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Object of the search is the advertising phenomenon of the "product placement", with reference to that it has been investigated legality’s limits, as well as the relationship with the constitutionally protected liberty of expression. Particularly, it has been analyzed, in first place, the problem of the relationship between the freedom of expression and the liberty of economic initiative, with particular reference to the different circles of guardianship to these prepared: or, larger, the one provided for the first from the 21th article of Costitution, more circumscribed, instead, the one established in the 41th article of Costitution, with reference to the second. This analysis has been made with the purpose to investigate the coordination among such liberties in those forms of communications that, for the proper peculiarities that characterize them, can be qualified, according to the concrete circumstances in which they are spread, so much forms of liberty of expression, how much exercise of an activity of enterprise. Under this last profile, it has been taken attention on the advertising activity and, specially, on the non transparent publicities, or not immediately perceivable as such from their receivers, and, therefore, in contrast with the advertising trasparence’s principle: or, the so-called cases of hidden publicity, what the editorial publicity, both "in narrow sense" both "in general sense", as well as the phenomenon of the product placement (or positioning of product), by now diffused in the commercial routine. Therefore, it has been proceeded to a complete and exhaustive examination of innovations introduced by the recent legislative discipline in subject of “planned placement of marks and products” in the cinema works, appraising, in the specific one, the effects, juridical and no juridical, consequential from the introduction of a first form of regulation of the phenomenon of the product placement and, particularly, from the express provision about the legality of the use to such advertising, if it has realized according to specific requirements or condition. In relationship to such profile, it has been also investigate limits (sub kind of normative gaps) from which the recently introduced discipline in subject would seem characterized. Finally, a further circle of investigation has concerned the possible organization of the phenomenon under a negotiate aspect, as particular contract of advertising, in which the object consists in an promotional activity. Concerning this, the experience of foreign countries (above all the Anglo-Saxon one) has been very important, because of the absence, in our arrangement, of a general normative discipline about advertising contracts. Consequently, I’ve investigated principal characteristics of similar contracts, in first place the atypicalness, because of the lack, in Italy, of a legislative discipline of this contract. Such investigation has also been developed through a comparation between the positioning of product and the other advertising contracts, among which, particularly, the sponsorship, as well as the contracts for the advertising exploitation of the name and other people's image, and, specially, the contract of testimonial and the contract of endorsement.
Recent developments in piston engine technology have increased performance in a very significant way. Diesel turbocharged/turbo compound engines, fuelled by jet fuels, have great performances. The focal point of this thesis is the transformation of the FIAT 1900 jtd diesel common rail engine for the installation on general aviation aircrafts like the CESSNA 172. All considerations about the diesel engine are supported by the studies that have taken place in the laboratories of the II Faculty of Engineering in Forlì. This work, mostly experimental, concerns the transformation of the automotive FIAT 1900 jtd – 4 cylinders – turbocharged – diesel common rail into an aircraft engine. The design philosophy of the aluminium alloy basement of the spark ignition engine have been transferred to the diesel version while the pistons and the head of the FIAT 1900 jtd are kept in the aircraft engine. Different solutions have been examined in this work. A first V 90° cylinders version that can develop up to 300 CV and whose weight is 30 kg, without auxiliaries and turbocharging group. The second version is a development of e original version of the diesel 1900 cc engine with an optimized crankshaft, that employ a special steel, 300M, and that is verified for the aircraft requirements. Another version with an augmented stroke and with a total displacement of 2500 cc has been examined; the result is a 30% engine heavier. The last version proposed is a 1600 cc diesel engine that work at 5000 rpm, with a reduced stroke and capable of more than 200 CV; it was inspired to the Yamaha R1 motorcycle engine. The diesel aircraft engine design keeps the bore of 82 mm, while the stroke is reduced to 64.6 mm, so the engine size is reduced along with weight. The basement weight, in GD AlSi 9 MgMn alloy, is 8,5 kg. Crankshaft, rods and accessories have been redesigned to comply to aircraft standards. The result is that the overall size is increased of only the 8% when referred to the Yamaha engine spark ignition version, while the basement weight increases of 53 %, even if the bore of the diesel version is 11% lager. The original FIAT 1900 jtd piston has been slightly modified with the combustion chamber reworked to the compression ratio of 15:1. The material adopted for the piston is the aluminium alloy A390.0-T5 commonly used in the automotive field. The piston weight is 0,5 kg for the diesel engine. The crankshaft is verified to torsional vibrations according to the Lloyd register of shipping requirements. The 300M special steel crankshaft total weight is of 14,5 kg. The result reached is a very small and light engine that may be certified for general aviation: the engine weight, without the supercharger, air inlet assembly, auxiliary generators and high pressure body, is 44,7 kg and the total engine weight, with enlightened HP pump body and the titanium alloy turbocharger is less than 100 kg, the total displacement is 1365 cm3 and the estimated output power is 220 CV. The direct conversion of automotive piston engine to aircrafts pays too huge weight penalties. In fact the main aircraft requirement is to optimize the power to weight ratio in order to obtain compact and fast engines for aeronautical use: this 1600 common rail diesel engine version demonstrates that these results can be reached.
The dissertation regards The memory on the Italian Risorgimento in “Justice and Freedom”(1929-1940) a theoretical core point in the history of the Movement, which so far has not been granted due attention. The work herewith presented is therefore aimed at filling a storiographical gap, analysing the historical events which continue to operate as traditions, raising feelings and passions and hence operating in politics, although as secondary factors. The point made is that the Justice and Freedom Movement, an antifascist political movement born in Paris in October 1929, bases its strength on the heroic choice of the antifascism movement to fight a Second Risorgimento, connecting the fight against the regime to the battles previously fought for the justice and the freedom, an entirely isolated event in the political opposition’s panorama. The dissertation, thus, attempts to explain how and why Justice and Freedom is so tightly interconnected in its political action to the Risorgimento tradition. The first chapter sets the cultural background of the foundation of the Justice and Freedom Movement. The centre of such foundation was Florence, where Gaetano Salvemini, along with a group of young people, would later on carry out some cultural experiences that ideally prepare the ground for the movement’s birth. In the second chapter are found the sites of the memory where the passage of the Risorgimento tradition between the generations takes place. The work therefore shifts from a public to a private level, concentrating on biographical paths. The choice made was for Nello Rosselli, a man very close to the Justice and Freedom Movement but who, as opposed to his comrades-in-arms, did not chose the political way to express his ethical choice, but rather the theoretical one, becoming a Risorgimento historian. The third chapter concentrates on the birth of the Justice and Freedom Movement in France, trying to reconstruct the cultural ties and the confrontation places and sites where the members of the Movement could interact with the French intellectual milieu, bringing back to light the propagandistic usage of the Risorgimento myth carried out by the Movement. Lastly, the fourth chapter focuses on the cultural debate on the Risorgimento, which took place on the press organs of the Movement, pointing out and periodizing the theoretical passages and the propagandistic uses of the myth as related to the stages of the Movement and the political needs.
Progetto meccanico di manipolatore a sei gradi di libertà e progetto, implementazione e collaudo dei sistemi preposti al comando, al controllo e all’attuazione del manipolatore. Per il controllo dei movimenti del braccio robotico viene utilizzato un puntatore nel quale è integrato un led ad infrarossi attivabile tramite pulsante. Il segnale relativo alla posizione che deve assumere il braccio articolato viene indirizzato, sempre in ambiente Labview, ad una scheda di controllo dei servomotori adibiti alla movimentazione del manipolatore. Al fine di verificare la precisione e la ripetibilità del sistema progettato sono state effettuate 60 misure dell’errore di posizionamento dei servomotori.
Come indica il titolo, questa ricerca studia il conflitto tra libertà fondamentali del mercato interno dell’Unione europea e dei diritti fondamentali e la posizione della Corte in quanto garante dei diritti nella risoluzione di tali conflitti. La Trattazione considera non solo la Giurisprudenza della Corte di Giustizia, che risolve i conflitti tra libertà del mercato e diritti fondamentali; ma anche l'ordinamento europeo, e il suo rapporto con il diritto nazionale, considerando anche la giurisprudenza delle corti costituzionali e supreme degli Stati membri. L’analisi è svolta in una introduzione; in tre capitoli (Capitolo 1, “Integrazione economica e protezzione dei diritti fondamentali”; Capitlo 2, “Conflitto tra libertà fondamentali di mercato e diritti fondamentali”; Capitolo 3, “La tutela dei diritti fondamentali negli stati membri come limiti all’integrazione europea”) e nelle successive conclusioni.
La ricerca consta di quattro capitoli: nella prima parte si analizzano, in prospettiva empirica, i canoni argomentativi utilizzati dalla Corte costituzionale italiana. Tali canoni possono essere generalmente distinti in due grandi famiglie: giuridico-interpretativi per un verso, e ed empirico fattuali per un altro. In un secondo capitolo si è visto come la Corte costituzionale italiana ha frutto uso di questi canoni nella sua giurisprudenza italiana in tema di diritto soggettivo di libertà di espressione e di mezzi di comunicazione del pensiero. Nel primo caso la Corte costituzionale ha fatto ricorso a canoni interpretativi testuali, mentre nel secondo ad argomentazioni empiriche spesso accompagnate da un giudizio di proporzionalità sull'intervento legislativo. Nella terza parte del lavoro si è invece descritta la giurisprudenza della Corte Suprema americana: è stata analizzata l'evoluzione delle tecniche argomentativi in tema di libertà di espressione: partendo dall'ad hoc balancing e dal definitional balancing si è giunti alla descrizione dei diversi livelli di scrutinio e alla progressiva concettualizzazione delle categorie espressive. Infine nel quarto capitolo si sono messe a confronto le due giurisprudenze: si è potuto così notare che la progressiva categorizzazione del diritto di libertà negli Stati Uniti ha dato esiti maggiormente garantisti, mentre più liberisti in relazione alle concrete dinamiche di formazione del discorso pubblico. Viceversa, in Italia i canoni testuali hanno originato una giurisprudenza più restrittiva quanto al diritto soggettivo e più egualitaria quanto al sistema della libertà di espressione. In ogni caso, entrambe le esperienze evidenziano il ruolo di policy-maker delle Corti costituzionali nei moderni ordinamenti liberal-democratici.
La tesi consiste in una comparazione della disciplina costituzionale della libertà di riunione nell'ordinamento italiano ed in quello turco
L'elaborato affronta il pensiero di John Courtney Murray dal punto di vista teologico e politico, sottolineandone le influenze esterne ai circoli intellettuali cattolici e la particolare rilevanza per l'integrazione della comunità cattolica nella società statunitense.