enhanced Depth Imaging Spectral Domain Optical Coherence Tomography (EDI SD-OCT) describing volume differences between all the defined areas of the Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study (ETDRS). Design: Prospective, clinical study. Methods: Seventy-nine eyes of 95 healthy, young (23.8±3.2years), adult volunteers were prospectively enrolled. Manual choroidal segmentation on a 25-raster horizontal scan protocol was performed. The measurements of the nine subfields defined by the ETDRS were evaluated. Results: Mean subfoveal choroidal thickness was 345.67±81.80μm and mean total choroidal volume was 8.99±1.88mm3. Choroidal thickness and volume were higher at the superior and temporal areas compared to inferior and nasal sectors of the same diameter respectively. Strong correlations between subfoveal choroidal thickness and axial length (AL) and myopic refractive error were obtained, r = -0.649, p<0.001 and r = 0.473, p<0.001 respectively. Emmetropic eyes tended to have thicker subfoveal choroidal thickness (381.94±79.88μm versus 307.04±64.91μm) and higher total choroidal volume than myopic eyes (9.80± 1.87mm3 versus 8.14±1.48mm3). The estimation of the variation of the subfoveal choroidal thickness with the AL was-43.84μm/mm. In the myopic group, the variation of the subfoveal choroidal thickness with the myopic refractive error was -10.45μm/D. Conclusions: This study establishes for the first time a normal database for choroidal thickness and volume in young adults. Axial length, and myopic ammetropy are highly associated with choroidal parameters in healthy subjects. EDI SD-OCT exhibited a high degree of intraobserver and interobserver repeatability.


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Site 996 is located above the Blake Diapir where numerous indications of vertical fluid migration and the presence of hydrate existed prior to Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 164. Direct sampling of hydrates and visual observations of hydrate-filled veins that could be traced 30-40 cm along cores suggest a connection between fluid migration and hydrate formation. The composition of pore water squeezed from sediment cores showed large variations due to melting of hydrate during core recovery and influence of saline water from the evaporitic diapir below. Analysis of water released during hydrate decomposition experiments showed that the recovered hydrates contained significant amounts of pore water. Solutions of the transport equations for deuterium (d2H) and chloride (Cl-) were used to determine maximum (d2H) and minimum (Cl-) in situ concentrations of these species. Minimum in situ concentrations of hydrate were estimated by combining these results with Cl- and d2H values measured on hydrate meltwaters and pore waters obtained by squeezing of sediments, by the means of a method based on analysis of distances in the two-dimensional Cl- d2H space. The computed Cl- and d2H distribution indicates that the minimum hydrate amount solutions are representative of the actual hydrate amount. The highest and mean hydrate concentrations estimates from our model are 31% and 10% of the pore space, respectively. These concentrations agree well with visual core observations, supporting the validity of the model assumptions. The minimum in situ Cl- concentrations were used to constrain the rates of upward fluid migration. Simulation of all available data gave a mean flow rate of 0.35 m/k.y. (range: 0.125-0.5 m/k.y.).


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Background The degree of volume depletion in severe malaria is currently unknown, although knowledge of fluid compartment volumes can guide therapy. To assist management of severely ill children, and to test the hypothesis that volume changes in fluid compartments reflect disease severity, we measured body compartment volumes in Gabonese children with malaria. Methods and Findings Total body water volume (TBW) and extracellular water volume (ECW) were estimated in children with severe or moderate malaria and in convalescence by tracer dilution with heavy water and bromide, respectively. Intracellular water volume (ICW) was derived from these parameters. Bioelectrical impedance analysis estimates of TBW and ECW were calibrated and bioelectrical impedance analysis measurements were taken daily against dilution methods, until discharge. Sixteen children had severe and 19 moderate malaria. Severe childhood malaria was associated with depletion of TBW (mean [SD] of 37 [33] ml/kg, or 6.7% [6.0%]) relative to measurement at discharge. This is defined as mild dehydration in other conditions. ECW measurements were normal on admission in children with severe malaria and did not rise in the first few days of admission. Volumes in different compartments (TBW, ECW, and ICW) were not related to hyperlactataemia or other clinical and laboratory markers of disease severity. Moderate malaria was not associated with a depletion of TBW. Conclusions Significant hypovolaemia does not exacerbate complications of severe or moderate malaria. As rapid rehydration of children with malaria may have risks, we suggest that fluid replacement regimens should aim to correct fluid losses over 12-24 h.


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Background: Qualitative interpretation of myocardial contrast echocardiography (MCE) improves the accuracy of wall-motion analysis for assessment of coronary artery disease (CAD). We examined the feasibility and accuracy of quantitative MCE for diagnosis of CAD. Methods: Dipyridamole/exercise stress MCE (destruction-replenishment protocol with real-time imaging) was performed in 90 patients undergoing quantitative coronary angiography, 48 of whom had significant (> 50%) stenoses. MCE was repeated with exercise alone in 18 patients. Myocardial blood flow (A*beta) was obtained from blood volume (A) and time to refill (beta). Results: Quantification of flow reserve was feasible in 88%. The mean A*beta reserve in the anterior wall was significantly impaired for patients with left anterior descending coronary artery disease (n = 28) compared with those with no disease (1.6 +/- 1.2 vs; 4.0 +/- 2.5, P <=.001). This reflected impaired beta reserve, with no difference in the A reserve. Applying a receiver operating characteristic curve derived cutoff of 2.0 for A*beta reserve, quantitative MCE was 76% sensitive and 71% specific for the diagnosis of significant left anterior descending coronary artery stenosis. Posterior circulation results were similar, with 78% sensitivity and 59% specificity for detection of posterior CAD. Overall, quantitative MCE was similarly sensitive to qualitative approach for diagnosis of CAD (88% vs 93%), but with lower specificity (52% vs 65%, P =.07). In 18 patients restudied with pure exercise stress, the mean myocardial blood flow reserve was less than after combined stress (2.1 +/- 1.6 vs 3.7 +/- 1.9, P =.01). Conclusion: Quantitative MCE is feasible for the diagnosis of CAD with dipyridamole/exercise stress. Dipyridamole prolongs postexercise hyperemia, augmenting the degree of hyperemia at the time of imaging.


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Background and Purpose. Arm lymphedema following breast cancer In this study, we assessed the surgery is a continuing problem. reliability and validity of circumferential measurements and water displacement for measuring upper-limb volume. Subjects. Participants included subjects who had had breast cancer surgery, including axillary dissection-19 with and 22 without a diagnosis of arm lymphedema-and 25 control subjects. Methods. Two raters measured each subject by using circumferential tape measurements at specified distances from the fingertips and in relation to anatornic landmarks and by using water displacement. Interrater reliability was calculated by analysis of variance and multilevel modeling. Volumes from circumferential measurements were compared with those from water displacement by use of means and correlation coefficients, respectively. The standard error of measurement, minimum detectable change (MDC), and limits of agreement (LOA) for volumes also were calculated. Results. Arm volumes obtained with these methods had high reliability. Compared with volumes from water displacement, volumes from circumferential measurements had high validity, although these volumes were slightly larger. Expected differences between subjects with and without clinical lymphedema following breast cancer were found. The MDC of volumes or the error associated with a single measure for data based oil anatomic landmarks was lower than that based oil distance from fingertips. The mean LOA with water displacement were lower for data based on anatomic landmarks than for data based on distance from fingertips. Discussion and Conclusion. Volumes calculated from anatomic landmarks are reliable, valid, and more accurate than those obtained from circumferential measurements based on distance from fingertips.


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The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of different methods of measuring training volume, controlled in different ways, on selected variables that reflect acute neuromuscular responses. Eighteen resistance-trained males performed three fatiguing protocols of dynamic constant external resistance exercise, involving elbow flexors, that manipulated either time-under-tension (TUT) or volume load (VL), defined as the product of training load and repetitions. Protocol A provided a standard for TUT and VL. Protocol B involved the same VL as Protocol A but only 40% concentric TUT; Protocol C was equated to Protocol A for TUT but only involved 50% VL. Fatigue was assessed by changes in maximum voluntary isometric contraction (MVIC), interpolated doublet (ID), muscle twitch characteristics (peak twitch, time to peak twitch, 0.5 relaxation time, and mean rates of force development and twitch relaxation). All protocols produced significant changes (P