997 resultados para Laser Science
We report on the first recording of a periodic structure of ∼150 nm pitch in a permanently moving sample of a pure fused silica using the tightly focused, 82 nJ, 267 nm, 300 fs, 1 kHz laser pulses. © 2007 IOP Publishing Ltd.
We report on the first recording of a periodic structure of ~150 nm pitch in a permanently moving sample of a pure fused silica using the tightly focused, 82 nJ, 267 nm, 300 fs, 1 kHz laser pulses.
We present a study on the potential use of ultra-longlasercavities for unrepeateredfiber communication, based on the theory of nonlinearity management. A comparison is offered between the performance of ultra-longlasers and standard bi-directional distributed amplification schemes in nonrepeated transmission. Links based on both traditional (SMF/DCF) and modern Ultrawave transmissionfibers are considered.
An optical fiber is treated as a natural one-dimensional random system where lasing is possible due to a combination of Rayleigh scattering by refractive index inhomogeneities and distributed amplification through the Raman effect. We present such a random fiber laser that is tunable over a broad wavelength range with uniquely flat output power and high efficiency, which outperforms traditional lasers of the same category. Outstanding characteristics defined by deep underlying physics and the simplicity of the scheme make the demonstrated laser a very attractive light source both for fundamental science and practical applications.
We report on a new technique to reconstruct the 3D dielectric function change in transparent dielectric materials and the application of the technique for on-line monitoring of refractive index modification in BK7 glass during direct femtosecond laser microfabrication. The complex optical field scattered from the modified region is measured using two-beam, single-shot interferogram and the distribution of the modified refractive index is reconstructed by numerically solving the inverse scattering problem in Born approximation. The optical configuration suggested is further development of digital holographic microscopy. It takes advantage of high spatial resolution and almost the same optical paths for both interfering beams, and allows ultrafast time resolution. © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC. 2011.
We experimentally and theoretically describe formation of random fiber laser's optical spectrum. We propose a new concept of active cycled wave kinetics from which we derive first ever nonlinear kinetic theory describing laser spectrum. © OSA 2015.
Purpose: Current panretinal laser photocoagulative parameters are based on the Diabetic Retinopathy Study, which used exposures of 0.1 - 0.5 second to achieve moderate intensity retinal burns. Unfortunately, many patients find these settings painful. We wanted to investigate whether reducing exposure time and increasing power to give the same endpoint, is more comfortable and effective. Methods: 20 patients having panretinal photocoagulation for the first time underwent random allocation to two forms of laser treatment: half of the retinal area scheduled for treatment was treated with Green Yag laser with conventional parameters {exposure time 0.1 second (treatment A), power density sufficient to produce a visible grey - white burns}. The other half treated with shorter exposure 0.02 second (treatment B). All patient were asked to evaluate severity of pain on a visual analogue scale ranging from 0 - 10 (0 = no pain, 10 = most severe pain). All patients were masked as to the type of treatment. The order of carrying out the treatment on each patient was randomised. Fundus photographs were taken of each hemifundus to confirm treatment. Results: Of the 20 patients, 17 had proliferative diabetic retinopathy, 2 had ischaemic central retinal vein occlusion and one had ocular ischaemic syndrome. The average pain response to treatment A was 5.11 on a visual analogue scale with a mean power of 0.178 Watt; the average pain response to treatment B was 1.40 with a mean power of 0.489 Watt. Short exposure laser burns were significantly less painful (P < 0.001). Conclusion: Shortening exposure time with increased power is more comfortable for patients undergoing panretinal photocoagulation than conventional parameters.
A comprehensive model of processes involved in femtosecond laser inscription and the subsequent structural material modification is developed. Different time scales of the pulse-plasma dynamics and thermo-mechanical relaxation allow for separate numerical treatments of these processes, while linking them by an energy transfer equation. The model is illustrated and analysed on examples of inscription in fused silica and the results are used to explain previous experimental observations. © 2007 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC.
The key to generating stable optical pulses is mastery of nonlinear light dynamics in laser resonators. Modern techniques to control the buildup of laser pulses are based on nonlinear science and include classical solitons, dissipative solitons, parabolic pulses (similaritons) and various modifications and blending of these methods. Fiber lasers offer remarkable opportunities to apply one-dimensional nonlinear science models for the design and optimization of very practical laser systems. Here, we propose a new concept of a laser based on the adiabatic amplification of a soliton pulse in the cavity - the adiabatic soliton laser. The adiabatic change of the soliton parameters during evolution in the resonator relaxes the restriction on the pulse energy inherent in traditional soliton lasers. Theoretical analysis is confirmed by extensive numerical modeling.
As shown recently, a long telecommunication fibre may be treated as a natural one-dimensional random system, where lasing is possible due to a combination of random distributed feedback via Rayleigh scattering by natural refractive index inhomogeneities and distributed amplification through the Raman effect. Here we present a new type of a random fibre laser with a narrow (∼1 nm) spectrum tunable over a broad wavelength range (1535-1570 nm) with a uniquely flat (∼0.1 dB) and high (>2 W) output power and prominent (>40 %) differential efficiency, which outperforms traditional fibre lasers of the same category, e.g. a conventional Raman laser with a linear cavity formed in the same fibre by adding point reflectors. Analytical model is proposed that explains quantitatively the higher efficiency and the flatter tuning curve of the random fiber laser compared to conventional one. The other important features of the random fibre laser like "modeless" spectrum of specific shape and corresponding intensity fluctuations as well as the techniques of controlling its output characteristics are discussed. Outstanding characteristics defined by new underlying physics and the simplicity of the scheme implemented in standard telecom fibre make the demonstrated tunable random fibre laser a very attractive light source both for fundamental science and practical applications such as optical communication, sensing and secure transmission. © 2012 Copyright Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE).
We make first direct observation of breathing bound solitons in mode-locked laser. We measure pulse-to-pulse spectrum evolution and reveal internal interactions between bound solitons in real-time. © OSA 2015.
Here we present first investigation of polarization dynamics from a carbon nanotube mode locked erbium doped fiber laser. Both vector and polarization switching dissipative soliton have been observed. © 2014 Optical Society of America.
We study polarization dynamics of a harmonic mode-locked erbium-doped fiber laser with carbon nanotubes absorber. New types of vector solitons are shown for multi-pulse and harmonic mode-locked operation with locked, switching and precessing polarization states. © 2014 OSA.
We studied experimentally polarization dynamics in a carbon nanotube mode locked stretched pulse fiber laser. For the first time, polarization locked, regular and irregular polarization switching have been observed at the microsecond time scale. © 2014 OSA.
We have UV-inscribed fiber Bragg gratings (FBGs), long-period gratings (LPGs), and tilted fiber gratings (TFGs) into mid-IR 2μm range using three common optical fiber grating fabrication techniques (two-beam holographic, phase mask, and point-by-point). The fabricated FBGs have been evaluated for thermal and strain response. It has been revealed that the FBG devices with responses in mid-IR range are much more sensitive to temperature than that in near-IR range. To explore the unique cladding mode coupling function, we have investigated the thermal and refractive index sensitivities of LPGs and identified that the coupled cladding modes in mid-IR range are also much more sensitive to temperature and surrounding medium refractive index change. The 45° tilted fiber gratings (45°-TFGs) as polarizing devices in mid-IR have been investigated for their polarization extinction characteristics. As efficient reflection filters and in-cavity polarizers, the mid-IR FBGs and 45°-TFGs have been employed in fiber laser cavity to realize multi-wavelength 2 μm Tm-doped CW and mode locked fiber lasers, respectively.