999 resultados para Manual de procedimento
3D engineered modeling is a relatively new and developing technology that can provide numerous benefits to owners, engineers, contractors, and the general public. This manual is for highway agencies that are considering or are in the process of switching from 2D plan sets to 3D engineered models in their highway construction projects. It will discuss some of the benefits, applications, limitations, and implementation considerations for 3D engineered models used for survey, design, and construction. Note that is not intended to cover all eventualities in all states regarding the deployment of 3D engineered models for highway construction. Rather, it describes how one state—Iowa—uses 3D engineered models for construction of highway projects, from planning and surveying through design and construction.
Report on a review of the Central Procurement Enterprise (CPE) of the Iowa Department of Administrative Services for the period July 1, 2009 through March 31, 2013
El trabajo muestra un estudio comparativo de las soluciones que plantean diferentes soluciones comerciales y/o libres para la adecuación o no a su integración en un entorno como es el campus virtual de la UOC. Para esto se ha elaborado una lista de indicadores clave y más adelante se ha hecho una valoración de la integración en el entorno UOC, relacionando los indicadores anteriores con los requerimientos de la UOC. Investigando previamente cuales son estos. Por último se ha comprobado y corroborado la posible integración de la solución elegida al campus virtual, con el desarrollo de una pequeña aplicación web.
This manual has been prepared for the Board of Educational Examiners in accordance with the provisions of the library law enacted by the Forty-Second General Assembly of the State of Iowa. Its purpose is to aid the county boards of education in the selection of books for school libraries.
La lateralidad manual se concibe como una dimensión continua (Peters y Durding, 1978) en la que diestros y zurdos consistentes constituyen los extremos opuestos entre los cuales podemos hallar sujetos con diferente “grado” y “dirección” de lateralidad, tales como ambidextros o mixtos de ambas condiciones. De acuerdo con McManus (1996), la distribución de la lateralidad manual evaluada a través de cuestionarios generalmente representa un Modelo Simétrico Bimodal configurado por la integración de dos distribuciones normales situadas simétricamente alrededor de un punto cero, una que contiene aproximadamente el 90% de la población y la otra que contiene el 10% restante. Si representamos gráficamente ambas distribuciones, la tendencia de los valores en torno al punto central reflejan una distribución en forma de J, en la que los extremos corresponden a las puntuaciones máximas de lateralidad manual zurda y diestra, respectivamente. Este modelo de distribución tiene importantes implicaciones para el análisis de la lateralidad manual, sin embargo, la mayoría de cuestionarios (cuya extensión media ronda los 12 ítems) ofrecen una clasificación dicotómica o tricotómica de la lateralidad manual (Manga y González, 1985), cuando lo más óptimo es una clasificación en cuatro categorías (McManus, 1996). Por otra parte, según Coren (1993a), cuando la lateralidad manual es tratada como una dimensión continua, los índices de lateralidad obtenidos con una escala de extensión reducida (4 ítems) se corresponden en gran medida (r=0.95) con los obtenidos con escalas más extensas.
A reference for all health care providers at the time of a suspected case, a particular disease or condition, or at the time of an outbreak of a communicable disease to institute public health prevention and control measures.
This manual provides a set of procedural rules and regulations for use in functionally classifying all roads and streets in Iowa according to the character of service they are intended to provide. Functional classification is a requirement of House File 394 (Functional Highway Classification Bill) enacted by the 63rd General Assembly of the Iowa Legislature. Functional classification is defined in this Bill as: "The grouping of roads and streets into systems according to the character of service they will be expected to provide, and the assignment of jurisdiction over each class to the governmental unit having primary interest in each type of service."
This manual provides a set of procedural rules and regulations for use in functionally classifying all roads and streets in Iowa according to the character of service they are intended to provide. Functional classification is a requirement of the 1973 Code of Iowa (Chapter 306) as amended by Senate File 1062 enacted by the 2nd session of the 65th General Assembly of Iowa. Functional classification is defined as the grouping of roads and streets into systems according to the character of service they will be expected to provide, and the assignment of jurisdiction over each class to the governmental unit having primary interest in each type of service. Stated objectives of the legislation are: "Functional classification will serve the legislator by providing an equitable basis for determination of proper source of tax support and providing for the assignment of financial resources to the governmental unit having responsibility for each class of service. Functional classification promotes the ability of the administrator to effectively prepare and carry out long range programs which reflect the transportation needs of the public." All roads and streets in legal existence will be classified. Instructions are also included in this manual for a continuous reporting to the Highway Commission of changes in classification and/or jurisdiction resulting from new construction, corporation line changes, relocations, and deletions. This continuous updating of records is absolutely essential for modern day transportation planning as it is the only possible way to monitor the status of existing road systems, and consequently determine adequacy and needs with accuracy.
En este trabajo se exponen las normas y procedimientos para la implantación en el Ayuntamiento de León de un sistema de gestión documental basado en la norma ISO 15489. Se desarrollan los conceptos básicos para la comprensión del manual, los tipos de documentos administrativos, el uso del lenguaje administrativo, los instrumentos, los diagramas, los formularios y la legislación para llevar a la práctica los sistemas de organización de fondos, clasificación, ordenación, valoración y descripción de documentos y los procesos de instalación, transferencias, régimen de acceso al documento, consultas, préstamos y reproducción de documentos en los archivos de gestión de las oficinas. Palabras clave: Sistema de gestión documental, ISO 15489, Ayuntamiento de León (España), organización de fondos, clasificación de documentos, ordenación de documentos, evaluación de documentos, descripción de documentos, archivos de gestión.
The purpose of this manual is to provide guidelines for low water stream crossings (LWSC). Rigid criteria for determining the applicability of a LWSC to a given site are not established nor is a 'cookbook" procedure for designing a LWSC presented. Because conditions vary from county to county and from site to site within the county, judgment must be applied to the suggestions contained in this manual. A LWSC is a stream crossing that will be flooded periodically and closed to traffic. Carstens (1981) has defined a LWSC as "a ford, vented ford (one having some number of culvert pipes), low water bridge, or other structure that is designed so that its hydraulic capacity will be insufficient one or more times during a year of normal rainfall." In this manual, LWSC are subdivided into these same three main types: unvented fords, vented fords and low water bridges. Within the channel banks, an unvented ford can have its road profile coincident with the stream bed or can have its profile raised some height above the stream bed.
Access to Recovery - Iowa (ATR) is a three year grant awarded to the Iowa Department of Public Health (IDPH) by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Center for Substance Abuse Treatment (SAMHSA) in October 2014. ATR provides funding to individuals to purchase services and supports linked to their recovery from substance abuse. ATR emphasizes client choice and increases the array of available community-based services, supports, and providers.
Infectious diseases are a continuing threat to all people, regardless of age, gender, lifestyle, ethnic background, or socioeconomic status. They cause illness, suffering and even death, and place an enormous financial burden on society. Although modern advances have controlled some infectious diseases, new ones are constantly emerging. State public health officials rely on local public health agencies, healthcare providers, laboratories and other public health personnel to report the occurrence of notifiable diseases. Without such data, trends cannot be accurately monitored, unusual occurrences of diseases (such as outbreaks) might not be detected or appropriately responded to, and the effectiveness of control and prevention activities cannot be evaluated.
The objective of this work was to determine the effect of male sterility or manual recombination on genetic variability of rice recurrent selection populations. The populations CNA-IRAT 4, with a gene for male sterility, and CNA 12, which was manually recombined, were evaluated. Genetic variability among selection cycles was estimated using14 simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers. A total of 926 plants were analyzed, including ten genitors and 180 individuals from each of the evaluated cycles (1, 2 and 5) of the population CNA-IRAT 4, and 16 genitors and 180 individuals from each of the cycles (1 and 2) of CNA 12. The analysis allowed the identification of alleles not present among the genitors for both populations, in all cycles, especially for the CNA-IRAT 4 population. These alleles resulted from unwanted fertilization with genotypes that were not originally part of the populations. The parameters of Wright's F-statistic (F IS and F IT) indicated that the manual recombination expands the genetic variability of the CNA 12 population, whereas male sterility reduces the one of CNA-IRAT 4.