995 resultados para Laminar flow.


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Accepted in 13th IEEE Symposium on Embedded Systems for Real-Time Multimedia (ESTIMedia 2015), Amsterdam, Netherlands.


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Sulfadiazine is an antibiotic of the sulfonamide group and is used as a veterinary drug in fish farming. Monitoring it in the tanks is fundamental to control the applied doses and avoid environmental dissemination. Pursuing this goal, we included a novel potentiometric design in a flow-injection assembly. The electrode body was a stainless steel needle veterinary syringe of 0.8-mm inner diameter. A selective membrane of PVC acted as a sensory surface. Its composition, the length of the electrode, and other flow variables were optimized. The best performance was obtained for sensors of 1.5-cm length and a membrane composition of 33% PVC, 66% onitrophenyloctyl ether, 1% ion exchanger, and a small amount of a cationic additive. It exhibited Nernstian slopes of 61.0 mV decade-1 down to 1.0×10-5 mol L-1, with a limit of detection of 3.1×10-6 mol L-1 in flowing media. All necessary pH/ionic strength adjustments were performed online by merging the sample plug with a buffer carrier of 4-(2-hydroxyethyl)-1-piperazineethanesulfonic acid, pH 4.9. The sensor exhibited the advantages of a fast response time (less than 15 s), long operational lifetime (60 days), and good selectivity for chloride, nitrite, acetate, tartrate, citrate, and ascorbate. The flow setup was successfully applied to the analysis of aquaculture waters. The analytical results were validated against those obtained with liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry procedures. The sampling rate was about 84 samples per hour and recoveries ranged from 95.9 to 106.9%.


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The local fractional Burgers’ equation (LFBE) is investigated from the point of view of local fractional conservation laws envisaging a nonlinear local fractional transport equation with a linear non-differentiable diffusion term. The local fractional derivative transformations and the LFBE conversion to a linear local fractional diffusion equation are analyzed.


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Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering 36(10) 1605–16


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Abstract: Preferential flow and transport through macropores affect plant water use efficiency and enhance leaching of agrochemicals and the transport of colloids, thereby increasing the risk for contamination of groundwater resources. The effects of soil compaction, expressed in terms of bulk density (BD), and organic carbon (OC) content on preferential flow and transport were investigated using 150 undisturbed soil cores sampled from 15 × 15–m grids on two field sites. Both fields had loamy textures, but one site had significantly higher OC content. Leaching experiments were conducted in each core by applying a constant irrigation rate of 10 mm h−1 with a pulse application of tritium tracer. Five percent tritium mass arrival times and apparent dispersivities were derived from each of the tracer breakthrough curves and correlated with texture, OC content, and BD to assess the spatial distribution of preferential flow and transport across the investigated fields. Soils from both fields showed strong positive correlations between BD and preferential flow. Interestingly, the relationships between BD and tracer transport characteristics were markedly different for the two fields, although the relationship between BD and macroporosity was nearly identical. The difference was likely caused by the higher contents of fines and OC at one of the fields leading to stronger aggregation, smaller matrix permeability, and a more pronounced pipe-like pore system with well-aligned macropores.


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Informática


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SUMMARYAIDS-related cryptococcal meningitis continues to cause a substantial burden of death in low and middle income countries. The diagnostic use for detection of cryptococcal capsular polysaccharide antigen (CrAg) in serum and cerebrospinal fluid by latex agglutination test (CrAg-latex) or enzyme-linked immunoassay (EIA) has been available for over decades. Better diagnostics in asymptomatic and symptomatic phases of cryptococcosis are key components to reduce mortality. Recently, the cryptococcal antigen lateral flow assay (CrAg LFA) was included in the armamentarium for diagnosis. Unlike the other tests, the CrAg LFA is a dipstick immunochromatographic assay, in a format similar to the home pregnancy test, and requires little or no lab infrastructure. This test meets all of the World Health Organization ASSURED criteria (Affordable, Sensitive, Specific, User friendly, Rapid/robust, Equipment-free, and Delivered). CrAg LFA in serum, plasma, whole blood, or cerebrospinal fluid is useful for the diagnosis of disease caused by Cryptococcusspecies. The CrAg LFA has better analytical sensitivity for C. gattii than CrAg-latex or EIA. Prevention of cryptococcal disease is new application of CrAg LFA via screening of blood for subclinical infection in asymptomatic HIV-infected persons with CD4 counts < 100 cells/mL who are not receiving effective antiretroviral therapy. CrAg screening of leftover plasma specimens after CD4 testing can identify persons with asymptomatic infection who urgently require pre-emptive fluconazole, who will otherwise progress to symptomatic infection and/or die.


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A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Finance from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics


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21st Annual Conference of the International Group for Lean Construction – IGLC 21 – Fortaleza, Brazil


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We report a rapid method for the flow cytometric quantitation of phagocytosis in heparinized complete peripherial blood (HCPB), using commercially available phycoerythrin-conjugated latex particles of 1µm diameter. The method is faster and shows greater reproducibility than Bjerknes' (1984) standard technique using propidium iodide-stained Candida albicans, conventionally applied to the leukocytic layer of peripherial blood but here modified for HCPB. We also report a modification of Bjerknes' Intracellular Killing Test to allow its application to HCPB.


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Mycobaterium leprae infection was investigated in armadillos from the State of Espírito Santo, Brazil. The ML Flow test was performed on 37 nine-banded armadillos and positive results were found in 11 (29.7%). The ML Flow test may be used to identify possible sources of Mycobaterium leprae among wild armadillos.


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O ML Flow e o ELISA PGL-I são testes sorológicos que detectam anticorpos IgM contra o glicolipídio fenólico I específico do Mycobacterium leprae. Para avaliar o comportamento destes testes em áreas endêmica e não endêmica para hanseníase foram estudados 351 voluntários no Brasil e no Chile, incluindo pacientes com hanseníase, controles sadios, portadores de outras doenças infecciosas, não infecciosas e dermatoses que fazem diagnóstico diferencial com hanseníase. O ponto de corte do ELISA foi estabelecido pelo método da Curva ROC (> 0,157). Em área endêmica, o ML Flow apresentou resultados positivos em 70% dos pacientes com hanseníase; o ELISA foi positivo em 53,3%. Em área não endêmica, o ML Flow foi negativo em todos os voluntários testados; o ELISA foi positivo em 4 voluntários. O ML Flow é um ensaio mais rápido, facilmente aplicável e, portanto, mais adequado para ser utilizado na Atenção Básica; o ELISA necessita, alem de uma infra-estrutura de laboratório adequada, pessoal treinado e especializado em sua execução.


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Realizou-se estudo descritivo e exploratório relacionando as covariáveis aos resultados do teste sorológico ML Flow e baciloscopia. Foram estudados 60 casos novos de hanseníase diagnosticados no Centro de Referência em Dermatologia Sanitária. Para a baciloscopia, foi utilizada a coleta de esfregaço dérmico em quatro sítios, sendo o resultado expresso pelo índice bacilocópico. O ML Flow foi registrado de modo qualitativo e semi-quantitativo. Para o estudo da concordância, foi utilizado o índice de Kappa e, para sua interpretação, os critérios de Landis e Koch. Para análise estatística foram realizados a regressão logística e o teste de Kruskal-Wallis. O ML Flow mostrou forte associação com a baciloscopia, observou-se que o aumento gradativo do índice baciloscópico foi acompanhado pelo aumento semi-quantitativo dos níveis de anticorpos medidos pelo ML Flow, tendo sido positivo em 100% dos casos com baciloscopia positiva. Os resultados deste estudo evidenciaram que o ML Flow, por estar fortemente correlacionado à bacilocopia, poderá tornar-se um valioso instrumento auxiliar na classificação e alocação dos pacientes para fins de tratamento.


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Estudo descritivo e exploratório correlacionando o ML Flow, a baciloscopia e a classificação em paucibacilar (PB) e multibacilar (MB), envolveu 1.041 casos novos com hanseníase em 13 municípios de Minas Gerais, de outubro de 2002 a março de 2004. A concordância entre o ML Flow e a classificação pelo número de lesões cutâneas e a baciloscopia foi moderada (Kappa:0,51 e 0,48, respectivamente) e, substancial (Kappa:0,77) com a classificação final. De janeiro de 2000 a março de 2004, a proporção de casos novos MB no Estado, passou de 78,1 para 65,8%. A queda no percentual de MB foi maior nos serviços participantes da pesquisa ML Flow (73,1 para 53,3%). A diferença de PB e MB nos serviços participantes e não participantes, de janeiro a março de 2004, foi estatisticamente significativa, indicando implicação direta e benéfica no tratamento e no controle da endemia em Minas Gerais.


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O diagnóstico precoce da hanseníase, a correta classificação e o estudo dos fatores de risco relacionados à soropositividade, tornam-se importantes para o tratamento do doente e controle da endemia, especialmente, quando a responsabilidade pelo atendimento desses pacientes está sendo absorvida pelos serviços de atenção básica. Estudo descritivo e exploratório utilizando regressão logística avaliou a associação das variáveis: sexo, idade, modo de detecção, número de lesões cutâneas e de nervos acometidos, grau de incapacidade, baciloscopia, com o resultado do teste sorológico ML Flow, em 1.072 casos novos com hanseníase em 13 municípios de Minas Gerais. A soropositividade (50,7%) estava estatisticamente associada aos pacientes com 15 anos ou mais de idade (OR:2,6), mais de cinco lesões cutâneas (OR:7,5), mais de um nervo acometido (OR:2,4) e com baciloscopia positiva (OR:5,5 para IB<2 e OR:191,2 para IB>2), colaborando, assim, com a classificação e o tratamento adequados dos doentes.