967 resultados para Library information networks


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Objectives: The aim of this content analysis study is to characterize the TV advertisements aired to an at-risk child population along the Texas-Mexico border. Methods: We characterized the early Saturday morning TV advertisements aired by three broadcast network categories (U.S. English language, U.S. Spanish language, and Mexican Spanish language) in Spring 2010. The number, type (food related vs. non-food related), target audience, and persuasion tactics used were recorded. Advertised foods, based on nutrition content, were categorized as meeting or not meeting current dietary guidelines. Results: Most commercials were non-food related (82.7%, 397 of 480). The majority of the prepared foods (e.g., cereals, snacks, and drinks) advertised did not meet the current U.S. Dietary Guidelines. Additionally, nutrition content information was not available for many of the foods advertised on the Mexican Spanish language broadcast network category. Conclusions: For U.S. children at risk for obesity along the Texas-Mexico border exposure to TV food advertisements may result in the continuation of sedentary behavior as well as an increased consumption of foods of poor nutritional quality. An international regulatory effort to monitor and enforce the reduction of child-oriented food advertising is needed. Editors' Note: This article was submitted in response to the first issue of the Journal of Applied Research on Children: Latino Children.


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Information Centric Networking (ICN) as an emerging paradigm for the Future Internet has initially been rather focusing on bandwidth savings in wired networks, but there might also be some significant potential to support communication in mobile wireless networks as well as opportunistic network scenarios, where end systems have spontaneous but time-limited contact to exchange data. This chapter addresses the reasoning why ICN has an important role in mobile and opportunistic networks by identifying several challenges in mobile and opportunistic Information-Centric Networks and discussing appropriate solutions for them. In particular, it discusses the issues of receiver and source mobility. Source mobility needs special attention. Solutions based on routing protocol extensions, indirection, and separation of name resolution and data transfer are discussed. Moreover, the chapter presents solutions for problems in opportunistic Information-Centric Networks. Among those are mechanisms for efficient content discovery in neighbour nodes, resume mechanisms to recover from intermittent connectivity disruptions, a novel agent delegation mechanisms to offload content discovery and delivery to mobile agent nodes, and the exploitation of overhearing to populate routing tables of mobile nodes. Some preliminary performance evaluation results of these developed mechanisms are provided.


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Computational network analysis provides new methods to analyze the brain's structural organization based on diffusion imaging tractography data. Networks are characterized by global and local metrics that have recently given promising insights into diagnosis and the further understanding of psychiatric and neurologic disorders. Most of these metrics are based on the idea that information in a network flows along the shortest paths. In contrast to this notion, communicability is a broader measure of connectivity which assumes that information could flow along all possible paths between two nodes. In our work, the features of network metrics related to communicability were explored for the first time in the healthy structural brain network. In addition, the sensitivity of such metrics was analysed using simulated lesions to specific nodes and network connections. Results showed advantages of communicability over conventional metrics in detecting densely connected nodes as well as subsets of nodes vulnerable to lesions. In addition, communicability centrality was shown to be widely affected by the lesions and the changes were negatively correlated with the distance from lesion site. In summary, our analysis suggests that communicability metrics that may provide an insight into the integrative properties of the structural brain network and that these metrics may be useful for the analysis of brain networks in the presence of lesions. Nevertheless, the interpretation of communicability is not straightforward; hence these metrics should be used as a supplement to the more standard connectivity network metrics.


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In this paper, we describe dynamic unicast to increase communication efficiency in opportunistic Information-centric networks. The approach is based on broadcast requests to quickly find content and dynamically creating unicast links to content sources without the need of neighbor discovery. The links are kept temporarily as long as they deliver content and are quickly removed otherwise. Evaluations in mobile networks show that this approach maintains ICN flexibility to support seamless mobile communication and achieves up to 56.6% shorter transmission times compared to broadcast in case of multiple concurrent requesters. Apart from that, dynamic unicast unburdens listener nodes from processing unwanted content resulting in lower processing overhead and power consumption at these nodes. The approach can be easily included into existing ICN architectures using only available data structures.


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With the current growth of mobile devices usage, mobile net- works struggle to deliver content with an acceptable Quality of Experience. In this paper, we propose the integration of Information Centric Networking into 3GPP Long Term Evolution mobile networks, allowing its inherent caching feature to be explored in close proximity to the end users by deploying components inside the evolved Node B. Apart from the advantages brought by Information-Centric Networking’s content requesting paradigm, its inherent caching features enable lower latencies to access content and reduce traffic at the core network. Results show that the impact on the evolved Node B performance is low and ad- vantages coming from Information-Centric Networking are considerable. Thus, mobile network operators reduce operational costs and users end up with a higher perceived network quality even in peak utilization periods.


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Modern policy-making is increasingly influenced by different types of uncertainty. Political actors are supposed to behave differently under the context of uncertainty then in “usual” decision-making processes. Actors exchange information in order to convince other actors and decision-makers, to coordinate their lobbying activities and form coalitions, and to get information and learn on the substantive issue. The literature suggests that preference similarity, social trust, perceived power and functional interdependence are particularly important drivers of information exchange. We assume that social trust as well as being connected to scientific actors is more important under uncertainty than in a setting with less uncertainty. To investigate information exchange under uncertainty analyze the case of unconventional shale gas development in the UK from 2008 till 2014. Our study will rely on statistical analyses of survey data on a diverse set of actors dealing with shale gas development and regulation in the UK.


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Mobile networks usage rapidly increased over the years, with great consequences in terms of performance requirements. In this paper, we propose mechanisms to use Information-Centric Networking to perform load balancing in mobile networks, providing content delivery over multiple radio technologies at the same time and thus efficiently using resources and improving the overall performance of content transfer. Meaningful results were obtained by comparing content transfer over single radio links with typical strategies to content transfer over multiple radio links with Information-Centric Networking load balancing. Results demonstrate that Information-Centric Networking load balancing increases the performance and efficiency of 3GPP Long Term Evolution mobile networks while greatly improving the network perceived quality for end users.


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Information-centric networking (ICN) is a new communication paradigm that aims at increasing security and efficiency of content delivery in communication networks. In recent years, many research efforts in ICN have focused on caching strategies to reduce traffic and increase overall performance by decreasing download times. Since caches need to operate at line speed, they have only a limited size and content can only be stored for a short time. However, if content needs to be available for a longer time, e.g., for delay-tolerant networking or to provide high content availability similar to content delivery networks (CDNs), persistent caching is required. We base our work on the Content-Centric Networking (CCN) architecture and investigate persistent caching by extending the current repository implementation in CCNx. We show by extensive evaluations in a YouTube and webserver traffic scenario that repositories can be efficiently used to increase content availability by significantly increasing cache hit rates.


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Information-centric networking (ICN) enables communication in isolated islands, where fixed infrastructure is not available, but also supports seamless communication if the infrastructure is up and running again. In disaster scenarios, when a fixed infrastructure is broken, content discovery algorit hms are required to learn what content is locally available. For example, if preferred content is not available, users may also be satisfied with second best options. In this paper, we describe a new content discovery algorithm and compare it to existing Depth-first and Breadth-first traversal algorithms. Evaluations in mobile scenarios with up to 100 nodes show that it results in better performance, i.e., faster discovery time and smaller traffic overhead, than existing algorithms.


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The shift from host-centric to information-centric networking (ICN) promises seamless communication in mobile networks. However, most existing works either consider well-connected networks with high node density or introduce modifications to {ICN} message processing for delay-tolerant Networking (DTN). In this work, we present agent-based content retrieval, which provides information-centric {DTN} support as an application module without modifications to {ICN} message processing. This enables flexible interoperability in changing environments. If no content source can be found via wireless multi-hop routing, requesters may exploit the mobility of neighbor nodes (called agents) by delegating content retrieval to them. Agents that receive a delegation and move closer to content sources can retrieve data and return it back to requesters. We show that agent-based content retrieval may be even more efficient in scenarios where multi-hop communication is possible. Furthermore, we show that broadcast communication may not be necessarily the best option since dynamic unicast requests have little overhead and can better exploit short contact times between nodes (no broadcast delays required for duplicate suppression).


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Abstract Information-centric networking (ICN) offers new perspectives on mobile ad-hoc communication because routing is based on names but not on endpoint identifiers. Since every content object has a unique name and is signed, authentic content can be stored and cached by any node. If connectivity to a content source breaks, it is not necessarily required to build a new path to the same source but content can also be retrieved from a closer node that provides the same content copy. For example, in case of collisions, retransmissions do not need to be performed over the entire path but due to caching only over the link where the collision occurred. Furthermore, multiple requests can be aggregated to improve scalability of wireless multi-hop communication. In this work, we base our investigations on Content-Centric Networking (CCN), which is a popular {ICN} architecture. While related works in wireless {CCN} communication are based on broadcast communication exclusively, we show that this is not needed for efficient mobile ad-hoc communication. With Dynamic Unicast requesters can build unicast paths to content sources after they have been identified via broadcast. We have implemented Dynamic Unicast in CCNx, which provides a reference implementation of the {CCN} concepts, and performed extensive evaluations in diverse mobile scenarios using NS3-DCE, the direct code execution framework for the {NS3} network simulator. Our evaluations show that Dynamic Unicast can result in more efficient communication than broadcast communication, but still supports all {CCN} advantages such as caching, scalability and implicit content discovery.


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Information-centric networking (ICN) is a new communication paradigm that has been proposed to cope with drawbacks of host-based communication protocols, namely scalability and security. In this thesis, we base our work on Named Data Networking (NDN), which is a popular ICN architecture, and investigate NDN in the context of wireless and mobile ad hoc networks. In a first part, we focus on NDN efficiency (and potential improvements) in wireless environments by investigating NDN in wireless one-hop communication, i.e., without any routing protocols. A basic requirement to initiate informationcentric communication is the knowledge of existing and available content names. Therefore, we develop three opportunistic content discovery algorithms and evaluate them in diverse scenarios for different node densities and content distributions. After content names are known, requesters can retrieve content opportunistically from any neighbor node that provides the content. However, in case of short contact times to content sources, content retrieval may be disrupted. Therefore, we develop a requester application that keeps meta information of disrupted content retrievals and enables resume operations when a new content source has been found. Besides message efficiency, we also evaluate power consumption of information-centric broadcast and unicast communication. Based on our findings, we develop two mechanisms to increase efficiency of information-centric wireless one-hop communication. The first approach called Dynamic Unicast (DU) avoids broadcast communication whenever possible since broadcast transmissions result in more duplicate Data transmissions, lower data rates and higher energy consumption on mobile nodes, which are not interested in overheard Data, compared to unicast communication. Hence, DU uses broadcast communication only until a content source has been found and then retrieves content directly via unicast from the same source. The second approach called RC-NDN targets efficiency of wireless broadcast communication by reducing the number of duplicate Data transmissions. In particular, RC-NDN is a Data encoding scheme for content sources that increases diversity in wireless broadcast transmissions such that multiple concurrent requesters can profit from each others’ (overheard) message transmissions. If requesters and content sources are not in one-hop distance to each other, requests need to be forwarded via multi-hop routing. Therefore, in a second part of this thesis, we investigate information-centric wireless multi-hop communication. First, we consider multi-hop broadcast communication in the context of rather static community networks. We introduce the concept of preferred forwarders, which relay Interest messages slightly faster than non-preferred forwarders to reduce redundant duplicate message transmissions. While this approach works well in static networks, the performance may degrade in mobile networks if preferred forwarders may regularly move away. Thus, to enable routing in mobile ad hoc networks, we extend DU for multi-hop communication. Compared to one-hop communication, multi-hop DU requires efficient path update mechanisms (since multi-hop paths may expire quickly) and new forwarding strategies to maintain NDN benefits (request aggregation and caching) such that only a few messages need to be transmitted over the entire end-to-end path even in case of multiple concurrent requesters. To perform quick retransmission in case of collisions or other transmission errors, we implement and evaluate retransmission timers from related work and compare them to CCNTimer, which is a new algorithm that enables shorter content retrieval times in information-centric wireless multi-hop communication. Yet, in case of intermittent connectivity between requesters and content sources, multi-hop routing protocols may not work because they require continuous end-to-end paths. Therefore, we present agent-based content retrieval (ACR) for delay-tolerant networks. In ACR, requester nodes can delegate content retrieval to mobile agent nodes, which move closer to content sources, can retrieve content and return it to requesters. Thus, ACR exploits the mobility of agent nodes to retrieve content from remote locations. To enable delay-tolerant communication via agents, retrieved content needs to be stored persistently such that requesters can verify its authenticity via original publisher signatures. To achieve this, we develop a persistent caching concept that maintains received popular content in repositories and deletes unpopular content if free space is required. Since our persistent caching concept can complement regular short-term caching in the content store, it can also be used for network caching to store popular delay-tolerant content at edge routers (to reduce network traffic and improve network performance) while real-time traffic can still be maintained and served from the content store.


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The federal government is currently developing the Nationwide Health Information Network (NHIN). Described as a “network of networks,” the NHIN seeks to provide a nationwide, interoperable health information infrastructure that will securely connect consumers with those involved in health care. As part of the national health information technology (HIT) agenda, the NHIN aims to improve individual and population health by enabling health information to follow the consumer, be available for clinical decision-making, and support important public health measures such as biosurveillance. While the NHIN promises to improve clinical care to individuals and to reduce U.S. health care system costs overall, this electronic environment presents novel challenges for protecting individually identifiable health information. A major barrier to achieving public trust in the NHIN is the development of, and adherence to, a consistent and coordinated approach to privacy and security of health information. This paper will analyze the policy framework for electronic health information exchange with the NHIN. This exercise will demonstrate that the current policy is an effective framework for achieving effective biosurveillance with the NHIN. ^