914 resultados para Linear boundary value control problems


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MSC 2010: 26A33, 33E12, 35B45, 35B50, 35K99, 45K05 Dedicated to Professor Rudolf Gorenflo on the occasion of his 80th anniversary


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This paper considers the global synchronisation of a stochastic version of coupled map lattices networks through an innovative stochastic adaptive linear quadratic pinning control methodology. In a stochastic network, each state receives only noisy measurement of its neighbours' states. For such networks we derive a generalised Riccati solution that quantifies and incorporates uncertainty of the forward dynamics and inverse controller in the derivation of the stochastic optimal control law. The generalised Riccati solution is derived using the Lyapunov approach. A probabilistic approximation type algorithm is employed to estimate the conditional distributions of the state and inverse controller from historical data and quantifying model uncertainties. The theoretical derivation is complemented by its validation on a set of representative examples.


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Недю Попиванов, Цветан Христов - Изследвани са някои тримерни аналози на задачата на Дарбу в равнината. През 1952 М. Протер формулира нови тримерни гранични задачи както за клас слабо хиперболични уравнения, така и за някои хиперболично-елиптични уравнения. За разлика от коректността на двумерната задача на Дарбу, новите задачи са некоректни. За слабо хиперболични уравнения, съдържащи младши членове, ние намираме достатъчни условия както за съществуване и единственост на обобщени решения с изолирана степенна особеност, така и за единственост на квази-регулярни решения на задачата на Протер.


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Недю И. Попиванов, Тодор П. Попов, Рудолф Шерер - Разглеждат се четиримерни гранични задачи за нехомогенното вълново уравнение. Те са предложени от М. Протер като многомерни аналози на задачата на Дарбу в равнината. Известно е, че единственото обобщено решение може да има силна степенна особеност само в една гранична точка. Тази сингулярност е изолирана във върха на характеристичния конус и не се разпространява по конуса. Друг аспект на проблема е, че задачата не е фредхолмова, тъй като има безкрайномерно коядро. Предишни резултати сочат, че решението може да има най-много експоненциален ръст, но оставят открит въпроса дали наистина съществуват такива решения. Показваме, че отговора на този въпрос е положителен и строим обобщено решение на задачата на Протер с експоноциална особеност.


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Цветан Д. Христов, Недю Ив. Попиванов, Манфред Шнайдер - Изучени са някои тримерни гранични задачи за уравнения от смесен тип. За уравнения от типа на Трикоми те са формулирани от М. Протер през 1952, като тримерни аналози на задачите на Дарбу или Коши–Гурса в равнината. Добре известно е, че новите задачи са некоректни. Ние формулираме нова гранична задача за уравнения от типа на Келдиш и даваме понятие за квазиругулярно решение на тази задача и на eдна от задачите на Протер. Намерени са достатъчни условия за единственост на такива решения.


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Л. И. Каранджулов, Н. Д. Сиракова - В работата се прилага методът на Поанкаре за решаване на почти регулярни нелинейни гранични задачи при общи гранични условия. Предполага се, че диференциалната система съдържа сингулярна функция по отношение на малкия параметър. При определени условия се доказва асимптотичност на решението на поставената задача.


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Недю Иванов Попиванов, Алексей Йорданов Николов - През 1952 г. М. Протър формулира нови гранични задачи за вълновото уравнение, които са тримерни аналози на задачите на Дарбу в равнината. Задачите са разгледани в тримерна област, ограничена от две характеристични конуса и равнина. Сега, след като са минали повече от 50 години, е добре известно, че за безброй гладки функции в дясната страна на уравнението тези задачи нямат класически решения, а обобщеното решение има силна степенна особеност във върха на характеристичния конус, която е изолирана и не се разпространява по конуса. Тук ние разглеждаме трета гранична задача за вълновото уравнение с младши членове и дясна страна във формата на тригонометричен полином. Дадена е по-нова от досега известната априорна оценка за максимално възможната особеност на решенията на тази задача. Оказва се, че при по-общото уравнение с младши членове възможната сингулярност е от същия ред като при чисто вълновото уравнение.


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2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary 65D30, 32A35, Secondary 41A55.


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2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 34L40, 65L10, 65Z05, 81Q20.


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I examine three issues related to internal control reporting by non-accelerated filers. Motivation for the three studies comes from the fact that Section 404 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) continues to be controversial, as evidenced by the permanent exemption from Section 404(b) of SOX granted to non-accelerated filers by the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2010. The Dodd-Frank Act also requires the SEC to study compliance costs associated with smaller accelerated filers. In the first part of my dissertation, I document that the audit fee premium for non-accelerated filers disclosing a material weakness in internal controls (a) is significantly lower than the corresponding premium for accelerated filers, and (b) declines significantly over time. I also find that in the case of accelerated filers remediating clients pay lower fees compared to clients continuing to report internal control problems; however, such differences are not observed in the case of non-accelerated filers. The second essay focuses on audit report lag. The results indicate that presence of material weaknesses are associated with increased audit report lags, for both accelerated and non-accelerated filers. The results also indicate that the decline in report lag following remediation of problems is greater for accelerated filers than for non-accelerated filers. The third essay examines early warnings (pursuant to Section 302 disclosures) for firms that subsequently disclosed internal control problems in their 404 reports. The analyses indicate that non-accelerated firms with shorter CFO tenure, presence of accounting experts on the audit committee, and more frequent audit committee meetings are more likely to provide prior Section 302 warnings. Overall the results suggest that there are differences in internal control reporting between the accelerated and non-accelerated filers. The results provide empirical grounding for the ongoing debate about internal control reporting by non-accelerated filers.


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In this thesis, a numerical program has been developed to simulate the wave-induced ship motions in the time domain. Wave-body interactions have been studied for various ships and floating bodies through forced motion and free motion simulations in a wide range of wave frequencies. A three-dimensional Rankine panel method is applied to solve the boundary value problem for the wave-body interactions. The velocity potentials and normal velocities on the boundaries are obtained in the time domain by solving the mixed boundary integral equations in relation to the source and dipole distributions. The hydrodynamic forces are calculated by the integration of the instantaneous hydrodynamic pressures over the body surface. The equations of ship motion are solved simultaneously with the boundary value problem for each time step. The wave elevation is computed by applying the linear free surface conditions. A numerical damping zone is adopted to absorb the outgoing waves in order to satisfy the radiation condition for the truncated free surface. A numerical filter is applied on the free surface for the smoothing of the wave elevation. Good convergence has been reached for both forced motion simulations and free motion simulations. The computed added-mass and damping coefficients, wave exciting forces, and motion responses for ships and floating bodies are in good agreement with the numerical results from other programs and experimental data.


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The purpose of this paper is to use the framework of Lie algebroids to study optimal control problems for affine connection control systems (ACCSs) on Lie groups. In this context, the equations for critical trajectories of the problem are geometrically characterized as a Hamiltonian vector field.


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The main goal of this paper is to extend the generalized variational problem of Herglotz type to the more general context of the Euclidean sphere S^n. Motivated by classical results on Euclidean spaces, we derive the generalized Euler-Lagrange equation for the corresponding variational problem defined on the Riemannian manifold S^n. Moreover, the problem is formulated from an optimal control point of view and it is proved that the Euler-Lagrange equation can be obtained from the Hamiltonian equations. It is also highlighted the geodesic problem on spheres as a particular case of the generalized Herglotz problem.


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There is no agreement between experimental researchers whether the point where a granular material responds with a large change of stresses, strains or excess pore water pressure given a prescribed small input of some of the same variables defines a straight line or a curve in the stress space. This line, known as the instability line, may also vary in shape and position if the onset of instability is measured from drained or undrained triaxial tests. Failure of granular materials, which might be preceded by the onset of instability, is a subject that the geotechnical engineers have to deal with in the daily practice, and generally speaking it is associated to different phenomena observed not only in laboratory tests but also in the field. Examples of this are the liquefaction of loose sands subjected to undrained loading conditions and the diffuse instability under drained loading conditions. This research presents results of DEM simulations of undrained triaxial tests with the aim of studying the influence of stress history and relative density on the onset of instability in granular materials. Micro-mechanical analysis including the evolution of coordination numbers and fabric tensors is performed aiming to gain further insight on the particle-scale interactions that underlie the occurrence of this instability. In addition to provide a greater understanding, the results presented here may be useful as input for macro-scale constitutive models that enable the prediction of the onset of instability in boundary value problems.


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Este proyecto de investigación construye y evalúa la asignación de activos para el portafolio de Pensión Obligatoria de Retiro Programado, el cual atiende los retiros a los que un pensionado tiene derecho a través de su mesada pensional, utilizando el modelo de Frontera Eficiente de Markowitz, en combinación con la teoría de Momentum -- Para la ejecución del modelo se determinaron los activos de inversión admisibles en el Régimen de Inversiones -- Posteriormente, se construyen las matrices de rentabilidades, de restricciones, de varianzas y covarianzas, las cuales constituyen los insumos para ejecutar el modelo de optimización de portafolios de Markowitz -- A continuación, se realiza la selección de los portafolios obtenidos, teniendo en cuenta el nivel de volatilidad que el portafolio de Obligatorias Retiro Programado debe presentar; lo anterior, con el fin de cumplir con el objetivo de preservación del capital en la cuenta individual del pensionado, de manera que se pueda atender, de acuerdo a su esperanza de vida y la de sus beneficiarios, el pago de las mesadas pensionales que le correspondan -- El resultado obtenido corresponde a una asignación, en gran parte, en activos de Renta Fija expedidos por el Gobierno Nacional (TES), tanto en tasa fija como en tasa indexada a la UVR -- Adicionalmente, el modelo de optimización sugiere participaciones en activos de renta variable y, particularmente, no asigna recursos representativos en títulos de deuda privada indexados al IPC -- Esta investigación puede ser útil al momento de diseñar un portafolio base para Obligatorias Retiro Programado que, bajo una administración pasiva, permita cumplir el objetivo de otorgar a los pensionados una mesada para satisfacer las necesidades básicas