819 resultados para Mathematical concepts and skills
Intraoperative cardiac imaging plays a key role during transcatheter aortic valve replacement. In recent years, new techniques and new tools for improved image quality and virtual navigation have been proposed, in order to simplify and standardize stent valve positioning and implantation. But routine performance of the new techniques may require major economic investments or specific knowledge and skills and, for this reason, they may not be accessible to the majority of cardiac centres involved in transcatheter valve replacement projects. Additionally, they still require injections of contrast medium to obtain computed images. Therefore, we have developed and describe here a very simple and intuitive method of positioning balloon-expandable stent valves, which represents the evolution of the 'dumbbell' technique for echocardiography-guided transcatheter valve replacement without angiography. This method, based on the partial inflation of the balloon catheter during positioning, traps the crimped valve in the aortic valve orifice and, consequently, very near to the ideal landing zone. It does not require specific echocardiographic knowledge; it does not require angiographies that increase the risk of postoperative kidney failure in elderly patients, and it can be also performed in centres not equipped with a hybrid operating room.
The Keller-Segel system has been widely proposed as a model for bacterial waves driven by chemotactic processes. Current experiments on E. coli have shown precise structure of traveling pulses. We present here an alternative mathematical description of traveling pulses at a macroscopic scale. This modeling task is complemented with numerical simulations in accordance with the experimental observations. Our model is derived from an accurate kinetic description of the mesoscopic run-and-tumble process performed by bacteria. This model can account for recent experimental observations with E. coli. Qualitative agreements include the asymmetry of the pulse and transition in the collective behaviour (clustered motion versus dispersion). In addition we can capture quantitatively the main characteristics of the pulse such as the speed and the relative size of tails. This work opens several experimental and theoretical perspectives. Coefficients at the macroscopic level are derived from considerations at the cellular scale. For instance the stiffness of the signal integration process turns out to have a strong effect on collective motion. Furthermore the bottom-up scaling allows to perform preliminary mathematical analysis and write efficient numerical schemes. This model is intended as a predictive tool for the investigation of bacterial collective motion.
Adolescence corresponds to a transition period that requires adaptation and change capacities and skills. Most young people succeed with this challenge, whereas a minority fail. In order to identify with the teenage culture, become autonomous, and differentiate from their parents, some adolescents choose to use drugs, beginning with the use of cigarettes, alcohol, cannabis, followed by other illicit drugs such as opiates and stimulants. A high proportion of these adolescents attempt suicide, which is the primary cause of death during adolescence in many European countries. Who are the "vulnerable" adolescents? What are the mechanisms that can explain the varieties of drug-use initiation or suicide attempts? Can "protective factors" be identified? What kind of strategies might be developed at a social and political level in order to prevent or to minimize drug abuse and suicide attempts, among other harmful behaviors? These issues will be discussed on the basis of the recent literature and in the light of a recent study carried out in the French-speaking part of Switzerland on large cohorts of adolescent drug users. Unresolved critical issues are noted and future needed research is suggested.
Aquest projecte ha aplicat algunes noves metodologies docents que seran imprescindibles per a la integració en l'EEES i, en particular, sistemes d'avaluació alternatius que puguin formar la base d'un sistema d'avaluació continuada per als continguts i adquisició d'habilitats que fins ara s'han aplegat en l'assignatura "Geografia Humana" de la llicenciatura de Geografia de la Universitat de Barcelona. A partir de la reflexió conjunta entre els membres de l’equip integrant del projecte sobre les competències i continguts que es desitja que adquireixi l'estudiant s'han dissenyat un conjunt de recursos per a l’avaluació: 1. exercicis individuals, destinats a valorar la capacitat d’estructurar idees, expressió escrita i gràfica, presentació etc. 2. treballs en equip, destinats a fomentar l’esperit de divisió del treball i de cooperació entre els estudiants i a mostrar el guany individual del treball col·lectiu. 3. proves objectives (tipus test), destinades a valorar l’adquisició de conceptes i de continguts bàsics. 4. preguntes d'autoavaluació, amb la finalitat que l’estudiant pugui fer el seu propi seguiment de l’adquisició de Coneixements. 5. qüestionaris d’autovaloració dels exercicis individuals i dels treballs en equip, amb l’objectiu que els alumnes reflexionin sobre el treball realitzat i que serveixin de base per a contrastar amb la valoració del professor. L’objectiu final és que l’estudiant pugui ser avaluat de manera contínua en el portafoli que recull el treball acumulat al llarg del curs. Tot i que el projecte s’ha basat en l’ús de l’eina dels “dossiers electrònics” de la UB, en el futur immediat els resultats obtinguts passaran a integrar-se en el Campus Virtual de la UB que utilitza la plataforma Moodle, les posibilitats tècniques de la qual permetran afegir una dimensió cooperativa més gran al treball avaluable (accés al treball dels grups, cooperació en la construcció de bases de dades, wikis editades pel conjunt de la classe etc.)
BACKGROUND: There is increasing evidence that a strong primary care is a cornerstone of an efficient health care system. But Switzerland is facing a shortage of primary care physicians (PCPs). This pushed the Federal Council of Switzerland to introduce a multifaceted political programme to strengthen the position of primary care, including its academic role. The aim of this paper is to provide a comprehensive overview of the situation of academic primary care at the five Swiss universities by the end of year 2012. RESULTS: Although primary care teaching activities have a long tradition at the five Swiss universities with activities starting in the beginning of the 1980ies; the academic institutes of primary care were only established in recent years (2005 - 2009). Only one of them has an established chair. Human and financial resources vary substantially. At all universities a broad variety of courses and lectures are offered, including teaching in private primary care practices with 1331 PCPs involved. Regarding research, differences among the institutes are tremendous, mainly caused by entirely different human resources and skills. CONCLUSION: So far, the activities of the existing institutes at the Swiss Universities are mainly focused on teaching. However, for a complete academic institutionalization as well as an increased acceptance and attractiveness, more research activities are needed. In addition to an adequate basic funding of research positions, competitive research grants have to be created to establish a specialty-specific research culture.
En la actualidad la base de conocimientos de todo gestor cultural, al igual que el resto de ofertas de grado y postgrado en las universidades de los países acogidas al Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES) se encuentra en profunda transformación: conceptos como la formación a lo largo de la vida, los distintos ciclos universitarios y el sistema de competencias se presentan a una oferta formativa ya de por sí, históricamente heterogénea. Dada tanta diversidad, nuestro proyecto se va a centrar en: evolución del concepto de cultura en España en los últimos 30 años, contextualizar históricamente la evolución de la profesión de gestor cultural en España, analizar los agentes culturales principales que actúan en nuestro país, examinar los principales cambios que supone el proceso de Bolonia en las universidades españolas (itinerarios curriculares, competencias, etc.)
This project will introduce a health programme, including an exercise therapy programme to clients experiencing depression so to reduce symptoms and reinforce positive lifestyle changes. By doing this the pharmacist's knowledge of the client group and their specific needs will be increased. It will ensure that people with mental health problems are equipped with the necessary information, support and skills for them to complete a realistic exercise programme.
This guidance is for all those who have a responsibility for the social and emotional wellbeing of young people in secondary education. This includes teachers, support staff, governors and professionals with public health as part of their remit working in education (including the independent sector), local authorities, the NHS and the wider public, voluntary and community sectors. It focuses on interventions to support all young people aged 11-19 who attend any education establishment. Social and emotional wellbeing includes being happy, confident and in control, with the ability to solve and cope with problems and have good relationships with other people. The six recommendations cover: strategy, the key principles and conditions, working in partnership with parents, families and young people, the curriculum, and training and professional development. They include: â?¢ Secondary education establishments should have access to the specialist skills, advice and support they require. â?¢ Practitioners should have the knowledge, understanding and skills they need to develop young peopleâ?Ts social and emotional wellbeing. â?¢ Secondary education establishments should provide a safe environment which nurtures and encourages young peopleâ?Ts sense of self-worth, reduces the threat of bullying and violence and promotes positive behaviour. â?¢ Social and emotional skills education should be tailored to the developmental needs of young people.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.
The Summer School aims to enable and foster a climate of inquiry for critical thinking, quantitative analysis and explore existing relevant data sources. We aim to develop the concepts and tools associated with quantitative research related to child health and wellbeing. Building on participants’ existing knowledge of research, policy and practice, we will focus on the quantitative skills necessary to mine and critique relevant national databases, conduct basic quantitative research and apply these skills to work. The SPSS workshops will provide participants with a basic understanding of a statistical programme for analysing empirical data and the open clinics will allow participants to discuss their own research issues with experts.
In September 2005 the Government received recommendations fromthe School Meals Review Panel (SMRP) on school lunches and on a number of wider issues concerning food in schools. In response to that report Turning the Tables the newly-established School Food Trust (SFT) was commissioned to advise Ministers on standards for food in school other than lunch.The DfES consulted widely on the recommendations of the SMRP andon a more limited basis on the advice of the SFT. Reports on the responses to each of those consultations are available at: www.dfes.gov.uk/consultations/conresults.cfm?consultationId=1319Having considered responses to those consultations and taken intoaccount the many representations the Department has received on theseissues from a range of stakeholders, the Secretary of State for Education and Skills has arrived at final decisions on the standards. These standards will apply to school lunches and other food provided in all local authority maintained schools in England.
Ireland is a successful major centre for ICT operations with ten of the top ICT companies in the world having substantial operations here. The large talent pool of ICT professionals that exists here is valuable both for foreign-owned and Irish companies. The cluster of internationally renowned firms and Irish companies offer a range of attractive career opportunities for professionals. A range of skills recruitment difficulties have been raised through the work of the Expert Group on Future Skills Needs (EGFSN), specifically the immediate issue of high-level ICT skills within both the ICT sector and from other sectors such as international financial services, banking and business services. Forfs, with the support of IDA Ireland and Enterprise Ireland, engaged in discussions with a selected range of foreign–owned and Irish companies employing approximately 30,000 employees to establish the nature of positions involved, the reasons for recruitment difficulties and to identify measures to help address them. Consultations were also held with key stakeholders including IDA Ireland, Enterprise Ireland, ICT Ireland, Software Ireland, IT@Cork, Engineers Ireland and Dublin Chambers of Commerce. Discussions were held with the heads of the computing departments of all Universities and Institutes of Technology at a meeting chaired by the Higher Education Authority. An in-depth analysis of third-level ICT supply statistics and trends was undertaken to inform the research.
Amalgamation of Qualifications and Quality Assurance Bodies - Consultation Paper on Implementation (May 2009). Provided by the Department of Education and Skills, Ireland.
The role of the school is to provide an appropriate education for all its pupils. A stable, secure learning environment is an essential requirement to achieve this goal. Bullying behaviour, by its very nature, undermines and dilutes the quality of education. Research shows that bullying can have short and long-term effects on the physical and mental well-being of pupils, on engagement with school, on self-confidence and on the ability to pursue ambitions and interests. School-based bullying can be positively and firmly addressed through a range of school-based measures and strategies through which all members of the school community are enabled to act effectively in dealing with this behaviour. While it is recognised that home and societal factors play a substantial role both in the cause and in the prevention of bullying, the role of the school in preventative work is also crucial and should not be underestimated. School-based initiatives can either reinforce positive efforts or help counteract unsuccessful attempts of parents to change unacceptable behaviour. Parents and pupils have a particularly important role and responsibility in helping the school to prevent and address school-based bullying behaviour and to deal with any negative impact within school of bullying behaviour that occurs elsewhere. In this document, any reference(s) to parent(s) can be taken to refer also to guardian(s) where applicable.
Anti Bullying Procedures for Primary and Post Primary Schools - Appendix 1 Template anti-bullying policy. Provided by the Department of Education and Skills, Ireland.
Anti Bullying Procedures for Primary and Post Primary Schools - Appendix 2 Practical tips for building a positive school culture and climate. Provided by the Department of Education and Skills, Ireland.