814 resultados para Hot hand
Planning hot forging processes is a time-consuming activity with high costs involved because of the trial-and-error iterative methods used to design dies and to choose equipment and process conditions. Some processes demand many months to produce forged parts with controlled shapes, dimensions and microstructure. This paper shows how expert systems can help engineers to reduce the time needed to design precision forged parts and dies from machined parts. The software ADHFD interfacing MS Visual Basic v.5.0 and SolidEdge v.3.0 was used to design flashless hot forged gears, chosen from families of gears. © 1998 Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved.
We derive the equation of state for hot nuclear matter using the Walecka model in a non-perturbative formalism. We include here the vacuum polarization effects arising from the nucleon and scalar mesons through a realignment of the vacuum. A ground state structure with baryon-antibaryon condensates yields the results obtained through the relativistic Hartree approximation of summing baryonic tadpole diagrams. Generalization of such a state to include the quantum effects for the scalar meson fields through the σ -meson condensates amounts to summing over a class of multiloop diagrams. The techniques of the thermofield dynamics method are used for the finite-temperature and finite-density calculations. The in-medium nucleon and sigma meson masses are also calculated in a self-consistent manner. We examine the liquid-gas phase transition at low temperatures (≈ 20 MeV), as well as apply the formalism to high temperatures to examine a possible chiral symmetry restoration phase transition.
It was aimed to extend the postharvest conservation of 'Tommy Atkins' mango fruits harvested in break maturity stage. Fruits were submitted at the following treatments: hot water treatment (55°C for 5 minutes) and benomyl 1,000 mg.L-1; irradiation with 0,8 or 1,0 kGy; irradiation associated at carnaúba wax; and control. The fruits were stored at 10°C and 85 - 90%RH during 21 days, and then removed to ambient temperature (25,7±0,7°C and 87,1±2,2%RH). Through the storage time, the evolution of fresh weight, color, rottenness, total soluble solids (TSS), total titratable acidity (TTA), and TSS/TTA ratio were measured. 'Tommy Atkins' mango fruits can have shelf life notably increased, when they were submitted to hot water treatment (55°C for 5 minutes) or γ radiation (0,8 and 1,0 kGy), associated with carnaúba wax application, before cold storage. These treatments increased the fruit resistance at refrigerated storage, and improved shelflife after transferring to ambient temperature.
In this work it was developed a procedure for the determination of vanadium in urine samples by electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry using successive injections for preconcentration into a preheated graphite tube. Three 60 μL volumes were sequentially injected into the atomizer preheated to a temperature of 110°C. Drying and pyrolysis steps were carried out after each injection. A chemical modifier, barium difluoride (100 mg L-1), and a surfactant, Triton X-100 (0.3% v v-1), were added to the urine sample. When injecting into a hot graphite tube, the sample flow-rate was 0.5 μL s-1. The limits of detection and quantification were 0.54 and 1.82 without preconcentration, and 0.11 and 0.37 μg L-1 with preconcentration, respectively. The accuracy of the procedure was evaluated by an addition-recovery experiment employing urine samples. Recoveries varied from 96.0 to 103% for additions ranging from 0.8 to 3.5 μg L-1 V. The developed procedure allows the determination of vanadium in urine without any sample pretreatment and with minimal dilution of the sample.
The objective of the present research was to evaluate effects of different strip weed control associated with nitrogen fertilizer on corn applied after planting. The experiment was set and conducted in Botucatu, São Paulo State, Brazil, and the hybrid planted was Dekalb 333-B. A completely randomized block design with four replications was used. Experimental plots were disposed as a factorial scheme 2 x 2 x 4, constituted by two types of weeding on row (with or without manual hoeing), two types of weeding on inter-row (with or without manual hoeing), and four nitrogen levels applied after planting (00, 60, 90, and 120 kg ha-1). Plots were composed by six rows with 5 m length. Nitrogen fertilizer was applied at 35 days after emergence (d.a.e). For weed community it was evaluated: weed density, dominancy, frequency, and relative importance. The main weed species were: Brachiaria plantiginea, Amaranthus retroflexus, Bidens pilosa, Cyperus rotunds, Brachiaria decumbens, Euphorbia heterofila, Oxalis latifolia, Acanthospermum hispidum, Commelina benghalensis. It was evaluated corn height at 40 and 100 d.a.e., first ear insertion height at 100 d.a.e., and final grain yield at harvesting. Plants and first ear insertion height were affected when nitrogen fertilizer was not applied. Treatments without weed control showed that weed interfered negatively with plants height. There were no correlation between weeds and nitrogen fertilizer for all parameters evaluated. Parcels without weed showed the highest ear weights and final grain production. Treatments that received nitrogen fertilizer, independently of studied arrangement, provided higher yields.
In the work described in the present paper, an analytical solution of the general heat conduction equation was employed to assay the temperature profile inside a solid slab which is initially at room temperature and is suddenly plunged into a fluid maintained at a high temperature. The results were then extrapolated to a simulation of a hot modulus of rupture test of typical MgO-graphite refractory samples containing different amounts of graphite in order to evaluate how fast the temperature equilibrates inside the test specimens. Calculations indicated that, depending on the graphite content, the time to full temperature homogenization was in the range of 80 to 200 s. These findings are relevant to the high temperature testing of such refractories in oxidizing conditions in view of the graphite oxidation risks in the proper evaluation of the hot mechanical properties.
This paper presents a new model for the representation of the electrodes filaments of fluorescent lamps, during their preheating, and an analysis capable to guide the design of the preheating process in electronic ballasts. The main improvement obtained with the lamp model is the accurate theoretical reproduction of the behavior of the Rh/Rc ratio during the preheating process. In addition, using the proposed methodology based on the lamp model, it is possible to set a proper preheating process to the electrodes filaments, without the necessity of exhaustive empirical adjustments in the prototype, reducing time and costs involved in the design of ballasts with preheating capabilities. © 2006 IEEE.
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The growing demand for steels with tighter compositional specifications led the Companhia Siderúrgica Nacional (CSN) to develop more efficient processes. To solve this problem this paper aims to identify the operational variables more impacting in the desulfurization process, specifically in torpedo car, as well as its causes and solutions. Then select and test, with laboratorial and industrial tests, desulfurizing agents based of CaC 2, CaO, CaCO3, and Mg to assess the cost per quantity of product desulfurized. The mixture with best results was not that one with highest content of CaC2. It is believed that this mixture showed better efficiency because of the increased agitation of the bath, produced by the releasing of gas from compound CaCO3 present in this mixture. Copyright © 2013 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.
This paper reports our initial research to obtain SrWO4 microcrystals by the injection of ions into a hot aqueous solution and their photocatalytic (PC) properties. These microcrystals were structurally characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Rietveld refinements and Fourier transform (FT)-Raman spectroscopy. The shape and average size of these SrWO 4 microcrystals were observed by field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). In addition, we have investigated the PC activity of microcrystals for the degradation of rhodamine B (RhB) and rhodamine 6G (Rh6G) dyes. XRD patterns, Rietveld refinement data and FT-Raman spectroscopy confirmed that SrWO4 microcrystals have a scheelite-type tetragonal structure without deleterious phases. FT-Raman spectra exhibited 12 Raman-active modes in a range from 50 to 1000 cm-1. FE-SEM and TEM images suggested that the SrWO4 microcrystals (rice-like - 95%; star-, flower-, and urchin-like - 5%) were formed by means of primary/secondary nucleation events and self-assembly processes. Based on these FE-SEM/TEM images, a crystal growth mechanism was proposed and discussed in details in this work. Finally, a good PC activity was first discovered of the SrWO4 microcrystals for the degradation of RhB after 80 min and Rh6G after 50 min dyes under ultraviolet-light, respectively. © 2012 The Society of Powder Technology Japan. Published by Elsevier B.V. and The Society of Powder.
The wrist and hand region has been the most commonly used for estimating age and osseous development due to the great number of ossification centers. The aim was to determine which method, Tanner & Whitehouse's (TW3), Greulich & Pyle's (GP) or Eklof & Ringertz's, more closely relates to the chronological age in subjects with Down syndrome with chronological ages between 61 and 180 months, using wrist and hand radiographs. The sample consisted of 85 radiographs, 52 of males and 33 of females. Eklof & Ringertz's method was computerized (Radiomemory). Greulich & Pyle's atlas was used and compared with the wrist and hand radiographs. For the TW3 method, 13 ossification centers were evaluated; for each one of them, there are seven or eight development stages to which scores are assigned; these scores are then added and the results are transformed into osseous age values. No statistically significant differences were observed between the male and female genders for methods TW3 and GP, contrasting with the observed differences for the Eklof & Ringertz method. Correlation (r2) between osseous and chronological ages was 0.8262 for TW3 and 0.7965 for GP, while for the method of Eklof & Ringertz, it was 0.7656 for females and 0.8353 for males. The author concluded that the osseous age assessment method that better related to the chronological age was the TW3, followed by Greulich & Pyle's and Eklof & Ringertz's.
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This study was conducted to evaluate the morphologic modifications in tissues of the fruit and seed of the crambe (Crambe abyssinica Hochst. Ex R.E. Fr.) after drying at different temperatures. Fruits with a water content of 0.38 kg water/kg dry matter were harvested and manually homogenized. Drying was accomplished at 35, 45, 60, 75, and 90°C and at 21,9,7,5, and 2% relative humidity, respectively. After drying, the structure of the pericarp and tegument of the seed were evaluated and the embryo was removed from the fruit/seed for morphological analysis (structural and ultrastructural and the histolocalization of reserve substances). Drying at different temperatures did not affect the cellular structure of the tissues composing the pericarp of the fruits, but it disorganized the structure of the seed tegument. The cells of the tegument and cotyledons presented a contraction in their volumes. The lowest contractions in the cellular volumes of both the tegument and cotyledons occurred after drying at 35 and 45°C. The cytoplasm of the cotyledon cells contains oil drops and the protein bodies contain protein granules and starch grains. There were no changes in the cellular walls of the embryos of the fruits dried at different temperatures; however, ungluing of the medium lamella occurred. This damage occurred with greater intensity after drying at temperatures above 60°C. The form of the oil drops in the cytoplasm of the cotyledon cells was altered after drying. At temperatures above 60°C, the drops broke up and coalesced. After drying at 45 and 60°C, the form of some protein bodies was altered, whereas at 75 and 90°C coalescence of the protein bodies occurred in some cells. It was concluded that the identified alterations can affect the physiologic quality of crambe seeds. © 2013 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.
Objectives: Hand/wrist and dental radiographs are important for osteoporosis analysis in secondary hyperparathyroidism (SHPT). This study evaluated whether a correlation exists between the effects of the disease on the hands and jaws, and investigated the association between osteoporosis progression in the hands and parathyroid hormone (PTH) levels in chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients. Materials and methods: Four panoramic radiographic parameters (mental index, mandibular cortical index, trabecular bone pattern, and calcification/resorption) and four corresponding hand/wrist radiographic parameters (metacarpal cortical thickness, phalangeal cortical index, trabecular bone pattern, and calcification/resorption) were applied to investigate possible correlation between the effects of SHPT on the jaws and hands/wrists, by Spearman's correlation coefficient. PTH levels and the hand/wrist radiographic parameters were also tested by spearman's correlation coefficient (p < 0.05). The presence of brown tumors, vascular calcifications, and acroosteolysis on the hands was also evaluated. Results: Mandibular cortical index was strongly correlated with the phalangeal cortical index (p = 0.000). Phalangeal cortical index and trabecular bone pattern of hand/wrist correlated with PTH levels (0.002 and 0.000, respectively). Brown tumors occurred in four CKD patients, while both vascular calcifications and acroosteolysis were observed in 19 patients. Conclusion: There is a significant correlation between the morphological changes caused by secondary hyperparathyroidism in hand and jaw bones. The morphological status can be assessed using the mandibular cortical index, besides the phalangeal cortical index. The latter correlates well with parathyroid hormone levels of advanced chronic kidney disease. Clinical relevance: Panoramic images reveal morphological changes in the jaw bone, indicating likewise changes in the hand/wrist in severe secondary hyperparathyroidism. The severity of the bone changes may be a reflection of the parathyroid hormone levels in advanced chronic kidney disease. © 2012 Springer-Verlag.
We consider a charged Brownian gas under the influence of external, static and uniform electric and magnetic fields, immersed in a uniform bath temperature. We obtain the solution for the associated Langevin equation, and thereafter the evolution of the nonequilibrium temperature towards a nonequilibrium (hot) steady state. We apply our results to a simple yet relevant Brownian model for carrier transport in GaAs. We obtain a negative differential conductivity regime (Gunn effect) and discuss and compare our results with the experimental results. © 2013.