797 resultados para Junior high schools.


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Este trabalho é uma pesquisa narrativa autobiográfica, que expõe a análise das minhas praxeologias, no contexto do meu desenvolvimento profissional, como professor de matemática. O foco da análise recai sobre os diversos conflitos praxeológicos que vivi durante a elaboração e aplicação em sala de aula de uma proposta didática para ensinar operações polinomiais na sétima série (oitavo ano) do ensino fundamental. Com esta pesquisa pretendi responder a seguinte questão: Quais conexões entre aritmética e álgebra determinaram as minhas praxeologias durante a ampliação didática que desenvolvi, para ensinar adição, subtração, multiplicação e divisão de polinômios, na sétima série (oitavo ano) do ensino fundamental? Para analisar as minhas próprias praxeologias a partir da proposta didática que elaborei, assumi a Teoria Antropológica do Didático (TAD) de Yves Chevallard como referencial teórico principal. A análise que fiz das minhas próprias praxeologias envolveu sistema de numeração decimal, operações aritméticas fundamentais, operações polinomiais, tipos de tarefas e técnicas, universo cognitivo e equipamento praxeológico. Os resultados apontam que as minhas relações pessoais com tipos de objetos ostensivos e não ostensivos e tipos de tarefas e técnicas presentes ou não na proposta didática que elaborei, revelam quais praxeologias passadas e presentes compunham os diversos momentos do meu desenvolvimento profissional como professor de matemática. Assim, antes da graduação vivi as praxeologias de professor leigo, durante e após a especialização o meu universo cognitivo passou por conflitos praxeológicos, revelando que as sujeições institucionais conformavam as minhas praxeologias para ensinar as operações polinomiais.


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O presente trabalho, através da metodologia quantitativa de investigação, realiza um estudo comparativo sobre as diferenças nos valores e nas ideias da população a respeito do sistema político, o Estado, a democracia, participação e representação política no município de Paragominas que recebe influência de imigração de diversos grupos sociais o qual foi fundado por uma população de origem do centro oeste, sul e principalmente o nordeste brasileiro durante a construção da BR 010 (Belém-Brasília) que incentivou o fluxo migratório para a região no decorrer do processo de colonização da Amazônia; e o município de Cametá sem fluxo migratório e assim reconhecido como município tradicional e pertencente aos municípios mais antigos do estado do Pará cuja origem é do período colonial mas que, assim como Paragominas, pertence aos municípios de médio-grande porte. Porém, Cametá possui uma economia baseada principalmente na agricultura e é espacialmente mais isolado e distante dos eixos de desenvolvimento. Um método aplicável foi a realização do levantamento em escolas do Ensino Médio, onde há uma concentração de pessoas que permitiu a realização de amostra por conglomerado entre alunos na faixa etária de 16 a 24 anos de idade.


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Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC


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Este artigo apresenta um modelo para o fomento da autonomia dos aprendentes, mostra alguns resultados alcançados na aplicação desse modelo e discute desafios ainda a serem enfrentados. O modelo comporta a investigação de áreas problemáticas do processo individual de aprendizagem de cada sujeito, a identificação de seus estilos preferenciais de aprender, o uso de ferramentas tecnológicas para melhorar a autonomia na aprendizagem, o desenvolvimento de um leque maior de estratégias de aprendizagem de línguas e a implementação de rotinas de auto-monitoramento e auto-avaliação. Este modelo tem sido aplicado nos últimos três anos com alunos de Letras cursando Licenciaturas em Alemão, Francês ou Inglês. Três ordens de resultados emergem dos dados da pesquisa: primeiramente, o modelo provou sua eficácia em prover um andaime para a aprendizagem autônoma de línguas dos alunos; em segundo lugar, as experiências de aprendizagem autônoma vividas pelos futuros professores de línguas poderão ser espelhadas em suas vidas profissionais futuras com seus próprios alunos; finalmente, os dados emanados dos participantes da pesquisa podem lançar uma luz sobre a variedade de maneiras pelas quais as pessoas aprendem no contexto local.


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This paper presents an assessment of an educational game for teaching the efficient use of electricity. Developed with Adobe Flash (R), it is a virtual board game where participants choose a car that starts the path and reaches the same final goal, going through a number of track steps defined in terms of a dice that each player rolls in turn. The car moves if the participant is able to correctly answer a question that is randomly generated by the software. The objective of the game is to answer questions related to energy efficiency promoting a healthy and attractive learning process for participants on concepts related to energy efficiency such as: the rational use of energy, the basic concepts of forms of energy generation, among others. The main objective of this paper is to assess the impact of the application of this virtual game in the teaching and learning process of high school students. Therefore, the game was applied in the discipline of physics in a class of junior high public school in the state of Sao Paulo. Initially, the class that had 43 students was divided into 10 groups of 4 students, and 1 group of 3 students. Each student group competed with one another. The idea was that each of them should indicate a student who was the representative of this group until only 4 group leaders were selected for the finals. At this stage, each student could interact with a group of up to ten students that acted as advisers. The adopted assessment process is based on the model proposed by Savi [7]. Then, at the end of the game, the students answered a prepared questionnaire based on the model proposed by Savi. According to Savi, although there are significant studies that show the importance of educational games for the process of cognitive development and learning concepts of students, there are few papers that present forms of assessing the potential of these resources. Thus, the assessment criteria proposed by Savi are based on the model of training evaluation by Kirkpatrick [3], taken as a reference to measure the efficiency of processes of continuing education courses for professionals. The authors assert that the metric of the evaluation proposed to assess the game is based on the first level of the model proposed by Kirkpatrick.


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The article reports on research conducted with fifteen teachers and forty-five students in three high schools municipal Marília - SP, with the goal of mapping relationships between school libraries, computer labs and digital devices. The investigation is linked to the other two poles: one in the Faculty of Education, Federal University of Uberlândia and another at the French Institute of Education, in Lyon, France. Responses were obtained through questions previously formulated and recorded by scholars in an interview situation. The article initially retrieves historical projects of French in the late nineteenth century with the intention of establishing linkages with the situation in 2012, in Brazil. It then presents and comments on the graphics with data. The findings indicate the absence of organicity in relations between libraries and computer labs. Handheld devices outside of school are predominantly used to play and participate in social networking sites.


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Here we present an exploratory study on the subject of Physics and Music, discussing how this issue is addressed in two high schools belonging to state education network in Rio Claro – SP city. Initially, we conducted a critical analysis of the books that are used as the main tool to support the teacher in the classroom. Alert this analysis , it is possible to realize low-level content when we bring the topic into the classroom. Based in this analysis and an experimental class that was held as part of the course Teaching Practice and Supervised , the Bachelor's Degree in Physical Activity - UNESP Campus Rio Claro was an elaborate educational proposal related to Physics Teaching and Music with a thematic strategy different from the traditional approach , considering the use of experiments built with low cost (Ferreira and Ramos , 2008) materials , which can be an alternative to improve the teaching learning process student , because these experiments stimulate and provide a more dynamic and closer interaction with the objects class. We also seek to study, in greater depth , aspects of wave physics, discussing how a wave propagates in a string with its two fixed ends , which besides being a subject that is usually covered in books , is a phenomenon that is present in string instruments


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This study has its objective to analyze how the Technology of Information and Communication-TIC will be applied in the construction on new knowledge in the schools bounded to the program Acessa Escola.( School turned on) This program from São Paulo’s Government, developed by the Secretary of Education of the State , under the coordination of the Foundation to the Development of the Education-FDE, which has the work proposal to promote the digital inclusion to all the educational community. Making it possible the access of the Technology of Information and Communication to the users; Students, teachers, and school employees to have the exchange of information and knowledge. Therefore, there is the collaboration between teachers and student.For the development of this research, there will be semi-structured interviews with high school teacher from 3 different High Schools of Piracicaba-SP. These interviews will be done in a qualitative approach and will be submitted to the Ethic Committee from the University


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The teaching of modern and contemporary Physics subjects in high school is indispensable and it was already justified by several researchers. Among the subjects which must be taught, there is, for instance, Bohr atomics model. However, as it was noticed in literature review, many didactic materials do not deal with this model adequately, since that they do not take into account Bohr ideas, which involved Planck studies on black-body radiation, Einsten theory for photoelectric effect, Rutherford experiences and atomics model and the empiric results upon the spectrums of chemical elements emission. From that, it is extremely important teaching through approaches which potentialize the learning of the model proposed by Niels Bohr. On the other hand, teachers from high schools cannot have clearness about which approaches can be applied for teaching the mentioned model. Thus, it is presented some possibilities for teaching Bohr atomics model, with examples and justifications for the use of each one. Special treatment was attributed to the teaching from Science History and Philosophy, from the reading of scientific diffusion and original scientific texts, from analogies, from comic strips and from computer simulations.


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This work presents the results of a study on the use of experimentation in physics teaching, presenting a survey on the use of this strategy in public high schools in the region of São José dos Campos. Data collection was carried out in schools by means of questionnaires prepared for physics teachers and students from three grades of high school. Data were obtained in eighteen schools distributed in the city of São José dos Campos (two in the central region, in the west, three on the east side, seven in the north and five in the south), a school in the district of Sao Francisco Xavier and a school in the town of Monteiro Lobato. Thus, data from 20 schools, 610 students and 20 teachers were analyzed. Among the main results, we highlight that over 80% of the students said that there is no physics lab at the school where they study, and less than 1% declares that uses laboratory weekly. We note that there is a laboratory in 25% of the schools in the northern region and 10% or less of the other schools. According to the students the proposition of the experimental activities by teachers is rare - only three schools in East Side the options sometimes and always exceeded the number of responses experimental activities are never proposed. We had 60% of the teachers who reported using the curriculum of the state of São Paulo to propose activities to students, and half of the teachers said they did not have classes experimental physics classes in initial training or had them in sufficient quantity to support the use of this feature in practice


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Educação Matemática - IGCE