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Atmospheric Discharges are responsible for several lost in the electrical system therefore it´s done studies to find ways to reduce the problem caused by discharges. This branch of engineering is necessary the gathering, stock and analysis of large quantity of data to validate or refuse the many studies produced about it The CENDAT proposed a project to collect data on induced voltages in distribution lines and current waveform of the lightning, but a difficulty that arose was the accumulation of data due to lack of manpower available to catalog all the data collected. Thinking in this difficulty, the engineer Acacio Silva Neto CENDAT´s researcher with trainees began to develop a program to solve this problem. This work keeps the development of this program in order to solve the problem of accumulation of data
Projeto arquitetônico que consiste na construção de um novo Hospital da Mulher em São José do Rio Preto – SP, que foi o primeiro hospital exclusivo para o público feminino da cidade e da região. A ideia era trabalhar apenas com cirurgias limpas ou potencialmente não contaminadas (como cirurgias vasculares, obstétricas, ginecológicas e plásticas), ou seja, com menores riscos de infecção (muito importante principalmente no caso de partos prematuros e do cada vez mais alto percentual de bebês que morrem por causa de infecções hospitalares). Um dos diferenciais do hospital era oferecer ambientes que lembravam uma casa de repouso e instalações hoteleiras, descaracterizando-o de um hospital comum. O investimento em instalações fazia parte do incentivo ao “turismo de saúde” da cidade, que atraia diariamente pacientes de vários municípios e Estados do País. Atualmente o local do antigo hospital é ocupado por uma clínica privada, sendo necessária a construção de um novo prédio, que viria de encontro aos anseios da cidade que, por possuir a Faculdade de Medicina de Rio Preto (FAMERP), vinculada à UNICAMP, ser um pólo regional de saúde com referências à nível nacional teria potencial para abranger uma grande demanda de pacientes diferenciados
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
This work aims to analyze data from a Natural Electric Potential landfill type ditch located in Cordeirópolis (SP). The procedure measures initially involved the assembly and installation of an apparatus cables, sensors and drain geophysical measurements and flow rate of biogas in a ditch later filled by solid waste. Biogas is a product of degradation of organic matter in waste by the action of microorganisms in an anaerobic environment. Its features high methane content in the gas potentially usable as fuel in energy generation systems or steam. The study area is characterized by clayey soil composition change from the diabase sill correlated to the event Serra Geral Formation siltstones overlapping Tatuí with groundwater level site around 50m. The cables were installed vertically in parallel with drain gas manifold, which allowed the collection of data by the technique geophysical logging every 15 days over a period of eight months. For data analysis we used four parameters in the study, the closing time of the ditch, natural electric potential, the flow velocity of biogas and rain. With the tabulated data plots were constructed for each collection day showing values in the range of the cable is in contact with waste (200 cm - 400 cm) and range of the cable in contact with the soil (600 cm - 800 cm). Subsequently graphs were generated with the period of eight months to analyze the data tabulated. A statistical correlation data, which show the influence of rainfall on the production of biogas. The results were satisfactory and demonstrated the feasibility of the research method in studies for the feasibility analysis for the capture of biogas energy
Este Projeto Final de Graduação se destina a adequar e a incrementar, através do desenvolvimento de um projeto arquitetônico, a escola de futebol conhecida como Centro de Treinamento Baroninho (CTB), localizada no Jardim Europa, zona Sul da cidade de Bauru, Estado de São Paulo. O programa da escola contempla tanto instalações necessárias a atividade esportiva quanto atividades voltadas à comunidade. Uma praça fecha o conjunto complementando as necessidades de lazer. A região apresenta claras desigualdades sociais, averiguadas em uma simples visita ao local, e o futebol é utilizado como elemento de socialização, de quebra de preconceitos e diferenças
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The increase in energy consumption in the world has caused the electrical systems becoming ever larger and more complex. Because of that becomes necessary to use special tools to efficiently manage the equipment present in these systems. Nowadays a tool very used is the remote monitoring of assets which works collecting signals using sensors processing these signals and make them available to the system user. So the user can use informations that may assist him efficiently in making decisions when doing a maintenance. The system is technically efficient since it improves the measurement process and enables the asset management of a substation by using advanced technology for that and economically viable especially in cases where the user is subject to monetary loss due an interruption of power supply
O uso de radiações ionizantes (R.I.), nas mais variadas atividades tem aumentado nas últimas décadas. Com o avanço tecnológico, novos e sofisticados equipamentos emissores de R.I. tem surgido no cenário nacional, o que torna imperativo a difusão do conhecimento sobre os conceitos de proteção radiológica junto à comunidade em geral, e neste sentido, o curso de física médica desenvolve um importante papel, quer seja no aspecto informativo quanto formativo de cidadãos e profissionais críticos e politicamente corretos, que possam contribuir com as Políticas Públicos dos órgãos normatizadores e fiscalizadores das atividades de vigilância sanitária. Conforme a legislação atual (Resolução SS-625 de 14/12/1994, da Secretaria de Estado da Saúde, e Portaria 453 de 01/06/1998 da Vigilância Sanitária do Ministério da Saúde), todos os serviços que utilizam radiações ionizantes devem realizar testes de avaliação dos parâmetros radiométricos dos equipamentos emissores de R.I., sendo exigidos as medidas de Levantamento Radiométrico das instalações, o Teste de Radiação de Fuga do cabeçote emissor e a implementação de Programa de Garantia de Qualidade dos equipamentos e dos procedimentos radiológicos. Este procedimento tem como objetivo principal a obtenção de imagens radiográficas com qualidade e a segurança de pacientes e profissionais, evitando a exposição desnecessária à radiação de pacientes e profissionais. A correta realização de procedimentos radiológicos além de reduzir a dose nos pacientes também promove significativa diminuição nos custos, por não haver necessidade da repetição dos exames. No Brasil, conforme dados da Secretaria de Atenção à Saúde SAS/MS, atualmente existem instalados 4.469 mamógrafos, 25.930 aparelhos de raios-x médicos, 39.438 aparelhos de raios-x odontológicos e...(Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
This paper addresses the topics required for the selection of surge arresters used, the output of autotransformers, which protect the system Auxiliary Services (SE) of an electrical substation. Surge arresters used are part of the Protection System Lightning (SPDA). Transmission lines mostly run through regions with orographic well diversified and have constant weather changes, which lead to many undesirable interactions with electromagnetic phenomena, such as giving rise to blackout on 10 November 2009, which left nine states without power, which led to unplanned shutdowns in the system that left millions of people without electricity. This work of completion is to determine whether the method used in the selection of surge arresters meet the protection needs faced by a substation auxiliary services, through the use of software use ATPDraw
Nowadays, the biggest part of the world's energy supply comes from fossil fuels and nuclear. However, the current need of the society for the preservation of the environment and wise use of natural resources, has favored the search for alternative energy sources and improvement of energy efficiency. In this new scenario, companies are beginning to mobilize in order to adapt its facilities to renewable energy. Solar, with its immense potential, not really exploited yet, can be very useful for companies that want to beat their sustainability goals. Given these facts, the aim is to evaluate the economic viability of introducing a solar water heater which uses a colorless PET bottle as one of its components in a plant. The hot water generated will heat the air of a paint booth and a warm house, reducing energy consumption, since they are heated by electric heaters
On the field of the projects of hydraulic systems exists a lot of worries when we talk about the calculate of hydraulic pumps. In this case some facts must be considerate: length of tubes, fluid characteristics, height gauge, temperature, pressure, characteristics of tubes, flow required and others. For that mathematic calculates must be developed with the objective to optimize hydraulic pumps and agree to find an ideal machine (that don't requires more energy than necessary or less energy than it requires; that is the more critical case, cause exists the risk that the fluid pumped do not agree to become in your destiny). The wrong calculate of this machine can super-size its, bringing an excessive energy consumption. Actually it's an important subject because we are in the age of lack of energy what turn it more expensive. So the correct sizing of a hydraulic pump is connected with the fact that you have to uses the enough energy resources avoiding waste. The calculate of ideal pump in the pumping system is studied during years and a lot of specialists in this subject develop equations and theories to calculate its. Some researches study about this subject and all of them become to the same conclusion: to find the ideal pump we have to know the characteristics of fluid (cinematic viscosity), the required flow , overall yield (overall of motor x overall of pump) the high gauge or discharge pressure and the loss of repression. The pressure drop can be calculated with different theories: using Hazen-Williams, Darcy e Weisbach or Chézy (1775 - that starts the researches to calculate the pressure drop). Although the most used theory and what is most near to reality is the Darcy's equation. So, in this job the Darcy's equation were choice to calculate the drop pressure that consider what kind of flow we are studying: laminar or turbulent. The determination of the best pump to be used in the ... ( complete abstract click eletronic access below)
The proposed of scanning of an electrical industrial substation HV is associated with a segment of the Electrotechnical area and aims the study and preliminary application of digital technologies in the protection, control, measurement and automation maneuvers aimed at a Industrial Electrical System typical High Voltage. Well intended to supervision, protection and control of major electrical and thermal quantities involved in a substation, such as voltage levels, current, temperature, power factor, loads of transformers and circuit feeders, status of interlocking devices, switching equipment maneuvers, etc
The changes occurring in Brazilian agriculture, with the inclusion of agro-industrial activities in your mode of production, must be analyzed to verify the changes in the behavior of territorial dynamics. Through changing the Rural Complex, traditional for the Agroindustrial Complex tightly integrated with trade and industry brought many consequences for the rural population, with regard to employment. Understanding this transformation capitalist the field is needed to analyze the actors involved in this process and the policies adopted for the expansion of sugar and ethanol activity in the State of São Paulo and the consequences for the spatial organization. The expansion of cane production areas were governed by the Institute of Sugar and Alcohol (IAA), the National Alcohol Program (PROÁLCOOL) Development Plan for the West of São Paulo - PRO-WEST and Expansion Program for the production of Canavicultura for production of fuel for the State of São Paulo (PROCANA). The occupation of these agroindustrial facilities in rural spaces contextualized by territorialization of the rural complex, in that sense, understanding these concepts is a key part development in the research. therefore, are concepts of fundamental importance to geographical science, and interpreting their function and construction in rural spaces
Revolving machines are among the most used equipment in general industry and therefore expenditures on this equipment class are a significant portion of the total amount spent by the company. If there is an unscheduled stop of some of this equipment, industrial plants can lose huge amounts of money caused by interrupted production and parts delay. Others may increase significantly maintenance costs due to consequences elsewhere not affected before. Even plant and people safety can be in danger if there is an operation interruption without a backup system start. This work is focused on a rotating system case study which is monitored by vibration analysis that shows that is possible to determine when is the most appropriate time for equipment intervention without any reliability loss just by using a simple and cheap system which is not much used because professionals are not aware to its utility. Industrial facilities were evaluated by fail detection and historical analysis in some equipment in order to show feasibility of vibration analysis through a before-during-after process. The plant evaluated is part of a chemical multinational located in Guaratinguetá-SP. At this time, that plant had around 650 critical equipment monthly monitored and no unscheduled shutdown was registered in one year period due to equipment monitoring
Located in Apiaí, Vale do Ribeira, southern region of São Paulo state, the Usina do Calabouço areas (CIEM / CPRM) and Morro do Ouro (Parque Municipal do Morro do Ouro), were targeted for stud ies due to its old buildings, respectively a foundry in lead ore, called Experimental de Chumbo e Prata (Usina Calabouço), and a gold mine with processing plant of the gold-bearing ore produced there. Nowadays, the areas are used for public visitation, and in both places the rests of the buildings remains. Particularly in the CIEM/CPRM, due to the materials witch was produced before, it can suggest the existence of anomalous amounts of the involved metals (CIEM / CPRM) and possible contaminations by chemical products used in the improvement of the auriferous ore (P. M. Morro do Ouro). These potential contamination were confirmed with geochemical survey of soils and current sediments accomplished in both areas, for the elements arsenic, cadmium, lead, copper, mercury, silver and zinc, which were used as parameters guiding values for soil and groundwater the state of São Paulo (CETESB), and watershed values stipulated by CPRM (poor, background and anomalous), in it rising geochemistry during Folha Apiaí's execution (SG-22-X-B-V).