996 resultados para LP-MOCVD


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In this study, thin films of cobalt oxide (Co3O4) have been grown by the metal-organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) technique on stainless steel substrate at two preferred temperatures (450 degrees C and 500 degrees C), using cobalt acetylacetonate dihydrate as precursor. Spherical as well as columnar microstructures of Co3O4 have been observed under controlled growth conditions. Further investigations reveal these films are phase-pure, well crystallized and carbon-free. High-resolution TEM analysis confirms that each columnar structure is a continuous stack of minute crystals. Comparative study between these Co3O4 films grown at 450 degrees C and 500 degrees C has been carried out for their application as negative electrodes in Li-ion batteries. Our method of electrode fabrication leads to a coating of active material directly on current collector without any use of external additives. A high specific capacity of 1168 micro Ah cm(-2) mu m(-1) has been measured reproducibly for the film deposited at 500 degrees C with columnar morphology. Further, high rate capability is observed when cycled at different current densities. The Co3O4 electrode with columnar structure has a specific capacity 38% higher than the electrode with spherical microstructure (grown at 450 degrees C). Impedance measurements on the Co3O4 electrode grown at 500 degrees C also carried out to study the kinetics of the electrode process. (C) 2014 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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In this paper, a strategy for controlling a group of agents to achieve positional consensus is presented. The problem is constrained by the requirement that every agent must be given the same control input through a broadcast communication mechanism. Although the control command is computed using state information in a global framework, the control input is implemented by the agents in a local coordinate frame. We propose a novel linear programming (LP) formulation that is computationally less intensive than earlier proposed methods. Moreover, a random perturbation input in the control command that helps the agents to come close to each other even for a large number of agents, which was not possible with an existing strategy in the literature, is introduced. The method is extended to achieve positional consensus at a prespecified location. The effectiveness of the approach is illustrated through simulation results. A comparison between the LP approach and the existing second-order cone programming-based approach is also presented. The algorithm was successfully implemented on a robotic platform with three robots.


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High-kappa TiO2 thin films have been fabricated using cost effective sol-gel and spin-coating technique on p-Si (100) wafer. Plasma activation process was used for better adhesion between TiO2 films and Si. The influence of annealing temperature on the structure-electrical properties of titania films were investigated in detail. Both XRD and Raman studies indicate that the anatase phase crystallizes at 400 degrees C, retaining its structural integrity up to 1000 degrees C. The thickness of the deposited films did not vary significantly with the annealing temperature, although the refractive index and the RMS roughness enhanced considerably, accompanied by a decrease in porosity. For electrical measurements, the films were integrated in metal-oxide-semiconductor (MOS) structure. The electrical measurements evoke a temperature dependent dielectric constant with low leakage current density. The Capacitance-voltage (C-V) characteristics of the films annealed at 400 degrees C exhibited a high value of dielectric constant (similar to 34). Further, frequency dependent C-V measurements showed a huge dispersion in accumulation capacitance due to the presence of TiO2/Si interface states and dielectric polarization, was found to follow power law dependence on frequency (with exponent `s'=0.85). A low leakage current density of 3.6 x 10(-7) A/cm(2) at 1 V was observed for the films annealed at 600 degrees C. The results of structure-electrical properties suggest that the deposition of titania by wet chemical method is more attractive and cost-effective for production of high-kappa materials compared to other advanced deposition techniques such as sputtering, MBE, MOCVD and AID. The results also suggest that the high value of dielectric constant kappa obtained at low processing temperature expands its scope as a potential dielectric layer in MOS device technology. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In this work, we address the issue of modeling squeeze film damping in nontrivial geometries that are not amenable to analytical solutions. The design and analysis of microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) resonators, especially those that use platelike two-dimensional structures, require structural dynamic response over the entire range of frequencies of interest. This response calculation typically involves the analysis of squeeze film effects and acoustic radiation losses. The acoustic analysis of vibrating plates is a very well understood problem that is routinely carried out using the equivalent electrical circuits that employ lumped parameters (LP) for acoustic impedance. Here, we present a method to use the same circuit with the same elements to account for the squeeze film effects as well by establishing an equivalence between the parameters of the two domains through a rescaled equivalent relationship between the acoustic impedance and the squeeze film impedance. Our analysis is based on a simple observation that the squeeze film impedance rescaled by a factor of jx, where x is the frequency of oscillation, qualitatively mimics the acoustic impedance over a large frequency range. We present a method to curvefit the numerically simulated stiffness and damping coefficients which are obtained using finite element analysis (FEA) analysis. A significant advantage of the proposed method is that it is applicable to any trivial/nontrivial geometry. It requires very limited finite element method (FEM) runs within the frequency range of interest, hence reducing the computational cost, yet modeling the behavior in the entire range accurately. We demonstrate the method using one trivial and one nontrivial geometry.


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We report the temperature-dependent photoluminescence (PL) properties of polymeric graphite-like carbon nitride (g-C3N4) and a methodology for the determination of quantum efficiency along with the activation energy. The PL is shown to originate from three different pathways of transitions: sigma*-LP, pi*-LP, and pi*-pi, respectively. The overall activation energy is found to be similar to 73.58 meV which is much lower than the exciton binding energy reported theoretically but ideal for highly sensitive wide-range temperature sensing. The quantum yield derived from the PL data is 23.3%, whereas the absolute quantum yield is 5.3%. We propose that the temperature-dependent PL can be exploited for the evaluation of the temperature dependency of quantum yield as well as for temperature sensing. Our analysis further indicates that g-C3N4 is well-suited for wide-range temperature sensing.


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The effects of the unresolved subgrid-scale (SGS) motions on the energy balance of the resolved scales in large eddy simulation (LES) have been investigated actively because modeling the energy transfer between the resolved and unresolved scales is crucial to constructing accurate SGS models. But the subgrid scales not only modify the energy balance, they also contribute to temporal decorrelation of the resolved scales. The importance of this effect in applications including the predictability problem and the evaluation of sound radiation by turbulent flows motivates the present study of the effect of SGS modeling on turbulent time correlations. This paper compares the two-point, two-time Eulerian velocity correlation in isotropic homogeneous turbulence evaluated by direct numerical simulation (DNS) with the correlations evaluated by LES using a standard spectral eddy viscosity. It proves convenient to express the two-point correlations in terms of spatial Fourier decomposition of the velocity field. The LES fields are more coherent than the DNS fields: their time correlations decay more slowly at all resolved scales of motion and both their integral scales and microscales are larger than those of the DNS field. Filtering alone is not responsible for this effect: in the Fourier representation, the time correlations of the filtered DNS field are identical to those of the DNS field itself. The possibility of modeling the decorrelating effects of the unresolved scales of motion by including a random force in the model is briefly discussed. The results could have applications to the problem of computing sound sources in isotropic homogeneous turbulence by LES


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Con el objetivo de contribuir a aumentar la productividad del cultivo de arroz (Oryza sativa L), mediante la selección de genotipos con alto potencial de rendimiento de grano, que tengan un comportamiento consistente en diferentes ambientes, se evaluaron seis lineas de arroz (Oryza sativa L.) y tres variedades comerciales, bajo el sistema de riego, en dos épocas de siembra, en Malacatoya. Se establecieron dos ensayos de campo, de pruebas avanzadas de rendimiento (PAR). Los experimentos fueron establecidos en terrenos de la hacienda "Las Lajas", municipio de Malacatoya, departamento de Granada, ubicada en los 12° 04' 40" latitud norte y 86° 01 '55" longitud oeste. El primer ensayo se sembró en la época de verano, estableciéndose en Febrero y cosechándose en Junio de 1998. El segundo ensayo se sembró en la época de invierno, estableciéndose en Agosto y cosechándose en Noviembre de 1998. Se utilizó el diseño experimental de Bloques Completos al Azar para analizar los ensayos individuales y el análisis de varianza combinado para analizar la interacción de los genotipos en dos épocas de siembra. Los resultados obtenidos de ambos ensayos evidencian que la línea CT-12249-IP-IP es una línea promisoria, ya que sus componentes de rendimiento son estables tanto en verano como en invierno, destacándose por sus características tales como: aceptabilidad fenotípica y peso de 1,000 semillas, en las cuales ocupó los primeros lugares. La línea CT-12249-1P-lP, es el genotipo que tiene el mejor comportamiento productivo, destacándose por presentar un rendimiento de grano de 5,083 kg/ha en verano, y 7,222 kg/ha en invierno. Asi mismo, la época de siembra tuvo gran influencia en el comportamiento de los genotipos evaluados, ya que en la siembra de invierno los tratamientos mostraron mayor altura, mayor rendimiento de grano y adelanto en los días a flor. En la siembra de invierno, en presencia de altas precipitaciones Y humedad relativa, se determinó una mayor incidencia de enfermedades fungosas, causados por Pyricularía y Helmintosporiosis. En ambos ensayos, todas las líneas evaluadas superaron al testigo Oryzica Llanos.


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The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of temperature on tribological properties of plasma-sprayed Al-Cu-Fe quasicrystal (QC) coating after laser re-melting treatment. The laser treatment resulted in a more uniform, denser and harder microstructure than that of the as-sprayed coatings. Tribological experiments on the coatings were conducted under reciprocating motion at high frequency in the temperature range from 25 to 650 degreesC. Remarkable influence of temperature on the friction behavior of the coating was recorded and analyzed. Microstructural analysis indicated that the wear mechanisms of the re-melted QC coatings changed from abrasive wear at room temperature, to adhesive wear at 400 degreesC and severe adhesive wear at 650 degreesC owing to the material transfer of the counterpart ball. It was also observed that the ratio of the icosahedral (i)-phase to beta-Al-50(Fe,CU)(50) phase in the coating was higher after test at 400 'C than that at 650 'C. The variation of the ratio UP of coating and of the property of the counterpart ball and coating with the temperature are the two main factors influencing the wear mechanisms and value of the friction coefficient.


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Sequential Monte Carlo methods, also known as particle methods, are a widely used set of computational tools for inference in non-linear non-Gaussian state-space models. In many applications it may be necessary to compute the sensitivity, or derivative, of the optimal filter with respect to the static parameters of the state-space model; for instance, in order to obtain maximum likelihood model parameters of interest, or to compute the optimal controller in an optimal control problem. In Poyiadjis et al. [2011] an original particle algorithm to compute the filter derivative was proposed and it was shown using numerical examples that the particle estimate was numerically stable in the sense that it did not deteriorate over time. In this paper we substantiate this claim with a detailed theoretical study. Lp bounds and a central limit theorem for this particle approximation of the filter derivative are presented. It is further shown that under mixing conditions these Lp bounds and the asymptotic variance characterized by the central limit theorem are uniformly bounded with respect to the time index. We demon- strate the performance predicted by theory with several numerical examples. We also use the particle approximation of the filter derivative to perform online maximum likelihood parameter estimation for a stochastic volatility model.


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Quequisque ( Xanthosoma spp . ) fue hasta el 2004 la especie más exportada entre raíces y tubérculos de Nicaragua. Las áreas comerciales y los rendimientos declinaron debido al Virus del mosaico del dasheen (DsMV) y mal seco ( Phytium myriotylum ) transmitidos a través del material de propagación. Los productores demandan semilla con calidad genética y fitosanitaria. Plantas obtenidas de callos pueden ser utilizadas en la producción de semilla, esto facilita el saneamiento y la propagación de las especies. Plantas regeneradas de callos de los cultivares Blanco (Bco), Chinandega (CH), Ticuantepe (TI), San Ramón (SR) y La Escalera (LE) se establecieron en Nueva Guinea, Zona 7 (Z7), Los Ángeles (LA) y Los Pintos (LP), en postrera del 2007 para evaluar la morfología, rendimiento y el potenci al de la producción de semilla. Se utiliz ó el diseño de bloques completos al azar, con tres bloques y 30 plantas por cultivar. Los cultivares obtuvieron rendimientos promedios de 6 - 9 t ha - 1 . Los mayores rendimientos se registraron en LP (10.18 t ha - 1 ) y L A (9.39 t ha - 1 ). SR, CH y LE registraron rendimientos significativamente superiores a la media nacional 7.2 t ha - 1 . El cultivar Bco disminuyó precozmente en la localidad Z7. La producción de yemas fue inferior a las reportadas por otros estudios con vitro plantas (21 yemas promedio). Los rendimientos obtenidos superan significativamente los reportados en cultivares propagados convencionalmente, pero menores que los obtenidos con plantas in vitro


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The application of large-eddy simulation (LES) to turbulent transport processes requires accurate prediction of the Lagrangian statistics of flow fields. However, in most existing SGS models, no explicit consideration is given to Lagrangian statistics. In this paper, we focus on the effects of SGS modeling on Lagrangian statistics in LES ranging from statistics determining single-particle dispersion to those of pair dispersion and multiparticle dispersion. Lagrangian statistics in homogeneous isotropic turbulence are extracted from direct numerical simulation (DNS) and the LES with a spectral eddy-viscosity model. For the case of longtime single-particle dispersion, it is shown that, compared to DNS, LES overpredicts the time scale of the Lagrangian velocity correlation but underpredicts the Lagrangian velocity fluctuation. These two effects tend to cancel one another leading to an accurate prediction of the longtime turbulent dispersion coefficient. Unlike the single-particle dispersion, LES tends to underestimate significantly the rate of relative dispersion of particle pairs and multiple-particles, when initial separation distances are less than the minimum resolved scale due to the lack of subgrid fluctuations. The overprediction of LES on the time scale of the Lagrangian velocity correlation is further confirmed by a theoretical analysis using a turbulence closure theory.


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According to the experimental results, there exist large-scale coherent structures in the outer region of a turbulent boundary layer, which have been studied by many authors.As experimental results, Antonia (1990) showed the phase- aver aged streamlines and isovorticity lines of the large-scale coherent structures in a turbulent boundary layer for different Reynolds numbers. Based on the hydrodynamic stability theory, the 2-D theoretical model for the large-scale structures was proposed by Luo and Zhou, in which the eddy viscosity was defined as a complex function of the position in the normal direction. The theoretical results showed in ref. were in agreement with those in ref. However, there were two problems in the results. One is that in the experimental results, there were divergent focuses between two saddle points in the streamlines, but in the theoretical results, there were centers. The other is that the stretched parts of the isovorticity lines appear at the location of centers in the theoretical results, while in the experimental results they located somewhere between the focuses and saddle points. The reason is that the computations were based on a 2-D model.


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Published as an article in: Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics & Econometrics, 2004, vol. 8, issue 1, pages 5.


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By applying for molecular dynamics (MD) simulation and Griffith fracture criterion, the brittle behavior of crack extension of mode I type is investigated. The critical stress intensity factor (SIF)K-Ic(MD) of crack extension is calculated, and the evolution of atoms near crack tip is observed. It is found that K-Ic(MD) is in good agreement with the Griffith ftacture criterion K-Ic(Griffith).