990 resultados para Kotkin, Joel: The City. A global history
Toxocara canis is very common in dogs throughout the world. It is the primary cause of visceral larva migrans (VLM) in humans. Soil contaminated with T. canis embryonated eggs is the main source of infection of man. Our objective was to describe Toxocara seroprevalence in humans in the city of La Plata associated with some determinants such asage, presence or absence of clinical manifestations and risk factors. Blood samples were collected at random from 156 patients of different sex and age, with and without clinical symptoms compatible with the disease. The diagnostic technique ELISA test was performed with the Bordier Affinity Products Commercial Kit, using excretory-secretory Toxocara antigen with a sensitivity higher than 90%. The values were positive in 39% of the studied population. In the analysis according to age, the younger group presented significant differences with respect to the older one (Chi-square p<0.05). Positive patients presented clinical symptoms compatible with the disease (84%), and 41% presented some risk factor. The level of positivity obtained indicates a certain risk of being infectes mainly in patients younger than 15 years old. The authors agree that an early identification and treatment of VLM may save a life.
We studied the stool samples of 151 school children in a district of the city of Portoviejo (Ecuador) in order to determine the prevalence and intensity of soil-transmitted helminthiasis (STH) and their relationships with anthropometric indices. The samples were analyzed with the semiquantitative Kato-Katz technique and the intensity of infections was categorized as light, moderate or high according to the thresholds set by the World Health Organization. Prevalence of soil transmitted helmintiasis was 65% (92 out of 141 collected samples), Ascaris lumbricoides was the most common STH (63%) followed by Trichuris trichiura (10%) and hookworm (1.4%). Heavy intensity infections were found in 8.5% of the stool samples, with T. trichiura showing higher worm burdens than A. lumbricoides. Sixteen percent of the children were below the third percentile for weight (wasted), while 27% were below the third percentile for height (stunted). A significant relationship was found between the worm burden and the degree of stunting. This study suggests that the periodic administration of an antihelminthic drug should be targeted to preschool and school children to allow a normal growth spurt and prevent stunting.
The consumption of bottled mineral water has significantly increased in Brazil so that it is in the interest of public health to determine the parasitological and microbiological status of some brands of Brazilian mineral water available in the town of Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil. For this purpose, detection of protozoa by direct immunofluorescence technique and microbiological parameters were determined for each specimen after membrane filtration. Giardia cysts were not present while cryptosporidial oocysts were detected in two samples. The counts of protozoa varied from 0.2 to 0.5 oocysts/l. The detected level of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and heterotrophic bacteria reflected the level of organic enrichment of the water.
The presence of Lutzomyia (Helcocyrtomyia) hartmanni, as a vector of Leishmania colombiensis and L. columbiana (Verrucarum group), recently incriminated in the transmission of leishmaniasis, and L. pia (Verrucarum group) are reported for the first time in a periurban area of MedellÃn city. There is thus a risk of leishmaniasis transmission in this town.
Although once associated only with rural areas, the American leishmaniasis vectors now appear to be associated also with urban and suburban areas of the Neotropics. Following the appearance of the first autochthonous visceral and cutaneous leishmaniasis cases in the urban area of the city of Sincelejo, Colombia, a preliminary entomological survey of the sand fly species composition was performed using Shannon and CDC light traps. A total of 486 sand flies representing six Lutzomyia species were collected. L. evansi, L. panamensis and L. gomezi, known vectors of Leishmania spp. were the predominant sand fly species around dwellings. The finding of these species in relation to the appearance of the first cases of leishmaniasis in the city mentioned is discussed.
SummaryGene duplication and neofunctidnalization are important processes in the evolution of phenotypic complexity. They account for important evolutionary novelties that confer ecological adaptation, such as the major histocompatibility complex (MHC), a multigene family with a central role in vertebrates' adaptive immune system. Multigene families, which evolved in large part through duplication, represent promising systems to study the still strongly depbated relative roles of neutral and adaptive processes in the evolution of phenotypic complexity. Detailed knowledge on ecological function and a well-characterized evolutionary history place the mammals' MHC amongst ideal study systems. However mammalian MHCs usually encompass several million base pairs and hold a large number of functional and non-functional duplicate genes, which makes their study complex. Avian MHCs on the other hand are usually way more compact, but the reconstruction of. their evolutionary history has proven notoriously difficult. However, no focused attempt has been undertaken so far to study the avian MHC evolutionary history in a broad phylogenetic context and using adequate gene regions.In the present PhD, we were able to make important contributions to the understanding of the long-term evolution of the avian MHC class II Β (MHCI1B). First, we isolated and characterized MHCIIB genes in barn owl (Tyto alba?, Strigiformes, Tytonidae), a species from an avian lineage in which MHC has not been studied so far. Our results revealed that with only two functional MHCIIB genes the MHC organization of barn owl may be similar to the 'minimal essential' MHC of chicken (Gallus gallus), indicating that simple MHC organization may be ancestral to birds. Taking advantage of the sequence information from barn owl, we studied the evolution of MHCIIB genes in 13 additional species of 'typical' owls (Strigiformes, Strigidae). Phylogenetic analyses revealed that according to their function, in owls the peptide-binding region (PBR) encoding exon 2 and the non-PBR encoding exon 3 evolve by different patterns. Exon 2 exhibited an evolutionary history of positive selection and recombination, while exon 3 traced duplication history and revealed two paralogs evolving divergently from each other in owls, and in a shorebird, the great snipe {Gallinago media). The results from exon 3 were the first ever from birds to demonstrate gene orthology in species that diverged tens of millions of years ago, and strongly questioned whether the taxa studied before provided an adequate picture of avian MHC evolution. In a follow-up study, we aimed at explaining a striking pattern revealed by phylogenetic trees analyzing the owl sequences along with MHCIIB sequences from other birds: One owl paralog (termed DAB1) grouped with sequences of passerines and falcons, while the other (DAB2) grouped with wildfowl, penguins and birds of prey. This could be explained by either a duplication event preceding the evolution of these bird orders, or by convergent evolution of similar sequences in a number of orders. With extensive phylogenetic analyses we were able to show, that indeed a duplication event preceeded the major avian radiation -100 my ago, and that following this duplication, the paralogs evolved under positive selection. Furthermore, we showed that the divergently evolving amino acid residues in the MHCIIB-encoded β-chain potentially interact with the MHCI I α-chain, and that molecular coevolution of the interacting residues may have been involved in the divergent evolution of the MHCIIB paralogs.The findings of this PhD are of particular interest to the understanding of the evolutionary history of the avian MHC and, by providing essential information on long-term gene history in the avian MHC, open promising perspectives for advances in the understanding of the evolution of multigene families in general, and for avian MHC organization in particular. Amongst others I discuss the importance of including protein structure in the phylogenetic study of multigene families, and the roles of ecological versus molecular selection pressures. I conclude by providing a population genomic perspective on avian MHC, which may serve as a basis for future research to investigate the relative roles of neutral processes involving effective population size effects and of adaptation in the evolution of avian MHC diversity and organization.RésuméLa duplication de gènes et leur néo-fonctionnalisation sont des processus importants dans l'évolution de la complexité phénotypique. Ils sont impliqués dans l'apparition d'importantes nouveautés évolutives favorisant l'adaptation écologique, comme c'est le cas pour le complexe majeur d'histocompatibilité <CMH), une famille de gènes jouant un rôle central dans le système immunitaire adaptatif des vertébrés. Les familles multigéniques représentent des systèmes prometteurs pour l'étude controversée des rôles relatifs des processus neutres et adaptatifs dans l'évolution de la complexité phénotypique. La connaissance détaillée de sa fonction écologique, ainsi que de son histoire évolutive, placent le CMH des mammifères parmi les candidats idéaux. Toutefois, les CMHs des mammifères comprennent habituellement plusieurs millions de paires de bases et sont formés par un grand nombre de gènes dupliqués, fonctionnels et non-fonctionnels, ce qui rend leur étude complexe. Au contraire, les CMHs des oiseaux sont généralement plus compacts, mais la reconstruction de leur histoire évolutive s'est révélée difficile. Aucune analyse spécifique n'a cependant été entreprise jusqu'à présent pour étudier l'histoire évolutive du CMH aviaire dans un large contexte phylogénétique et en utilisant des régions géniques adéquates.Ce travail de thèse a contribué à la compréhension de l'évolution à long-terme du CMH aviaire classe II Β (CMH II Β). Nous avons isolé et caractérisé les gènes CMH I IB de la chouette effraie (Tyto alba; Strigiformes, Tytonidae), une espèce appartenant à une lignée aviaire dont le CMH n'avait pas été étudié jusqu'ici. Avec uniquement deux gènes CMHIIB fonctionnels, l'organisation CMH de la chouette effraie semble être comparable à celle "minimale" du poulet (Gallus gallus), ce qui suggère qu'une organisation simple du CMH pourrait être ancestrale chez les oiseaux. En se basant sur l'information obtenue pour cette espèce, nous avons ensuite étudié l'évolution des gènes CMHIIB chez 13 espèces de chouettes "typiques" (Strigiformes, Strigidae). Les analyses phylogénétiques ont révélé que chez les chouettes, selon leur fonction, l'exon 2 codant pour la 'peptide-binding region' (PBR) et l'exon 3 ne codant pas pour la région PBR évoluent de manière distincte. L'exon 2 montre une histoire évolutive de sélection positive et recombinaison, tandis que l'exon 3 retrace l'histoire de duplication et révèle deux paralogues évoluant de façon divergente chez les chouettes, ainsi que chez un limicole, la bécassine double (Gallinago media). Les résultats découlant de l'analyse de l'exon 3 ont montré pour la première fois chez les oiseaux une orthologie de gènes chez des espèces ayant divergé il y a des dizaines de millions d'années. Dans une deuxième étude, nous avons voulu expliquer le pattern surprenant révélé par les arbres phylogénétiques lorsque les séquences CMHIIB des chouettes sont analysées avec les séquences d'autres oiseaux: un paralogue de chouette (appelé DABI) forme un groupe avec les séquences de passereaux et faucons, tandis que l'autre (DAB2) se regroupe avec les gallo-ansériformes, les manchots et les rapaces diurnes. Ceci pourrait être expliqué soit par une duplication qui a précédé l'évolution de ces ordres aviaires soit par évolution convergente dans un certain nombre d'ordres. Grâce à des analyses phylogénétiques approfondies, nous avons pu montrer qu'un événement de duplication a effectivement précédé la radiation aviaire principale d'il y a environ 100 millions d'années, et qu'après cette duplication les paralogues ont évolué sous sélection positive. De plus, les résidus d'acides aminés évoluant de façon divergente dans la chaîne β codée par le CMHIIB interagissent potentiellement avec la chaîne α codée par le CMHII, et que la coévolution moléculaire de ces résidus pourrait être à la base de l'évolution divergente des paralogues CMHIIB.Dans cette thèse sont discutés entre autres l'importance d'inclure la structure des protéines dans l'étude phylogénétique des familles multigéniques, ainsi que les rôles respectifs des pressions sélectives écologique et moléculaire. La conclusion comporte une perspective sur la génomique des populations du CMH aviaire, qui pourrait servir de base pour de futures recherches sur les rôles relatifs joués par ÃŽes processus neutres comprenant les effets de la taille efficace des populations et l'adaptation dans l'évolution de la diversité et l'organisation du MHC aviaire.
The oxalate-carbonate pathway (OCP) is a biogeochemical process, which has been described in Milicia excelsa tree ecosystems of Africa. This pathway involves biological and geological parameters at different scales: oxalate, as a by-product of photosynthesis, is oxidized by oxalotrophic bacteria leading to a local pH increase, and eventually to carbonate accumulation through time in previously acidic and carbonate-free tropical soils. Former studies have shown that this pedogenic process can potentially lead to the formation of an atmospheric carbon sink. Considering that 80% of plant species are known to produce oxalate, it is reasonable to assume that M. excelsa is not the only tree that can support OCP ecosystems. The search for similar conditions on another continent led us to South America, in an Amazon forest ecosystem (Alto Beni, Bolivia). This area was chosen because of the absence of local inherited carbonate in the bedrock, as well as its expected acidic soil conditions. Eleven tree species and associated soils were tested positive for the presence of carbonate with a more alkaline soil pH close to the tree than at a distance from it. A detailed study of Pentaplaris davidsmithii and Ceiba speciosa trees showed that oxalotrophy impacted soil pH in a similar way to at African sites (at least with 1 pH unit increasing). African and South American sites display similar characteristics regarding the mineralogical assemblage associated with the OCP, except for the absence of weddellite. The amount of carbonate accumulated is 3 to 4 times lower than the values measured in African sites related to M. excelsa ecosystems. Still, these secondary carbonates remain critical for the continental carbon cycle, as they are unexpected in the acidic context of Amazonian soils. Therefore, the present study demonstrates the existence of an active OCP in South America. The three critical components of an operating OCP are the presence of: i) local alkalinization, ii) carbonate accumulations, and iii) oxalotrophic bacteria, which were identified associated to the oxalogenic tree C. speciosa. If the question of a potential carbon sink related to oxalotrophic-oxalogenic ecosystems in the Amazon Basin is still pending, this study highlights the implication of OCP ecosystems on carbon and calcium biogeochemical coupled cycles. As previously mentioned for M. excelsa tree ecosystems in Africa, carbonate accumulations observed in the Bolivian tropical forest could be extrapolated to part or the whole Amazon Basin and might constitute an important reservoir that must be taken into account in the global carbon balance of the Tropics.
Precipitin tests were performed on blood meals of 199 sand flies (161 Lutzomyia umbratilis, 34 L. spathotrichia, two Lutzomyia of group shannoni, one L. anduzei) in a non-flooded upland forest on the Campus of the Universidade Federal do Amazonas. This is the second largest forest fragment in an urban setting in Brazil. Results on L. umbratilis, which is considered to be the principal leishmaniasis vector in this region, indicated rodents as its predominant blood source in contrast to previous reports in which blood meal analysis indicated that this species fed principally on Xenarthra (particularly sloths)
Infections by Cryptococcus strains other than C. neoformans have been detected in immunocompromised patients. Of these strains, three are considered human pathogens: C. albidus, C. laurenttii, and C. uniguttulatus. This study deals with the in vitro susceptibility of Cryptococcus to drugs such as amphotericin B, itraconazole, fluconazole, and 5-fluorocytosine. Environmental Cryptococcus isolates (50) distributed as follows: C. neoformans var. neoformans (16), C. albidus (17), C. laurentii (14), and C. uniguttulatus (3) were evaluated by the micro and macrodilution techniques, according to EUCAST and NCCLS recommendations, respectively. Considering both methodologies the respective minimal inhibitory concentrations (MIC) were 0.125 and 2 µg/ml for amphotericin B, 0.06 and 8 µg/ml for itraconazole, and 0.5 and more than 64 µg/ml for fluconazole and 5-fluorocytosine. Agreement percentages for the two methodologies were 100% for amphotericin B and fluconazole for all the strains tested. For itraconazole, the agreement percentage was 81.3% in the C. neoformans strain and 100% for all the others. All species had a agreement percentage of 94.1 to 100% when susceptibility to 5-fluorocytosine was tested. It is concluded that environmental isolates of C. neoformans var. neoformans, C. albidus, C. laurentii, and C. uniguttulatus may show high MICs against certain drugs, suggesting in vitro primary resistance to the antifungals tested.
Despite highly active anti-retroviral therapy, cryptococcal meningoencephalitis is the second most prevalent neurological disease in Brazilian AIDS patients, being frequently a defining condition with several episodes. As knowledge of Cryptococcus neoformans isolates in the same episode is critical for understanding why some patients develop several episodes, we investigated the genotype characteristics of C. neoformans isolates in two different situations. By pulsed field gel electrophoresis and random amplifield polymorphic DNA analysis, 54 isolates from 12 patients with AIDS and cryptococcosis were analyzed. Group 1 comprised 39 isolates from nine patients with a single episode and hospitalization. Group 2 comprised 15 isolates from three patients with two episodes and hospitalizations. Except for three patients from group 1 probably infected with a single C. neoformans isolate, the other nine patients probably were infected with multiple isolates selected in different collection periods, or the infecting isolate might have underwent mutation to adapt and survive the host immune system and/or the antifungal therapy. However, the three patients from group 2 presented genetic diversity among isolates collected in both hospitalizations, possibly having hosted the initial isolate in both periods. These data, emphasize that Cryptococcus diversity in infection can contribute to strategies of treatment and prevention of cryptococcosis.
Smarthistory.org is a proven, sustainable model for open educational resources in the Humanities. We discuss lessons learned during its agile development. Smarthistory.org is a free, creative-commons licensed, multi-media web-book designed as a dynamic enhancement or substitute for the traditional art history textbook. It uses conversation instead of the impersonal voice of the typical textbook in-order to reveal disagreement, emotion, and the experience of looking. The listener remains engaged with both the content and the interaction of the speakers. These conversations model close looking and a willingness to encounter and engage the unfamiliar. Smarthistory takes the inherent dialogic and multimedia nature of the web and uses it as a pedagogical method. This extendable Humanities framework uses an open-source content management system making Smarthistory inexpensive to create, and easy to manage and update. Its chronological timeline/chapter-based format integrates new contributions into a single historical framework, a structure applicable across the Humanities.
To understand the transmission of a vector-borne disease, knowledge of the magnitude of dispersal among vector populations is essential because of its influence on pathogen transfer. The principal vector of dengue, the most common arboviral disease in the world, is the mosquito Aedes aegypti (L.). This tropical and subtropical species is native to Africa but has dispersed worldwide since the XV century. In Argentina, the species was declared eradicated in 1963, but has reinfested the country in recent years. In the present work, we used RAPD-PCR markers to assess the levels of genetic variability and differentiation among populations of Ae. aegypti (the vector of dengue and yellow fever) in Córdoba, the second largest city in Argentina. We detected similar levels of genetic variability (He between 0.351-0.404) across samples and significant genetic differentiation between most population pairs within the city (F ST between 0.0013-0.0253). Genetic distances indicate that there are three distinct groups, formed predominantly by populations that are connected by, or near, main roads. This suggests that, in addition to other factors such as availability of oviposition sites or step-by-step migration, passive transport plays an important role in gene flow within the city.