836 resultados para Labels.


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Consumers receive food-related information from various sources and strive to make informed food choices regarding their health, lifestyle and belief. To be effective and reliable, the information consumers receive needs to be from a credible source and delivered to them in a way they trust. The aim of this study was to investigate the sources and media channels of that information consumer trust. An online and hardcopy survey of 298 consumers currently living in Australia was carried out. Many consumers believe that the source of food product information is important (87%). As a source of general and nutritional information, Health Professionals, Scientists and Government sources are the most trusted sources, with at least 80% of participants confident of the information coming from these sources. Retailer advertising and social media are the least trusted sources with just 29% and 11%, respectively, confident of these sources. As a delivery medium, printed food labels (67%) and printed brochures or fact sheets (56%) remain the most trusted delivery media compared with electronic media, such as mobile phone or the Internet.


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This paper describes research into three different but interrelated technologies that can add value to commodity printing substrates by taking advantage of developments in synthetic chemistry, materials science and plasma physics. These investigations have been conducted in a Cooperative Research Centre (CRC) in Australia, called CRC Smartprint. Research into ink receptive coatings based on pigments possessing a positive surface charge has led to coatings that display improved resolution and colour saturation compared with silica based formulations. Although silica exhibits a high level of liquid absorption, it has relatively poor affinity for dye molecules contained in ink-jet ink. The second development involves the use of plasma enhanced chemical vapour deposition at atmospheric pressure to change surface functionality with particular emphasis on absorptive and printing properties. Thirdly, the development of a prototype labelling system based on the application of electrochromic conductive polymer to a flexible substrate that responds to electrical stimuli is discussed. Taken together, these three developments illustrate how both impact and non-impact printing technologies can be judiciously used to apply not only improved visual imagery to paper and paperboard, but also have the potential to enable printing of micro-electronic circuitry directly onto packaging materials, or onto labels that will enable a wide range of improved tracking, security and marketing functions to be incorporated cost-effectively into packaged goods in future.


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The aim of this study was to investigate the nature of hypersexuality and the personality factors associated with the desire for and experience of high frequency sexual behavior. Participants in the study were 69 male and 93 female university students. Respondents reported on their desire for and experience of masturbation, oral sex, sexual intercourse, pornography, indecent phone calls or letters, prostitution, exhibitionism, voyeurism, as well as providing self-report measures which evaluated their levels of state and trait anxiety, depression, obsessive and compulsive symptoms and fear of intimacy. The results demonstrated that subjects who engaged in high-frequency voyeurism were more depressed than low-frequency voyeurs. Respondents in the high-frequency sexual deviant desire and behavior groups appeared to have more obsessive-compulsive symptoms in comparison to the low-frequency deviant sexual behavior and desire groups. Increased psychopathology was not associated with high-frequency non-deviant sexual behaviors and desires. This finding raised the question of whether labels such as sexual compulsion and addiction are merely pathologizing illegal sexual behavior.


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Due to irrational use of natural resources, human society is facing unprecedented threats. Remote sensing is one of the essential tools to determine changes in various forms of biological diversity over time. There are many methods to determine changes in protected areas, using satellite images. In this paper after introducing different change detection methods and their advantages and disadvantages, a hybrid method is used to analyse changes in forests and protected areas in a national park. Two Landsat images of Golestan National Park in Iran (taken in 1998 and 2010) were used. This hybrid approach combines Change Vector Analysis (CVA) for flagging the occurrence of changes, followed by signature extension to assign labels to changedpixels. The main objective of this paper is to propose a method for discovering and assessing environmental threats to natural treasures.


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Breakfast cereals substantially contribute to daily energy and nutrient intakes among children. In New Zealand, new regulations are being implemented to restrict nutrition and health claims to products that meet certain 'healthy' criteria. This study investigated the difference in nutritional quality, labelling and promotion between 'healthy' and 'less healthy' breakfast cereals, and between breakfast cereals intended for children compared with other breakfast cereals on the New Zealand market. The cross-sectional data collection involved taking pictures of the nutrition information panel (NIP) and front-of pack (FoP) for all breakfast cereals (n = 247) at two major supermarkets in Auckland in 2013. A nutrient profiling tool was used to classify products into 'healthy'/'less healthy'. In total 26% of cereals did not meet the 'healthy' criteria. 'Less healthy' cereals were significantly higher in energy density, sugar and sodium content and lower in protein and fibre content compared with 'healthy' cereals. Significantly more nutrition claims (75%) and health claims (89%) featured on 'healthy' compared with 'less healthy' cereals. On the 'less healthy' cereals, nutrition claims (65%) were more predominant than health claims (17%). Of the 52 products displaying promotional characters, 48% were for 'cereals for kids', and of those, 72% featured on 'less healthy' cereals. In conclusion, most breakfast cereals met the 'healthy' criteria; however, 'cereals for kids' were 'less healthy' and displayed more promotional characters than other cereal categories. Policy recommendations include: food composition targets set or endorsed by government, strengthening and enforcing current regulations on health and nutrition claims, considering the application of nutrient profiling for nutrition claims in addition to health claims, introducing an interpretative FoP labelling system and restricting the use of promotional characters on 'less healthy' breakfast cereals.


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In this paper we propose a new fully-automatic method for localizing and segmenting 3D intervertebral discs from MR images, where the two problems are solved in a unified data-driven regression and classification framework. We estimate the output (image displacements for localization, or fg/bg labels for segmentation) of image points by exploiting both training data and geometric constraints simultaneously. The problem is formulated in a unified objective function which is then solved globally and efficiently. We validate our method on MR images of 25 patients. Taking manually labeled data as the ground truth, our method achieves a mean localization error of 1.3 mm, a mean Dice metric of 87%, and a mean surface distance of 1.3 mm. Our method can be applied to other localization and segmentation tasks.


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High-throughput experimental techniques provide a wide variety of heterogeneous proteomic data sources. To exploit the information spread across multiple sources for protein function prediction, these data sources are transformed into kernels and then integrated into a composite kernel. Several methods first optimize the weights on these kernels to produce a composite kernel, and then train a classifier on the composite kernel. As such, these approaches result in an optimal composite kernel, but not necessarily in an optimal classifier. On the other hand, some approaches optimize the loss of binary classifiers and learn weights for the different kernels iteratively. For multi-class or multi-label data, these methods have to solve the problem of optimizing weights on these kernels for each of the labels, which are computationally expensive and ignore the correlation among labels. In this paper, we propose a method called Predicting Protein Function using Multiple K ernels (ProMK). ProMK iteratively optimizes the phases of learning optimal weights and reduces the empirical loss of multi-label classifier for each of the labels simultaneously. ProMK can integrate kernels selectively and downgrade the weights on noisy kernels. We investigate the performance of ProMK on several publicly available protein function prediction benchmarks and synthetic datasets. We show that the proposed approach performs better than previously proposed protein function prediction approaches that integrate multiple data sources and multi-label multiple kernel learning methods. The codes of our proposed method are available at https://sites.google.com/site/guoxian85/promk.


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This thesis advances several theoretical and practical aspects of the recently introduced restricted Boltzmann machine - a powerful probabilistic and generative framework for modelling data and learning representations. The contributions of this study represent a systematic and common theme in learning structured representations from complex data.


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Prediction of patient outcomes is critical to plan resources in an hospital emergency department. We present a method to exploit longitudinal data from Electronic Medical Records (EMR), whilst exploiting multiple patient outcomes. We divide the EMR data into segments where each segment is a task, and all tasks are associated with multiple patient outcomes over a 3, 6 and 12 month period. We propose a model that learns a prediction function for each task-label pair, interacting through two subspaces: the first subspace is used to impose sharing across all tasks for a given label. The second subspace captures the task-specific variations and is shared across all the labels for a given task. The proposed model is formulated as an iterative optimization problems and solved using a scalable and efficient Block co-ordinate descent (BCD) method. We apply the proposed model on two hospital cohorts - Cancer and Acute Myocardial Infarction (AMI) patients collected over a two year period from a large hospital emergency department. We show that the predictive performance of our proposed models is significantly better than those of several state-of-the-art multi-task and multi-label learning methods.


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Monitoring daily physical activity plays an important role in disease prevention and intervention. This paper proposes an approach to monitor the body movement intensity levels from accelerometer data. We collect the data using the accelerometer in a realistic setting without any supervision. The ground-truth of activities is provided by the participants themselves using an experience sampling application running on their mobile phones. We compute a novel feature that has a strong correlation with the movement intensity. We use the hierarchical Dirichlet process (HDP) model to detect the activity levels from this feature. Consisting of Bayesian nonparametric priors over the parameters the model can infer the number of levels automatically. By demonstrating the approach on the publicly available USC-HAD dataset that includes ground-truth activity labels, we show a strong correlation between the discovered activity levels and the movement intensity of the activities. This correlation is further confirmed using our newly collected dataset. We further use the extracted patterns as features for clustering and classifying the activity sequences to improve performance.


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Contrary to divisive labels to describe generations, members of different age groups have much to teach each other: Younger workers bring fresh perspectives to old issues, while older workers' valuable organizational history help inform current contexts. All age groups in the workplace benefit in learning from each other's perspectives.


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A Física e a Administração concentram suas pesquisas sobre fenômenos que, de certa forma, se assemelham, fazendo com que nos questionemos a respeito da grande integral do universo a que estamos submetidos. Em uma exploração por analogias, aproxima-se aqui o mundo organizacional ao dos sistemas UnIVerSaIS, instáveis e não-integráveis, onde a flecha do tempo é quem determina a evolução dos mesmos. Mostra-se que na Administração, como na Física, tudo parece convergir na direção de um inesgotável repertório de bifurcações e possibilidades para o destino mercadológico de produtos, serviços e marcas ao longo de um continuum. Para amenizar os efeitos dessas incertezas, é buscada uma simplificação desses complexos sistemas sociais através de uma proposta de modelo baseado em fatores consagrados pela literatura da gestão empresarial como norteadores das escolhas dos consumidores; um processo gaussiano da 'percepção do valor', que pode servir de ferramenta nas decisões estratégicas e gerenciais dentro das empresas.


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A indústria da música tem enfrentado grandes mudanças e transformações nos últimos anos. O setor sempre se caracterizou por ser muito dinâmico, especialmente com o constante advento de novas tecnologias. Contudo, a tendência atual tem se demonstrado substancialmente diferente das passadas. As primeiras tecnologias como as fitas cassetes e discos de vinil começaram a perder espaço para o CD quando este foi introduzido no mercado no início dos anos 80 (PIKAS, PIKAS, & LYMBURNER, 2011). Contudo, o modelo de negócio da indústria permaneceu o mesmo, as grandes gravadoras continuavam a ser os grandes players do setor, e não enfrentavam competições externas. Este cenário mudou no final do século XX. Os arquivos de MP3, que foram desenvolvidos em 1989, mas que não alcançaram grande escala no mercado Americano até 1999, começaram a ganhar popularidade (PIKAS, PIKAS, & LYMBURNER, 2011). Aliada a esta popularidade, surgem também os downloads ilegais de arquivos e grandes perdas financeiras para as grandes gravadoras. Dado este cenário dinâmico e indefinido, este trabalho propõe focar-se no futuro da indústria da música e não nas tendências atuais ou passadas. O objetivo é prospectar e analisar possíveis cenários futuros para os próximos anos no Brasil. Em outras palavras, mostrar diferentes possibilidades e características que o setor possa apresentar em alguns anos. Para isso, este trabalho usará a metodologia de cenários prospectivos, além de entrevistas com experts da indústria que possibilitarão o desenvolvimento e a descoberta destes possíveis cenários.


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We have examined the effect of the uncharged species of lidocaine (LDC) and etidocaine (EDC) on the acyl chain moiety of egg phosphatidylcholine liposomes. Changes in membrane organization caused by both anesthetics were detected through the use of EPR spin labels (5, 7 and 12 doxyl stearic acid methyl ester) or fluorescence probes (4, 6, 10, 16 pyrene-fatty acids). The disturbance caused by the LA was greater when the probes were inserted in more external positions of the acyl chain and decreased towards the hydrophobic core of the membrane. The results indicate a preferential insertion of LDC at the polar interface of the bilayer and in the first half of the acyl chain, for EDC. Additionally, 2 H NMR spectra of multilamellar liposomes composed by acyl chain-perdeutero DMPC and EPC (1:4 mol%) allowed the determination of the segmental order (S-mol) and dynamics (T-1) of the acyl chain region. In accordance to the fluorescence and EPR results, changes in molecular orientation and dynamics are more prominent if the LA preferential location is more superficial, as for LDC while EDC seems to organize the acyl chain region between carbons 2-8, which is indicative of its positioning. We propose that the preferential location of LDC and EDC inside the bilayers creates a "transient site", which is related to the anesthetic potency since it could modulate the access of these molecules to their binding site(s) in the voltage-gated sodium channel. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Resolutions of the Board of numbers 359 and 360, of December 23, 2003, relating to Nutrition Labelling for Packaged Foods, establish quality standards and provide the education activities for health consumption, since one of the factors that enable the selection of healthier foods are the food labels as an important part in nutrition education. This is a descriptive study with a cross-sectional design. To calculate sample size, it was considered a margin of error of 20%, confidence level of 95% and prevalence of 52.5% for verifying nutritional information in a pilot study conducted in 2007. A total of 145 subjects were interviewed, resulting in 371 consumers in Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, in order to determine prevalence of consulting nutritional information contained on food labels as a nutritional guideline for consumers and its association with sociodemographic variables as well as identify the intervention measures suggested by intervieweds so that this information can be better used to select healthy foods. Twenty-five of the 69 supermarkets belonging to the Supermarket Association of Rio Grande do Norte (ASSURN) were randomly selected. Data collection relied on interviews and extensive direct observation, using a semi-structured form composed of eight closed questions, some of which were multiple choice, and ten open questions. The chi-square test was performed for statistical analysis, using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) 15.0 software. Label information most consulted was: expiry date (91.6%); product brand (49.4%); nutritional information (47.0%); zero trans fat (32.9%); zero sugar content (12.8%); zero fat content (3.0%); rich in fibers (2.7%); whether light or diet (30.4%); list of ingredients (16.8%); whether the product contained gluten or not (4.1%). When asked about the importance of nutritional information, 96.8% of the subjects responded important or very important ; of these 46.6% and 3.8% reported partially or totally understanding the information presented. It was found that 41.6% of the consumers consulted nutritional information for dietary reasons related to nontransmissible chronic diseases and 35.7% to be able to choose healthier foods. The data show a significant association between motivation to choose healthier foods and higher family income and schooling (p<0.0001). The intervention measures mentioned to make nutritional information better understood and used were: information and orientation about nutritional information, provided by qualified professionals in the supermarkets, the commercial establishment or the product manufacturer (73.9%) and media disclosure about the nature, importance and purpose of nutritional information (42.9%). In despite of communication noises the consumers use the nutrition claim for the nutritional guidance, showing association with some demographic variables. However, they desire the implementation of intervention measures that can be contextualized in the political construction of nutrition education to promote healthy food choices