1000 resultados para IMS Networks
The identification and integration of reusable and customizable CSCL (Computer Supported Collaborative Learning) may benefit from the capture of best practices in collaborative learning structuring. The authors have proposed CLFPs (Collaborative Learning Flow Patterns) as a way of collecting these best practices. To facilitate the process of CLFPs by software systems, the paper proposes to specify these patterns using IMS Learning Design (IMS-LD). Thus, teachers without technical knowledge can particularize and integrate CSCL tools. Nevertheless, the support of IMS-LD for describing collaborative learning activities has some deficiencies: the collaborative tools that can be defined in these activities are limited. Thus, this paper proposes and discusses an extension to IMS-LD that enables to specify several characteristics of the use of tools that mediate collaboration. In order to obtain a Unit of Learning based on a CLFP, a three stage process is also proposed. A CLFP-based Unit of Learning example is used to illustrate the process and the need of the proposed extension.
CSCL applications are complex distributed systems that posespecial requirements towards achieving success in educationalsettings. Flexible and efficient design of collaborative activitiesby educators is a key precondition in order to provide CSCL tailorable systems, capable of adapting to the needs of eachparticular learning environment. Furthermore, some parts ofthose CSCL systems should be reused as often as possible inorder to reduce development costs. In addition, it may be necessary to employ special hardware devices, computational resources that reside in other organizations, or even exceed thepossibilities of one specific organization. Therefore, theproposal of this paper is twofold: collecting collaborativelearning designs (scripting) provided by educators, based onwell-known best practices (collaborative learning flow patterns) in a standard way (IMS-LD) in order to guide the tailoring of CSCL systems by selecting and integrating reusable CSCL software units; and, implementing those units in the form of grid services offered by third party providers. More specifically, this paper outlines a grid-based CSCL system having these features and illustrates its potential scope and applicability by means of a sample collaborative learning scenario.
Designs of CSCL (Computer Supported Collaborative Learning)activities should be flexible, effective and customizable toparticular learning situations. On the other hand, structureddesigns aim to create favourable conditions for learning. Thus,this paper proposes the collection of representative and broadlyaccepted (best practices) structuring techniques in collaborative learning. With the aim of establishing a conceptual common ground among collaborative learning practitioners and softwaredevelopers, and reusing the expertise that best practicesrepresent, the paper also proposes the formulation of these techniques as patterns: the so-called CLFPs (CollaborativeLearning Flow Patterns). To formalize these patterns, we havechosen the educational modelling language IMS Learning Design (IMS-LD). IMS-LD has the capability to specify many of the collaborative characteristics of the CLFPs. Nevertheless, the language bears limited capability for describing the services that mediate interactions within a learning activity and the specification of temporal or rotated roles. This analysis isdiscussed in the paper, as well as our approaches towards thedevelopment of a system capable of integrating tools using IMSLDscripts and a CLFP-based Learning Design authoring tool.
We examine the relationship between structural social capital, resource assembly, and firm performance of entrepreneurs in Africa. We posit that social capital primarily composed of kinship or family ties helps the entrepreneur to raise resources, but it does so at a cost. Using data drawn from small firms in Kampala, Uganda, we explore how shared identity among the entrepreneur's social network moderates this relationship. A large network contributed a higher quantity of resources raised, but at a higher cost when shared identity was high. We discuss the implications of these findings for the role of family ties and social capital in resource assembly, with an emphasis on developing economies.
In this paper, we investigate how the gendered origin of migrant networks (i.e. matrilineal vs. patrilineal) is associated with aspirations to migrate and subsequent migration behavior. Using longitudinal data from the Mexican Family Life Survey (MxFLS), we follow 3,923 married couples across 139 municipalities over the 2002-2005 period. We find that the networks of both the individual and her/his spouse are associated with aspiring to migrate to the United States. However, one’s own network matters most (i.e. matrilineal networks for women and patrilineal networks for men). On the other hand, in terms of behavior, only matrilineal networks predict a subsequent move to the U.S. for men and women/couples, who are assessed jointly. These findings suggest that our understanding of the role of migrant networks in perpetuating male-centered, labor migration does not necessarily translate once a union has formed. We make the case that future work would do well to account for not only the presence and composition of networks, but also their origin, which in certain circumstances may be the most relevant factor.
This paper lays down some theoretical framework for further research to be made on the subject of how identity of young Slovenian and Catalan users is forming within the social networking website Facebook. The author pursues his interest based on observation of how communicationand thus interaction between users is changing and how this is reflected in everyday practices. In so doing he tries to identify the connections between the individual, society and technology, asthese are more and more interwoven, and we cannot think one without the other in thecontemporary globalised world.
Nuclear receptors are a major component of signal transduction in animals. They mediate the regulatory activities of many hormones, nutrients and metabolites on the homeostasis and physiology of cells and tissues. It is of high interest to model the corresponding regulatory networks. While molecular and cell biology studies of individual promoters have provided important mechanistic insight, a more complex picture is emerging from genome-wide studies. The regulatory circuitry of nuclear receptor regulated gene expression networks, and their response to cellular signaling, appear highly dynamic, and involve long as well as short range chromatin interactions. We review how progress in understanding the kinetics and regulation of cofactor recruitment, and the development of new genomic methods, provide opportunities but also a major challenge for modeling nuclear receptor mediated regulatory networks.
La utilització de mapes a l'ensenyament de la geografia esdevé de capitalimportància. En concret, els mapes també són sovint utilitzats en el procésd'avaluació dels alumnes. En aquest projecte es proposa una aproximació quedesenvolupa un middleware per a connectar un motor que genera qüestionaris ipreguntes definits segons l'especificació IMS QTI (APIS), amb un servei que ensproporciona mapes (GoogleMaps). La finalitat és aconseguir que treballin demanera conjunta, introduint els mínims canvis al motor. S'han modelat algunesinteraccions contemplades a l'especificació, a més d'obrir noves formesd'interacció més naturals i intuïtives. L'aproximació és genèrica, i es podriafàcilment estendre per a altres serveis externs.
Des de fa alguns anys les tecnologies educatives han anat evolucionant y revolucionant el món pedagògic. En aquest sentit, son molts els grups de treball que participen en la investigació i producció de nous estàndards educatius. Alguns d’aquests estàndards son IMS Learning Designi IMS Content Packaging. L’adopció d’aquests estàndards per part de la comunitat educativa depèn en gran mesura de l’accessibilitat a les eines de producció per part dels membres d’aquesta comunitat. En aquest projecte es fa patent la necessitat d’una aplicació que permeti la generació d’unitats d’aprenentatge de forma assistida mitjançant plantilles.D’altre banda, ELGG és un sistema gestor de continguts open-source que permet crear xarxes socials de forma senzilla i amb la possibilitat d’afegir nous mòduls per augmentar així la seva funcionalitat. Per aquest motiu, aquest projecte es basa en la plataforma col·laborativa de recolzament als professors LdShake, utilitzada per la Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF), quetreballa sobre el Framework de ELGG.Sobre aquests dos conceptes descansa la idea general del projecte – a saber, el disseny iposterior desenvolupament d’un sistema de generació d’unitats d’aprenentatge basat enplantilles seguint els estàndards IMS LD i IMS CP sobre LdShake.Per tant, en aquest projecte ens hem centrat en el desenvolupament i avaluació preliminar d’un mòdul integrat en LdShake, centrat en el subconjunt necessari de característiques bàsiques dels estàndards de la IMS Global Consortium, que ens permet la generació d’unitats d’aprenentatge, així com la seva distribució i reproducció en sistemes de gestió d’aprenentatge o LMS, gràcies al’ús de plantilles que son en si mateixes una solució coneguda, provada i exitosa.
Almost 30 years ago, Bayesian networks (BNs) were developed in the field of artificial intelligence as a framework that should assist researchers and practitioners in applying the theory of probability to inference problems of more substantive size and, thus, to more realistic and practical problems. Since the late 1980s, Bayesian networks have also attracted researchers in forensic science and this tendency has considerably intensified throughout the last decade. This review article provides an overview of the scientific literature that describes research on Bayesian networks as a tool that can be used to study, develop and implement probabilistic procedures for evaluating the probative value of particular items of scientific evidence in forensic science. Primary attention is drawn here to evaluative issues that pertain to forensic DNA profiling evidence because this is one of the main categories of evidence whose assessment has been studied through Bayesian networks. The scope of topics is large and includes almost any aspect that relates to forensic DNA profiling. Typical examples are inference of source (or, 'criminal identification'), relatedness testing, database searching and special trace evidence evaluation (such as mixed DNA stains or stains with low quantities of DNA). The perspective of the review presented here is not exclusively restricted to DNA evidence, but also includes relevant references and discussion on both, the concept of Bayesian networks as well as its general usage in legal sciences as one among several different graphical approaches to evidence evaluation.
A character network represents relations between characters from a text; the relations are based on text proximity, shared scenes/events, quoted speech, etc. Our project sketches a theoretical framework for character network analysis, bringing together narratology, both close and distant reading approaches, and social network analysis. It is in line with recent attempts to automatise the extraction of literary social networks (Elson, 2012; Sack, 2013) and other studies stressing the importance of character- systems (Woloch, 2003; Moretti, 2011). The method we use to build the network is direct and simple. First, we extract co-occurrences from a book index, without the need for text analysis. We then describe the narrative roles of the characters, which we deduce from their respective positions in the network, i.e. the discourse. As a case study, we use the autobiographical novel Les Confessions by Jean-Jacques Rousseau. We start by identifying co-occurrences of characters in the book index of our edition (Slatkine, 2012). Subsequently, we compute four types of centrality: degree, closeness, betweenness, eigenvector. We then use these measures to propose a typology of narrative roles for the characters. We show that the two parts of Les Confessions, written years apart, are structured around mirroring central figures that bear similar centrality scores. The first part revolves around the mentor of Rousseau; a figure of openness. The second part centres on a group of schemers, depicting a period of deep paranoia. We also highlight characters with intermediary roles: they provide narrative links between the societies in the life of the author. The method we detail in this complete case study of character network analysis can be applied to any work documented by an index. Un réseau de personnages modélise les relations entre les personnages d'un récit : les relations sont basées sur une forme de proximité dans le texte, l'apparition commune dans des événements, des citations dans des dialogues, etc. Notre travail propose un cadre théorique pour l'analyse des réseaux de personnages, rassemblant narratologie, close et distant reading, et analyse des réseaux sociaux. Ce travail prolonge les tentatives récentes d'automatisation de l'extraction de réseaux sociaux tirés de la littérature (Elson, 2012; Sack, 2013), ainsi que les études portant sur l'importance des systèmes de personnages (Woloch, 2003; Moretti, 2011). La méthode que nous utilisons pour construire le réseau est directe et simple. Nous extrayons les co-occurrences d'un index sans avoir recours à l'analyse textuelle. Nous décrivons les rôles narratifs des personnages en les déduisant de leurs positions relatives dans le réseau, donc du discours. Comme étude de cas, nous avons choisi le roman autobiographique Les Confessions, de Jean- Jacques Rousseau. Nous déduisons les co-occurrences entre personnages de l'index présent dans l'édition Slatkine (Rousseau et al., 2012). Sur le réseau obtenu, nous calculons quatre types de centralité : le degré, la proximité, l'intermédiarité et la centralité par vecteur propre. Nous utilisons ces mesures pour proposer une typologie des rôles narratifs des personnages. Nous montrons que les deux parties des Confessions, écrites à deux époques différentes, sont structurées autour de deux figures centrales, qui obtiennent des mesures de centralité similaires. La première partie est construite autour du mentor de Rousseau, qui a symbolisé une grande ouverture. La seconde partie se focalise sur un groupe de comploteurs, et retrace une période marquée par la paranoïa chez l'auteur. Nous mettons également en évidence des personnages jouant des rôles intermédiaires, et de fait procurant un lien narratif entre les différentes sociétés couvrant la vie de l'auteur. La méthode d'analyse des réseaux de personnages que nous décrivons peut être appliquée à tout texte de fiction comportant un index.
Until the 1990's, Switzerland could be classified as either a corporatist, cooperative or coordinated market economy where non-market mechanisms of coordination among economic and political actors were very important. In this respect, Business Interest Associations (BIAs) played a key role. The aim of this paper is to look at the historical evolution of the five main peak Swiss BIAs through network analysis for five assorted dates during the 20th century (1910, 1937, 1957, 1980 and 2000) while relying on a database that includes more than 12,000 people. First, we examine the logic of membership in these associations, which allows us to analyze their position and function within the network of the Swiss economic elite. Until the 1980's, BIAs took part in the emergence and consolidation of a closely meshed national network, which declined during the two last decades of the 20th century. Second, we investigate the logic of influence of these associations by looking at the links they maintained with the political and administrative worlds through their links to the political parties and Parliament, and to the administration via the extra-parliamentary commissions (corporatist bodies). In both cases, the recent dynamic of globalization called into question the traditional role of BIAs.
Many complex systems may be described by not one but a number of complex networks mapped on each other in a multi-layer structure. Because of the interactions and dependencies between these layers, the state of a single layer does not necessarily reflect well the state of the entire system. In this paper we study the robustness of five examples of two-layer complex systems: three real-life data sets in the fields of communication (the Internet), transportation (the European railway system), and biology (the human brain), and two models based on random graphs. In order to cover the whole range of features specific to these systems, we focus on two extreme policies of system's response to failures, no rerouting and full rerouting. Our main finding is that multi-layer systems are much more vulnerable to errors and intentional attacks than they appear from a single layer perspective.