993 resultados para Linear Capillary Instability


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High frequency three-wave nonlinear 'explosive' interaction of the surface modes of a semi-infinite beam-plasma system under no external field is investigated. The conditions that favour nonlinear instability, keep the plasma linearly stable. The beam runs parallel to the surface. If at least one of the three wave vectors of the surface modes is parallel to the beam, explosive interaction at the surface takes place after it has happened in the plasma bulk, provided the bulk waves propagate almost perpendicular to the surface and are of short wavelength. On the other hand if the bulk modes have long wavelength and propagate almost parallel to the surface, the surface modes can 'explode' first.


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This doctoral thesis describes the development of a miniaturized capillary electrochromatography (CEC) technique suitable for the study of interactions between various nanodomains of biological importance. The particular focus of the study was low-density lipoprotein (LDL) particles and their interaction with components of the extracellular matrix (ECM). LDL transports cholesterol to the tissues through the blood circulation, but when the LDL level becomes too high the particles begin to permeate and accumulate in the arteries. Through binding sites on apolipoprotein B-100 (apoB-100), LDL interacts with components of the ECM, such as proteoglycans (PGs) and collagen, in what is considered the key mechanism in the retention of lipoproteins and onset of atherosclerosis. Hydrolytic enzymes and oxidizing agents in the ECM may later successively degrade the LDL surface. Metabolic diseases such as diabetes may provoke damage of the ECM structure through the non-enzymatic reaction of glucose with collagen. In this work, fused silica capillaries of 50 micrometer i.d. were successfully coated with LDL and collagen, and steroids and apoB-100 peptide fragments were introduced as model compounds for interaction studies. The LDL coating was modified with copper sulphate or hydrolytic enzymes, and the interactions of steroids with the native and oxidized lipoproteins were studied. Lipids were also removed from the LDL particle coating leaving behind an apoB-100 surface for further studies. The development of collagen and collagen decorin coatings was helpful in the elucidation of the interactions of apoB-100 peptide fragments with the primary ECM component, collagen. Furthermore, the collagen I coating provided a good platform for glycation studies and for clarification of LDL interactions with native and modified collagen. All methods developed are inexpensive, requiring just small amounts of biomaterial. Moreover, the experimental conditions in CEC are easily modified, and the analyses can be carried out in a reasonable time frame. Other techniques were employed to support and complement the CEC studies. Scanning electron microscopy and atomic force microscopy provided crucial visual information about the native and modified coatings. Asymmetrical flow field-flow fractionation enabled size measurements of the modified lipoproteins. Finally, the CEC results were exploited to develop new sensor chips for a continuous flow quartz crystal microbalance technique, which provided complementary information about LDL ECM interactions. This thesis demonstrates the potential of CEC as a valuable and flexible technique for surface interaction studies. Further, CEC can serve as a novel microreactor for the in situ modification of LDL and collagen coatings. The coatings developed in this study provide useful platforms for a diversity of future investigations on biological nanodomains.


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Determination of testosterone and related compounds in body fluids is of utmost importance in doping control and the diagnosis of many diseases. Capillary electromigration techniques are a relatively new approach for steroid research. Owing to their electrical neutrality, however, separation of steroids by capillary electromigration techniques requires the use of charged electrolyte additives that interact with the steroids either specifically or non-specifically. The analysis of testosterone and related steroids by non-specific micellar electrokinetic chromatography (MEKC) was investigated in this study. The partial filling (PF) technique was employed, being suitable for detection by both ultraviolet spectrophotometry (UV) and electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS). Efficient, quantitative PF-MEKC UV methods for steroid standards were developed through the use of optimized pseudostationary phases comprising surfactants and cyclodextrins. PF-MEKC UV proved to be a more sensitive, efficient and repeatable method for the steroids than PF-MEKC ESI-MS. It was discovered that in PF-MEKC analyses of electrically neutral steroids, ESI-MS interfacing sets significant limitations not only on the chemistry affecting the ionization and detection processes, but also on the separation. The new PF-MEKC UV method was successfully employed in the determination of testosterone in male urine samples after microscale immunoaffinity solid-phase extraction (IA-SPE). The IA-SPE method, relying on specific interactions between testosterone and a recombinant anti-testosterone Fab fragment, is the first such method described for testosterone. Finally, new data for interactions between steroids and human and bovine serum albumins were obtained through the use of affinity capillary electrophoresis. A new algorithm for the calculation of association constants between proteins and neutral ligands is introduced.


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Euler–Bernoulli beams are distributed parameter systems that are governed by a non-linear partial differential equation (PDE) of motion. This paper presents a vibration control approach for such beams that directly utilizes the non-linear PDE of motion, and hence, it is free from approximation errors (such as model reduction, linearization etc.). Two state feedback controllers are presented based on a newly developed optimal dynamic inversion technique which leads to closed-form solutions for the control variable. In one formulation a continuous controller structure is assumed in the spatial domain, whereas in the other approach it is assumed that the control force is applied through a finite number of discrete actuators located at predefined discrete locations in the spatial domain. An implicit finite difference technique with unconditional stability has been used to solve the PDE with control actions. Numerical simulation studies show that the beam vibration can effectively be decreased using either of the two formulations.


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We have used the density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) method to study the linear and nonlinear optical responses of first generation nitrogen based dendrimers with donor acceptor groups. We have employed Pariser–Parr–Pople Hamiltonian to model the interacting pi electrons in these systems. Within the DMRG method we have used an innovative scheme to target excited states with large transition dipole to the ground state. This method reproduces exact optical gaps and polarization in systems where exact diagonalization of the Hamiltonian is possible. We have used a correction vector method which tacitly takes into account the contribution of all excited states, to obtain the ground state polarizibility, first hyperpolarizibility, and two photon absorption cross sections. We find that the lowest optical excitations as well as the lowest excited triplet states are localized. It is interesting to note that the first hyperpolarizibility saturates more rapidly with system size compared to linear polarizibility unlike that of linear polyenes.


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Environmentally benign and economical methods for the preparation of industrially important hydroxy acids and diacids were developed. The carboxylic acids, used in polyesters, alkyd resins, and polyamides, were obtained by the oxidation of the corresponding alcohols with hydrogen peroxide or air catalyzed by sodium tungstate or supported noble metals. These oxidations were carried out using water as a solvent. The alcohols are also a useful alternative to the conventional reactants, hydroxyaldehydes and cycloalkanes. The oxidation of 2,2-disubstituted propane-1,3-diols with hydrogen peroxide catalyzed by sodium tungstate afforded 2,2-disubstituted 3-hydroxypropanoic acids and 1,1-disubstituted ethane-1,2-diols as products. A computational study of the Baeyer-Villiger rearrangement of the intermediate 2,2-disubstituted 3-hydroxypropanals gave in-depth data of the mechanism of the reaction. Linear primary diols having chain length of at least six carbons were easily oxidized with hydrogen peroxide to linear dicarboxylic acids catalyzed by sodium tungstate. The Pt/C catalyzed air oxidation of 2,2-disubstituted propane-1,3-diols and linear primary diols afforded the highest yield of the corresponding hydroxy acids, while the Pt, Bi/C catalyzed oxidation of the diols afforded the highest yield of the corresponding diacids. The mechanism of the promoted oxidation was best described by the ensemble effect, and by the formation of a complex of the hydroxy and the carboxy groups of the hydroxy acids with bismuth atoms. The Pt, Bi/C catalyzed air oxidation of 2-substituted 2-hydroxymethylpropane-1,3-diols gave 2-substituted malonic acids by the decarboxylation of the corresponding triacids. Activated carbon was the best support and bismuth the most efficient promoter in the air oxidation of 2,2-dialkylpropane-1,3-diols to diacids. In oxidations carried out in organic solvents barium sulfate could be a valuable alternative to activated carbon as a non-flammable support. In the Pt/C catalyzed air oxidation of 2,2-disubstituted propane-1,3-diols to 2,2-disubstituted 3-hydroxypropanoic acids the small size of the 2-substituents enhanced the rate of the oxidation. When the potential of platinum of the catalyst was not controlled, the highest yield of the diacids in the Pt, Bi/C catalyzed air oxidation of 2,2-dialkylpropane-1,3-diols was obtained in the regime of mass transfer. The most favorable pH of the reaction mixture of the promoted oxidation was 10. The reaction temperature of 40°C prevented the decarboxylation of the diacids.


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In this paper the problem of stabilization of systems by means of stable compensations is considered, and results are derived for systems using observer�controller structures, for systems using a cascade structure, and for nonlinear systems


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In this paper, the results on primal methods for Bottleneck Linear Programming (BLP) problem are briefly surveyed, the primal method is presented and the degenerate case related to Bottleneck Transportation Problem (BTP) is explicitly considered. The algorithm is based on the idea of using auxiliary coefficients as is done by Garfinkel and Rao [6]. The modification presented for the BTP rectifies the defect in Hammer's method in the case of degenerate basic feasible solution. Illustrative numerical examples are also given.


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A strongly connected decentralized control system may be made single channel controllable and observable with respect to any channel by decentralized feedbacks. It is noted here that the system example considered by Corfmat and Morse to illustrate this fact is already single channel controllable and observable, with respect to one of the channels. An alternate example which fits into the situation is presented in this item.


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A method has been presented for constructing non-separable solutions of homogeneous linear partial differential equations of the type F(D, D′)W = 0, where D = ∂/∂x, D′ = ∂/∂y, Image where crs are constants and n stands for the order of the equation. The method has also been extended for equations of the form Φ(D, D′, D″)W = 0, where D = ∂/∂x, D′ = ∂/∂y, D″ = ∂/∂z and Image As illustration, the method has been applied to obtain nonseparable solutions of the two and three dimensional Helmholtz equations.


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The development of a simple method of coating a semi-permanent phospholipid layer onto a capillary for electrochromatography use was the focus of this study. The work involved finding good coating conditions, stabilizing the phospholipid coating, and examining the effect of adding divalent cations, cetyltrimethylammonium bromide, and polyethylene glycol (PEG)-lipids on the stability of the coating. Since a further purpose was to move toward more biological membrane coatings, the capillaries were also coated with cholesterol-containing liposomes and liposomes of red blood cell ghost lipids. Liposomes were prepared by extrusion, and large unilamellar vesicles with a diameter of about 100 nm were obtained. Zwitterionic phosphatidylcholine (PC) was used as a basic component, mainly 1-palmitoyl-2-oleyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (POPC) but also eggPC and 1,2-dipalmitoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DPPC). Different amounts of sphingomyelin, bovine brain phosphatidylserine, and cholesterol were added to the PC. The stability of the coating in 40 mM N-(2-hydroxyethyl)piperazine-N’-(2-ethanesulfonic acid) (HEPES) solution at pH 7.4 was studied by measuring the electroosmotic flow and by separating neutral steroids, basic proteins, and low-molar-mass drugs. The presence of PC in the coating solution was found to be essential to achieving a coating. The stability of the coating was improved by the addition of negative phosphatidylserine, cholesterol, divalent cations, or PEGylated lipids, and by working in the gel-state region of the phospholipid. Study of the effect on the PC coating of divalent metal ions calcium, magnesium, and zinc showed a molar ratio of 1:3 PC/Ca2+ or PC/Mg2+ to give increased rigidity to the membrane and the best coating stability. The PEGylated lipids used in the study were sterically stabilized commercial lipids with covalently attached PEG chains. The vesicle size generally decreased when PEGylated lipids of higher molar mass were present in the vesicle. The predominance of discoidal micelles over liposomes increased PEG chain length and the average size of the vesicles thus decreased. In the capillary electrophoresis (CE) measurements a highly stable electroosmotic flow was achieved with 20% PEGylated lipid in the POPC coating dispersion, the best results being obtained for disteroyl PEG (3000) conjugates. The results suggest that smaller particles (discoidal micelles) result in tighter packing and better shielding of silanol groups on the silica wall. The effect of temperature on the coating stability was investigated by using DPPC liposomes at temperatures above (45 C) and below (25 C) the main phase transition temperature. Better results were obtained with DPPC in the more rigid gel state than in the fluid state: the electroosmotic flow was heavily suppressed and the PC coating was stabilized. Also dispersions of DPPC with 0−30 mol% of cholesterol and sphingomyelin in different ratios, which more closely resemble natural membranes, resulted in stable coatings. Finally, the CE measurements revealed that a stable coating is formed when capillaries are coated with liposomes of red blood cell ghost lipids.


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The transfer matrix method is known to be well suited for a complete analysis of a lumped as well as distributed element, one-dimensional, linear dynamical system with a marked chain topology. However, general subroutines of the type available for classical matrix methods are not available in the current literature on transfer matrix methods. In the present article, general expressions for various aspects of analysis-viz., natural frequency equation, modal vectors, forced response and filter performance—have been evaluated in terms of a single parameter, referred to as velocity ratio. Subprograms have been developed for use with the transfer matrix method for the evaluation of velocity ratio and related parameters. It is shown that a given system, branched or straight-through, can be completely analysed in terms of these basic subprograms, on a stored program digital computer. It is observed that the transfer matrix method with the velocity ratio approach has certain advantages over the existing general matrix methods in the analysis of one-dimensional systems.


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In an earlier paper [1], it has been shown that velocity ratio, defined with reference to the analogous circuit, is a basic parameter in the complete analysis of a linear one-dimensional dynamical system. In this paper it is shown that the terms constituting velocity ratio can be readily determined by means of an algebraic algorithm developed from a heuristic study of the process of transfer matrix multiplication. The algorithm permits the set of most significant terms at a particular frequency of interest to be identified from a knowledge of the relative magnitudes of the impedances of the constituent elements of a proposed configuration. This feature makes the algorithm a potential tool in a first approach to a rational design of a complex dynamical filter. This algorithm is particularly suited for the desk analysis of a medium size system with lumped as well as distributed elements.