938 resultados para MAC Address


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Challenges in treating children with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in medical settings are identified and discussed. Although research supports interventions for children with ASD including positive reinforcement, environmental modification, and visual supports and systems, limited research on the efficacy of these interventions in medical environments and with specific procedures exists. Based on the available intervention literature, this project proposes a picture schedule reinforcement system for use during blood draw procedures for ASD children with diabetes. Future efforts should include increased education for medical providers and health professionals as psychological interventions continue to inform best practices in care for children with ASD in medical settings.


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The social deficits of children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) have great impact on overall functioning and life satisfaction; however, ways of addressing these deficits to promote positive interpersonal functioning have been limited. The following paper explores the literature that highlights these social deficits, identifies skills that are proposed to target these impairments, discusses child and parent factors that are relevant to positive therapeutic change, and describes the development of a therapeutic game that incorporates variables important to treatment success of these interpersonal difficulties.


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Since the last decades, academic research has paid much attention to the phenomenon of revitalizing indigenous cultures and, more precisely, the use of traditional indigenous healing methods both to deal with individuals' mental health problems and with broader cultural issues. The re-evaluation of traditional indigenous healing practices as a mode of psychotherapeutic treatment has been perhaps one of the most interesting sociocultural processes in the postmodern era. In this regard, incorporating indigenous forms of healing in a contemporary framework of indigenous mental health treatment should be interpreted not simply as an alternative therapeutic response to the clinical context of Western psychiatry, but also constitutes a political response on the part of ethno-cultural groups that have been stereotyped as socially inferior and culturally backward. As a result, a postmodern form of "traditional healing" developed with various forms of knowledge, rites and the social uses of medicinal plants, has been set in motion on many Canadian indigenous reserves over the last two decades.


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This two-and-a-half-page handwritten document contains a copy of a set of rules for a parent of a school identified as "Saint Mary Rotherhith United Society."


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Handwritten four-page draft of an address by Eliphalet Pearson. The address, made on behalf of the Harvard Corporation, relays the resolution of the Board of Overseers regarding the hours during which students should be in their chambers, restrictions on their ability to go into town, and emphasizing the College government's "fervent wish to see virtue & order prevalent among the students of this society." The introduction discusses the expectations of parents for their children to receive "a polite, virtuous, & religious education" instead of "sending him to a place, which is said to be noted for rudeness, vice, & irreligion."


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5-page handwritten copy of an address by Eliphalet Pearson made to Harvard students Bowman, Flagg, McKean, and Shaw reprimanding them for their "abusive treatment of the Junior class." The students are likely Thomas Bowman, Samuel Aldridge Flagg, and Joseph McKean, members of the Class of 1794, and Philander Shaw, member of the Class of 1792.


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6-page handwritten copy of an address by Eliphalet Pearson to the freshman class regarding "the misdemeanors & rudeness, of which some of you were the last friday guilty, while sitting in this room, while retiring from it, & immediately after in the College yard."


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Handwritten copy of an address by Eliphalet Pearson made "in ye middle of public lecture 13 Mh. 1797, in consequence of repeated scrapings, shuffling, & thumping with various other noises; all which appeared to be confined to the freshmen."


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4-page handwritten copy of an address by Eliphalet Pearson to "my young Friends & Pupils," made to the Freshmen class on March 8, 1805 "the day, oh which Adams 2, a Senior Sophister, was interred at Londonderry." The address focuses on the "unbecoming noise" made by students going to class and mentions "this mark of inconsideration" in the context of "this day of sorrow, which commits to the tomb another of your number."


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2-page handwritten copy of an address by Eliphalet Pearson relaying the votes of the Faculty recommending that students avoid "mixing with the inhabitants of the town" on election days following the students disruption of town election meetings on April 1, 1805.


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4-page handwritten copy of an address to the students.


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Three-page manuscript copy of the salutatory address composed in Latin by graduate Jonathan Trumbull for the 1759 Harvard Commencement. The item is dated June 29, 1759.


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Four-page manuscript copy of the valedictory Commencement oration composed by Jonathan Trumbull for the 1762 Harvard College Commencement.