992 resultados para ITU-R 1546-5
How the micro-scale fabric of clay-rich mudstone evolves during consolidation in early burial is critical to how they are interpreted in the deeper portions of sedimentary basins. Core samples from the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 308, Ursa Basin, Gulf of Mexico, covering seafloor to 600 meters below sea floor (mbsf) are ideal for studying the micro-scale fabric of mudstones. Mudstones of consistent composition and grain size decrease in porosity from 80% at the seafloor to 37% at 600 mbsf. Argon-ion milling produces flat surfaces to image this pore evolution over a vertical effective stress range of 0.25 (71 mbsf) to 4.05 MPa (597 mbsf). With increasing burial, pores become elongated, mean pore size decreases, and there is preferential loss of the largest pores. There is a small increase in clay mineral preferred orientation as recorded by high resolution X-ray goniometry with burial.
Los sistemas de telecomunicación que trabajan en frecuencias milimétricas pueden verse severamente afectados por varios fenómenos atmosféricos, tales como la atenuación por gases, nubes y el centelleo troposférico. Una adecuada caracterización es imprescindible en el diseño e implementación de estos sistemas. El presente Proyecto Fin de Grado tiene como objetivo el estudio estadístico a largo plazo de series temporales de centelleo troposférico en enlaces de comunicaciones en trayecto inclinado sobre la banda Ka a 19,7 GHz. Para la realización de este estudio, se dispone como punto de partida de datos experimentales procedentes de la baliza en banda Ka a 19,7 GHz del satélite Eutelsat Hot Bird 13A que han sido recopilados durante siete años entre julio de 2006 y junio de 2013. Además, se cuenta como referencia teórica con la aplicación práctica del método UIT-R P.618-10 para el modelado del centelleo troposférico en sistemas de telecomunicación Tierra-espacio. Esta información permite examinar la validez de la aplicación práctica del método UIT-R P.1853-1 para la síntesis de series temporales de centelleo troposférico. Sobre este sintetizador se variará la serie temporal de contenido integrado de vapor de agua en una columna vertical por datos reales obtenidos de bases de datos meteorológicas ERA-Interim y GNSS con el objetivo de comprobar el impacto de este cambio. La primera parte del Proyecto comienza con la exposición de los fundamentos teóricos de los distintos fenómenos que afectan a la propagación en un enlace por satélite, incluyendo los modelos de predicción más importantes. Posteriormente, se presentan los fundamentos teóricos que describen las series temporales, así como su aplicación al modelado de enlaces de comunicaciones. Por último, se describen los recursos específicos empleados en la realización del experimento. La segunda parte del Proyecto se inicia con la muestra del proceso de análisis de los datos disponibles que, más tarde, permiten obtener resultados que caracterizan el centelleo troposférico en ausencia de precipitación, o centelleo seco, para los tres casos de estudio sobre los datos experimentales, sobre el modelo P.618-10 y sobre el sintetizador P.1853-1 con sus modificaciones. Al haber mantenido en todo momento las mismas condiciones de frecuencia, localización, clima y periodo de análisis, el estudio comparativo de los resultados obtenidos permite extraer las conclusiones oportunas y proponer líneas futuras de investigación. ABSTRACT. Telecommunication systems working in the millimetre band are severely affected by various atmospheric impairments, such as attenuation due to clouds, gases and tropospheric scintillation. An adequate characterization is essential in the design and implementation of these systems. This Final Degree Project aims to a long-term statistical study of time series of tropospheric scintillation on slant path communications links in Ka band at 19.7 GHz. To carry out this study, experimental data from the beacon in Ka band at 19.7 GHz for the Eutelsat Hot Bird 13A satellite are available as a starting point. These data have been collected during seven years between July 2006 and June 2013. In addition, the practical application of the ITU-R P.618-10 method for tropospheric scintillation modeling of Earth-space telecommunication systems has been the theoretical reference used. This information allows us to examine the validity of the practical application of the ITU-R P.1853-1 method for tropospheric scintillation time series synthesis. In this synthesizer, the time series of water vapor content in a vertical column will be substituted by actual data from meteorological databases ERA-Interim and GNSS in order to test the impact of this change. The first part of the Project begins with the exposition of the theoretical foundations of the various impairments that affect propagation in a satellite link, including the most important prediction models. Subsequently, it presents the theoretical foundations that describe the time series, and its application to communication links modeling. Finally, the specific resources used in the experiment are described. The second part of the Project starts with the exhibition of the data analysis process to obtain results that characterize the tropospheric scintillation in the absence of precipitation, or dry scintillation, for the three study cases on the experimental data, on the P.618-10 model and on the P.1853-1 synthesizer with its modifications. The fact that the same conditions of frequency, location, climate and period of analysis are always maintained, allows us to draw conclusions and propose future research lines by comparing the results.
El presente Trabajo fin de Grado recoge las simulaciones de los diagramas de radiación secundarios de una antena receptora de estación terrena de 6m para observación de la tierra. Se encuentra enmarcado en el proyecto “Prototype of K-Band Ground Station Antenna (6m aperture) for Earth Observation Application”, propuesto por la Agencia Europea del Espacio (ESA) y desarrollado por la empresa INDRA. Se ha diseñado, construido y medido un alimentador dual S/K, que incorpora las dos puertas RHCP y LHCP en banda S y K (Recepción y Tracking). Los diagramas de este alimentador serán la base para las simulaciones de los diagramas secundarios de nuestra antena. A lo largo del documento se interpretarán los diagramas de radiación obtenidos y se compararán los resultados con las especificaciones de diseño de la antena; además se verificará el cumplimiento de la recomendación de la ITU-R S.580-6. Este trabajo pone de manifiesto las dificultades de medir con precisión los diagramas de radiación en banda K para este tipo de alimentadores duales.
En la actualidad, el uso de los sistemas de telecomunicaciones está aumentado a una gran velocidad. Debido a este aumento se hace imprescindible tener que crear sistemas de telecomunicaciones que trabajen en altas frecuencias. Al trabajar en estas frecuencias aparecen fenómenos atmosféricos que hacen que la señal se vea afectada, como la atenuación por lluvia o la atenuación por gases. Estos efectos podrían incluso hacer inviable la comunicación. Este Proyecto Fin de Grado tiene como objetivo la síntesis de series temporales de atenuación por lluvia en trayecto horizontal que afecta a un radioenlace de 38 GHz situado en Madrid. Para la realización del proyecto se utiliza como punto de partida los efectos de atenuación por lluvia en radioenlace horizontal descritos en la Recomendación UIT-R P.530-15. Los resultados obtenidos permiten examinar la validez del método propuesto en la Recomendación UIT-R P.1853-1 referente a la síntesis de las series temporales de atenuación troposférica. Este método propone un sintetizador para combinar los distintos efectos provocados por atenuación troposférica, que será utilizado para la realización del estudio. Este sintetizador ha sido implementado usado el programa Matlab. La primera parte del Proyecto expone los fundamentos teóricos sobre los que sustenta el presente trabajo. Comienza con la descripción de radioenlace, explicando sus distintos tipos y características. Después se muestran los distintos efectos de la propagación que afectan a un radioenlace. Por último, se presentan los fundamentos teóricos de series temporales, así como su implementación en un enlace de comunicaciones. En la segunda parte del Proyecto se explica el análisis de datos que se ha llevado a cabo. Primero se hace un análisis de la intensidad de lluvia según la Recomendación UIT-R P.837-6. Posteriormente se presentan los resultados de atenuación por lluvia obtenidos, haciendo una comparativa entre el modelo de la Recomendación UIT-R P.530-15, el modelo de la Recomendación UIT-R P.1853-1 y gráficas obtenidas a partir de datos experimentales. Como final del Proyecto se exponen las conclusiones que se han extraído durante su realización, así como posibles líneas futuras de investigación que continúen con el estudio realizado. ABSTRACT. The use of telecommunication systems is increasing rapidly. Due to this rising trend, it’s important to create telecommunication systems that work at high frequencies. However, some atmospheric impairments may well appear when working at these kinds of frequencies such as attenuation due to rain or gases which affect the signal. These effects could even render communication impossible. The aim of this Project is the synthesis of a time series, studying the effect of rain attenuation on a 38 GHz radio link located in Madrid. To carry out this study, the rain attenuation effects on horizontal radio links described in the ITU-R P.530-15 method are used as the starting point. The results obtained enable us to examine the validity of the practical application of the ITU R-P.1853-1 method for tropospheric attenuation time series synthesis. This method proposes a synthesizer which can combine the different effects caused by tropospheric attenuation that will be used for the study. This synthesizer has been implemented using the program Matlab. The first part of the Project starts by describing the theoretical foundations used during the Project performance. It begins with a description of radio links explaining their different types and characteristics. Following on from that, various propagation effects that affect the said radio link are shown. Finally, the theoretical foundations of the time series are presented, as well as its implementation in a communication link. In turn, the second part of the Project explains the data analysis that has been carried out. Firstly an analysis of the intensity of rain is made based on the ITU-R P.837-6 Recommendation. Subsequently, the results of the rain attenuation are presented, thus making a comparison between the ITU-R P.530-15 model, the ITU-R P.1853-1 model and graphs obtained from experimental data. Lastly, the Project shows the conclusions that have been drawn as well as propose future research lines that can be proposed so as to continue with the stud further.
Mean nuclear 2C DNA content (C equaling haploid DNA per nucleus) of the first leaf of the sunflower, Helianthus annuus L., is influenced by the quality and the quantity of light. Seedlings of two inbred lines, RHA 299 and RHA 271 were germinated and grown in controlled environmental conditions. Lighting was adjusted to provide different combinations of photon flux densities and red to far red (R:FR) ratios. At R:FR = 5.8 and photon flux densities of 170 mumol.m-2.s-1, 200 mumol.m-2.s-1, and 230 mumol.m-2.s-1, DNA content remained high and relatively constant (x = 6.97 pg for RHA 271 and x = 7.32 pg for RHA 299). When the photon flux density range (R:FR = 5.8) was elevated to 350 mumol.m-2.s-1, 410 mumol.m-2.s-1, and 470 mumol.m-2.s-1, mean DNA content was reduced to 6.23 pg (RHA 271) and 6.46 pg (RHA 299). At R:FR = 1.5, mean DNA content was consistently high (7.2-7.9 pg) only at the lowest photon flux density of 170 mumol.m-2.s-1. Significant decreases in DNA content (< or = 12%) were observed at photon flux densities of 200 mumol.m-2.s-1 and 230 mumol.m-2.s-1. At the higher photon flux densities (350 mumol.m-2.s-1, 410 mumol.m-2.s-1, and 470 mumol.m-2.s-1) and R:RF = 1.5, the plants had extremely low DNA contents (mean x = 3.36 pg for RHA 271 and 3.41 pg for RHA 299) and high between-plant variance. The instability of DNA content, particularly for plants grown under light that is far red rich, suggests that phytochromes may be involved in regulating DNA content of the sunflower.
OBJECTIVES: To describe the recommendations and interventions addressing violence against women (VAW) in vulnerable women (disabled, pregnant, ethnic minority, immigrant and older women) in key documents and laws enacted in different countries. METHODS: Content analysis of key documents for the development of VAW policies and laws: The United Nations Handbook for Legislation on Violence Against Women Advance Version, the Model of Laws and Policies on Intrafamiliar Violence Against Women of the Pan-American Health Organization and Recommendation No. R(2002)5 of the Committee of Ministers of the European Council. The content of the 62 VAW laws was also analyzed. RESULTS: Key documents demonstrate the importance of eliminating any obstacle facing disabled, pregnant, immigrant, ethnic minority or older women when accessing VAW services. Only 12 laws mention one or more of these groups of vulnerable women. Pregnant, disabled and ethnic minority women are the groups most often mentioned. In these laws, references to punitive measures, action plans and specific strategies to guarantee access to VAW resources are the most common interventions. CONCLUSION: Decisive interventions addressing the specific needs of disabled, pregnant, immigrant, ethnic minority and older women are needed in order to achieve a broader equity approach in VAW legislation.
n.r.:Bd.5 1857
Half title, binder's title: Repertoire de la Librairie Lucien Dorbon.
Mode of access: Internet.
Tozer, H.F. Geography.--Tristram, H.B. Fauna.--Tristram, H.B. Flora.--History: 1. Hicks,R.D. Chronology. 2. Chronological Tables.--Jebb, Sir R. Literature.--Philosophy: 1. Jackson, H. Schools to Aristotle. 2. Hicks, R.D. Later Schools.--Gow, J. Science.--Art: 1. Penrose, F.C. Architecture. 2. Waldstein, C. Prehistoric art. 3. Waldstein, C. Sculpture. 4. Earp, F.R. Painting. 5. Smith, A.H. Vase Painting. 6. Smith, A.H. Terracottas. 7. Ridgeway, W. Engraved gems. 8. Hind, R.D. Archer--Music.--Gardner, E.A. Mythology and religion.--Public antiquities: 1. Whibley, L. Constitutions. 2. Wyse, W. Law. 3. Wyse, W. Finance. 4. Mayor, R.J.G. Population. 5. Mayor, R.J.G. Slaves and slavery. 6. Edwards, H.J. Colonies. 7. Edwards, H.J. Commerce and industry. 8. Ridgeway, W. Measures and weights. 9. Ridgeway, W. Money. 10. Oman, C.W.C. War. 11. Cook, A.B. Ships. 12. Gow, J. The calendar.--Private antiquities: 1. Gow, J. A table of the relationships of a man. 2. Harrison, Miss J. Ritual of birth, marriage, and death. 3. Wilkins, A.S. Education. 4. James, M.R. Books and writing. 5. Cornish, F.W. The position of women. 6. Evans, Lady Dress. 7. Gardner, E.A. Daily life, its surroundings, employments and amusements. 8. Gardner, E.A. House and furniture. 9. Allbutt, T.C. Medicine.--Criticism and Interpretation: 1. Neil, R.A. Dialects. 2. Roberts, E.S. Epigraphy. 3. Harris, J.R. Palaeography. 4. Jebb, Sir R. Textual criticism. 5. Verrall, A.W. Metre. 6. Sandys, J.E. History of scholarship.--Indices.
Vol. 5 is an English adaptation of "Die forstbenutzung" by Dr. Karl Gayer, translated and adapted by W.R. Fisher. It is 2d ed.
The relationships between MC1R gene variants and red hair, skin reflectance, degree of freckling and nevus count were investigated in 2331 adolescent twins, their sibs and parents in 645 twin families. Penetrance of each MC1R variant allele was consistent with an allelic model where effects were multiplicative for red hair but additive for skin reflectance. Of nine MC1R variant alleles assayed, four common alleles were strongly associated with red hair and fair skin (Asp84Glu, Arg151Cys, Arg160Trp and Asp294His), with a further three alleles having low penetrance (Val60Leu, Val92Met and Arg163Gln). These variants were separately combined for the purposes of this analysis and designated as strong 'R' (OR=63.3; 95% CI 31.9-139.6) and weak 'r ' (OR=5.1; 95% CI 2.5-11.3) red hair alleles. Red-haired individuals are predominantly seen in the R/R and R/r groups with 67.1 and 10.8%, respectively. To assess the interaction of the brown eye color gene OCA2 on the phenotypic effects of variant MC1R alleles we included eye color as a covariate, and also genotyped two OCA2 SNPs (Arg305Trp and Arg419Gln), which were confirmed as modifying eye color. MC1R genotype effects on constitutive skin color, freckling and mole count were modified by eye color, but not genotype for these two OCA2 SNPs. This is probably due to the association of these OCA2 SNPs with brown/green not blue eye color. Amongst individuals with a R/R genotype (but not R/r), those who also had brown eyes had a mole count twice that of those with blue eyes. This suggests that other OCA2 polymorphisms influence mole count and remain to be described.
We evaluated inter-individual variability in optimal current direction for biphasic transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) of the motor cortex. Motor threshold for first dorsal interosseus was detected visually at eight coil orientations in 45° increments. Each participant (n = 13) completed two experimental sessions. One participant with low test–retest correlation (Pearson's r < 0.5) was excluded. In four subjects, visual detection of motor threshold was compared to EMG detection; motor thresholds were very similar and highly correlated (0.94–0.99). Similar with previous studies, stimulation in the majority of participants was most effective when the first current pulse flowed towards postero-lateral in the brain. However, in four participants, the optimal coil orientation deviated from this pattern. A principal component analysis using all eight orientations suggests that in our sample the optimal orientation of current direction was normally distributed around the postero-lateral orientation with a range of 63° (S.D. = 13.70°). Whenever the intensity of stimulation at the target site is calculated as a percentage from the motor threshold, in order to minimize intensity and side-effects it may be worthwhile to check whether rotating the coil 45° from the traditional posterior–lateral orientation decreases motor threshold.
Fatigue crack growth rate tests have been performed on Nimonic AP1, a powder formed Ni-base superalloy, in air and vacuum at room temperature. These show that threshold values are higher, and near-threshold (faceted) crack growth rates are lower, in vacuum than in air, although at high growth rates, in the “structure-insensitive” regime, R-ratio and a dilute environment have little effect. Changing the R-ratio from 0.1 to 0.5 in vacuum does not alter near-threshold crack growth rates very much, despite more extensive secondary cracking being noticeable at R= 0.5. In vacuum, rewelding occurs at contact points across the crack as ΔK falls. This leads to the production of extensive fracture surface damage and bulky fretting debris, and is thought to be a significant contributory factor to the observed increase in threshold values.