950 resultados para KINASE-C


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The mammalian phosphatidylinositol/phosphatidylcholine transfer proteins (PI-TPs) catalyze exchange of phosphatidylinositol (PI) or phosphatidylcholine (PC) between membrane bilayers in vitro. We find that Ser-25, Thr-59, Pro-78, and Glu-248 make up a set of rat (r) PI-TP residues, substitution of which effected a dramatic reduction in the relative specific activity for PI transfer activity without significant effect on PC transfer activity. Thr-59 was of particular interest as it is a conserved residue in a highly conserved consensus protein kinase C phosphorylation motif in metazoan PI-TPs. Replacement of Thr-59 with Ser, Gln, Val, Ile, Asn, Asp, or Glu effectively abolished PI transfer capability but was essentially silent with respect to PC transfer activity. These findings identify rPI-TP residues that likely cooperate to form a PI head-group binding/recognition site or that lie adjacent to such a site. Finally, the selective sensitivity of the PI transfer activity of rPI-TP to alteration of Thr-59 suggests a mechanism for in vivo regulation of rPI-TP activity.


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Triggering of the Fas/APO-1 cell-surface receptor induces apoptosis through an uncharacterized chain of events. Exposure of Fas-sensitive cells to an agonist monoclonal antibody induced cell death and a 200-300% elevation in endogenous levels of the sphingolipid ceramide, a proposed intracellular mediator of apoptosis. In contrast, similar treatment of Fas-resistant cells caused insignificant changes in ceramide levels. Because resistant cell lines expressed the Fas antigen, these results indicate that these cells have a defect in the proximal signaling events leading to ceramide generation. Exposure of the resistant cell lines to a synthetic analog of ceramide induced apoptosis, thus bypassing Fas resistance and indicating that the signaling pathways downstream of ceramide were intact. Furthermore, activation of protein kinase C with the diacylglycerol analog phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate significantly reduced Fas-induced cytotoxicity, suggesting opposing roles for ceramide and protein kinase C in regulation of apoptosis. These results provide evidence for ceramide as a necessary and sufficient lipid mediator of Fas-mediated apoptosis and suggest this process may be modulated via activation of additional signal-transduction pathways.


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Stimulation of muscarinic m1 or m3 receptors can, by generating diacylglycerol and activating protein kinase C, accelerate the breakdown of the amyloid precursor protein (APP) to form soluble, nonamyloidogenic derivatives (APPs), as previously shown. This relationship has been demonstrated in human glioma and neuroblastoma cells, as well as in transfected human embryonic kidney 293 cells and PC-12 cells. We now provide evidence that stimulation of metabotropic glutamate receptors (mGluRs), which also are coupled to phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate hydrolysis, similarly accelerates processing of APP into nonamyloidogenic APPs. This process is demonstrated both in hippocampal neurons derived from fetal rats and in human embryonic kidney 293 cells transfected with cDNA expression constructs encoding the mGluR 1 alpha subtype. In hippocampal neurons, both an mGluR antagonist, L-(+)-2-amino-3-phosphonopropionic acid, and an inhibitor of protein kinase C, GF 109203X, blocked the APPs release evoked by glutamate receptor stimulation. Ionotropic glutamate agonists, N-methyl-D-aspartate or S(-)-5-fluorowillardiine, failed to affect APPs release. These data show that selective mGluR agonists that initiate signal-transduction events can regulate APP processing in bona fide primary neurons and transfected cells. As glutamatergic neurons in the cortex and hippocampus are damaged in Alzheimer disease, amyloid production in these regions may be enhanced by deficits in glutamatergic neurotransmission.


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Albeit anthracyclines are widely used in the treatment of solid tumors and leukemias, their mechanism of action has not been elucidated. The present study gives relevant information about the role of nonlamellar membrane structures in signaling pathways, which could explain how anthracyclines can exert their cytocidal action without entering the cell [Tritton, T. R. & Yee, G. (1982) Science 217, 248-250]. The anthracycline daunomycin reduced the formation of the nonlamellar hexagonal (HII) phase (i.e., the hexagonal phase propensity), stabilizing the bilayer structure of the plasma membrane by a direct interaction with membrane phospholipids. As a consequence, various cellular events involved in signal transduction, such as membrane fusion and membrane association of peripheral proteins [e.g., guanine nucleotide-binding regulatory proteins (G proteins and protein kinase C-alpha beta)], where nonlamellar structures (negative intrinsic monolayer curvature strain) are required, were altered by the presence of daunomycin. Functionally, daunomycin also impaired the expression of the high-affinity state of a G protein-coupled receptor (ternary complex for the alpha 2-adrenergic receptor) due to G-protein dissociation from the plasma membrane. In vivo, daunomycin also decreased the levels of membrane-associated G proteins and protein kinase C-alpha beta in the heart. The occurrence of such nonlamellar structures favors the association of these peripheral proteins with the plasma membrane and prevents daunomycin-induced dissociation. These results reveal an important role of the lipid component of the cell membrane in signal transduction and its alteration by anthracyclines.


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Opossum kidney OKP cells express an apical membrane Na+/H+ antiporter that is encoded by NHE-3 (for Na+/H+ exchanger 3) and is similar in many respects to the renal proximal tubule apical membrane Na+/H+ antiporter. Chronic incubation of OKP cells in acid medium for 24 hr increases Na+/H(+)-antiporter activity and NHE-3 mRNA abundance. The increase in Na+/H(+)-antiporter activity was not prevented by H7, a protein kinase C/protein kinase A inhibitor, but was prevented by herbimycin A, a tyrosine kinase inhibitor. Incubation of cells in acid medium increased c-src activity, and this was inhibited by herbimycin A. To determine the role of the src family of nonreceptor protein-tyrosine kinases, Csk (for carboxyl-terminal src kinase), a physiologic inhibitor of these kinases, was overexpressed in OKP cells. In three clones overexpressing csk, acid-induced increases in Na+/H(+)-antiporter activity and NHE-3 mRNA abundance were inhibited. In these clones, inhibition of acid activation of Na+/H(+)-antiporter activity paralleled inhibition of acid activation of c-src. Neither herbimycin A nor overexpression of csk inhibited dexamethasone-induced increases in Na+/H(+)-antiporter activity. These studies show that decreases in pH activate c-src and that the src family nonreceptor protein-tyrosine kinases play a key role in acid activation of NHE-3.


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Sphingosylphosphocholine (SPC) is the deacylated derivative of sphingomyelin known to accumulate in neuropathic Niemann-Pick disease type A. SPC is a potent mitogen that increases intracellular free Ca2+ and free arachidonate through pathways that are only partly protein kinase C-dependent. Here we show that SPC increased specific DNA-binding activity of transcription activator AP-1 in electrophoretic mobility-shift assays. Increased DNA-binding activity of AP-1 was detected after only 1-3 min, was maximal after 6 hr, and remained elevated at 12-24 hr. c-Fos was found to be a component of the AP-1 complex. Northern hybridization revealed an increase in c-fos transcripts after 30 min. Since the increase in AP-1 binding activity preceded the increase in c-fos mRNA, posttranslational modifications may be important in mediating the early SPC-induced increases in AP-1 DNA-binding activity. Western analysis detected increases in nuclear c-Jun and c-Fos proteins following SPC treatment. SPC also transactivated a reporter gene construct through the AP-1 recognition site, indicating that SPC can regulate the expression of target genes. Thus, SPC-induced cell proliferation may result from activation of AP-1, linking signal transduction by SPC to gene expression. Since the expression of many proteins with diverse functions is known to be regulated by AP-1, SPC-induced activation of AP-1 may contribute to the pathophysiology of Niemann-Pick disease.


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A plethora of extracellular signals is known to induce a common set of immediate early genes. The immediate early response, therefore, must not be sufficient to determine the biological outcome. An example of this is found with the phorbol ester 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol 13-acetate (TPA). A potent activator of protein kinase C, TPA can either stimulate or inhibit cell proliferation, depending on the cell type. This cell context-dependent response to TPA is observed with two subclones of NIH 3T3 cells, the P- and the N-3T3 clones. TPA is a mitogen for the P-3T3 but an antimitogen for the N-3T3 cells. The immediate early pathway is activated by TPA in both cell types, indicating that this pathway alone does not activate DNA synthesis. The delayed induction of cyclin D1 expression by TPA is observed only in the P-3T3 cells, correlating with mitogenesis. N-Acetylcysteine does not affect the immediate early pathway but can inhibit the TPA-mediated induction of cyclin D1 and DNA synthesis. In the N-3T3 cells, TPA causes an inhibition of the cyclin E-associated kinase at the G1/S transition, correlating with growth inhibition. The growth-inhibitory activity of TPA is not affected by N-acetylcysteine. Thus, the two TPA-regulated G1 pathways can be distinguished by their sensitivity to N-acetylcysteine. These results demonstrate that TPA can activate alternative G1 pathways. Moreover, the selection of the alternative G1 pathways is determined by the cell context, which, in turn, dictates the biological response to TPA.


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Complexed with its intracellular receptor, FKBP12, the natural product rapamycin inhibits G1 progression of the cell cycle in a variety of mammalian cell lines and in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisae. Previously, a mammalian protein that directly associates with FKBP12-rapamycin has been identified and its encoding gene has been cloned from both human (designated FRAP) [Brown, E.J., Albers, M.W., Shin, T.B., Ichikawa, K., Keith, C.T., Lane, W.S. & Schreiber, S.L. (1994) Nature (London) 369, 756-758] and rat (designated RAFT) [Sabatini, D.M., Erdjument-Bromage, H., Lui, M., Tempst, P. & Snyder, S.H. (1994) Cell 78, 35-43]. The full-length FRAP is a 289-kDa protein containing a putative phosphatidylinositol kinase domain. Using an in vitro transcription/translation assay method coupled with proteolysis studies, we have identified an 11-kDa FKBP12-rapamycin-binding domain within FRAP. This minimal binding domain lies N-terminal to the kinase domain and spans residues 2025-2114. In addition, we have carried out mutagenesis studies to investigate the role of Ser2035, a potential phosphorylation site for protein kinase C within this domain. We now show that the FRAP Ser2035-->Ala mutant displays similar binding affinity when compared with the wild-type protein, whereas all other mutations at this site, including mimics of phosphoserine, abolish binding, presumably due to either unfavorable steric interactions or induced conformational changes.


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PC12 cells habituate during repetitive stimulation with acetylcholine, bradykinin, or high potassium. Interspersing these stimulants did not affect the rate of habituation of the others, but it could modulate the amplitude of the norepinephrine secretion each could achieve. Stimulation with acetylcholine inhibited norepinephrine secretion caused by high potassium and bradykinin stimulation, while high potassium had no effect on acetylcholine or bradykinin, and bradykinin increased secretion caused by acetylcholine. Changes in norepinephrine secretion resulting from any of these stimulants correlated with changes in internal calcium levels. Cyclic AMP-, protein kinase C-, and calmodulin-dependent second messenger pathways all modulated norepinephrine secretion caused by acetylcholine and high potassium and showed a distinct hierarchy in their effectiveness. These data demonstrate that different receptor pathways can change the norepinephrine response of one another while not changing the levels of the molecules responsible for habituation.


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Purpose. Postnatal exposure to hyperoxia destroys the plexiform layers of the neonatal rat retina, resulting in significant electroretinographic anomalies. The purpose of this study was to identify the mechanisms at the origin of this loss. Methods. Sprague-Dawley (SD) and Long Evans (LE) rats were exposed to hyperoxia from birth to postnatal day (P) 6 or P14 and from P6 to P14, after which rats were euthanatized at P6, P14, or P60. Results. At P60, synaptophysin staining confirmed the lack of functional synaptic terminals in SD (outer plexiform layer [OPL]) and LE (OPL and inner plexiform layer [IPL]) rats. Uneven staining of ON-bipolar cell terminals with mGluR6 suggests that their loss could play a role in OPL thinning. Protein kinase C(PKC)-α and recoverin (rod and cone ON-bipolar cells, respectively) showed a lack of dendritic terminals in the OPL with disorganized axonal projections in the IPL. Although photoreceptor nuclei appeared intact, a decrease in bassoon staining (synaptic ribbon terminals) suggests limited communication to the inner retina. Findings were significantly more pronounced in LE rats. An increase in TUNEL-positive cells was observed in LE (inner nuclear layer [INL] and outer nuclear layer [ONL]) and SD (INL) rats after P0 to P14 exposure (425.3%, 102.2%, and 146.3% greater than control, respectively [P < 0.05]). Conclusions. Results suggest that cell death and synaptic retraction are at the root of OPL thinning. Increased TUNEL-positive cells in the INL confirm that cells die, at least in part, because of apoptosis. These findings propose a previously undescribed mechanism of cell death and synaptic retraction that are likely at the origin of the functional consequences of hyperoxia.


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The purpose of this study was to characterize organ culture of human neuroretina and to establish survival and early degeneration patterns of neural and glial cells. Sixteen neuroretina explants were prepared from 2 postmortem eyes of 2 individuals. Four explants were used as fresh retina controls, and 12 were evaluated at 3, 6, and 9 days of culture. Neuroretina explants (5 × 5 mm) were cultured in Transwell® dishes with the photoreceptor layer facing the supporting membrane. Culture medium (Neurobasal A-based) was maintained in contact with the membrane beneath the explant. Cryostat and ultrathin sections were prepared for immunohistochemistry and electron microscopy. Neuroretinal modifications were evaluated after toluidine blue staining and after immunostaining for neuronal and glial cell markers. Ultrastructural changes were analyzed by electron microscopy. From 0 to 9 days in culture, there was progressive retinal degeneration, including early pyknosis of photoreceptor nuclei, cellular vacuolization in the ganglion cell layer, decrease of both plexiform layer thicknesses, disruption and truncation of photoreceptor outer segments (OS), and marked reduction in the number of nuclei at both nuclear layers where the cells were less densely packed. At 3 days there was swelling of cone OS with impairment of pedicles, loss of axons and dendrites of horizontal and rod bipolar cells that stained for calbindin (CB) and protein kinase C (PKC-α), respectively. After 9 days, horizontal cells were pyknotic and without terminal tips. There were similar degenerative processes in the outer plexiform layer for rod bipolar cells and loss of axon terminal lateral varicosities in the inner plexiform layer. Glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) staining did not reveal a dramatic increase of gliosis in Müller cells. However, some Müller cells were CB immunoreactive at 6 days of culture. Over 9 days of culture, human neuroretina explants underwent morphological changes in photoreceptors, particularly the OS and axon terminals, and in postsynaptic horizontal and bipolar cells. These early changes, not previously described in cultured human samples, reproduce some celullar modifications after retinal damage. Thus, this model may be suitable to evaluate therapeutic agents during retinal degeneration processes.


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L'activité électrique du coeur est initiée par la génération spontanée de potentiels d'action venant des cellules pacemaker du noeud sinusal (SN). Toute dysfonction au niveau de cette région entraîne une instabilité électrique du coeur. La majorité des patients souffrant d'un noeud sinusal déficient nécessitent l'implantation chirurgicale d'un pacemaker électronique; cependant, les limitations de cette approche incitent à la recherche d'une alternative thérapeutique. La base moléculaire des courants ioniques jouant un rôle crucial dans l'activité du noeud sinusal sont de plus en plus connues. Une composante importante de l'activité des cellules pacemakers semble être le canal HCN, responsable du courant pacemaker If. Le facteur T-box 3 (Tbx3), un facteur de transcription conservé durant le processus de l'évolution, est nécessaire au développement du système de conduction cardiaque. De précédentes études ont démontré que dans différentes lignées cellulaires le Phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA) active l'expression du gène codant Tbx3 via des réactions en cascade partant de la protéine kinase C (PKC). L'objectif principal de cette étude est de tester si le PMA peut augmenter la fréquence et la synchronisation de l'activité spontanée du pacemaker biologique en culture. Plus précisément, nous avons étudié les effets de l'exposition chronique au PMA sur l'expression du facteur de transcription Tbx3, sur HCN4 et l'activité spontanée chez des monocouches de culture de myocytes ventriculaires de rats néonataux (MVRN). Nos résultats démontrent que le PMA augmente significativement le facteur transcription de Tbx3 et l'expression ARNm de HCN4, favorisant ainsi l'augmentation du rythme et de la stabilité de l'activité autonome. De plus, une diminution significative de la vitesse de conduction a été relevée et est attribuée à la diminution du couplage intercellulaire. La diminution de la vitesse de conduction pourrait expliquer l'effet négatif du PMA sur la synchronisation de l'activité autonome du pacemaker biologique. Ces résultats ont été confirmés par un modèle mathématique multicellulaire suggérant que des fréquences et résistances intercellulaires plus élevée pourraient induire une activité plus stable et moins synchrone. Cette étude amène de nouvelles connaissances très importantes destinées à la production d'un pacemaker biologique efficient et robuste.


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L’insuffisance cardiaque (IC) est associée à un taux de mortalité et d’hospitalisations élevé causant un fardeau économique important. Les deux causes majeures de décès de l’IC sont les arythmies ventriculaires létales et les sidérations myocardiques. Il est maintenant reconnu que l’angiotensine II (ANGII) est l'un des principaux médiateurs de l’IC. Ses effets délétères découlent de l’activation du récepteur de type 1 de l’ANGII (AT1) et entraînent le développement d’hypertrophie. Toutefois, son rôle dans la genèse d’arythmies demeure incompris. De ce fait, l'étude des mécanismes électriques et contractiles sous-jacents aux effets pathologiques de l’ANGII s’avère essentielle afin de mieux comprendre et soigner cette pathologie. Il est souvent perçu que les femmes sont protégées envers les maladies cardiovasculaires. Cependant, le nombre total de femmes décédant d’IC est plus grand que le nombre d’hommes. Également, l’impact des facteurs de risque diffère entre chaque sexe. Ces différences existent, mais les mécanismes sous-jacents sont encore peu connus. De plus, les femmes reçoivent fréquemment un diagnostic ou un traitement inapproprié en raison d’un manque d’information sur les différences entre les sexes dans la manifestation d’une pathologie. Ce manque de données peut découler du fait que les sujets de sexe féminin sont souvent sous-représentés dans les essais cliniques ou la recherche fondamentale ce qui a grandement limité l’avancement de nos connaissances sur ~50 % de la population. Ainsi, il semble plus que nécessaire d’approfondir notre compréhension des différences entre les sexes, notamment dans la progression de l’IC. L’utilisation d’un modèle de souris transgénique surexprimant le récepteur AT1 (souris AT1R) a permis d’étudier les changements électriques, structurels et contractiles avant et après le développement d’hypertrophie. Premièrement, chez les souris AT1R mâles, un ralentissement de la conduction ventriculaire a été observé indépendamment de l’hypertrophie. Ce résultat était expliqué par une réduction de la densité du courant Na+, mais pas de l’expression du canal. Ensuite, le rôle des protéines kinases C (PKC) dans la régulation du canal Na+ par l’ANGII a été exploré. Les évidences ont suggéré que la PKCα était responsable de la modulation de la diminution du courant Na+ chez les souris AT1R mâles et dans les cardiomyocytes humains dérivés de cellules souches induites pluripotentes (hiPSC-CM) en réponse à un traitement chronique à l’ANGII. Ensuite, les différences entre les sexes ont été comparées chez la souris AT1R. Une plus grande mortalité a été constatée chez les femelles AT1R suggérant qu’elles sont plus sensibles à la surexpression de AT1R. Le remodelage électrique ventriculaire a donc été comparé entre les souris AT1R des deux sexes. Les courants ioniques étaient altérés de façon similaire entre les sexes excluant ainsi leur implication dans la mortalité plus élevée chez les femelles. Ensuite, l’homéostasie calcique et la fonction cardiaque ont été étudiées. Il a été démontré que les femelles développaient une hypertrophie et une dilatation ventriculaire plus sévère que les mâles. De plus, les femelles AT1R avaient de petits transitoires calciques, une extrusion du Ca2+ plus lente ainsi qu’une augmentation de la fréquence des étincelles Ca2+ pouvant participer à des troubles contractiles et à la venue de post-dépolarisations précoces. En conclusion, l’ANGII est impliquée dans le remodelage électrique, structurel et calcique associé à l'émergence de l’IC. De surcroît, ces altérations affectent plus sévèrement les femelles soulignant la présence de différences entre les sexes dans le développement de l’IC.


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Pyrithiamine-induced thiamine deficiency (TD) is a well-established model of Wernicke's encephalopathy in which a glutamate-mediated excitotoxic mechanism may play an important role in determining selective vulnerability. In order to examine this possibility, cultured astrocytes were exposed to TD and effects on glutamate transport and metabolic function were studied. TD led to decreases in cellular levels of thiamine and thiamine diphosphate (TDP) after 24 h of treatment and decreased activities of the TDP-dependent enzymes alpha-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase and transketolase after 4 and 7 days, respectively. TD treatment for 10 days led to a reversible decrease in the uptake of [H-3]-D-aspartate, a nonmetabolizable analogue of glutamate. Kinetic analysis revealed that the uptake inhibition was caused by a 47% decrease in the V-max for uptake of [H-3]-D-aspartate, with no change in the K-m value. Immunoblotting showed that this decrease in uptake was due to an 81% downregulation of the astrocyte-specific GLAST glutamate transporter. Loss of uptake activity and GLAST protein were blocked by treatment with the protein kinase C inhibitor H7, while exposure to DCG IV, a group II metabotropic glutamate receptor (mGluR) agonist, resulted in improvement of [H-3]-D-aspartate uptake and a partial reversal of transporter downregulation. These results are consistent with our recent in vivo findings of a loss of astrocytic glutamate transporters in TD and provide evidence that TD conditions may increase phosphorylation. of GLAST, contributing to its downregulation. In addition, manipulation of group II mGluR activity may provide an important strategy in the treatment of this disorder. (C) 2003 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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The progression of renal disease correlates strongly with hypertension and the degree of proteinuria, suggesting a link between excessive Na+ reabsorption and exposure of the proximal tubule to protein. The present study investigated the effects of albumin on cell growth and Na+ uptake in primary cultures of human proximal tubule cells (PTC). Albumin (1.0 mg/ml) increased cell proliferation to 134.1 +/- 11.8% (P < 0.001) of control levels with no change in levels of apoptosis. Exposure to 0.1 and 1.0 mg/ml albumin increased total Na-22(+) uptake to 119.1 &PLUSMN; 6.3% (P = 0.005) and 115.6 &PLUSMN; 5.3% (P < 0.006) of control levels, respectively, because of an increase in Na+/H+ exchanger isoform 3 (NHE3) activity. This was associated with an increase in NHE3 mRNA to 161.1 +/- 15.1% (P < 0.005) of control levels in response to 0.1 mg/ml albumin. Using confocal microscopy with a novel antibody raised against the predicted extracellular NH2 terminus of human NHE3, we observed in nonpermeabilized cells that exposure of PTC to albumin (0.1 and 1.0 mg/ml) increased NHE3 at the cell surface to 115.4 &PLUSMN; 2.7% (P < 0.0005) and 122.4 +/- 3.7% (P < 0.0001) of control levels, respectively. This effect was paralleled by significant increases in NHE3 in the subplasmalemmal region as measured in permeabilized cells. These albumin-induced increases in expression and activity of NHE3 in PTC suggest a possible mechanism for Na+ retention in response to proteinuria.