881 resultados para Logistical excellence
Les deux notions, migrations d'une part et développement d'autre part, sont en elles-mêmes complexes, les mettre en relation amplifie cette complexité. Il n'est pas dans notre intention d'introduire un débat sur leur histoire, l'évolution de leur approche et les multiples définitionss possibles, mais simplement de préciser un cadrage scientifique privilégiant une nouvelle catégorie d'acteurs. La formulation du titre du livre, émigrés/immigrés, n'avait pas pour seul objectif de rappeler le double regard porté sur les migrations internationales, celui du pays de départ ou celui du pays d'arrivée, mais d'énoncer une construction signifiant les évolutions récentes dans le champ des pratiques migratoires. Pays d'origine, d'arrivée ou d'installation, de transits et de rebond, font partie d'un même espace migratoire qu'il s'avère nécessaire d'appréhender dans sa globalité si l'on souhaite comprendre les mutations en cours. Ce livre s'est donc intéressé à l'ensemble de la réalité migratoire, le migrant étant à la fois émigré et immigré, ce qui signifie la prise en compte des effets de cette présence pour les pays d'acceuil et d'installation et les pays d'origine. Quant au développement, nous sommes dans le registre des "concepts valise" chacun le définissant à sa manière. Notion polysémique par excellence, une multitude de qualificatifs lui ont été accolés : il peut être rural ou urbain, endogène ou exogène, local ou global, durable ou soutenable. Il s'agirait d'un "concept magique", permettant pour des personnes et des espaces, de passer de moins de production à plus de production, de moins de souffrance à plus de confort, du "moins être"à un bien-être social, économique et politique...
Pourquoi les femmes n'ont-elles pas « l'étoffe du chercheur » ? Le modèle unique imposé par le monde académique pénalise les femmes dans leur ascension professionnelle et sa rigidité qui perdure au sein des universités nous a conduites à revisiter les travaux réalisés dans le monde de l'entreprise sur le « plafond de verre », le « ciel de plomb » ou le « leaky pipeline », pour nous intéresser à ces processus pernicieux. Du fait de son mode de recrutement prétendument fondé sur le seul mérite (et son alliée l'excellence), le monde académique pourrait garantir une certaine égalité entre hommes et femmes, mais il n'en n'est rien. Afin de faire émerger les processus complexes qui conduisent à l'exclusion des femmes du sommet des hiérarchies universitaires, cet ouvrage mêle des textes académiques à des contributions plus personnelles qui prennent la forme de témoignages ou de réflexions illustrant les aléas des parcours féminins dans l'université (S. Boes, A. Casini, C. Carvalho, V. Cossy, S. Da Rin, F. Fassa, S. Kradolfer, N. Le Feuvre, R.J. Leeman, C. Marry, M. Sanchez-Mazas, E. Ollagnier, S. Paroz, M. Rosende, I. Stengers, G. Theurillat).
Iowans have long shared a deep commitment to giving our children the best education possible. We recognize young people today must meet higher expectations than ever to thrive in this global, knowledge-based economy. For the sake of our children and our state, it is vitally important that we build on our tradition of excellence to improve our schools. Iowa’s house of education still has a strong foundation, but it is also in need of a major remodel to be ready for the days ahead.
In Charon or the Inspectors we find the ferryman of the underworld on earth, talking to the god Hermes about wealth, happiness, and the vain human striving for material goods. The piece has been considered to be an example of Menippean satire inside the corpus of Lucian"s works. Homeric poetry is always in the background. Lucian uses Homeric verses, or rather, verses structured in the Homeric manner, to formulate his critical view of the mortal world; in addition, he puts these verses into the mouth of a character who must temporarily give up his job as a ferryman in order to practise the art of rhapsody. This paper analyses a textual problem: the two variants in Cont. 7 referring to Homer in the manuscript tradition. In a context in which Lucian wants to make fun not just of foolish humans but also of the Greek poet par excellence, the reading of the ueteres seems more appropriate because it illustrates better Lucian"s parodic intention in recalling Homer and in trying to adapt form and content to the Greek tradition.
This report is one step in an ongoing process of change and is a plea for commitment for high standards in education in Iowa. Contains the final reports of the six subcommittees as adopted by the Excellence in Education Task Force, and the five recommendations made by the Task Force.
Elections play a crucial role in post-conflict peace and democratization processes as, among other factors, they provide an answer to the question of who is to legitimately rule the country. However, because of the competitiveness arising from their central role in allocating power they can also represent windows of vulnerability where deeply rooted societal conflicts can come to the surface. This working paper focuses on two post-conflict elections (Sierra Leone 2007; Nepal 2008) which, despite perceived high risks, did not result in widespread violence or a return to armed conflict. The aim of these case studies is to identify the factors and measures that may have played an important role in contributing to this outcome. Each of the two case studies first outlines the risks associated with the elections and then analyzes the violence and conflict preventing factors. The paper shows that that the context greatly influences the type of measures that can be taken in such situations, but that there are also some similarities in the two cases studied. In particular, it appears that that the credibility of the elections, largely attributable to a good electoral administration, was an important factor in both Nepal and Sierra Leone. Furthermore, the inclusion of all key stakeholders in decisions regarding key electoral institutions helped to diffuse potential conflict. The study also shows that in both cases the international community played an important role by providing financial, logistical and technical support and by pressuring certain important actors to comply with the rules.
Several agencies specify AASHTO T283 as the primary test for field acceptance of moisture susceptibility in hot mix asphalt. When used in this application, logistical difficulties challenge its practicality, while repeatability is routinely scrutinized by contractors. An alternative test is needed which can effectively demonstrate the ability to screen mixtures based on expected performance. The ideal replacement can be validated with field performance, is repeatable, and allows for prompt reporting of results. Dynamic modulus, flow number, AASHTO T283, Hamburg wheel tracking device (HWTD), and the moisture induced sensitivity test (MIST) were performed on plant produced surface mixes in Iowa. Follow-up distress surveys were used to rank the mixes by their performance. The rankings indicate both the quantity of swelling from MIST conditioning and submersed flow number matched the performance ranking of all but one mixture. Hamburg testing parameters also appear effective, namely the stripping inflection point and the ratio between stripping slope and the creep slope. Dynamic modulus testing was ineffective, followed by AASHTO T283 and ratios produced from flow number results of conditioned samples.
Each year, approximately five million people die worldwide from putatively vaccine-preventable mucosally transmitted diseases. With respect to mass vaccination campaigns, one strategy to cope with this formidable challenge is aerosol vaccine delivery, which offers potential safety, logistical, and cost-saving advantages over traditional vaccination routes. Additionally, aerosol vaccination may elicit pivotal mucosal immune responses that could contain or eliminate mucosally transmitted pathogens in a preventative or therapeutic vaccine context. In this current preclinical non-human primate investigation, we demonstrate the feasibility of aerosol vaccination with the recombinant poxvirus-based vaccine vectors NYVAC and MVA. Real-time in vivo scintigraphy experiments with radiolabeled, aerosol-administered NYVAC-C (Clade C, HIV-1 vaccine) and MVA-HPV vaccines revealed consistent mucosal delivery to the respiratory tract. Furthermore, aerosol delivery of the vaccines was safe, inducing no vaccine-associated pathology, in particular in the brain and lungs, and was immunogenic. Administration of a DNA-C/NYVAC-C prime/boost regime resulted in both systemic and anal-genital HIV-specific immune responses that were still detectable 5 months after immunization. Thus, aerosol vaccination with NYVAC and MVA vectored vaccines constitutes a tool for large-scale vaccine efforts against mucosally transmitted pathogens.
The conventional methods of education, certification and recertification in cardiothoracic surgery face a paradigm shift in line with recent innovations in diagnostics and therapeutics. The attributes of a competent clinician entail proficiency in knowledge, communication, teamwork, management, health advocacy, professionalism and technical skills. This article investigates the skills required for a cardiothoracic surgeon to be competent. The relevant practice of certification and recertification across various regions has also been explored. Validated and competency-based curricula should be designed to develop core competencies to successfully integrate them into practice. Challenges to the implementation of such curricula and potential solutions are explored. Patient safety remains the ultimate aim to ensure excellence of both competency and performance.
[spa] La presente aportación acerca de la excelencia científica surge como actividad de la red REUNI+D, tras un debate entre los miembros de los grupos de investigación que componen la red, y como trasfondo necesario para el proyecto de la puesta en marcha de un centro de excelencia científica en el ámbito de la educación, teniendo presente el contexto de nuestro país en el que apremia la necesidad de superar una serie de carencias propias de los estudios sobre la educación en el contexto científico español.
The final tournament of the UEFA European Football Championship is one of the top sporting events in the world, and a high-profile event of this kind requires a well-planned and well-executed anti-doping programme to ensure the integrity of results in the competition. UEFA EURO 2012 presented a unique logistical challenge, with the tournament spread across two countries, both covering a large geographical area. This paper discusses the planning and delivery of both the pre tournament out-of-competition (OOC) testing programme and the in-competition (IC) programme, as well as reviewing the activities of doping control officers (DCOs), the whereabouts programme and assessing the sample collection and transport process. The analytical approach applied is also discussed, along with an overview of the distribution of T/E ratios and blood parameters.
The Cultural Leadership Partners Program of the Iowa Arts Council and Iowa Department of Cultural Affairs (IAC/DCA) engages leaders in Iowa’s arts and cultural community that have demonstrated an exemplary record of programming and managerial excellence, as well as exceptional community service to the citizens of Iowa on a year-round basis. After a rigorous application process, organizations selected to become Cultural Leadership Partners (CLPs) receive annual operating support from IAC/DCA. This document will not only serve to communicate to CLPs what the IAC/DCA has learned from these conversations, but that it will act as a catalyst for further development of the program and inform how IAC/DCA can support, challenge, connect, and partner with Iowa’s leading arts and cultural institutions.
BACKGROUND: Up to 5% of patients presenting to the emergency department (ED) four or more times within a 12 month period represent 21% of total ED visits. In this study we sought to characterize social and medical vulnerability factors of ED frequent users (FUs) and to explore if these factors hold simultaneously. METHODS: We performed a case-control study at Lausanne University Hospital, Switzerland. Patients over 18 years presenting to the ED at least once within the study period (April 2008 toMarch 2009) were included. FUs were defined as patients with four or more ED visits within the previous 12 months. Outcome data were extracted from medical records of the first ED attendance within the study period. Outcomes included basic demographics and social variables, ED admission diagnosis, somatic and psychiatric days hospitalized over 12 months, and having a primary care physician.We calculated the percentage of FUs and non-FUs having at least one social and one medical vulnerability factor. The four chosen social factors included: unemployed and/or dependence on government welfare, institutionalized and/or without fixed residence, either separated, divorced or widowed, and under guardianship. The fourmedical vulnerability factors were: ≥6 somatic days hospitalized, ≥1 psychiatric days hospitalized, ≥5 clinical departments used (all three factors measured over 12 months), and ED admission diagnosis of alcohol and/or drug abuse. Univariate and multivariate logistical regression analyses allowed comparison of two JGIM ABSTRACTS S391 random samples of 354 FUs and 354 non-FUs (statistical power 0.9, alpha 0.05 for all outcomes except gender, country of birth, and insurance type). RESULTS: FUs accounted for 7.7% of ED patients and 24.9% of ED visits. Univariate logistic regression showed that FUs were older (mean age 49.8 vs. 45.2 yrs, p=0.003),more often separated and/or divorced (17.5%vs. 13.9%, p=0.029) or widowed (13.8% vs. 8.8%, p=0.029), and either unemployed or dependent on government welfare (31.3% vs. 13.3%, p<0.001), compared to non-FUs. FUs cumulated more days hospitalized over 12 months (mean number of somatic days per patient 1.0 vs. 0.3, p<0.001; mean number of psychiatric days per patient 0.12 vs. 0.03, p<0.001). The two groups were similar regarding gender distribution (females 51.7% vs. 48.3%). The multivariate linear regression model was based on the six most significant factors identified by univariate analysis The model showed that FUs had more social problems, as they were more likely to be institutionalized or not have a fixed residence (OR 4.62; 95% CI, 1.65 to 12.93), and to be unemployed or dependent on government welfare (OR 2.03; 95% CI, 1.31 to 3.14) compared to non-FUs. FUs were more likely to need medical care, as indicated by involvement of≥5 clinical departments over 12 months (OR 6.2; 95%CI, 3.74 to 10.15), having an ED admission diagnosis of substance abuse (OR 3.23; 95% CI, 1.23 to 8.46) and having a primary care physician (OR 1.70;95%CI, 1.13 to 2.56); however, they were less likely to present with an admission diagnosis of injury (OR 0.64; 95% CI, 0.40 to 1.00) compared to non-FUs. FUs were more likely to combine at least one social with one medical vulnerability factor (38.4% vs. 12.1%, OR 7.74; 95% CI 5.03 to 11.93). CONCLUSIONS: FUs were more likely than non-FUs to have social and medical vulnerability factors and to have multiple factors in combination.
Invasive candidiasis is the most commonly reported invasive fungal infection worldwide. Although Candida albicans remains the main cause, the incidence of emerging Candida species, such as C. parapsilosis is increasing. It has been postulated that C. parapsilosis clinical isolates result from a recent global expansion of a virulent clone. However, the availability of a single genome for this species has so far prevented testing this hypothesis at genomic scales. We present here the sequence of three additional strains from clinical and environmental samples. Our analyses reveal unexpected patterns of genomic variation, shared among distant strains, that argue against the clonal expansion hypothesis. All strains carry independent expansions involving an arsenite transporter homolog, pointing to the existence of directional selection in the environment, and independent origins of the two clinical isolates. Furthermore, we report the first evidence for the existence of recombination in this species. Altogether, our results shed new light onto the dynamics of genome evolution in C. parapsilosis.
BACKGROUND: The present study was designed to evaluate surgeons' strategies and adherence to preventive measures against surgical site infections (SSIs). MATERIALS AND METHODS: All surgeons participating in a prospective Swiss multicentric surveillance program for SSIs received a questionnaire developed from the 2008 National (United Kingdom) Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) clinical guidelines on prevention and treatment of SSIs. We focused on perioperative management and surgical technique in hernia surgery, cholecystectomy, appendectomy, and colon surgery (COL). RESULTS: Forty-five of 50 surgeons contacted (90%) responded. Smoking cessation and nutritional screening are regularly propagated by 1/3 and 1/2 of surgeons, respectively. Thirty-eight percent practice bowel preparation before COL. Preoperative hair removal is routinely (90%) performed in the operating room with electric clippers. About 50% administer antibiotic prophylaxis within 30 min before incision. Intra-abdominal drains are common after COL (43%). Two thirds of respondents apply nonocclusive wound dressings that are manipulated after hand disinfection (87%). Dressings are usually changed on postoperative day (POD) 2 (75%), and wounds remain undressed on POD 2-3 or 4-5 (36% each). CONCLUSIONS: Surgeons' strategies to prevent SSIs still differ widely. The adherence to the current NICE guidelines is low for many procedures regardless of the available level of evidence. Further research should provide convincing data in order to justify standardization of perioperative management.