491 resultados para Maureen Elgersman Leee
Top Row: Joellyn M. Markey, Carol L. Kallewaard, Janet R. Sobel, Jacqueline L. Spatafora, Susan M. Tucker, Cynthia S. Gordon, Pamela J. Sanders, Carol M. Salinger, Marylou Rabaut, Connie R. Jarlsbers, Sylvia J. McKenney, Elizabeth A. Regan, Barabara S. Schelenker, Vandy L. Sherbin, Judy A. Srrbina, Susan K. Ginster, Lydia A. Robinson, Sandra L. Sprague, Beth A. Stegeman, Catherine T. Totte
Row 2: Kathleen M. Lahiff, Julia M. Markovich, Andra M. Rush, Darlene C. Ressler, Wendy K. Reigel, Beth L. Burch, Jewel E. Carpenter, Wendie L. Weber, Kay E. Jersey, karen D. Curl, Carol L. McGraw, Durene M. Elem, Linette perushi, Betty A. pulliams, Vicki E. Meffert, Harriettee Williams
Row 3: Beth A. Hoatlin, Rhonda C. Tolbert, Michelle R. Robertson, Lori A. Wissman, Marilyn S. Dietrich, Jayne E. Taylor, Jill M. Smith, Barbara J. House, Siobhan Gorman, Madeline L. Mobley, Joyce A. Williamson, Fay M. Wright
Row 4: Rosanne M. Hrqamiec, karen S. Nowak, Peggy J. Cameron, Mary V. Morris-Tucker, Frances L. Righmond, Marlene A. Baker, Karen J. Worden, Kathleen M. McGillivary, Janet L. wylie, Sandra K. Thompson
Row 5: Karen A. Cruickshank, Irene M. Dery, Ann M. Ignatowski, Elizabeth A. Peklo, Anne K. Waters, Laura E. Harvey, Mary M. Eggenberger, Wendy K. Kenyon, Kathleen M. Jordan, Elaine J. Zeilke, Barbara J. Waxman, Jolie A. Laker
Row 6: Velria M. Brown, Jane A. Burke, Marv A. Damken, Leau M. Stein, Cheryl Lumm Truzz, Deborah G. Thomas, Charlene L. Davis, Carol A. Zuber, Susan G. Toler, Betty M. Jones, Linda L. Kouba, Cynthia A. Lovell
Row 7: Kathy A. Churches, Dana L. Garrett, Mary E. Cella, Sarah E. Newton, Judy L. Benkeser, Lori J. Googel, Nancy H. Jenson, Helen I. Erickson, Rhetaugh G. Dumas, Norma K. Marshall, Karen M. Walker, Deborau D. Barrett, Janice M. Sinsabaugh, Vickie M. Rodla, Bonnie M. Mann, Cynthia R. Matthews, Karen L. Heithecker
Row 8: Judith Gniewek, Valerie A. Filkins, Mable A. Glass, Kathleen M. Dwyer, Diane M. Fritz, Susan D. Cook, Evon J. Goyer, Kathryn Greenleaf, Laurie Haan Abraham, Sharon Gwozdec, Karen J. Douglas, Claudette P. Bryan, Kathy L. Deniston, Carol A. Garon, Maureen goode, Jennifer A. Gegenheimer, Colette White, Mary C. Kuckuc, Mary S. Craft
Row 9: Joan M. Garbarino, Linda S. Farwell, Julie A. Cook, Susan M. Bolohan, Sharon A. Bailey, Deborah Babala, Kathleen M. Oldani, Mary E. Grace, Mary A. Moriarty, Marybeth Annessa, Martha A. Beaudry, Jamie M. Ashley, Sue Bohnet, Janice J. Bishop, Diana L. Beveridge, Catherine A. Belski, Debra R. Surdyk, Maureen A. Flaherty, Lisa M. Barron, Carole A. Fanelli
Top Row: Barbara A. Fleckenstein, Anne M. Phelan, Julie-Ann Gersin, Laura E. Kemper, Mary Ann McCulloch, Meryl I. Faber, Karen E. Morton, Jennifer S. Miller, Catherine A. Chichester, Dana R. Piper, Harold K. Lohwasser, Michelle A. Lyons, Julia C. Kelly, Deborah L. Rossman, Amy L. Keskey, John F. Nama, Linda Borucki, Michelle M. Bradley, Caroline M. Fischer, Lisa A. Kuhnlein
Row 2: Karen M. Pardo, Laura L. Price, Mollie A. McDonald, Jan M. Grable, Janna S. Nichols, Laura A. Quain, Patricia M. Battel, Claudia J. Koch, Maureen G. D'hondt, Trudy J. Tervo, Linda A. Walz, Cheryl K. Ebling, Patricia A. Merte, Lauri R. Klock, Maria A. Lomibao, Mary E. Eisenhauer, Ellen B. Malvern, Josephine A. Polesnak
Row 3: Yvonne D. Krisel, Rosemary T. Coyne, Janey A. Porterfield, Deborah A. Mulawa, Janet E. Lovelace, Susan P. O'brien, Margaret T. Perrone, Brenda K. Luckhardt, Terry A. Layher, Sharon A. Potonac, Susan K. Watson, Janet A. Servatowski
Row 4: Vivian A. Reeves, Tracey A. Weeks, Marilyn K. Morgan, Terrilynn Phillips, Susan S. Kirk, Robert J. Ziola, Fred Roberts, Karen S. Myron, Pamela M. Przybylski, Mary Jo F. Lafata, Janet A. Scapini, Mary J. Swails
Row 5: Julie E. Reitz, Julie A. Symons, Ave M. Reagor, Catherine A. Regan, Marsha A. Glass, Susan M. Derubeis, Judy L. Goode, Jennifer P. Wylie, Janet L. Nowak, Karen M. Ulfig, Cynthia E. West, Carol A. Czarnecki, Gloria J. Verdi, Lisa D. Singleton
Row 6: Cynthia Wiggins, Monica L. Babyak, Gail M. Ray, Karen S. Desloover, Ladonna L. Christian-Combs, Deborah J. Dunnaback, Deborah A. Cecchini, Nancy A. Neville, Julia H. Grove, Wendy A. Weinfurtner, Susan M. Twigg, Jolynne Vanotteren, Lori A. Clark, Susan T. Savidge
Row 7: Marianne Ojeda, Ann M. Tucker, Lisa A. Valiquette, Sharon J. Bergmann, Elizabeth A. Rice, Marjorie R. Hovis, Laura I. Berry, Janice B. Lindberg, Rhetaugh G. Dumas, Susan B. Steckel, Helen L. Erickson, Kathleen M. Oshea, Tricia A. Richardson, Cheryl L. Sanders, Ann L. Shcoene, Anita M. Bargardi, Constance S. Siler, Anne L. Scott
Row 8: Gassenie Thomas, Victoria L. cadagin, Sheryl A. Strace, Joyce I. Sourbeck, Mary S. Donald, Cindy Tollis, Miriam L. Allis, Julie J. Watson, Patricia A. Shefferly, Nina M. Squire, Carol J. Debrodt, Jennifer A. Dreps, Cynthia B. Stone, Martha A. House, Elizabeth A. Hull, Laurie J. Bommarito, Erin A. Swain, Lisa D. Davis
Row 9: Lisa W. Barak, Charlotte L. Allport, Karen J. Baker, Julie M. Sweet, Pamela R. Armfield, Kathleen A. Hornick, Marcianna M. Davis, Joann L. Holdridge, Barbara A. Black, Scott L. Baker, Lawrene S. Gardipee, Julie A. Hemsteger, Mary Ann Barz, Carla L. Arnett, Danielle L. Bonam, Janice S. Brady, Karen L. Eischer, Amy A. Hing, Marcia L. Hassig, Heidi G. Henn
Top Row: Carol Serr, Peggy Quinlan, Laura Struble, Lynne Carpenter, Shirley Evans, Catherine Eichel, Irene Soble
Row 2: Mary Jo Grippen, Judy Howe
Row 3: Cindy Fenske, Mary Lynn Parker
Row 4: Tara Prescott, Maureen Sheehan, William Paddock, Linda Hein, Dai-Wei Chen, James Fischer, Susan Saydak, Linda Heller Burgess
Top Row: Suzanne P. Zeros, Leslie A. Hazle, Deborah L. Thar, Jo-Ann Uhrhammer, Susan M. Revesz, Karla M. Jackson, Laura L. Campbell, Carol T. Dekeyser, Jeanette R. Lewey, Constance B. Squibb, Kristen Eckoff, Martha J. Armantrout, Kathleen A. Duhart, Sara J. Hemming, Carrie L. Malroit, Anne Marie L. Piehl, Rita A. Dobry, Susan A. Wintermeyer
Row 2: Deborah L. Kurzeja, Elanie C. Jenkins, Mary Nehra, June Ellis, Lisa Mediodia, Mary G. Rutz, Diane L. Larson, Mark A. Kempton, Margaret M. Ulchaker, Maureen B. Schreibea, Jan E. Merrick, Holly Russell, Betsy J. hodgman, Maeve N. Boran, Theresa J. Coker, Lisa Moss, Nancy J. Deckert, Nancy R. Bailey
Row 3: Denise M. Zapinski, Michelle M. Post, Elicia baker-Rogers, Lisa A. Mast, Patricia Thomas, Karen A. Bartoluzzi, Jennifer M. Dzieciuch, Margie Von Berge, Nancy Lutz, Pamela Mrstik
Row 4: Elizabeth Doheny, Jacqueline T. Bartone, Lisa A. Pfahler, Sheryl L. Lovelace, Elizabeth A. Bazur, Janet L. Bauman, Delynn M. Dindoffer, Rebecca Waldo
Row 5: Janarl L. Harris, Jeanne M. Cancilla, Amy Garon, Alisa D. Karp, Liz Buchanan, Linda M. Ford.
Row 6: Ondreya Dillard, Linda C. Parks, Tricia Berner, Loranie A. McKaig, Susan M. Bleasdale, Heather L. Colquhoun, Valerie M. Spotts, Marcia L. Fouts
Row 7: Theresa Glick, Carrie L Giltrow, Lisa E. Chapelle, Mary H. Kiledo, Jody Kazmierczak, Patricia E. Goerke, Lisa Weingart, Laura A. Rhead, Pauletta McKivens, Nancy K. Dryer
Row 8: Mary S. Mac Taggart, Lynn M. Stephens, Ann E. Dowling, Amy L. Huntzinger, Patricia A. Schremser, Kathy Hughes, Sally Sample, Cheryl E. Easley, Rhetaugh Dumas, Janice Lindberg, Susan Boehm, Heather Hossack, Susan E. Parry, Amy D. Landau, Michele Mansour, Nancy R. Clark, Sarah Cunningham
Row 9: Rhonda B. Dean, Sandra s. Klein, Cheryl L. Goddard, Toni Rene Dawson, Sara R. Farhat, Lisa M. Kane, Kaye M. Lewandowski, Jennifer A. Blashill, Susan L. Bradley, Mary McGuiness, Ann Dameron, Karolyn L. Maron, Debra Fisher, Rebecca Vredenburg, Elaine B. Fritz, Mary A. Alphenaar, Kathy Rentenbach, Barbara J. Wolff
Row 10: Nancy L. Minegar, Mary E. Conners, Susan E. Kuzma, M. Maureen O'Conner, Elaine P. Wynter, Catherine L. Martin, Bobbi L Hall, Dawn M. Gilbert, Karen M. Kuhn, Genevieve M. Mccarthy, Anne M. Venturi, Jena Bargon, Karen Coesens, Lynne V. Duguay, Barbara A. Sterne, Jill A. Schafer, Jill A. Webster, Katharina E. Smith, Mary K. Brown
Top Row: James M. Benard, Megan L. McCarthy, Maureen T. Cummings, Madeline M. Diedo, Karla M. Jacobus
Row 2: Lois E. Larson, Maris Y. Maquera
Row 3: Mary S. Smalldon, Colleen M. Corte
Row 4: Jan Brissette, Kathryn A. Kacynski, Nancy R. Payne, Katrina D. Roy
Top Row: Lisa Abe, Benita C. Aldrich, Elizabeth A. Alexander, Christina Andrakovich, Andrea A Astalos, Aimee K. Baptiste, Jacqueline A. Baransri, Paula A. Bonell, Tonya T. Boven, Sara L. Briggs, Heidi M. Brogger, Maureen A. Burns, Mike R. Byrd
Row 2: Julie A. Camilleri, Maria C. Cano, Sally J. Clement, Martra Finneren, Elizabeth Lobbestael-Monte, Cherryl Drongowski, Laura Stuckey, Elizabeth Scamperle, Amy Wenk, Karin B. Colvin, Gloria R. Crandall, Kristen T. Crane
Row 3: Rita J. Curtis, Cheri K. Davis, Patrick Ahearne, Lynne Yarger, Patricia Tibbits, Kathleen Donahoe, Rosemary Defever, Theresa A. Dietz
Row 4: Maureen Donnelly, Alysse E. Donohue, Susan Holmes, Tina Alexandris, Pam S. Dunbrock, Beth A. Elya
Row 5: Michelle L. Everly, Nazanin Farah, Kathie Fetting, Tanya Meier, Richard A. Fons, Cheryl D. Ford
Row 6: Tonya M. Forton, Alvira Galbraith, Holly B. Goldrick, Sally Sample, Violet Barkauskas, Rhetaugh G. Dumars, Share' Ketefian, Janice B. Lindberg, Elizabeth Pennington, Cheryl A. Grega, Michelle L. grinwis, Paula C. Haffner
Row 7: Peggy A. Harper, Michele R. Haseluhn, Christina M. Hayosh, Michele M. Hopkins, Martha A. James, Elizabeth J. Jameson, Jan I. Joyce, Henry Justusson, Shamrock E. Kealy, Linda A. Kendall, Karrie C. Kerby, Diane M. Kilian, Rene E. Kloosterman, Marie T. Kolar
Row 8: Regina M. Kudla, Julie A. Lasecki, Jenny K. Lindholm, Beth M. Luttrell, Mary E. Malone, Tami J. Nishon, Leah D. Olson, Lori J. Painter, Peggy A. Paulson, Jill A. Rodman, Sherri R. Runciman, Joanne A. Sandler, Patricia L. Sano
Row 9: Leah A. Shults, Catherine E. Slusher, Jennifer A. Snell, Abbe E. Sorin, Iliana I. Staneva, Jennifer R. Stouffer, Jane A. Tanton, Margaret O. Tear, Andrea L. Vandenbergh, Michele M. Vandenburg, Carol A. Waycott, Julie A. Westmeyer, Jane C. Zapytowski, Patricia L. Zickuhr
Top Row: Fonya Atabong, Aimee Austria, Holly Baier, Jayna Ballard, Stephanie Baranek, Karen Barron, Elizabeth Behnan, Jennifer Bohl, Sarah Bombery, Carissa Bonner, Emily Brady, Jennifer Bristol, Carrie Brown, Christine Brown, James Cahill, Katie Campbell, PMichelle Carley, Shandra Caylor, Maureen Cebula
Row 2: Jinhwa Chung, Pamela Clay, Erin Cockrell, Desiree Conyers, Sarah Crow, Kimberly Deblasis
Row 3: Melissa Donoran, Sarah Ehlke, Shelly Eizyk, Marianne Erwin, Lauren Feighner, Sara Fetzer
Row 4: Miranda Finn, Lora Fisaga, Sarah Fortman, Sarah Gattis, Nicole Grace, Gail Grigsby
Row 5: Sandra Hakeos, Stephanie Hanchak, Kacee Harris, Nicole Hawkins, Molly Hedges, Jennifer Heeren
Row 6: Mary Herndon, Valerie Hintz, Holly Hopkins, Julie Houslander, Kaitlyn Jakubec, Kathryn Jannausch
Row 7: Lisa Kantor, Amy Kaplan, Jennifer Kinch, Patricia Coleman-Burns, Carol Loveland-Cherry, Ada Sue Hinshaw, Judith Lynch-Sauer, Barbara Guthrie, Sarah Knapp, May Kuo, Deanna Kurtz
Row 8: Mary Lambert, Erin Lowen, Anahid Magar, Lindsey Balzhiser, Monique Grinnell, Julie Heringhausen, Rachel Karwick, Jane MaCaulay, Samantha Peck, Kelli Stewart, Ngan Thai, Erin Tuttle, Julie Wilner, Jill McCarty, Caitlin McClellan, Jessica McEntee
Row 9: Kelli McGee, Katrina Melonakos, Kimberley Munn, Inder Narula, Lauren Nielsen, Kristin O'Mara, Pamela Obriot, Kate Organ, Kelly Owens, Mindy Pallas, Debbie Lynn Paylor, Johanna Phillips, Jamie Pikus, Krista Ponagai, Kristin Putnam, Corinne Quinlan, Megan Rathburn, Tina Rayburn, Natalie Render
Row 10: Jennifer Riske, Rebecca Robison, Monica Rochman-Wallace, Amanda Ross, Lindsey Rubritius, Katherine Russell, Julie Sarkesian, Teya Schoening, Gabrielle Schultz, Margaret Secor, John Seeburger, James Shannon, Suzanne Smith, Mary Catherine Steer, Erin Stevens, Margaret Stilec, Carolynne Suveg
Row 11: Jesse Szczak, Angela Szydlek, Salisa Thompson, Kristin Toyofuku, Prescilla Tshiamala, Vickey Vaclavek, Karen Van Eck, Julie VanHammersveld, Jennifer Ventimiglia, Sarah Wachler, Rachel Walts, John Weeks, Amber Williams, Melody Williston, Jessica Woolworth
Top Row: Alexis Adamjee, Jennifer Ahlquist, Crista Andress, Dawn Arringdale, Freda Ayensu, Genevieve Balangero, Maureen Berlucchi, Amanda Bevier, Nina Bibicoff, Rachel Black, Denise Black, Jackie Braun, Kristen Bryant, Betty Burgner, Julie Butchart, Nicholas Cameron, Jessica Carver, Christine Cha, Kelly Clement
Row 2: Lauren Cochran, Kathleen Connell, Amanada Cooperwasser, Lindsay Cousino, Lindsey Evans, Stephen Kilijanczyk, Kathryn Evans, Kathryn Bucrek, Ida Elise Broadwater, Renee Havey, Sharon Warner, Katie Darnell, Katrina DeWitt, Kolleen Kowalske, Keather Rechtweg, Kristen Cowan, Alison Damioli, Dinah Denton, Melinda Dobie
Row 3: Rosemarie Donnelly, Kelly Doyle, Deanna Dusseau, Jacqueline Elegant, Ashley Faulk, Kristin Ferszt, Christine Catalan, Sarah Borgstadt-Smith, Paul Holtz, Tracy Jakubiec, Chemari Justice, Patricia Oppenheim, Kelly Fleming, Melissa Foster, Emily French, Tracy Gallo, Kathie Garrett, Jacqueline Garry
Row 4: Monique Gennari, Megan Gerlinger, Deborah Glazer, Terah Griggs, Edward Grosser, Kristy Haigh, Amanda Halbert, Jennifer Hammer, Emily Harris, Erin Harris, Elizabeth Hassenrik, Elizabeth Heinbeck
Row 5: Brianna Hirsch, Jessica Hoffman, Heather Hoffner, Bridget Holtz, Melissa Housefield, Sarah Hudson, Kathy Huffnagle, Hilary Hunt, Ashley Jannesen, Lauren Jarvis, Sarah Jarvis, Younhee Jee
Row 6: Ruth Jensen, Janet Wilson Johnston, Brandi Josephs, Amy Kangwankij, Julie Kramb, Dianna Krankurs, Allan Kucab, Kimberly Lai, Sarah Layher, Erin Layher, Dung Le, Hedy Leiter
Row 7: Lauren Loftus, Michael Long, Caroline Loukotka, Shoshana Love, Norma Martinez, Kristen McElreath, Lindsi McErlean, Renee McGlone, Lynne McIntosh, Ian McLelland, Ashley Mester, Anika Meyers
Row 8: Elizabeth Miles, Sarah Miller, Juliana Moore, Nicole Nastanski, Sarah Neighbours, Emily Newman, Judith Lynch-Sauer, Patricia Coleman-Burns, Judith Wismont, Kathleen Potempa, Carol Loveland-Cherry, Carolyn Sampselle, Joanne Pohl, Katie Pace, Bethany Panyard, sejal Patel, Chelsea Patnoude, Amy Jo Perry, Joseph Piotrowski
Row 9: Kate Pittel, Natalie Podolsky, Jessica Pollman, Nicole Pratt, Laura Ready, Amanda Retzbach, Katie Richards, Nicole Rico, April Robertson, Meighan Robinson, Stephanie Robinson, Talia Roesner, Autumn Romanowski, Anne Sage, Sally Scharg, Melissa Schultz, Renee Shelton, Natalie Sherry
Row 10: Rebecca Siereveld, Karen Simon, Emily Sosnowski, Elissa Stier, Darcy Stoll, Nicole Sukich, Erin Sykes-Miller, Tami Szuba, John Tallman, Michelle Taylor, Ashley Thelen, Gina Thomas, Rachel Tovian, Yuanyuan Wan, Nicole Young
Beef and dairy cattle from four different herds in southern and central Queensland fed hydroponically-produced sprouted barley or wheat grain heavily infested with Aspergillus clavatus developed posterior ataxia with knuckling of fetlocks, muscular tremors and recumbency, but maintained appetite. A few animals variously had reduced milk production, hyperaesthesia, drooling of saliva, hypermetria of hind limbs or muscle spasms. Degeneration of large neurones was seen in the brain stem and spinal cord grey matter. The syndrome was consistent with A clavatus tremorgenic mycotoxicosis of ruminants. The cases are the earliest known to be associated with this fungus in Australia. They highlight a potential hazard of hydroponic fodder production systems, which appear to favour A clavatus growth on sprouted grain, exacerbated in some cases by equipment malfunctions that increase operating temperatures.
Objective To determine the efficacy and toxicity of chemotherapy in the treatment of canine nasal tumours. Design Retrospective clinical study Procedure Eight dogs with histologically confirmed nasal tumours were staged by means of complete blood count, serum biochemical analysis, cytological analysis of fine needle aspirate of the regional lymph nodes, thoracic radiographs and computed tomography scan of the nasal cavity. All dogs were treated with alternating doses of doxorubicin, carboplatin and oral piroxicam. All dogs were monitored for side effects of chemotherapy and evaluated for response to treatment by computed tomography scan of the nasal cavity after the first four treatments. Results Complete remission was achieved in four dogs, partial remission occurred in two dogs and two had stable disease on the basis of computed tomography evaluation. There was resolution of clinical signs after one to two doses of chemotherapy in all dogs. Conclusions This chemotherapy protocol was efficacious and well tolerated in this series of eight cases of canine nasal tumours.
Objective To give an account of the views held by Australian veterinarians who work with horses on the future of their professional field. Method Questionnaires were mailed to 866 veterinarians who had been identified as working with horses, and 87% were completed and returned. Data were entered onto an Excel spreadsheet, and analysed using the SAS System for Windows. Results Their future prospects were believed to be very good or excellent by >60% of equine veterinarians but by only 30% of mixed practitioners seeing < 10% horses. The main factors believed likely to affect these prospects were the strength of the equine industries and the economic climate affecting horse owners, followed by the encroachment of cities into areas used for horses, competition from other veterinarians including specialist centres and from non-veterinary operators, and their ability to recruit and retain veterinarians with interest, experience and skill with horses. Urban encroachment, competition and recruitment were especially important for those seeing few horses. Concerns were also expressed about the competence and ethical behaviour of other veterinarians, the physical demands and dangers of horse work, the costs of providing equine veterinary services and of being paid for them, the regulatory restrictions imposed by governments and statutory bodies, the potential effects of litigation, and insurance issues. For many veterinarians in mixed practice these factors have reduced and are likely to reduce further the number of horses seen, to the extent that they have scant optimism about the future of horse work in their practices. Conclusion Economic and local factors will result in an increasing proportion of equine veterinary work being done in specialised equine centres, and the future of horse work in many mixed practices is, at best, precarious. A key factor influencing future prospects will be the availability of competent veterinarians committed to working with horses.
Objective To describe the attitudes to their work and career of those Australian veterinarians who work with horses. Method Questionnaires were mailed to 866 veterinarians who had been identified as working with horses, and 87% were completed and returned. Data were entered onto Excel spreadsheets, and analysed using the SAS System for Windows. Results The main attractions of veterinary work with horses were the horses themselves and the equine industries, but working outdoors and with rewarding clients, and the satisfaction of successful outcomes were attractions for many. The list of disadvantages was longer, and included unreasonable and disagreeable clients as well as those who provided inadequate facilities, could not control their horses or did not care for them. The physical demands and risks of injury, the amount of time required, low rates of return and difficulties in collecting payment, were other major disadvantages. Some mentioned concerns about litigation, unethical behaviour, and recruiting and retaining veterinarians competent with horses. For many in mixed practice, the difficulties in affording modern equipment, and of developing and maintaining their own competence with horses, was a real concern. More than three-quarters of the respondents reported that their careers had lived up to expectations and that they would become veterinarians again; 70% of equine veterinarians would become an equine veterinarian again. Almost all (93%) of the respondents were either very glad, or 'generally glad though with some misgivings' that they had done the veterinary course. Older veterinarians reported suffering less stress, and being more content with their career, than younger colleagues. Conclusions The advantages of doing veterinary work with horses outweigh the disadvantages for most veterinarians, especially those well advanced in their careers.