886 resultados para Housing
The present paper studies the relationship between residential environment and building value. This allows us to know the elements of definition of the value of a particular housing market area and the variables that define that price. The objective of the research is to identify patterns within the residential housing market in the city area of Madrid.
Proceedings of the 12th DOCOMOMO International Conference
The advantages of wireless sensing implemented on the cold chain of fresh products are well known. These sensor systems consist of a combination of delicate internal electronic circuitry enclosed in a special housing unit. Manufacturers however are presented with the challenge that the housing required to withstand the harsh environment in which the sensors are being used all too often take from the functionality of the sensor. Therefore the target of this study is to determine the dynamic behavior and the counteractive effects of the sensor housing on temperature recording accuracy in the wireless nodes of Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) and Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) semi-passive tags. Two kind of semi-passive Turbo Tags were used (T700 and T702-B), which consisted of sensors with and without a cover, and two kind of WSN nodes, IRIS (sensors Intersema and Sensirion soldered in the motherboard) and NLAZA (Sensirion in a cable and soldered to the motherboard). To recreate the temperature profiles the devices were rotated between a cold room(5 C) through a ambient room(23 C) to a heated environment (35C) and vice versa. Analysis revealed the differences between housing and no housing are 308.22s to 21.99s respectively in the step from 5 to 35 C. As is demonstrated in these experiments the influence of the housing significantly hinders sensor accuracy.
Sobre el conjunto residencial Kojima, de Tadao Ando
La presente tesis doctoral aborda el estudio del proyecto de vivienda colectiva social desde la nocin de norma, entendida desde la sistematizacin o normalizacin de los instrumentos del proyecto arquitectnico de vivienda protegida. Esto es, desde una idea de tipificacin taxonmica en cuanto ajuste a un conjunto de reglas comunes productoras de sistemas normativos. La hiptesis de partida se basa en la consideracin de la vivienda pblica como un laboratorio de estudio histrico de los ideales de confort y calidad de vida. Este campo de pruebas ha constituido una slida base que ha servido como punto de encuentro muy particular entre proyecto y normativa desde las primeras vanguardias europeas hasta la actualidad. El principal objetivo de la investigacin es la revalorizacin de una normativa de vivienda que ha producido ejemplos de innegable calidad en el contexto nacional e internacional, as como un intento de actualizacin de su codificacin. La investigacin se sirve de los instrumentos especficos de la disciplina arquitectnica para explicar una disociacin detectada desde la segunda mitad del siglo pasado entre la utopa del proyecto social de vivienda y el pragmatismo de la norma que lo regula, ms all de los aspectos sociales y culturales asociados a las nuevas composiciones familiares, las tecnologas cambiantes, los ritos domsticos contemporneos o el valor creciente del tiempo libre. La propuesta de una nueva terminologa que aborde nuevas relaciones en el acercamiento al proyecto de vivienda desde la normativa espaola deriva en un conjunto de estrategias de proyecto desde las que proponer sistemas normativos. Dichas estrategias se basan principalmente en mecanismos de cualificacin espacial que permitan un nuevo acercamiento entre dichas normas y las formas de habitar actuales. ABSTRACT This doctoral thesis deals with the study of the project of social collective housing from the notion of rule, understanding it from the systematization or standardization of the instruments of architectural project for social housing. Thus, it deals with an idea of taxonomic typification as an adjustment to a set of common rules which produce regulation systems. The initial hypothesis is based on the consideration of public housing as a laboratory for studying the historical ideals of comfort and quality of life. This testing ground has been a solid base that has served as a very specific meeting point between project and regulations from the first European avantgarde to nowadays. The main objective of this research is the revaluation of housing regulations, which have produced examples of undeniable quality in the national and international stage, as well as an attempt to update their codification. The research assumes the specific tools of the discipline of architecture for explaining a dissociation detected between the utopia of the project for social housing and the pragmatism of the regulations from the second half of last century, beyond social and cultural aspects associated to the new family arrangements, the changing technologies, the contemporary domestic rituals or the rising value of leisure time. The proposal of a new terminology that tackles new relations in the approach to housing project from the Spanish legislation results in a set of strategies to propose regulation systems. Those strategies are mainly based on mechanisms for spatial qualification which allow a new approach between these rules and the current ways of living.
This paper explores the urban rehabilitation projects promoted by the Spanish Government between 1992 and 2012 through housing plans. The analysis is based on the comparison of programmes and estimations gathered in these plans with actual housing production within this period in order to find the connection between sectoral housing planning and real estate cycles in these last twenty years. During the period under review, six state housing plans, that were mainly focused on the promotion of newly-constructed state-subsidised housing, were developed, including the Areas of Integrated Rehabilitation programmes (ARI programmes). In spite of the relevance and growing complexity of these programmes, these played a subsidiary role in the government housing policy and were insignificant regarding the whole real estate production in this period.
In collaboration with Ernesto Fernndez-Pujol, Fabin Cruz Gallego and Luis Pizarro.
Proyecto de casas populares, Ibiza
Collaborators: Antonio Domnguez Iglesias and Angel Ximnez de Embn.
Fuel poverty can be defined as the inability to afford adequate warmth in the home and it is the result of the combination of three factors: low household income, lack of energy efficiency and high energy bills. Within this context, the present research is aimed at characterizing, for the first time, the housing stock of fuel-poor households in the Autonomous Region of Madrid. Fuel poverty incidence was established and households were divided into six different groups according to their relative position regarding fuel and monetary poverty. The housing stock of each group is characterized and those households most in need are identified. These results enable energy retrofitting priorities to be established, focusing on the needs of the different household groups and accounting for their housing stock characteristics. This allows Spanish energy retrofitting policies to be assessed for their capability of tackling fuel poverty and makes it possible to suggest some improvements.
The main goal of the cofounded by the European Commission LIFE Project, New4Old (LIFE10 ENV/ES/439), is to define the most appropriate method and the best available practice in social housing rehabilitation with energy and environmental sustainability criteria, as well as to apply innovative technologies in the fight against climate change through an efficient use of resources and energy. The institutions involved in the Project are the Technological Centre AITEMIN, Madrid Polytechnic University (UPM), Portugal Technological Centre for Ceramics and Glass (CTCV) and the Zaragoza City Housing Society (SMZV). The demonstrator project consists in the energy rehabilitation of a rental social housing building located in Zaragoza?s historic quarter, according to the conclusions and strategies developed for the LIFE project. In actions taken in households of this nature passive design strategies are essential due to the limited income of owners, who often cannot afford energy bills. Therefore, the proposed actions will help improve the building?s passive performance and reach a higher thermal comfort, without increasing the economic cost linked to energy consumption.
The building sector is well known to be one of the key energy consumers worldwide. The renovation of existing buildings provides excellent opportunities for an effective reduction of energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions but it is essential to identify the optimal strategies. In this paper a multi-criteria methodology is proposed for the comparative analysis of retrofitting solutions. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and Life Cycle Cost (LCC) are combined by expressing environmental impacts in monetary values. A Pareto optimization is used to select the preferred strategies. The methodology is exemplified by a case study: the renovation of a representative housing block from the 1960s located in Madrid. Eight scenarios have been proposed, from the Business as Usual scenario (BAU), through Spanish Building Regulation requirements (for new buildings) up to the Passive House standard. Results show how current renovation strategies that are being applied in Madrid are far from being optimal solutions. The required additional investment, which is needed to obtain an overall performance improvement of the envelope compared with the common practice to date, is relatively low (8%) considering the obtained life cycle environmental and financial savings (43% and 45%, respectively).
En los prximos aos, el principal reto del sector de la construccin reside en la rehabilitacin sostenible del parque inmobiliario. En muchas ciudades de Espaa existe un tejido muy especfico sobre el que es necesario intervenir: los barrios de bloque abierto construidos en el periodo de la posguerra. Este artculo parte de un estudio del parque residencial de la posguerra donde, pasados 50 aos, resulta necesario intervenir. El anlisis se ha centrado en la construccin de vivienda durante las dcadas de los 50, 60 y 70, identificando las tipologas existentes as como las caractersticas constructivas y los materiales empleados. Adems, y dado que actuar en estos edificios va a ser necesario en los prximos aos, se ha analizado la rehabilitacin de viviendas en Espaa de los ltimos aos, proponiendo nuevas metodologas para la toma de decisiones que integren los aspectos ambientales y econmicos, encaminadas hacia una construccin ms sostenible.
La cuestin del asentamiento socialista en la URSS durante la dcada de 1920 estuvo caracterizada por el objetivo de definir y establecer un estado socialista en trminos polticos, sociales y econmicos. En este contexto de inestabilidad y cambio, un grupo de arquitectos pertenecientes a la Asociacin de Arquitectos Contemporneos, OSA, y liderado por Moisey Ginzburg, abord el tema de la vivienda obrera asumiendo la responsabilidad y el compromiso por alcanzar un nuevo orden social. Su misin no consisti nicamente en solucionar el problema del alojamiento para los trabajadores en las grandes ciudades soviticas, sino en redefinirlo como el marco adecuado para una sociedad sometida a un cambio sin precedentes que, al mismo tiempo y en un proceso dialctico, deba contribuir a la construccin de esa nueva sociedad. La respuesta dada por la OSA trascendi el diseo inmediato bajo los estndares modernos establecidos en Occidente y tom forma en un proceso de investigacin que habra de prolongarse durante cinco aos. Este trabajo, que culmin con la construccin y puesta en crisis de la Casa Narkomfin, se desarroll en tres aproximaciones sucesivas. La primera, de carcter conceptual, consider la participacin ciudadana, as como de especialistas independientes, formalizndose en el Concurso entre Camaradas convocado por la OSA en 1926. La segunda aproximacin al problema de la vivienda obrera se articul a travs de la investigacin llevada a cabo por la Seccin de Tipificacin del Stroykom, esta vez desde premisas cientficas y metodolgicas. Finalmente, las conclusiones alcanzadas fueron transferidas a la prctica arquitectnica por medio de la construccin de seis Casas Experimentales de Transicin, entre las que destac la Casa Narkomfin. Este ltimo acercamiento, de carcter emprico, ha sido tradicionalmente examinado por los expertos como un hecho aislado. Sin embargo, su estudio debe trascender necesariamente el genio del autor-creador en favor del proceso de investigacin al que pertenece. En esta tesis, la Casa Narkomfin no se presenta slo como el paradigma de vivienda sovitica de vanguardia al que estamos acostumbrados, sino como un prototipo que recoge los principios y conclusiones alcanzados en las aproximaciones conceptuales y cientficas precedentes. nicamente desde este punto de vista cobra sentido la consideracin de Ginzburg sobre su propio edificio como un medio propositivo y no impositivo: un proyecto concebido como una herramienta de transicin hacia una sociedad ms avanzada. ABSTRACT The question of mass housing in the USSR during the Twenties was marked by the drive to define and establish a socialist state in political, social and economic terms. In this context of instability and change, a group of architects gathered together under the Association of Contemporary Architects, OSA, led by Moisey Ginzburg, to address the issue of mass housing, thus taking on the responsibility and being committed to creating a new social order. Their quest not only involved solving the problem of housing for workers in large Soviet cities, but also redefining this solution as an appropriate framework for a society undergoing dramatic changes which, at the same time and in a dialectical process, would contribute to the creation of this new society. The solution provided by OSA transcended Modern standards of immediate design set by the West and was the result of a research process that would last five years. This work culminated in the construction of Narkomfin House and its self-criticism, developed in three successive approaches. The first was conceptual, being formalized in the Comradely Competition held by the OSA in 1926 and taking into account the participation of citizens and independent experts. The second approach to the problem of mass housing involved research developed by the Typification Section of the Stroykom, this time under scientific and methodological premises. Finally, the conclusions reached were put in practice with the construction of six Experimental Transitional Houses of which the most notable is Narkomfin House. This third empirical approach has traditionally been examined by scholars in isolation. However, its study must necessarily transcend the genius of the author-creator and involve the research process of which it is part. In this thesis, Narkomfin House is presented not only as the paradigm in Soviet housing avant-garde we are used to, but also as a prototype reflecting the principles and conclusions reached in the preceding conceptual and scientific approaches. Only from this point of view does Ginzburgs understanding of his own building as a proactive and non-imposed environment make sense: a project conceived as a transition tool towards a more advanced society.