996 resultados para Host Feeding
The interface Eurytrema coelomaticum/Bradybaena similaris was studied by quantifying the amount of glucose on the hemolymph and the content of glycogen in the cells of the digestive gland and the cephalopedal mass of infected and uninfected snails. Samples were analyzed on days 0, 30, 90 and 150 post-infection. The infected snails had less glucose in the hemolymph, with a reduction of 67.05 por cento at 30 days, and 62.09 por cento at 90 days post-infection. The reduction in glycogen content was 86.41 por cento in the digestive gland and 79.1 por cento in the cephalopedal mass at 30 days, and 92.71 por cento and 90.89 por cento in these organs respectively at 90 days post-infection. It is proposed that the sporocysts absorb glucose directly from the hemolymph.
In order to evaluate the permissiveness of Nectomys squamipes to Schistosoma mansoni and the influence of the albino mice on the morphological aspects of adult worms derived from a population isolated from N. squamipes, the morphology of adult S. mansoni Sambon, 1907 male worms was studied using a digital image analyser (MOP VIDEOPLAN) and light microscopy. Their sources were as follows: (1) recovered from the wild rodent N. squamipes Brants naturally infected from Sumidouro, RJ, Brazil; (2) recovered from albino mice experimentally infected with the strain derived from N. squamipes; (3) recovered after the isolation of a strain derived from aboriginal human infections in Sumidouro. Worms recovered from N. squamipes (group 1) showed body lenght and distance between suckers significantly bigger than those of the specimens maintained in mice (groups 2 and 3). The number of tests in group 1 was statistically less than of groups 2 and 3. Group 2 strains which were maintained in mice, presented the lenght of the worms as the only significant different character. Data show that: (1) N. squamipes is a more suitable host for the development of S. mansoni when compared to the albino mice; (2) a strain of S. mansoni isolated from a natural host undergoes morphological changes after its passage in the white mouse.
Investigations were carried out on the host parasitoid interaction between Periplaneta americana, the American cockroach and Tetrastichus hagenowii, an oothecal parasitoid. This gregarious female parasitoid infected and or oviposited in only one host and caused 100 por cento mortality of the infected host. However, increase in parasitoid density decreased the progeny production and influenced the sex ratio. The progenies produced were male biased. When host preference was tested by offering oothecae of different species of cockroaches, T. hagenowii showed a predilection towards the oothecae of P. americana, suggestings its host specificity.
The compatibility of Biomphalaria tenagophila, B. straminea and B. glabrata from Minas Gerais with different strains of Schistosoma mansoni was evaluated using the method of Frandsen (1979b) in standardized experiments. One hundred and fifty of each species of snail were individually exposed in the laboratory to 50 miracidia of S. mansoni lines LE, SJ and AL. The cercariae from the infected snails were counted and used to calculate TCP/100 indices, which were compared with those of Frandsen (1979b). For B. tenagophila the TCP/100 indices varied from 37,996 to 74,266 (class II and III). The snail was poorly compatible with LE (class II) and compatible with SJ and AL (class III). For B. straminea the indices varied from 9,484 to 20,508. The snail was not very compatible with SJ (class I) and poorly compatible with LE and AL (class II). For B. glabrata the indices varied from 588,828 to 1,039,065. The snails was extremely compatible (class VI) with the three lines of S. mansoni. These results confirm the epidemiological importance of B. glabrata in Brazil followed by B. tenagophila and B. straminea.
The Amazon region of Brazil is an area of great interest because of the large distribution of hepatitis B virus in specific Western areas. Seven urban communities and 24 Indian groups were visited in a total of 4,244 persons. Each individual was interviewed in order to obtain demographic and familial information. Whole blood was collected for serology and genetic determinations. Eleven genetic markers and three HBV markers were tested. Among the most relevant results it was possible to show that (i) there was a large variation of previous exposure to HBV in both urban and non-urban groups ranging from 0 to 59.2%; (ii) there was a different pattern of epidemiological distribution of HBV that was present even among a same linguistic Indian group, with mixed patterns of correlation between HBsAg and anti-HBs and (iii) the prevalence of HBV markers (HBsAg and anti-HBs) were significantly higher (P=0.0001) among the Indian population (18.8%) than the urban groups (12.5%). Its possible that the host genetic background could influence and modulate the replication of the virus in order to generate HB carrier state.
Schneider's Drosophila medium, a complex amino acid rich medium was tested alone and with seven different sugars for some aspects of the biology of Lutzomyia longipalpis. Statistically significant results were obtained when sucrose was used alone, indicating that among the sugars tested, this is still the most suitable and practical one for the maintenance of L. longipalpis colonies. However, the addition of Schneider's medium to a pool of different sugars, was suggested to be related with the acceptance of the first and second blood meals and to longevity, these being, obviously, quite relevant aspects when tansmission experiments are contemplated.
Mucosal surfaces represent the main sites of interaction with environmental microorganisms and antigens. Sentinel cells, including epithelial cells and dendritic cells (DCs), continuously sense the environment and coordinate defenses for the protection of mucosal tissues. DCs play a central role in the control of adaptive immune responses owing to their capacity to internalize foreign materials, to migrate into lymph nodes and to present antigens to naive lymphocytes. Some pathogenic microorganisms trigger epithelial responses that result in the recruitment of DCs. These pathogens hijack the recruited DCs to enable them to infect the host, escape the host's defense mechanisms and establish niches at remote sites.
Triatoma sordida is a peridomestic Triatominae that could play an important role in the transmission of Trypanosoma cruzi, although its vectorial competence is not well known. The aim of this work was to evaluate two aspects of the vectorial competence: the feeding behaviour and defaecation patterns, and to compare them with T. infestans. The feeding and defaecation patterns were studied in adults and fifth instar nymphs of T. sordida fed ad libitum on a restrained pigeon. The results showed how the blood meal size controls excretion behaviour. Blood intake and time to first defaecation showed a significant negative correlation. Adults and nymphs frequently defaecated during the blood meal, reaching the maximum frequency within the first 10 minutes.
The discovery of innate immune genes, such as those encoding Toll-like receptors (TLRs), nucleotide-binding oligomerisation domain-like receptors (NLRs), and related signal-transducing molecules, has led to a substantial improvement of our understanding of innate immunity. Recent immunogenetic studies have associated polymorphisms of the genes encoding TLRs, NLRs, and key signal-transducing molecules, such as interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 (IRAK4), with increased susceptibility to, or outcome of, infectious diseases. With the availability of high-throughput genotyping techniques, it is becoming increasingly evident that analyses of genetic polymorphisms of innate immune genes will further improve our knowledge of the host antimicrobial defence response and help in identifying individuals who are at increased risk of life-threatening infections. This is likely to open new perspectives for the development of diagnostic, predictive, and preventive management strategies to combat infectious diseases.
Culex quinquefasciatus is known to be an efficient insect host of Wuchereria bancrofti. In Brazil Cx. quinquefasciatus is widely distributed throughout the country and is often abundant in and around human habitations. In contrast, Bancroftian filariasis is limited to three foci in Brazil. Experiments were undertaken to compare the vector capacities of Cx. quinquefasciatus originating from Maceió (Alagoas), one of the endemic areas of W. bancrofti infection in Brazil, and Belo Horizonte (Minas Gerais), a non endemic area. Laboratory-reared Cx. quinquefasciatus were dissected 20 days after blood feeding on microfilaraemic patients. Survival rates and the number of infective larvae that developed did not differ in female mosquitoes of different origins. Thus both populations of Culex were susceptible to infection with W. bancrofti
Prosthenhystera obesa (Diesing,1850) Travassos, 1922 from the gall bladder of Astyanax bimaculatus, Caranx gibbosus, Galeocharax humeralis, Leporinus copelandii, Pimelodus fur, Pseudopimelodus roosevelti, Salminus brevidens, Salminus maxillosus and from the new hosts, Cynopotamus amazonum and Triurobrycon lundii is redescribed, demonstrating a large morphological variation, mainly in body and testes size and shape. New hosts harbouring immature specimens of P. obesa are presented: Brycon sp., Leporellus vittatus, Pachyurus squamipinnis, Pimelodus clarias, Pseudoplatystoma corruscans and Salminus hilarii. Scanning electron microscopy micrographies, original figures and measurements of adult and immature specimens from different Brazilian hosts and localities are presented
Macrophages are essential effector cells of innate immunity that play a pivotal role in the recognition and elimination of invasive microorganisms. Mediators released by activated macrophages orchestrate innate and adaptive immune host responses. The cytokine macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) is an integral mediator of the innate immune system. Monocytes and macrophages constitutively express large amounts of MIF, which is rapidly released after exposure to bacterial toxins and cytokines. MIF exerts potent proinflammatory activities and is an important cytokine of septic shock. Recent investigations of the mechanisms by which MIF regulates innate immune responses to endotoxin and gram-negative bacteria indicate that MIF acts by modulating the expression of Toll-like receptor 4, the signal-transducing molecule of the lipopolysaccharide receptor complex. Given its role in innate immune responses to bacterial infections, MIF is a novel target for therapeutic intervention in patients with septic shock.