425 resultados para MASCULINITY
Notre étude a comme objectif de mieux comprendre comment la socialisation des hommes se manifeste dans le rôle de conjoints proches aidants à domicile, pour une conjointe atteinte d’un cancer à l’étape pré-terminale et terminale. Elle s’inscrit en tant que recherche exploratoire et compréhensive, d’orientation constructiviste. Le modèle de Schulz et de Cantor ont inspiré l’analyse des résultats. Douze hommes ont été rencontrés lors d’entrevues semi-dirigées. L’âge des répondants a permis d’avoir un échantillon d’hommes représentatif de deux générations différentes, soit celle des vétérans (1922-1945) et celle des baby-boomers (1946-1964). Selon leur génération, ils ont été exposés de façon plus ou moins importante aux valeurs et aux prescriptions sociales en ce qui concerne les genres. Il semble que ce soit le fait d’être informé, plutôt que le niveau d’éducation, qui a une influence sur le contexte de soins en procurant aux conjoints soignants les outils nécessaires pour mieux répondre aux demandes des soins. Il apparaît que les hommes qui ont conservé le modèle traditionnel du partage des tâches ont eu plus de difficultés à assurer le vie domestique de la maison. Les réseaux formels ont suppléé au manque de ressources familiales et au manque de connaissances des répondants. L’amour, le désir d’offrir les meilleurs soins et la fidélité à leur engagement sont des motifs à la base de la prise en charge. Les hommes plus jeunes n’ont pas hésité à quitter leur travail pour prendre soin. Ils n’ont pas exprimé de craintes quant à leur masculinité. Quant aux plus âgés à la retraite, ils auraient été hésitants à quitter leur travail pour soigner si la situation s’était présentée. Retenons que les hommes sont en mesure d’assumer ce qui doit être fait, mais à leur manière, c’est-à-dire en y apportant ce qu’ils ont à offrir en tant qu’homme.
This thesis examines deindustrialisation, the declining contribution of industrial activities to economic output and employment, in Lanarkshire, Scotland’s largest coalfield between the early nineteenth and mid-twentieth century. It focuses on contraction between the National Coal Board’s (NCB) vesting in 1947 and the closure of Lanarkshire’s last colliery, Cardowan, in 1983. Deindustrialisation was not the natural outcome of either market forces or geological exhaustion. Colliery closures and falling coal employment were the result of policy-makers’ decisions. The thesis consists of four thematic chapters: political economy, moral economy, class and community, and generation and gender. The analysis is based on archival sources including Scottish Office reports and correspondence relating to regional policy, and NCB records. These are supported by National Union of Mineworkers Scottish Area and STUC meeting minutes, and oral history testimonies from over 30 men and women with Lanarkshire coalfield backgrounds, as well as two focus groups. The first two chapters analyse the process of deindustrialisation, with the first offering a top-down perspective and the second a bottom-up viewpoint. In chapter one deindustrialisation is analysed through changes in political economy. Shifts in labour market structure are examined through the development of regional policy and its administration by the Scottish Office. The analysis centres upon a policy network of Scottish business elites and civil servants who shaped a vision of modernisation via industrial diversification through attracting inward investment. In chapter two the perspective shifts to community and workforce. It analyses responses to coalfield contraction through a moral economy of customary rights to colliery employment. A detailed investigation of Lanarkshire colliery closures between the 1940s and 1980s emphasises the protracted nature of deindustrialisation. Chapters three and four consider the social and cultural structures which shaped the moral economy but were heavily altered by deindustrialisation. Chapter three focuses on the dense networks that linked occupation, community, and class consciousness. Increasing coalfield centralisation and remote control of pits from NCB headquarters in London, and mounting hostility to coal closures, contributed to an accentuated sense of Scottish-ness. Chapter four illuminates gender and generational dimensions. The differing experiences of cohorts of men who faced either early retirement, redundancy or transfer to alternative sectors, or those who never attained anticipated industrial employment due to final closures, are analysed in terms of constructions of masculinity and the endurance of cultural as well as material losses. This is counterpoised to women who gained industrial work in assembly plants and the perceived gradual attainment of an improved economic and social position whilst continuing to navigate structures of patriarchy.
En vista de las inequidades entre mujeres y hombres como las implicaciones que éstas posan sobre la seguridad alimentaria y el desarrollo agro-rural, la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Agricultura y la Alimentación (FAO) ha incursionado en procesos de comunicación para el desarrollo con un proyecto que innovador, integra un enfoque de género.
Este estudo, de carácter exploratório, tem o objetivo de perceber como se processam as (re)aprendizagens dos vários papéis de género em transhomens, atendendo aos processos de adaptação ao nível social, comportamental e da perceção de si na (re)construção da identidade. Para a concretização deste trabalho, recorreu-se à recolha de informação, através de uma estratégia metodológica qualitativa e utilizou-se um questionário analisado através do método de análise de conteúdo, segundo Laurence Bardin (1979). Participaram neste estudo 20 transhomens (pessoas cujo sexo designado no registo de nascimento foi feminino, mas que se identificam com o género masculino). As principais conclusões sugerem que existem mudanças ao nível dos sentimentos, perceção de si, comportamentos, identidade de género e relação com o corpo que resultam do processo de redesignação sexual. Verifica-se que as aprendizagens e pressões para a conformidade aos estereótipos de género resultam por vezes em comportamentos intencionais na construção das feminilidades e masculinidades. Verifica-se também a consciencialização destas intencionalidades, bem como uma progressiva libertação desses comportamentos e dos constrangimentos a eles associados, o que resulta numa apropriação e autoidentificação de si mais liberta, consequentemente de uma vida mais feliz. Esperamos com este trabalho contribuir para o conhecimento e visibilidade das identidades trans, em específico dos transhomens, na tentativa de desconstrução de estereótipos sociais; Metamorphoses: Identity and Gender Roles. A Study with Transmen Abstract: This study of exploratory nature aims to understand the process of (re)learning the various gender roles in transmen, in relation to the social and behavioural processes of adaptation and self-perception in the (re)construction of identity.To do this work, we gathered information, outlined a qualitative methodological strategy and used a survey using the content analysis method according to Laurence Bardin (1979). 20 transmen participated in this study (people whose sex assigned at birth registration was female but identify with the masculine gender). The main findings suggest that there are changes in the level of feelings, self-perception, behaviour and relation with the body that result from sex reassignment process. It appears that the learning and pressures for conformity to gender stereotypes sometimes result in intentional conduct compliance in the construction of femininity and masculinity before and after the sex reassignment process. You can also verify the awareness of these intentions, as well as a gradual release of these behaviours and constraints associated with them, which results an appropriation and self-identification of himself more free, thus a happier life. We expect this work to contribute to the knowledge and visibility of the trans people, in particular the transmen in an attempt to deconstruct social stereotypes.
Recibido 15 de marzo de 2012 • Corregido 04 de octubre de 2012 • Aceptado 07 de noviembre de 2012A continuación se presentan diversas ideas creadas alrededor del tema de la masculinidad y feminidad. El objetivo es esclarecer dichos conceptos desde un punto de vista crítico y de género sensitivo, en un lenguaje sencillo. El fin es que la información sea accesible a una mayor cantidad de personas; eso, sin menoscabar la importancia de transmitir las ideas desde un carácter académico y científico. Por tanto, se busca aclarar el carácter de ambos conceptos en la construcción de su identidad, principalmente para el hombre que cimienta su identidad a partir del rechazo de lo que es femenino. Se trata de mostrar cómo dichas construcciones son atravesadas por diversos mandatos sociales que se expresan según la cultura en la que se desarrollen; además, se plantea el reto de la educación para deconstruir estereotipos ligados a los géneros.